MAUPIM TIMES Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for aD. " VOLUME XVI MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, Number 20 THE MAUPIN MO VOLUME IL Maupin Hi Students Go Into Movie Game Although a typical small town boy in many ways, who hd never been out of Simsbury in his life, movU mad Merton'i determination to follow hit itar gave him courage to forsake his Job in the grocery , tore and aet out for Hollywood and , hla movie qfcreer. Jlis experience with nrd-toiw aireciora, his en- durance of hunger end rebuff aerve but to strengthen hla faith in human nature. Would you like ,ttm I to see how he finally wins through to (access? Then don't miss "Mer to n of the Movies" which will soon be presented on the local stage by the Maupin Senior class. The important role of Merlon has been entrusted to Klton Enod grasa. Although the exactions of this unsophl tlcated but appealing character ar great enough to gH Elton all "hot and bothered," hi abaility will produce an outstanding interpretation. DUFUR-MAUP1N BALL CAME The Cubs met the Dufur team last Friday at Dufur, for the first baseball game of the season, which resulted in a 6-0 score in Dufur's fsvor. With but three the Cuba were scarcely In true form. Tha line-up for Maupin was: Laco, pitchers Orvllle, catcher; Bo at first. Val at second, Elton short, Chsrles on third aack, Bob left field, Wen dell center, and Glenn and Richard in right field. The battery for Du fur waa: Knight, pitcher and Steu ber, catcher. Charles Bothwell succeeded in reaching third base but no runs were made by Maupin. Tho e taking cars to Dufur were Mr. Fischer, Mr. Poling, Mr. Kaiser and Richard Crabtree. Mr. Fischer who umpired bases, had a difficult time keeping warm, although he had an overcoat on. The day was both windy and cold for baseball. Tho Cubs are eargerly looking forward to their coming engagement with Tygh Valley next Friday, on the home field, and expect a big crowd of fans. Tygh hss promised to come over in force and Maupin fans will be needed. BASEBALL ITEMS (By Elton) The Waplnitia Cyclone, defeated , Tyrh Valley. 13-2. Zumwalt and Rhodes were in the box for Tygh while Claymler and Endersby threw for the Cyclones. Sunday Coach Gosnrll's fast team took the Indiens into camp for a score of 18 to 6. A few of the Cubs feel highly flattered to have the chance of participating in this game. Goanell's team will meet the Maupin Housecats this coming Sunday at Maupin. !. Friday, March the 28th, the Cubs will meet Tygh Valley on the local field. Everybody come and help the Cubs "growl." STUDENTS ENJOY SINGING Lst Friday the students spent the aarembly hour in singing school songs, some of which were new ond rather difficult to follow. The singing showed improvement, as each on applied himself diligent ly and took an active part in tho program. At the end of the hour, Mr. De Voe presented typing certificates to Harry Rutherford, Mary Greene and ' Eldon Allen for successfully making twonty-five words per minte for fifteen consecutive minutes. Tho students adjourned at 0:45 p. in. BOY SCOUTS WILL VISIT POWER PLANT THE - A trip to the White River power house for nnxt Sunday is planned hy members of Troop No. 33, Boy Scouts of America. ' Floyd Kelly, as okrI. tant scout master, is arranging a series of trips to keep up the Scout spirit pending the aolectlon of a scoutmaster. The boys will leave Maupin at 8:30 a. m. After the generators and turbines are inspected, tho hoys will go on an exploring hike. Lunches will be taken and the troop is looking for ward to a, day full of enjoyment. MAUPIN. OREGON, MARCH 27, 1930. """"SS-nJSSS. Mupln High achool students, at a , regular itudent body meeting, de-: elded to invite the Tygh Valley ' High achool to our assembly, on Fri day at 1:15 p. m. preceding the baseball game between Tygh and the Cuba on the Maupin diamond. Tygh itudent.-, will be gust at the Tygh itudent will be rueita at the A program wHh Mr. DeVoe as chairman and Lei ah. Bo. and Nova " mcmiws, win ukc cnarge oi me coming assembly. Special music in- . I ..,111 A I. 1 eluding the Jatz Phoney Harmonious rii v i Harpists, school tinging and piano numbers will be provided. The Student Body hopes to have Rev. Matthews of Simnasho to spesk to The Student Body will appreciate thc jint assembly, other visitors from the outside who are intere ted in the school and care to come to the joint asaembjy to be followed by the big ball game. MANUAL TRAINING BOYS MAK j ING PLAY PROPERTIES The boys of the Manual Training classes are busy making stage scenery for the Senior play, "Mer ton of the Movies." Wendell is making moving pic ture camera. Others will be employ ed in the construction of a country store, to include counters and shelves. Railings and other proper ties usi-d in representing a studio will be also made for the play. SPRING TRAINING TO AT ONCE BEGIN A meeting was held the eighth period Tuesday to arrange a schedule of all the events and to find out the number who will participate in the different The westher is fine now for