The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 24, 1930, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Thuuduy, April 24, Mb
fW two
The Maupin Times
C. W. SEMES, Editor
C." W. Semmes and E. R. BemmM
,, ... .,. . PublLhcra
Publlahed every Thursday at
Mauptn, Oregon
Subscription: One year, 1.80; to
month, $1.00; three mottthi, SOett.
Entered ai Mcoad cmas mafll mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the port
office at Maoptn, Oregon, under th
aot of March 8, 1876. .
Oreiron is lineulurly blessed with
able men as candidates for the
governorship this year. There are
six men running of the Republican
ticket and three aspire to the high
office as Democrats.
Among the Re
publicans we take
pleasure in recom
mending Charles
Hall as the logical
man for the govern
orship. He is a
self-made man, hav
ing come up from
the ranks to a posi
tion among the lead
financiers of Oregon
Mr. Hall has been a member of the
state senate several terms, knows
the needj of Jthe state and has de
clared that he will, if nominated and
elected, give his every attention to
the furtherance of the interests of
-the state.
Charles Hall is an enthusiast in
the matter of roads, education, and
settlement of Oregon. His platform
is clear cut, comprehensive and
intelligent He has the support of
some of the leading financiers and
educators of Oregon, and when the
rank and file of the voters of Ore
gon learn of his unbounded ability
they will not hesitate in casting
their ballets for his nomination and
In selecting a trouser pattern for
a mall boy, Lee that the back seam
line is longer than the front, gradu
ally slanting from the top to the
crotch. A center front line should
drop straight down and then curve
cut to the crotch as does an armscye
line that leads to an underarm seam.
Natural material for bird homes
are not s0 abundant as formerly, and
ubstitutes will be welcomed by the
feathered tenants. Many birds will
make use of rags, ravelings, and
twine if these are cut into small
pieces. Excelsior, straw, hay, cotton
hair, (such as h used in plastering,)
and feathers are welcome. An or
dinary wire broiler is excellent for
holding the nest-making materials.
Robins, phoebes, and swallows are
eager to get thoroughly wet clay for
li est building.
The enormous weed crop raised
with the grain every year is one of
the reasons why there are not larger
yields of grain in the spring-wheat
area, say the U. S. Department of
Agriculture. This weed crop can be
prevented by eliminating the weeds
in itubble fields before they form
seeds, by destroying the weed seeds
, in the soil, and by thoroughly clean-
' ing the wheat seed again.
That something, called vitamin A,
which is vital to life and necesser
for normal growth, is found in whole
milk, especially in milk from cows
on the pasture fields.
Milk Is much richer in lime, the
chief constituent of bones and teeth,
than are most all other foods.
Milk fat has a low melting point
and divides into particles that pass
readily through the walls of the in
testines, hence is ea ily digested.
This is one of the reasons milk fat
is considered suitable for invalids and
Many adults who have digestive
difficulties receive more benefit
from milk than from any other single
rv" is
' Between
and Way Poinis and Way foiaU
Baker Blake's VarU'ty store is
opened for business in Pythian build
ing on First and Wenhlngton streets.
Klamath Folia Southern Pacific
railroad switching limit south of
here binir extended for purpose of
opening undeveloped tracts for in
dustrial purposes.
Klamath Fall. Building permits
issued during March totaled 10I,
Hood River This city to receive
new toost office in near future.
Baker Ma onic lodge completly
Klamath Falls Bids opened for
erection of seven-room addition and
auditorium to Roosevelt school.
Dunn & Baker Construction com
pany received contract, on bid of
349,620, for graveling' and oiling
the Chiloquin-Klamath Agency and
Chiloquin-The Dalles-California high
way road.
La Grande Standard Oil corn
Dale Installation of six miles of
forest telephone line completed con
necting Dale ranger station with new
Bone Point lookout station on John
Day river.
Of the Ownership, Management,
Circulation, etc., Required by the
Act of Congrot. of Aufutt 24,
Of The Maupin Times., published
weekly at Maupin, Oregon for April.
1930, State of Oregon. Countyof
Wasco ss.
