Thursday, April U, 10M. Tit 15 MAUI? IK TIMES fat f tfs : Personalities: Jass Dcrthlck Iim concluded his work at tho Jacckul Inmblnir cmp and li t homo In Maupln again. George Morris, Cyril Fralcy and Jeaa Crablree fished the turbulent waters of Deep Crook laot Sunday. Ellis Hughes, who ha been at Farghera during Inmblnir, ha como down and will remain In town day or to. o James and Maggie Wray were up from Portland over Sunday, coming In Saturday evening and returning Sunday evening. o W, E. Hunt wai In town from hit iheep ranch, yesterday. Billy reports hla lamb crop as far exceed ing hi expectation!. tho ifiinio, Toling, an pitcher, for Muupln atrurk out 15 while Young for the vlnltors got credit for causing eight Mauplnltcs to return to the bunch via tho strike-out route. The Muupln tenm will go to Gra. i Valley next Sunday to play the team of thut place, Coma out and help the team. Many Fo LltUrt The Wllllam fox pena ehow In creased activity theic daya. One of tho mother foxes recently gave birth to a litter of five pupplci an other one burrowed In the ground and there had a litter, but Just how ninny hna not oa yet been ascertain ed. Four other females aro expect ed to pup before long. When all have given birth ot puppies the Will iams pi nil will have as large colony of foxes an any In this part of the stale, Mrs. Howard Wattlc( went to The Dalles on matters connected with the recent death of her husband by lectricutlon, on Monday. Leo Uamel and wife of Dufur at tended the man., at the Catholic church last Sunday, coming over from their home at Dufur. The Catholic church presented beautiful Interior lust Sunday, the altar and raiting being banked with cultivated and wild flowers. Tom Swett, wife and the latter's niece, Mini Edith Spickerman, were caught In a near cloudburst on Tygh grade on Monday. Thry ar rived home all right but were drenched. Among those who attended the aervlces at the Catholic church on Sunday last wan A. J. Conroy and family. Mrs. Conroy I now living at The Dalles where her children re attending school. Staao Service to Reiumo The Bend-rortland stage Is to re sumo service for the summer on May 1, running dally stages each way. Tho line Is privately owned and conducted by Myrl Hoover, A alight reduction In rates from last year's schedule will be made. The stage to Portland will leave Maupln at 10:00 a. m., (topping at Govern ment Camp for lunch and arriving at Portland at 2:00 p. m. The stage to Drnd will leave Maupln at 4:15 p. m., reaching Bend at 8:00 in the evening. Free Kodak A free kodak 1$ a boy or girl who becomes 12 years of age during 1030. Call with pnrents any time during May at the Muupln DruK Store. Bring us your picture work. Federal Aid for Oro0 The Federal Farm Board will have for use in Oregon In the year 1931 the sum of i 1, 096.1 12. This fact was mde known to us through e circular sent out from the office of the aecretary of state. Flthod On Matolliu Clarence Zicgenhagen and wife and tha latter's stater and huskand, Mr. and Mr, Leo Harbing, of Bend, fiiihed on the Metolltn laxt Suiula. The party were somewhat Igky, eatching a few trout, but not enough to say that a good catch was niede. Rebuilding Road A county crew of roadbuildcr.; is at work on the old road leading from Tygh Valley to the fair ground. The road will be made wider nnd put in such shape that danger on the sharp curves will be minimized. It wss thought a new road leading directly from the high way near the shady Brook turn-off would be built, but the rounty dads evidently thought the old road, with a little fixing up, would suffice, hcrcfore the present work. Delayed Eaatae Program The delayed Easter program of the U. B. Sabbath school will be given at the church next Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. After the program the Sunday school will be held, to be followed by a preach Ing service. During that service number of seekers will be taken Into the church aa members, The preaching service will be followed by a ba-ket dinner. Rev, Everett Hazen, former pastor of this church will bring the Easter message. No evening service. Old-Timor, Here C. V. Durham, an old-timer of 1876, is in Maupln for few daya' fishing in the Deschutes. Mr. Dur ham Is a brother-in-law of Joe Chac tain and has been traveling the country for some time. He tells of shearing seep near the Staat springs In '78 and aJ::o of ranching near the victor school house at that time and In later years. Reservoir Work Delayed Work on the new city reservoir has been somewhat delayed by the non-arrival of gravel from Hood River. Superintendent Tom Balrd tried to f ecu re gravel in this vicinity but was unsuccessful so was com pelled to go further after, it. Sev eral carload have been received and used in the concrete work, and as soon" as more arrivea work will be re umd with a vim. It is expected, providing the gravel gets here, to complete the reservoir by the latter part of next week. Sme Gaa Tea Statistics sent out from Washing ton, D. C, and touching on the gas tax paid by tho various, elates hav ing urh a measure, show that Ore gon received the sum of $4,642,602 during 1929 as revenue from gas tax. The net amount of gasoline tincd in the collection of that money was 162,090,900 gallons. Rccivi Baby Chic Cyril Fraley is another Maupinite who believe there is money in chickens. This morning he received a shipment of 150 baby clcks of the Rhode Island Red ftrain, they coming from Salem. Cyril has fitted up a commodious chicken house and will make chicken raising a side line to hla clerical work at Resh's store. April 26 to May 2 RES -3 & CO.'S SPECIALS New Potatoes, 3 pounds for 29c New Peas, 3 pounds for . 