Thursday May 16, 10S6. Tltft MAUfclN TIMES Mrs. J. H. Dutchcr and Mm, 11. B. Ader, two Slimilko Indies, were visiting In Maupin last Sunday. Tom Swett and wife attended the wedding of th0 former's brother, Archlo Swctt, at Dufur lat Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Chnstaln left for Tort land lust Saturday and spent the week there visiting with her mother. Joe Chaiitain has s0 for recovered from his recent Injury as to be able to resume work on new dwelling house. i Mr. and Mr. Dunn, engineer and cook respectively at tho McFarlnne amlll, wera in town ye tcrday after uppliti. Ben.Fraley and wlfo went to The Dalles Monday, going down for the purpose of , trading with The Dalles mirchanta. Ellis . Hughea hul completed the taion at Farghert' and ia now cast ing around aeeking a small ranch as home place, Miss Mary Rplckcrman was the guest of her si ter, Mrs. Tom Swctt, over Sunday, returning to her Dalles home Tuesday morning. Howard Nye and wife enme over from Dee and spent several days of last week with Mrs. Nye'a parents, Mr. and Mra. John Confer, John Hanna, undo of Tom Swett of Maupirt, came over from Dufur Inst Friday and spent that and the next day fishing In the Deschutes, Mr. Stewart, one of tho new mem bers of the McFarlano Mill company, was in town lnnt Saturday and made The Times office a friendly call. Cyril Fraiey took a load of live stock to the Portland yards Monday, going via the Wapinitia cut-off. He came home early Tuesday morning. Judge F. W. Wilson came over from The Dalles this afternoon, he cominir for the nurnose of deliverlne the Commencement address to the' grnduutii.g clsgj; of Maupln'a High school. Charley Walker and wife wers transacting business and visiting in Maupin last Saturday. Charley re ports his spring work as being about completed. "Bill" William is making arrange ments to take a vacation, which he and his wife will upend among rela tives and friends In the Valley and on the coast. Frunk McCorkle and wife were over from Dufur a short time on Sunday. Mrs. McCorkle has about recovered from an illness covering several years. ' , ' Dr. and Mrs. Stovall left for Cor vulllg today and will attend the college track meet." Theifr son, Kstcl, M entered in the sprints, be ing a coming 100-yard man. ' o Dun Poling and Mia; Helen Wcberg attended tho track meet at Corvallis Saturday, returning in time for Dan to help out In the Maupin-Kent base ball game. D. B. Appling returned yesterday from a stock taking trip to Portland. Mr. Appling took two loads of hogs dwn this week, receiving good prices for hi.- porkers. Georjte Dufur and wife were Portland people who were guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Stoats, from Friday until Monday. Mrs. Stnali accompanied them when they returned to Portland. MAUP1N S1NCER3 AT DUFUR Called to Provide Mui Bliera's FuMraJ I Mr. Five of Maupln'a well known vo calists attended the funeral of Grandma Bliem, mother of R. W. Bliem, held at Dufur Tuesday morn ing. Thos0 going from here were Mrs. R. E. Wilson, Mrs. J. II. Wood cock, Mrs. Ceo. Morris, Mrs. H. F. Bothwell and W, II. Staats. Mrs. Bliem had been a resident of the Du fur district for more than 80 years. A large gathering of relatives and friends assembled to pay their last respects to a beloved mother and friend.' PETER50H-3WETT A wedding in which a relative of a Maupin man figured s groom was pulled off at Dufur I art Sunday, when Archie Swctt, brother of Tom Swett of this place took unto him self as wife, Miss Hanna Peterson, one of Dufur's fairest daughters. Tho ceremony took place at the Wm. Evans home and was attended by large number of friends and relatives, among them being Tom Swctt and wife of Maupin. After I the ceremony tho happy couple de parted for McMlnnville and other I Vullcy poimV for a brief honeymoon. iltcv. Hath of the Dufur Christian church was the officiating clergy- I man. cvtnirg service will be one of song and will be led by I'Ati Act Swett. This church is prospering and if you are interested in its well being u will attenj a!, services held at Wapinitia. Allcock's trout flieg are the best. Two for 25 cents at the Maupin Drug Store. grass is (hooting up wonderfully. It is a wise Providence that watches over his people. Antiquated programs and passe addresses had no place on the gradu ation exerci es at the High school in Maupin tonight. The program was unique in that it wag a decided de parture from stereotyped forma and was most pleasing and instructive. Each of the graduates was on Up toe and the addresses may be taid to have been among the best ever da-, livered at any previous commence ment Much praise ia deserved by all who took part teachers as well as pupils and those out Mora who contributed to the pleasure of tha ! event D;7 TTn About JL IVIl Up& Town Mrs. Charles Owens and Herbert Bare, the latter a brother of Mrs. Phil Starr and Mr. Ellis Hughes, coming from Fossil, spent several days of last week with Starr and Hughes families In Maupin. The Misses Ruth Pepper and Grace Martin, two The Dalles young ladies, were in Maupin Monday evening on an errand connected with thc filling of the position as teacher of the First and Second grades. North Powder 10 cars of wheat, four cars of cattle, one car of hogs and five cars of lumber shipped from this place during the month of April. Sheared His Wrist While sneering sheep at the We berg ranch on Tuesday Leonard We berg slipped and in go doing caused the sharp shears to slice into his left wrist. Tho tool made a long, deep cut, necessitating several stitches to close. Leonard