The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 10, 1930, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, April 10, 1930.
Pai? Three
iWim , a,. , j, nirifi ry-irjvun ,
it Genuine
Spring House-Cleaning
in our
Exchange Department
A large stock of uscsd goods, complctly gone over, repaired and reconditioned
now at a special sale that will save you real money.
Beds, Dressers, Conmodcs
Kegular $14 3-drawer style dresser, Regular $20 full size walnut bed,
sem,i-oval mirror, dark stained finish
bale price $8.95
Regular $16.50 ivory enamel chif
fonier with large swing mirror, six
drawer style,
Sale price $10.83
Regular $4 Commode, enamel finish,
large storage compartment, each..$2
modern, straight foot board style,
finish A-l $11.75
Steel beds, wood beds, all sizes, all.
colors, Sale price, upward $2
Full size Bed Spring, all steel coil
springs, steel link fabric spring
$2.50 to $10.75
Odd Pieces, Rockers, Chairs, Couches
Regular $6 Oak Rocker, velour
covered spring seat.
Sale price $4.25
Regular $15 Couch, upholstered in
good tapestry, all spring construc
tion, Sale price $10
Regular $14 ladder back Rocker, ma
hogany finish, velour upholstered
seat. Sale price $8.50
Regular $11.50 Upholstered Box
Couch, plain green covering.
Sale price $5.75
Regular $9.75 Oak Rocker with
loose auto cushion, covered in gen
uine leather, golden finish.
Sale price : $7.50
Regular $8.00 Upholstered Couch,
spring construction covered in
leatherette ; Sale price $3.50
Regular $10.50 Oak Library Table,
large size, golden oak finish $9.75
Regular $20 Oak Desk, drop front
style, large writing bed, sale
price $14.85
Dining Sets, Odd Tables, Buffets
Regular $50 7-niece solid oak Dining
Set, 48-inch table, 8-foot extension
and 6 leather seat dining chairs.
Sale price $24.50
Value up to $15 in odd round Dining
Tables, all extension, oak finish.
Sale price $6.85
Regular $10.50 Oak Buffet, 48-inch
size, a handy size storage chests.
''ale rice $6.25
Regular $!0 round Walnut Dining
Table, Queen Anne ftyio, finish
A-l $16
Regular $35 5-piece Golden Oak Din
ing set, 48-inch table, 6foot exten
sion and four dining chairs.
Sale price $16.75
Regular $20 Side Board with bevel
plate mirror, golden oak finish,
large drawers and storage compart
ment, Sale price $10.75
Regular $60 Wicker Extension Din
ing Table and two chairs, finished in
blended shades of old i'ipry.
Sale price .$21.50
There arc hundreds of other items included in the housecleaning sale. It will
pay you well to investigate desks, davenport table, sewing machines, sewing
cabinets, bed davenports, refrigerators, heaters, cribs, phonographs, etc.
SUGAR-per hundred lbs5.49
BANANAS per pound . . ; . 6c
BULK SHORTNING 2 lbs . 29c
April 14 to 19
Save the
Labels for
There's Cream In Every Drop
RAISINS-Seedless, Thompson's
4-pound bags
CORN Lindy Brand, Sweet Yellow
MILK Federal Brand V '
Extra Special value, 2 cans for .............. 27c
Special today, 3 cans for : : -c
SOAP-Crystal White
Washes Clothes White, 10 bars...- .. 41c
Maupin's Leading Grocery
O. P. Resh . Co.
Everything For the Table Maupin, Oregon
evening: and will visit with friends
and relativei for a short time.
Dick Johnson has brought water
around the hill from one of his
springs to his newly purchased
property below the school house.
Nothing Being Don By Irrigation
Company Looking to Supply
on Juniper Flat
Vol. 1
Job and Earl Crabtree and Everett
Hazen spent Sunday with their
families in Maupin, coming from Du
fur, where they are at work.