practice in field eventa. , Former Maupin track winners are!"u,,ort in" oeBa- ia - new interested In Maupin's spring traln-Plan h" been dPfd. whereby tu' ing and report seeing other school K"18 h " chce to display getting ready for the meet Maupin ithdr bi,,ty hn th lln expects to live up to the record es-t,lrouh constructing and des.gning tahlinhcd by Its notable athletes of last year. Although Maupin has not much material this year, we still expect to win the meet. MAUPIN ALUMNI The Maupin High fchool Is pleas ed to know that several of her alumni arc attending higher institu- tlons of learning and that a few of i them will soon be completing their course to emter Into life careers. Winifred Kaiser, who has been a student at the Univen-Ity of Oregon I r. ,.. j vi rviw a siuaeni at jnonmoutn normal lor one and a half years, will both com plete their courses in the spring. During their recent spring vacation both eitfls are Interviewing prospec tive employers. Both will enter the ' teaching profession. Maupin Hi re-J members Winifred for her high ' scholarship and for being high point Klrl in track. Velma is remembered for her musical ability and for her excellent grades in all ubjects. Maupin Hi extends her best wishes for success to them In their new field of work. , Estel Stovall Is attending 0. S. C. and is studying pharmacy. He visit ed i chool last Thursday and he said. "Although chemistry takes most of my time, still I am turning out for trHck." Everyone remembers Estel as being the fastest ''sprinter" around here, and wishes him succera in the track at 0. S. C. Harold Kramer. is employed in a general merchandise store at Dufur. Art Appling lg busy digging the coyotes out of their dens and he ex tended an Invitation to tho Faculty to come out to Criterion and help him bag the varmints. ' Kenneth Sndgrass is "turning over the old sod" on tho home ranch. Merle Snodgrass Crabtree keeps her interest in the whool with fre quent visits and with loyal and gen erous support. About ninety f chool pictures have been ordered by the High and grade Rchools. Tho school is endeavoring to get reduced rates because of the large order. The order will not be rent off until all the money has been collected. The sum involved is nearly fifty dollars. TOES NUMBER 81 """-Students Learn Plan oi Cooperative Market Mr. DeVoe. Harry and Charles had the rrivlege of listening to the address of Mr. E. L. Ludwkk, who is assistant manager of the Pacific NorthweU Wool Growers associa tion, given at the Legion hall last Tuesday. Mr. Ludwkk explained to the local wool growers the Federal nUn rinnMn v,. ! wool The marketing will be done i through the local co-oneretive a ' : ... . 1 . I sociations. The storage, the loaning of money to growers, and tha final marketing -cost will total $.0324 per pound. Sale of the wool will be made by Drspcr, a national wool selling house at a cost to growers of 3-10 a cent per pound. The wool on the coast will be sold by the Pacific Northwest Wool Growers associa tion. All similar wools wHI be sold in one pool Mrs. Ludwick rave the personnel of the Federal Farm Board, and a brief hktory of each member. This board Is finsnced by the Feder al government The Federal Farir Board is attempting to stabilize the selling of wheat and wool this spring. This Hoover plan of farm aid is one, of the most important measures in recent years, and itc success or fail ure is attracting great interest among the farmers throughout the land. HONOR THE DEAD AND SERVE THE LIVING (By Gladys Martin) Again this year the American Le gion Auxiliary Is sponsering plana for giving publicity to the poppy aale prior to Memorial Day. Last year a state wide essay contest waa held. tfor the Turc ot urging student to of posters to commemorate World War heroes. No special requirements are contained in the plan for the posten as regards size, style or pat tern. Mottoes are recommended as a device for expressing the meaning of the poster. Three five dollar prize are offered by the American Legion Aulxliary for the best posters in s state wide contest Arrangementq for the distribution of the prizes al- ;,ow one prfM of ivc divisions of schools: the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth grades, the Seventh and Eighth grades and the High school. The American Legion Auxil- I Ul '"s n u prize of f 1.00 for the beat poster from each of the above divi sions of the Maupin school. NEWS NOTES While in The Dalles last week end Mr. DeVoe visited the old Hlstorial building. He says that it is worth anybody's timo and money to see this trea' ure of local historcial relics. The building is one of the oldest remaining in The Dalles. Inside Park, Hotel Kelly, Fraley Garage and there are hundreds or fine arrow Restaurant, Kramer Bros., Garage, heads, spear heads and other Indian Maupin Hotel and Cafe, Woodcock relics of many different tribes. In Bros., power plant and flour mill, addition many rifles and pistols, Richmond Service Station, Maupin which were used by soldiers during State Bank, Shell Oil Co., and The Indian wars, may be found, all in- Maupin Times. Watch far date an dicative of legendary times' char- nouncmg time when Maupin will be actcristlc of this country, After much discussion the Senior class has sdlected and ordered its announcements which, to say the least, represent the very latest in the announcement line. It ia in tern ting to note that the erstwhile familiar cognomen of "Elt" appears under tho alias of "Elton Perry per i kins Snodgrass," while that of our "Little Abbie" reads "Abner Silas Ely St Dennis." 