will lay off from work a few days as a result. Maupin Wini Again Maupin continues at the top of the win column in bascbalL Our team went to Kent last Sunday and took the team of that place into camp to the tune of 5-2. Poling officiated in the box and as usual, hod the Kent ites at his mercy. Clarence Ziegen hagen started the game but in the second inning strained his back, giv ing way to Poling, who finished the game. Wapinitia Services Services at Wapinitia both morn ing and evening next Sunday. The When a young man bra of his fistic ability and challenges another for a fight and then yells "enough" after receiving a few punches on the proboefs, he shows a yellow strain. Such a thing happened in Maupin Monday evening. . - ." Jack Berthala went to Badger creek after trout last Sunday. He reached the creek all right and was greatly surprised to see a fkherman on every riffle and large rock. None were catching fish, so Jack loaded into his Ford nd drove back to Maupin where there was more room to cast a fly and a greater chance of catching a few fish. : . .( ' ' ' X Those people who were Bo confi dent that a certain lady had shaken the dust of thir, section from her feet when she took a short vacation, were considerably flustrated when she returned as per schedule. There ia a class here in Maupin (and else where at well) who act an though they knew all about others, forgetting that their own business should oc cupy their time. Tom Baird has shown himself a master builder. His work as super intendent during the construction of Maupln'a new reservoir evidences the fact that he was the man for the job. Snce coming here Tom had offers to construct some mighty big jobs. If he accepts them his employers may rest satisfied their work will be done right and in the shortest possible time. The recent rains have proven of the most good received by this sec tion s0 far this reason. Summer fallow on the Flat was wet down to a depth of three inchea, and the etumulus given the wheat is most encouraging Pasture , lands were given a through wetting and the TumA-Lum Tickler Published in the ineresta of the people of Maupin and vicinity b THE TUMALUM LUMBER CO.,PKom M.i, 73 Vol 1 Maupin. Oregon, May 16, 1930. Kumbr W ' A . ? i (DincsTANiawG Features f the New IFeid r. New stream! inc bodice. Choice of attractive colors. Adjustable front seals In most bodies. I Folly encloml, wlont fourwl;ccI brake?. Four Houdaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers. Bright., cndaring Hii'Jess ?Je 1 for many exterior metal parts. Chrome silicon alloy valves. , Aluminum pinions. Cliroinc alloy transmission gears and shafts. Torque-tube drive. Thrcc-quartcr floaling rear exit. Extensive use of fine steel forgings and electric welding. More than twenty ball and roller bearings. ' Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield. ; Five stcel-spohc wheel. 55 to G3 miles'an hour. ' Quick acceleration. Ease of control. Low first cost. Economy of operation. Reliability and long life. Good dealer service. 3f TUE NEW FORD TUDOR SEDAN Roadster . IMS Coupe, . . . S0O Thaetoa , ... tO Tudor Sedan . . $500 ( 7j!V i sport Lioupe , . . fiiJU t V:;.r De Luie Coupe . . 1550 Convertible Cabriolet $643 ; Three-wiudow Fordor Sedan $623 ' ' ij De Luie Sedan . $650 Town Sedan . $670 $ 1 1 ' ill priest . o. b. Detroit, plus Jnight ami delivery. , i , fi , Foiid Motor Company Editorial We cannot place much confidence in the theory that eating spin ach gives a man cour age, our belief being that the man who eats spinach already has it ' O, F. Renick, Editor Don't mind any but tons you happen to find in salad. They probably fell off while the salad was dressing. him. He bought a nke two pant3 suit from Shsttucks and then burnt a hole in the coat. Flies increase faster than thirteen men can swat them. By pbi&ig up fly smretns you pro tect the family health and good humor. Our screens and materials are the best Dan says they axe sure breaking tough for CemdteX sasa ftftriieYS sssssi sbbhsbI INSULATING CAMS BOAXD Frank; Dyer says the 1 only railroad accident he was evec Ia was one f time going thru & tun-: nei he kissed the father ' instead of the daughter.' Come in what the well and see dressed farm will wear this sea-, '; con. Aaotlvar Bargaia Standard shingles ; $2.49 per thousand. :i M. G. Morris is plan- ning on building a new home to replace the one destroyed by , fire. . r' MAY22 W )SEPT.30 1 QioicelRottte N- ; -. . rocks run I A St, tsMl S7S.MI WntJlatia SMS. Msw I fli'k ' A, I Vss-7tet-leeeiiCliiiee.e 1 yfffjP " O Ttr tle Colombia 1 JPii'fl - lr 8el Resale ob cltlicr I li lllh M l the Easplrc Builder or tke KariU , I I ! I Coast UsaUreL -; - I IjpiPlll If ' r':-fha0sasfcVw'- fi . I r E' W- GRIFFIN, Agcat, Maapia Or. I ,. L .3. DAVIS, Tw. Psgr. Ait. , - J J risiw atsaaiaii ai Sasista . Fresh Every Day Maupin Home Town Bread Cakes, Cookies, Pastries i AsR Your Dealer ltt&iltililt eSjsOjsi ata La Grande 'Fountain and dairy lunch opened at Union Pacific stage depot. ir Maupin vShoe vShop MAUPIN, OREGON Shoe Repairing Well Done. Bring in the old Shoes E. A. CYR, Popriotor. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring: it to The Times otP.ce and Mr. Semmea will Bend it tO - ;, 1 , .,., . I -1 '.. GUY A. POUND ' auuiMSaetUTAng Jeweler . , tmi Watchmaker , . buMNseor to U. Lindquist THE DAULK3 . - OREGON CRANDALL 1 Undertaking Co; Tke Dalles, Oraga. ' Pfcaae SSJ LADY ASS HANTS A Maupin- , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofeet Wapinitia- Tygh Valley- Roy Ward W. B. Sloan A QUIET SERVICE IV- j.