34c Bacon, per pound 29c Sugar, per Sack . . . . . . $5.49 May onaise, pint jar . ... . 29c Good Mayonalse at an extreme low price EXTRA SPECIAL A REGULAR 10c bar Toilet Soap, 12 bars 59c and 8 beautiful dessert dishes free. We have a limit number. Come early, 3 Save the Labels for Valuable Premiums There'. Cream In Every Drop rj ( m I Maupin's Leading Grocery O. P. Resh ca Co. Everything For the Table Maupin, Oregon Prlotl Eajoyt Fishing Father Casey, with his two acolyties and Kelly Cyr fished the Deschutes Sunday afternoon with fair success. They fished down river and landed 22 fine redUde trout Thll TTwn About 1 IWtv Upd Town Maupin's Relative Hore T. J. Maupin, a second couMn of Howard Maupin, for whom the town of Maupin was named, was a visitor In this city today with his wife. Mr. Maupin is In charge of the pipe lines and headworka of the Portland water system and while here met with many friends of early dayi'. K.nt Downed 3-0- Kent cam over last Sunday to play ball That team put up an ex cellent example of the national past time but Maupin's team was fa-ter, the score being 3 to 0 at the end of CUa On Crutch's IEa Dcrthlck has learned not to chase hog?. In absorbing that les ion he recently made misstep and' as a result is now walking with the aid of rruthecs. He wss trying to Induce some hogg to go into a pen, fell down, colliding with the ground in such manner that he sprained the murcles in the calf of his left leg. Very bad sprain and it will be some time before our young rancher is able to "call the hogs" home again. Free to Public TU enl plx 1b tW U. S. wHm cabinet an d amrtiMn. auiw amxrtn. an? Dim ol baamaaa or pnxiiKl can ba oWnad ft and Wit haul ObHitltoa ia tha Aaiatiean InduMhal Library. 'nu for BuaiMM Adyatliaini Matter oo era inlarattad in; aama will ba promptly forwitd. AMCRICAIIIDBSTIIUUBRm EaSlaaarlaS BaUdlal, CUao, Ullattla Arrmt.d In Portland Tom Swift, giving Maupin aa Mi residence, was arrested on a charge of driving while drunk in Portland lost Monday. Police say Swift waaotner tnings u,ually piled up dur so full that he fell out of, his auto-. n. the eoA gea.on. This is the reason of the year when the young man's thoughts turn t0 love, the eradication of ants from his underwear, barber shop haircuts, baseball, hives, and a general desire to get out and commune with nature The birds are singing, treeo leaving out and fruit blossoms filling the air with their perfume. Spring poets burst forth in verse, the fru-gal-mbded exercises spades and rakes on the back lot, the cecd dealers cultivate smile and the old man of the house listens in on di rections as to how to make a gar den. Oh, yes, spring is here, and that fact is easily known by the aroma of burning refure piles, cleaning out of the winter's accumu lation of tin cans, chips and divers; was intended as a compliment for a visitor, who hod a prcdeliction for maple frosting. The cake was bak ed, the frosting prepared, all but the flavoring. When the culinary artist was ready t0 mix that in she grabbed a bottle of what she thought waa mapleine and added the con- ' f Afifa 4 a thai ti-va4 inry Tvarv. a St MjS V 11 VOW I B a I JI surprise when the cake was cut to learn she had made a mistake and had gotten hold of bottle of aheep dip instead of the delicacy garnered from the hard' maple trge. It L needlesa to say the party went with- out maple flavored cake for dinner. TuM-A-LuM Tickler Published in the ineresta of the people of Maupin and vicinity bjr THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO., Phono Mai. 71 Vol 1 Maupin, Oregon, April 24, 1930 Geo. Chamberlain REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR Co. Commissioner (Preirnt Incumbent) Apractical busincvi man. Farmer of Wasco county for more than 80 years. For better roads and the use of the toads for the farm er aa much as possible in the winter as well as rummer. (Paid advert!, ement.) FRIEND OF THE BOY AND GIRL T. F. BRUMBAUGH Candidate for re-clcction to the office of County Superintendent Present Incumbent Eleven years' teaching experience, seven of which were devoted to administration and supervision work. o ; PRIMARIES MAY 16,1930 (raid advertlcemcnt.) mobile. He has been in trouble on a like charge before, so eay the Portland officer;. Wouldn't Nome PHy The "cullud" lady gave her name, her address and her agej and then the clerk of registration ailed this question: "What party do you affiliate with?" "Does I have to answer datT" "That is the law." "Den you just scratch my name offen do books. Ef I got to tell dat party's name, ah don' vote, das all. Why, he ain't got his divo'ce yit." HOME POINTERS The surest way to get