Before me, a notary public in and
for the state and county aforesaid,
personnally appeared C. W. Semmes,
who having been duly sworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he
is the editor of The Maupin Times
and that the following is, to the
best of his konwledge and belief, a
true statement of the ownership,
management (and if a daily paper
the circulation), etc., of the afore
said publication for the date shown
in the above caption, required by the
Act of August 24, 1912, embodied
in fection 411, Postal Lawa and
Regulations, printed on the reverse
of this form, to wit:
1. That the names and addresses
of the publisher, editor, managing
editor, and business managers are:
publisher, Semmej & Semmes, Mau
pin, Oregon; editor, C. W. Semmes,
Maupin, Oregon; business managers,
C. W. and E. R. Semmes, Maupin,
3. That thi kn-wn bondholders,
mortgages, and other security hold
er owning l r;. cent or more of
total amount of bonds, mortgages,
oi other loot ties are: (If there none so state.) Jessaline E.
Morrison, Battle Ground, Washing
ton, Merganvha'cr Linotype com
pany, Brooklyn, New York.
4 Ths the two part.j,rophs next
above, giving the names of owners,
stockholders, and sceurity holders, if
any, ontain not only the li.t of
stockholders as they appear upon
the books of the company but also,
in cases where the stockholder or
security holder appears upon the
books of the company as trustee or
in any other fiduciary relation, the
name of the person or corporation
for whom such trustee is acting, is
given; also that the said two para
graphs contain statements embracing
affiant's full knowledge and belief
as to the circumstances and condi
tion;; under which stockholders and
security holders who do not appear
upon the books of the cmpany as
trustees, hold stock and securities in
a capacity other than that of a bona
fide owner; and this affiant has no
reason to believe than any other
person, association, or corporation
has any interest direct or indirect in
the said stock, bonds, or other se
curities than as so stated by him.
5 That the average number of
copies of each is ue of this publica
tion sold or distributed, through the
mails or otherwise, to pair subscribers
during the six months preceding the
date shown above it, (This informa
tion i: required from daily publica
tions only.)
C. W. Semmes, editor.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 9th day of April. 1930.
(seal) George McDonald,
Notary Public.
My commission expires 1-10-32.
ffl iniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimii
! ilt;lUIIUUlIlUUU Utiiuui iwivo a
itiiiMmiiMUMniiisttiuituiMtniitiitiiuiuiMiMuiiiiiuiHniMinMtiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuuiniMntr nitiiiiiiiittBriiitiit .niiitiuiiiu3
Miy 4, 1930, it the date set for
th0 Baccalaureate Addreas, which
will be delivered by Rev. Smith at
the church.
Hazel Laughlin and Melvln Walters
have been chown a valedictorian
and salutatorian. These two have
made the highest grades througout
their school career.
Commencement exercises will be
held at the school house May 14.
1930. Rev. Matthew of Simnnsho
h.. hren chosen to give the addrcw.
Tho Seniors feci honored and be,-
kives that Rev. Matthews will give
thm some valuable advice.
The Commercial Geography class
has only one email ehapter.Ielt ana
th.ii vr' work will be completed.
The Engli h I claea has just fin
ished stania eight,' canto third of
"Lady of the Lake." We are etudy-
.knnt h irathcrinff Oi me
rhm Higher Arithmetic class is
now studying on "Fire Insurance."
Soma are finding the prooiems
Intiit hard
Avis and Ernie Endersby were
.Knt from school Thunday.
All of the High school students
were present Monday morning.
Th Seniors announcements and
cards have arrived and will be sent
out in the near future.
Muf officers of the grade rooms
are: Velma Teschner, mayor; Laurel
Hartman. secretary; Freida Ilachier,
Viola Wat and Glenn Hammer,
councilmen; Cleo Holloman, boys
class reporter; June ilachier, gvis
snorter: Ellen Hachler, bell
ringer, Norbet Wall, door keeper;
Frances McCoy, waste paper; nra
arA .wv insnector: Beth West,
Wood, aesn inspt-w , .
writing paper; Beth West and Laurel
Hartman, vun
New officers of the rnmary room
art: Alice ftiae oiurKi, v..- "
Wii.ifTed McCoy, pencil raontior;
Harvey Wall, paper monitor! Agnts
Lawis. desk monitor; Vivien mcoy
libiary monitor.
Dufur Win. From W.ainitU
T.nt Fridav Dufur High school tn Waninitia and pliy:d
a return gm with this school. 1 1
until the last inning of the aev. n
.! Tf-ininl'tia WI- in the
wains Kams ..-J,....
Irai. At the beginning oi me nvim-,
v in.. mi, Tiiifur ran in inree te n .
due to a three base hit by Ste-ibcr
and by Wapinitia's pitchers warning
several men. Wapinitia had laet
bats, but failed to stage a" needed
rally to tie the score or win the game.