We have heard that
Napoleon was five feet
two, in height, but we
are not informed as to
his "Ticknosi" This
little guy was so great
he could eat eggs with
his knife, or wear a
plug: bat when straws
were in style. Well,
readers, there are few
of us great enough to
After much blow and bluster re- get away with it to any
garding what was on its program for cuccess. Which leads us
the reason of 1930, the ML Hood up to what we wanted
Land & Irrigation company U in a to say. If your bouse is
out of style, or needs
fixing, there is no need
to buy a new one be
cause we are the best
hands at remodeling
you ever saw A new
porch, remodeled kit
chen, new rooms added,
or anything at all that
needs doing over i; our
O. F. Renick, editor.
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
PubTkhed in the inerests o! the people of Maupin and vicinity bsj"
Maupin, Oregon, April 10, 1930.
Number 33
The hu band was
wearily pacing the floor
with the crying child
and the mother asked
from the bed, "What
is the baby crying for,
dear?" "Does he want
the moon!" lo whicft i Vou to f ind him." '
She' came into the po
lice station with a pic
ture in her hand. "My
husband has disappear-
ed," she cobbed. "Here
is his picture, I want
came the reply, "No
think he is crying for
the Milky Way."
who has won
signal success
by his own efforts
IK t
UuslneM man ,
A worthy
for the
new Oregon Spirit
Republican for Governor,
started with nothing and
carved hla way to success
with his own hands. He Is
the kind of man red blooded
Oregonlans admire and re
spect and whom they will
be proud to see In the Oov
ernor's chnlr. He will be a
worthy champion and lead
cr for the new Oregon Spirit
the spirit that le (toing to
spell Progress for Oregon
A vote for Hall Is n vote
for. "Forward Oregon."
"Industrialize Oregon"
PM .1t Hull Inr Utifirnor Club
H L, l r... M:m$.r
J Pol'tlMI'l. Off.
: Personalities:
nj and listened to Dr. D. V. Poling's up
lifting talk.
D. W. Kidder was at the county
seat on business last Saturday.
Fred Alt (topped off in Maupin
last Friday while on his way to Bend.
Art Glitzier was in from the L. C.
Henneghnn ranch a short time this
E. A. Cyr and wife were dinner
guests at the O. F. Renjck home on
Sunday last.
Jess Fleming was in from his
upper Bakeoven ranch on business
last Saturday.
Ed. Wnkcrlig, one of Shaniko's
hustling ranchers, was in Maupin
nn business on Monday.
FranK Heckman, with a number of
Wapinitia pupils, attended the Mau
pin school assembly Monday.
Mrs. J. II. Woodcock and daughter
Irene, were week end gue:ts at the
Cuy Harvey home nt Wnmic.
Dr. and Mrs. L S. Stovall enjoyed
a trip to Corvallis and other valley
towns during the past week.
Miss Edith Spickerman is a guest
of her cousin, Mra. Thos. Swett, this
week. Miss Spickerman lives at
The Dalles.
J. M. Conklin came up" from Port
land lucsaay and remained over
until yesterday. We acknowledge
plesant call.
The Easter program at the U. B.
church has been postponed from Sun
day, April 20, to the following Sun
day, April 27.
Elmer Snodgrass came down from
the ranch on Sunday to witness the
defeat of Dufur by the Maupin base
ball town team.
Wm, Schilling and wife attended
the funeral of Howard A. Wattles at
The Dalles Tuesday afternoon.
Art Appling came down from Cri
terion Sunday nnd was. tin interested
Wke'-cn nt thfl biiLeball givmo.
i o -
Cyril Fraley nnd wife attended the
funeral of the litter's uncle, Howard
Wnltles, ut The Dalles on Tuesday.
Mr". Marcus Shcarnr spent several
days of lntst week and the first of
this week nt Portland and The
Teter Kirach and wife attended
the Hich school assembly Monday
Tom Baird spent Sunday at his
home in The Dalles, going down
Saturday evening and returning on
Sunday afternopn.
Jack Kelly came up from Port
land Monday and is engaged in
looking over the work being done on
his Juniper Flat ranch.
state of status quo so far as doing
anything looking to a supply of wa
ter for this year's crops. A big
huUaballoo was emitted by repre
sentatives of the company when an
(abortive attempt war, made to con
struct a dam at the mouth of Clear
Lake last fall.