the family to eat vegetables is to make them look s0 good that they can't be resisted. When making lemon, chocolate or other one-crust pies where corn starch or flour Is used In the filling, mixing the cornstarch or flour with tho sugar will often keep the mix ture from lumping. Alhough there Is a temptation to use some tubstitutes for eggs in cakes and other batterr when eggs are expensive, there is no sub stitute for them In point of food value. Slightly beaten eggs may be care fully combined with a soup to add food value for the Invalid or young child. Gasoline for any sort of cleaning should never be kept in the house. It is so Inflammable and ?0 explosive that the fire laws of many states pro hibit storgo in the house of any but the smallest quantities. Keep the bottle or container tightly corked at all times, and do not open or ure it in a room where there is a fire, a gas, oil, or candle flam, or In bright sunshine. Only a little liquid should be poured out at one time. Cook green vegetables just as short a time as possible and cook them in an open kettle to help keep their fresh green color. Serve all lamb dlhes hot on very hot plates. The texture of lamb fat is not always agreeable after the meat has cooled off somewhat. Many papers of Oregon are tak ing up the cudgel favoring butter as against the universally wed "ole." They claim the butterfot producer is losing out through use of the pro duct of copra, peanut and cotton seed oils and a host of other nause ous ingredients. Maybe so, maybe no. One thing regarding the butter dtustion ia that many dairymen send their cream to the butter factories and then turn around and buy "ole" for their own use. There are two sides to every argument, so pay your money and take your choice of butter or olemargarine. Tom Baird has about concluded operations on construction of Mau pin's new reservoir. Excavation has been completed and the forms are being installed under direction and by that incomparable carpenter, Mike VanLaanen. Concrete is be ing poured on that part of the forms already made and it will not take long before Maupin will be a fire-proof town, when the water supply is considered. Tom Swett Is shuffcled around like a marble in a. bottle. First he is given an old truck, then a brand new Graham is turned over to him for his own. After a few trips the Graham is given to some other driver and to Tom is given an old GMC. Then a White is thought to be about Tom's sine. Maybe his bosses will eventually conclude that one certain truck should be given to our freight truck driver and after that to be allowed to continue on The Dalles-Maupin freight run. - x It is seldom a tramp turns down a good meal. That thing happened at the Rainbow last Sunday. A specimen of genius hobo called at the cafe, asked for a half dollar to buy a meal with. He was informed that n0 halves were given away, but that a meal awaited his pleasure. That seemed okay with him. The meal was placed on the counter but Mr. hungry man was nonexistent. He had ducked out. Later he war observed walking along the edge of the sidewalk and anon deftly picked up the discarded butts of many ci gars lying on the roadway. A certain Maupin lady who is not ed for the excellence of the cakes she makes, was preparing a cake for hut Sunday dinner. The cake Editorial After ten years the country has finally come to its census. The gen eral concensus of opin ion is that we are grow ing bigger and better. Our anly doubt i xhould the census taker be called a censor T O. F. RENICK, : Editor. Say, talking of in suatioln 'against heat or cold, you should see the big ad in the Saturday Evening Post for this week. We can give you more information about insulation. A haughty dam at a Washington function viewed the various cele- brities with indifference until the head of the Agricultural department waa pointed out. ls that really the Secretary of Agricul ture?" "Yes." "Introduce me. I want to talk to him about a rubber plant I am trying to raise." No problem is too big or too small to talk over with os. We may not know how to raise onions or such but we sure know building. Number 85 porch? " A sleeping Ask us. Our office cynic found that a stork stands on one leg be cause if he lifted it he would fall down. To clean up and paint up isn't enough. Re pair and remodeling should also be done. Our cement is being used in building Mau pin's new reservoir. We have plenty left for your use. Rastus ays A. D. means all done. So we are A. D. for this week. INSULATING CARS BOAKB Fresh Every Day Maupin Home Town Bread Cakes, Cookies, Pastries Ask Your Dealer Five concrete bridges will be built between Aumsville and Turner this summer. Maupin Shoe Shop MAUPIN, OREGON Shoe Repairing WeU Done. Bring in the old Shoes E. A. CYR, Poprietor. Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring it to The Timcp ofF.ce and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND MauwiMturing Jeweler nd Watchmaker SuLtnanar u U. Llndquiat THE DALLAS . - OREGON CRANDALL Undertaking Co. Tho Dalles, Oregoa. PIlobo 35-J LADY ASSITANTS A Maupin Mr. and Mr. Chariot Croftot Wapinitia . Tygh Valley V Roy Ward W. B. Sloaa A QUIET SERVICE