Thursday, April 10, WO. TTHf'l"i i t fHfi MAUPIN TIMES ' Why Pay a Fancy Price For a Name? VKeiv you (buy a widely advertised radio the most of the money you pay for it goes toward paying for such advertisng, a comparatively small amount being employed in materials and construction. Also a certain amount of your money goes into sell hg costs: We can eliminate the advertising and selling costs and supply you with a high class Tadio, complete with loud speaker and tubes, at actual cost, it being the ' " . 5 Tube This radio comes in a beautiful black walnut case and is equipped with double drum dials, volume control and reostat. We will sell this radio, without batteries, for Come in and let us demonstrate this radio. You hear it once and you'll be convinced it's the best bet. VCr. LINE AND It . . 1 is vsii to stancnion neuers v'xh the milking herd for two or . r . i.u.nths before calving. If ttsy are brushed gently and handled e.try day they will become ac customed to the attendant and will PARAGRAPH salt; spread the rhubarb over the apple, add the remaining sugar, and dot with butter. Lay strips of pastry criss-cross over the fruit and bake in a moderate oven until the fruit is tender. Ca jt.-hij't'.. tii.;y '. Qvi.tli V- i k to milk. be fattened for beef a'.i'. v'i'd to lose fat iVn f;on milk feeding. 'Iniih ise -wry desirable t;';1.?. lis if f!iiiJd n'it usually bring enough el t0 make their pro- pro Citable. hi:ks ihi'-.ks poor economy to crowd in the brooder. Better can be produced by placing i, ': hick, under a 500-chick brood . l'.i..a by filling it to capacity. ..' Mnd comfort are essential to AH poisons in the home such as insecticides, anti: eptics-, polishes, and the like, should be kept securely locked up when not in use to prevent accidental poisoning of food, the Food, Drug rnd Insecticide Admin istration recommends. Many deaths are caused every year by accidental poisonings which could be avoiled by (imple precautions in handling and keeping poisons.' 1 ' The length of time required to roast a leg of lamb depends chiefly on the size of the leg and the tem perature of the even. Most people prefer lamb from medium to well don:, and if a roast meat ther mometer is inserted in the meat uniform results will be obtained at .cry coking. TLu tlwmor.ietti sLould register 175, F. for rueJium and 182 degress, F. for well done meat. Place the leg of lamb skin side down and cut-flesh side up on a rack in an open roasting pan. Do not add water and do not cover. Scar for 30 minutes in a hot oven 480 degree., F to develope flavor, and then reduce the oven temperature rapidly to 300 degrees, F and continue the cooking at this temperature to the required degree of doneness. MAUPIN III TIMES ' View school bus, as all five members ride on the buc. They have been de ciding on where to get their Netted Gems and what price they are to pay for them. While the mo3t im portant part was how to plant and take care of them, after getting the good seed potatoes. Jim and John Slusher are the only members in the Sheep Club They have twenty head of bummer lambs to feed. They must keep a record of their weights and what they feed them. The Blue Ribbon CooV; ' re ported having an t:.,. .'. . th; luncheon they ....rcJ lust Thursday noon. The meal con.iuUd of potatoes and grvy, v. iel.w, salad, cake, custard, and milk shake. All were cooked by club members, either at home or prepar ed at school before the luncheon. The Camp Cookery club members and leader. Mr. Poling, cooked their noon meal at the Boy Scout camp grounds Tuesday. Each mcmbtr cooked beef.teak and potatoes, while Mr. Poling made lemonade. Each one brought whatever other lunch he decided. ! let showing the various uses of the e, This work is in connection with the leading period. Easter problems are being work ed out in art periods. The First and Scncond graders are loyal supporters in trying out for the annual track meet. The Primary room was beautified1 by a bouquet of lovely red tulips, brought by Very Confer. Lillie Seifert and Vurl Confir are the new inspectors for this week. -r- ill. Wo wish them a! In vnklnjj some little borl'V-i speedy recovery. Tliud unj k 'ii:.;r.!i Adi-'iiit! .iu.uj; ".vs ... .. ichuol Moniuy and Tu..j The Third grade is .tuil; 7 times table in arilhr.icU" The Fourth jraj h; ? .! . pitted its (JiXjfj; b'.u... hytfioe Lena Turner was absent Mona iy. The policemen are Mae Greene j Beuluh Schilling etaytd out c,t school and Beulah Richmond. Jack Both well hat' v'-.w. o' wraps. The pupils Li ll,e If! nary i.ui. are veiy tor, , v.. .. j-.aU, i.t. ' Tuusduy to gu t Kvr udtk-V j Alice flru"D I r.'i t'H fi ' j quet of :., . I. i John Sluhher c J llriiiu . brought a lu .fit w hi-iiool C:ii"r i V.':' ffict 4Vjr is.