4-H CLUB FOOD SALE The food sale, which was held on March 22 at Resh's store under the; direct supervision of Mrs.- Kirsch, netted $23.10. Thfe fund will be used io send members to the 4-H Club Summer School which is held each year on the campus of the Ore gon State College. Assistants to Mrs. Kirsch were: Mrs, Maud Joynt, Mrs. Lucille Contrell, Mr?, (continued on last page) MAUPIN TO 00 ON THE AIR" THRU K.0.IJ. Maupia BaiiaHt Mm Tafca Stepi to lateral World of Our Fine Peoitioa aad Attributes The business men of Maupin have given concrete evidence that they Kve the best interests of the town ft hA-t anil ImixL.. pratresalvene s that is worthy of I 'wr " owing ima w Pkt that newspaper space will be I I -II.. J ! iLJ ... ! J a . .a. l Kivva uvcr u inaumn dv me orebA - - m l of other citlei througout the coun try. The'cause of the above outburst on our part Is contained in the fact that on Monday the associated firms and professional men of Maupin have combined to foster a proposi tion to broadcast a high-charactered program of one hour's duration over the great station K O I N of Portland. While the local broadcast is pri marily to interest the potential trade or purchasing power of our trn county, secondary to reach state wide trade of the tourist traffic that may be routed through our town, the main object of the broadcast is to acquaint outsiders of the extent cf (or attributes, our expanding agricultural area, our stock industry and last, but not leat, to make Ino'rn the unapproachable oppor tunity of the Deschutes as tho home tf the giant redside trout The Maupin city broadcast hour has not been definitely set The Timet expects to be informed of that time aoon enough to publish it in our next week's (sue, although, from what we have learned regarding the time phase of the broadcast, the date may be arranged for April 7, in time to inform sportsmen and fishermen of Oregon of fishing con ditions of our river before the open ing of the fishing season. It is not enough for us of Maupin to know about the De chutes; it is not enough for the "old guard" of our visiting snglers to know it; we must advance and in that advance so to it that more and more of Oregon's popula tion are informed of what we have here. As a newspaper we arc not pri marily interested in air advertising, but as a voice for Maupin we have learned that tha greatest advertisers on the air are the heavie t buyers of newspaper space, so we cheerfully throw our hats in the air and holler "Whoopee!" By contracting with K O I N Mupin will lead all central Oregon in going on the air with a program at once edifying, instruc tive and pleasing, thus showing we will not play "second fiddle" to any community of this section. On the other hand we will have established a precedent and one which will be followed by other places in this part of Oregon. The Maupin firms and professional men who have sponsored the movS' ment to exploit our city on the air are: O. P. Resh & Co., Shattuck Bros., Dr. J. L. Elwood. Dr. L. S. Stovall, H. R. Kaiser, Williams Auto on the air. WILL CLEAN SNOW OFF ROAD J. F. Kramar to Operate Tractor on Job Clctraa Contractor Harness, who will com plete the building of the Waplnitia cut-off road thfc season, and who is now at Burns engaged on another i road job, recently telpehoned Joe ,Kramer and offered the use of his Cletrac tractor in clearing the cut off road from snow. The beautiful lies rather thick on the roadway in the vicinity of Bear Springs and from there to Clear. Lake. Kramer will take the tractor from the Hedin garage at Pine Grove and get at work on the clearing job soon. If that work is done now it will clear the road earlier than at any time in its history and will enable the Harness company to get at work ojj their contract. very' soon. - CHURCH MEETINGS DRAW ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCES Rr. Hartmaa M Smith Spread Mg f CoJ f.Ith to Manpinit. The meetings being held at the U. B. church each evening by Revs. Hrtmsn of The Dalles church and Smith local castor, are drawing large ouiuhrrs of Maupin people each evening. The lermon aeries closes next Sunday with the evening service. On Sunday next Sunday achool I I will be hld at the usual time 10:00. wan cmircn service mnt. ' followed by a basket dinner. A W01k the table. n h clra of I . ' w 9 i ,k- . . -n a. ' I the dinner another, and last meet - ing of the revival will be held, this being scheduled for 7:00 p. m. The choir is rendering special numbers at each meeting, the music body being augmented