Alter the dam was completed in
steps the Forest Service with a re
quest that the company put up a good
and sufficient bond to cover lots of
timber naturally to be covered by
the rising water of the lake. A small
bond was put up, but not sufficient
to meet Forst Service demands.
Later the dam was ordered opened,
which being done allowed the water
to escape down Clear creek and on
to White river. Thus ends chapter
umpty-ump of the water question of
Wapinitia Plains.
Chapter next will be written and
edited by the water contract holders
of those plains. It is certain they
must have water, and having paid j
for same arc entitled to it. It now
seems that if they get any of H2o
they will have to assert a little au
thority, spit ot their hands, bend
their backs and proceed to clean out
the weed-grown ditches, appoint a
water master and proceed on their
own to Becure what little water may
be saved before hot weather dries
up the mountain ttreams. It seems
a cinch that the claimed-to-be-owners
intend to do nothing to alleviate the
condition of the contract holders.
The company seems to be too busy
attempting to interest capital in the
proposition, but all protective in
vestors who have investigated the
situation seem reluctant in investing
money in something almost intangi
ble. If the company was sufficiently
financed the wages of some of the
young men who worked on the dam
would be paid and not let wait for
months for their dues.
The company is capitalized for
$5,00 and is confronted with a pro
gram which, to carry out would mean
at least $25,000, and one wonders
how in h eck anything will ever be
accomplished by such a company
with such an inadequate supply of
the stuff that makes the mare go.
Fw Attractive
Rough lumber 20.00
1x6, rustic 35.00
1x4 flooring 35.00
shiplap 25.00
2x4 sized 25.00
Standard shingles ....2.50
Can't put it off much
longer there is gar
den to be fixed, flower
to plant, spring is gal
loping along, and sum
mer it coming. Gosh,
but it is hard to work
in the spring.
"Vel Abie, how L
Auful. Even people
vot can't pay is buying
It is about the time
of the year to put up
fly screens.
Season opens
next Tuesday
at the photograph,
"Why?" he asked.
How are the chick
ens? Will they have
place to lay around
In this winter. A chick
en appreciates ' good
living quarters and will
grow and lay according
ly;, We have - plan for
cow, chickens, horsec,
cars, tools, people, and
other critters.
W. O. Hadley is
busy at oak Springs
hatchery enlarging the
ponds and also putting
in a small light plant to
attract bugs at night
for fkh feed. We de
livered a load of ma
terial- there this week.
Fresh Every Day
Home Town
Art and Clarence Farghcr were
down from the rheep ranch on Tues
day, report lambing operation com
ing along in good shape.
Miss Jean Wilron spent a few
days of last week at her parental
home in Maupin, returning to her
duties nt Portland Sunday.
Mrs. R. W. Christianson enme
over from Redmond this morning
nnd after stopping a time in Mau
pin, proceeded on to Dufur.
. Mrs. Doris Wittman (nec Kelly)
arrived up from Portland Tuesday
Old crank case oil has been found
effective for painting poultry perches
and drop boards to keep out mites,
say3 the Oregon Experiment station
Cakes, Cookies, Pastries
Ask Your Dealer
Five concrete bridges will be built '
between Aumsville and Turner this
5hoe 5hop
Shoe Repairing Well
Done. '
Bring in the old Shoes
E, A. CYR, Poprietor.
Alfalfa, when ndapted, fits w11
into a loner cron rotation system as I
it leaves the soil rich in nitrogen and
in organic matter.
The chief factors in obtaining a
good yield of silage corn in Oregon
are manureing the ground, lifting
plenty of good seed, planting early,
and giving plenty of cultivation, be
lieves the experiment ttation, after
an extensive survey of yields.
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times ofP.ce
and Mr. Seiumes will send
it to
uaiiuwcturlng Jeweler
aui Watchmaker
buixeiMwr lo U. Lindquiat
Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Orngaa. Pbea 35-J
Mr. and
Mr.. CharU Crofoot
Tygh Valley-
Roy Ward
W. B. Sloaa