-i . l'iii;i!i !. ' '- 'i'l.D f f ' ; frr t!.- '.. :'; : C-i-vi.v.-, Douglas, Jack, Dormhy, Francis JUIpti, the developement of the chicks into strong, healthy pullets which Bhould begin their laying period at the life'liC time and continue through the fall and winter months when egg prices are high. The longer a broody hen is allow ed to sit on the ne; t, the longer it takes to get her back into laying condition. As soon as a hen is seen to remain on the nest at night, she should be removed and put into a broody coop; that is, a coop, with a tlat bottom so that the air circu lates underneath and tends to keep herefrom sitting. While confined in the' coop she should be fed and watered regularly. Try apple and rhubarb pie for a change using 1 large apple, 3 cups sliced rhubarb, 2 tablespoons butter,, one-half to three-fourths cup cugar. and one-fourth teaspoon salt as the filling for a pre-baked pastry shell. Prepare and cut the apples in thin slices and cover the crust with them, eprinkle with part of the sugar and i I - (continued from first page) toward that end. Some of the Seniors of the 1930 class have, therefore, signified their intentions of going on to school. Nina, Lelah, Elton, Gladys, Bob and Richard plan to go on to school. Richard plans to work with hi.; father at the carpen ter's trade for a while and then take an aviator's course. Orville Fraley intends to employ his machanical ability and training in the building up of the Maupin garage. Albert St. Dennis has expressed his earnest desire to become a carpenter. CLUB NOTES 4-H best dk- During the last 18 years approxi mately 7,000,000 boys and girls have been laboring under the club banner to "Make the better." The poultry club members cussed In their last meeting, the mak ing of a brooder and how they should take care of their chickens. Franklin Renick has a small flock of iPlymouth Rocks, while Henry Wilson prefers Jersey Giants. The other members have not started yet. The Highlander Potato club has had four meetings. These meetings are conducted on the Criterion-Lake TOWN BASEBALL The Dufur town team met the Maupin "Housecats" on the Maupin hilkide Sunday afternoon and met defeat of 14-3. Maupin's battery was Poling and Eenick. It was a perfect baseball day and the largest crowd was out that has been present since Maupin had the "old team." All visitors are handicapped by the uneven field which could be re moved very cheaply by the coopera tion of the citizens of the community. The "Housecats." will play in their new uniforms at Dufur next Sunday. GRADE NOTES Primary The First graders have completed their three basic readers, reading the supplementary Firs': Reader by Free and Treadwell. The First and Second graders rre making transportation booklets. Thsee include the methods of travel in different countries. The Primary room looks as if the Eastern season was at hand. At tractive Easter pictures are on the bulletin boards. The Second graders made a book- in Tires and Tubes Reduced U. S. Peerless and Royal Tires-Tubes TIRES 30x31; Royal, regular $ 6.75 $ 5.10 B0x3n Royal, extra size 7.25 5.80 31x4 lioyal Cord 12.00 9.60 29x4.40 Royal Balloons 8.25 6.60 29x4.50 Royal Balloons 8.85 7.10 29x500 Royal Balloons 11.00 8.80 30x500 Royal Balloons 11.35 9.00 30x525 Royal Balloons 13.25 10.60 30x550 Royal Balloons 14.35 11.50 31x525 Royal Balloons . 13.65 10.90 30x600 Roval Balloons 15.10 12.10 30x3V2 U. S. Peerless cord, extra $ 5.00 $ 4.00 29x4.40 U. S. Peerless 6.30 5.05 30x4.50 U. S. Peerless 7.00 5.60 28x5.25 U. S. Peerless 9.90 7.95 31x5.25 U. S. Peerless 10.95 8.75 TUBES 30x3V2 Red Royal $1.50 $1.20 30x312 U. S. Peerless 1.20 1.00 31x4 Royal 2.20 1.75 32x4 Royal 2.30 1.85 32x4i2 Royal 2.70 2.30 29x4.40 Royal 1.90 1.50 29x4.50 Royal 1.95 1.55 29x5.00 Royal 2.05 1.60 30x4.50 Royal 2.00 1.65 30x5.25 Royal 2.70 2.50 30x5.50 Royal 2.95 2.65 30x6.00 Royal 2.95 2.65 31x5.25 Royal 2.80 2.55 Gord and Balloon Tires Maupin Garage tItltIIITII?ITTrrTT.7tTrTTTTTTTTTTXIIIIlliairiMIillTmiIIIIIllIXnXf