by many aingers not of the church. Bring your dinner and attend all the Sun day services. Rev. Smith will hold a service at Pine Grove at 10:00 o'clock Sunday, morning. Pine Grove has a flourish ing and promising Sabbath school. WapinRia Sabbath tchool will con vene at the regular time. There will be no preaching either morning or evening, on account of Maupin meet ings. DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT HOCKEY Young MaB of The Dalle Atlu Ic ia Froion If A party of Dalles sports were talk- ing about taking in the last few games of the Hockey league, to be! played at Portland. They went into ! the intracacies of the game and re-! marked that that soort was as excit-' ing as baseball. Attentively listen ing to the conver.ation was a young shoemaker. With eyes bulging and a hesitancy in speech he asked : "Do th?y freeze the ice!" Being inform ed that such was the fact and that! hockey was played on congealed water, the young fellow immediately signed up to accompany the gang on its Portland trek. BUILDING A NEW RESIDENCE J. H. Chitm Will Raaovato Creator Home Building Old J. H. Chstain ha completed the foundation for a new residence. The new structure is 22x26 feet in size and includes a full basement, which will also contain a garage. The old Creager home building will be mov ed to the foundation find then under go & complete renovation. When that work has been completed Joe wilt begin work on another house of the same size on the east cide of, the lot Calories fARY-TANE and Junior lre having guests luncheon today." this is the weekly statement of a wise mother who finds time to give her youngsters an opportunity to play host and hostess. She main tains that having Tommv-from-Next-Door or Joan-from-Around-the-Corner introduces the children to better table etiquette and to a variety of foods that they like be cause Tommy or Joan like them. Recipes for Decorative Dishes Calories and vitamins are skill fully concealed in creamed chicken that deludes a mainland of toast tri angles, carrot boats hoisting real sails and bearing cargoes of golden pineapple, and cocoa with a marsh mallow island ifloaj, There's i SCHOOL BUS COST TOLD BY OUTSIDE ILHi P. J. Kirich Writ Concerting 5. inf la Sending Children la th Mmapia School Some agitation ha been rampant recently concerning the cost of opera ting a school bus and the employ ment of teacher for tha A"'!vin wn the following communication, plainly shows the savinir bv bus 'operation. . " "Do you find transporting your school children to Maupin a sucef "This question has been asked me quite often. Thinking that some of the readers of The Maupin Times might be interested, I decided to write of the benefits. District No. 85, known as the Criterion school, has derived from such transporting. ''School District No. 85 and dis trict No, 88 own and operate their school bus jointly. The school bus is operated a distance of 20 miles. The driver is paid $100 per month. All expenceg are divided ' equally between the two districts. All High school students are transport ed to the Maupin High Khool free. "The three years district No. 85 operated their school, prior to trans porting to Maupin, cost the district an average of $1,862.54 per year to operate cur tchool. w e tave operated the school bus 10 " ,ears hefore "is term. Tut ,ie four years of tranyort'ng MP'n the district's expense vera?,d 862-96 or "ving of s's'0- "e iirst lour years of of bun operation. District 85's one half interest in the school bus cost $1,188.00. Deducting $1,138 from $1,998.32 leaves a net saving of $860.32 the first four years. "Our school bus has nearly" com- pleted its fifth sea on and still has ' considerable value. Cur bus never i failed to make its regular trips and has been late very few times and then only when the roads were icy, forcing the driver to drive slowly. "For "three reasons I consider tran portation a success: "1 Our children are in one of the best schools in Wasco county in stead of a one-teacher school. "2 Our children can attend High school from home. s "3 Our school district is saving money." Melvin Fulkerson came up , from Portland Friday evening and stayed until Sunday, when he returned to his work with th Howard Auto com pany In the big town. I for Kids X hidden treasure of real caloric con tent in these recipes: Crtam Chicken on Toast : Twe cups cold cooked chicken cut la dice (if you haven't left-ovte chicken, the canned product is de licious), two cups white sauce, a pinch of celery salt. Heat chicken dice in sauce and add celery salt Carrot Boats with PineaMUi Scoop raw carrots into boat shapes and fill with segments of canned pineapple. A toothpick and plain white card make a marvelous sail. Party Cocoax This need not cut into your precious "quart-a-day" bottle If you keep condensed milk on hand. One teaspoon cocoa, one cup boiling water, two tablespoons condensed milk., Mix cocoa and one-half cup boiling water. Boil three minutes. Pour this mixture into the diluted milk and beat with egg-beater. Top with marahmallow lor KHOfl