Tygh Valley
(Dororthy Hood, Correspondent)
Tygh Valley High school is giving
Wapinitia Jottings
A large crowd attended the Ear ter
program and dinner at Pine Grove
Sundy. The program and an egg
hunt for the little folks, occupied the
attention of all until dinner. Every
one enjoyed the dinner, which was
served on the tables at Ben Richd-
son's auto park. Lester West came
near having to be helped to his feet
after a lengthy session at the table,
but explained himself by faying ho
had two days plowing to do after
dinner. Rev. Smith delivered a ser
mon. Mr. Arnold Gosnell, intermediate
teacher, went fishing on Nena creek
Alva Martin started shearing for
George Claymier last Monday.
Lloyd and Gerald Claymier went
fishing on White River last Sunday.
Mr. Frank Heckman, principal,
spent thc week end at The Dalles.
George Davis k now the owner of
a second hand Ford sedan.
H. E. Walters made a business trip
to Maupin, Monday.
Ernest Hartman is giving thc in
terior of his store a coat of white
paint a D' improvement.
Madras Talkie equipment will
soon be installed in local thretre.
Eugene McKenzie Pass being
opened t0 traffic.
M'npin 10:00 a. m.
Mupin 4i45 p. m.
Portland - 2:00 p. m.
Bend 8:00 p. m.
Depot Rainbow Cafa
n i in nmti u ji
a dance in the Tygh gym Saturday
nlirht after the track meet and
everyone wants to bo present to one
of the liiiit dances of the aaon.
There will bo good eats, good inu.ic
and a rood tlmo.
Tho 4-11 club girls are going to
servo hot dogs and buns and cake
at a stand at the track meet Satur
One of. the best games of the
reason was played here rriaay
afternoon when Tygh beat Maupin
iu their fir t winning game of base
ball with a score of 4 to 3. The
Maupin team had nine players while
the Tygh team had only eeven.
"Stinkey" Pavis had the misfortune
to fall out of a window at his home
and hurt hla leg and MUton LuCore
was also unfit to play.
The Tygh Valley town team
travelca to Dufur where they were
defeated in a game of baseball by
the tcore of 8 to 3 in Dufur'i favor.
The next game Is to be at the fair
grounds between Dufur and Tygh
One of the best games of the sea
son was played here on the Tygh
field Saturday afternoon when tha
White River school team defeated
the Wamlc school team by a score
of 71 t0 11. Tho e on the White
River team were Elmo and Melvin
Johnson, Melvin Webb, Helen Con
ley, Charles and George Hood.
Sherman Conley and Herbert Con
ley. Thc regular Student Body meeting
was held Tuesday morning with
Bertha Muller acting in the presi
dent and vice-president's place.
Visitors this week were: Naomi
... . . . . i. j
i juagiu, wno : pent me wtt cnu
)hcr psrenU nome from Portland,
I . . ....... 1! I I XT.. 1
where tme is aucnoing Hcnoui. nwnu
ig n()W in thc njgncr class of typing,
making a speed oi anoui oo woroa a
Harvey. "I'm graiiping for the
right word , to u?e."
Erma: "Well you won't find them
around my waist."
barrel: "You'd better keep your
eyes open around here."
..yrs open ai
.,,. wu,
, ,. ,.r
Darrel: "People will think you're
a darn fool if you go round with
them closed.
Don't forget the dance Saturday
Mr. Zevcly: "Spell banana."
Lewis. "B-a-n-a-n-n-n-a, Dam it I
know how to fpell it but I don't
know when to stop."
(For Publication)
Department of tha Interior, United
StaUt Land Offjc, The Dlle,
Oregon, April S, 1930.
To Frank M. Dodge of Maupin,
Oregon, Contrftee.
You are hereby notified that
Frank Hackler who gives 'e Thomas T.
Hudson, The Dalles, Oregon, as hla
postoffice address, did on March 26,
1930, file in this office his duly cor
roborated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of your
homer lead entry No. , Serial No.
026390 made August 20, 1927, for
NViSWU, Sec. i, lots 2, 3, SE'i
NW, NEttSW, NttSEU, Sec.
7.NHSW4, Sec. 8 township 9, S.,
rang0 13, E., Willamette, meridian,
and as grounds for his contest he al
leges that said cntryman has wholly
ftiied to comply with the law; that
he has never established re idence
upon the land making no improve
ments whatsoever and has wholly
abandoned the land for more than
six months last part; that failure of
said enteryman to comply with the
law has not bean due to his employ
ment in the military or naval renrlce
of the United States in any war in
which the United States has been en
gaged. You are, therefore, further notified
that the said allegations will be
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will be canceled without fur
ther right to be heard, either before
this office or on appeal, if you fall
to file in this office within twenty
days after the fourth publication
of this notice, a3 shown below, your
answer, under oath, specifically re
sponding to these allegations of con
test, together with due proof that
you have served a cory ' yur
answer 0n the said" contestant either
in person or by registered mail
You thould state in your answer
it.- nf thA nnt ntfien tn which
If IB iiniiiu vx mv , J - - - -
' you desire future notices to be sent
Safety First
is a stern law of nature.
Are you safe in your insurance, or
valuable papers?
This bank is a place of trust; we
guard your interest as our own;
If not a customer arrange to be
one soon. Let's talk it over.
Maupin State Bank
to you.
Date of fir?t publication April 21,
Date of second publication May 1,
Dat of third publication May 8,
Date of fourth publication May 15,
ciaMbdcolumn "
SHEEP FOR SALE 120 young
Ramboulette sheep for sale at a
bargain if taken at once. Ralph
Moore. Griztly, Oregon, 23-t2
like new. Will sacrifice balance,
1108.00. Terms; $2.00 weekly.
Will discount for cash. Write
Talhnan Piano Store. 895 touth
12th street, Salem, Oregon 23-t3
WOOD "FOR SATrTrino Wood
1800 per cord delivered In Mau
pin or vicinity. John Clark, Tygh
Valby, Oregon.
Poisoned barley for grey diggers
at Shattufk Bro., Maupin; Hart
man's store at Wapinitia; Van
Duyn'a store a Tytrh Valley;
Wharton's store at Wamic. Also
poisoned oats for sage tats at
Bhattwck Bros., Maupin. 20-tl.
Expert Coming to
at The Dalles Hol-
from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Evening by t.l.phono
appointment only
No Charge for Consultation
Mr. C. F. Redlich, thc successful
expert eays:
The "Perfect Retention Shields"
bold tb rupture perfectly, no matter
what position the body assumes or
how heavy a weight you lift. They
gtve Instant relief, ontract the open
trig In a remarkably short time and
strengthen the weak tissues (the real
cause of rupture) so that they fre
quently recover hteir previous natural
retaining power, nejiing no further
outeide support. Stomach trouble,
backache and constipation often
caused by Rupture promptly disap
pear, Truly rei ..Kuli- .. prompt n
"in have v'.lainvd not only
with recent and no fully developed
ruptures but also with old, long ne
glected ones.
Ingenious, recently perfected de
vices are now holding ruptures firmly
which heretofore never had been re
tained. .
No elattlc belts nor filthy lcg
itrapa are used.
I guarantee the durability of my
amsolutcly sweat and moisture proof,
sanitary appliances,
76 of ruptured children recover
completely through expert mechani
cal treatment according to statistics.
Do not waste your money on widely
advertised mail order contraptions
You cannot fit yourself.
C F. REDLICH, Ruptur Appliance
Expert, Horn, office, 63S Boston
Block. Mian.apolU, Minnesota.
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County '$ Exclusive
Shoe Store
mmi for On
VhoU Famiiv
General Repairing
The Dallee, O.e.
HAY FOR SALE Five tone of
wheat hay, also a yearling grade
Hereford Bull. Inquire of Otto
Hcrrling, Criterion. 15-tf
A dollar's worth of
road for every dollar
of road money spent
Application of business
efficiency in handling
of county affairs.
15 years of business ex
perience and now a
successful dirt farmer.
Overseas World War
Member of Grans e
Edward H.
Candidate for Republi
can nomination for
county commissioner,
(paid Adv.
(Paid advertisement.)
25 Cents
buya the best and Jargest meal
served in The Dalles, at
Across the street from hla old
stand. Now at 410 East Second
l o. a r.
Lodgn No. 204, Maupin, .Oregon
meets every Saturday night In t O.
0. F. halL Visiting members alway
Roy R. Crabtroa, N. C
B. W. Watch, Secretary.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Danes
C. N. Sargent, Pre?. J
Lr2"" O