Thursday, March 20, 1030, Ptg fTN vr?J5 WILL SEUL FINE DAIRY HED RESH & CO.'S SPECIALS rilf mo w.asninsr powder, Large Ol n VjIIL Ub g,ze; Srturday-Monday, pkg.AlC Mlllr Federal. Large size. Decid-H- iUIUV. edly the best. Special, can "C Pnrn IOWANA or Monticeilo; a 1 -I - viilll good narrow grain sweet 11C A-B CoffeegS'36c Match GS boxripeciaboxM 1 7C Ivory Soap LW&u29c Saturday-Monday Oleo Kfd ?tIS?f!?&ai8c Save the Labels for Valuable Premiums There's Cream In Every Drop ' 1 JT'4" Job Crbtra tc Hold Aactlaa uJ 3.U Flaa Slock joo iraotree baa decided to go out of the dairy business and with that cud in view will bold on auction sal of bis fin dairy herd, the sale to occur on Saturday of next week. Included with the cattle is a fine equipment of dairy accessories, U j new and in good shape. Frcnh But ler will cry the sale white the Mau pin State Bank will act aa clerk. Any wishing to add pure-bred and grade jersey cows to their farm herd will do well to investigate Job's stock before buying elsewhere. ? Maupin's Leading Grocery i O. P. Resh (& Co. Everything For the Table Maupin, Oregon us PyrsnttnlHtou Otto Herrling was down from work at Criterion on Monday. hb Marrtig shearer is hitek on the aest of ono of the Standard Oil com pany's trucks. Marcus Shearer l.i back on the the tuners! of Mmcus' mother at The Dallas on Sundiy. Ernest Confer and wlfo and Mrs. George Cunningham were In The Dalles on business yesterday. ; Wilton McCoy was in from Wsp inltia and took part in tho S. Tatrick'! Day dnnro at Legion hull. o . i Mrs. Rose Daht was in Maupin on business last Saturday,- Kho is a tembllng a crew to a.'sint in lumblng. Jamea Vaughan and wife rpont ptrents, Mr. and Mrs. Cus Derthick. ! Ernest Hartman. wife and daughter. Crystal, Mmrty hinm-rs.ii was over from his Muck Hollow ranch a nhnH lime on Monday. .Shorty recently underwent an operation for hernia sin! in not feeling any too skookum Ml this time. I.. P., Kelly concluded his labor- las county commissioner Tuesday and returned to Maupin yesterday morning. Hobby Davidson and wife trucked to Hood River Monday, going down for a visit wHh Mrs. David' on's parents. Mr., ing In eafe a wet!:. K!li Hugh has been assist the kitchen nt the Maupin few duys of last and thli Roy Ward and wife camo down from the Flat last Friday to attend tho funeral of the late John W. Ward. Among Wapinititcs to attend the last Sunday at the home of the lady's! John Ward funeral last Friday were Addie Wray and parents were at The Dalles on Sunday attending the funeral of Mr. Wray'a lister, Mrs. M, 1. Shearer. Mrs. Jos. Kramer was mentioned in The Dalles Chronicle aa having been in that city last Saturday on a shopping trip. Dr. El wood was called to Wamic and Tygh Valley a couple of times last week to prescribe for and take care of patients. Dr. Stovall and wife went to The Dalles yesterday, going down for the purpose of meeting their son! Estcl, who came home for his spring vacation from 0. A. C. ATTENDED DIST. CONVENTION Large Delegation Front Maapia Rebekah Meeting Thirteen lady members of Mau pin's Rebekah lodge attended the dis trict convention of the order, held at Mosier last Saturday. The ladies were conveyed to Mosier in autos. They reports a most Interesting meeting and also that the convention will be held at Dufur. Those from here were Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stuart, Mjv. 0. P. Weberg. Mrs. Chss. Crofoot, Mrs. James Chalmers, Mrs. R. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Welch. Mrs. Roy Ward, Mrs. Den Fraley, Mrs. Carl Pratt, Mrs. J. II. Woodcock, Mrs. T. B. Slu her, the Misses Helen and Lclah Wrberg. April Fool Daaca The local Legion post announces an April Fool dance at the hall on next week Saturday night A newly organized orchestra from The Dalles will be on hand and aa the members are full of pep and spice something out of th, ordinary may t expected in the music line. You won't be fooled by attending, on the cortrary will be given a treat ia the way of dances. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the inerests of the people of Maupin and vicinity b ' THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COPhoaa M.l. 71 Voi. 1 Manpm, Oregon, March 20, 1D30 Number UO TODD'S BREAD IN MAUPIN Dalles Bakery Makes Cattomers Two Maapia Stores Take pictures while the sun shines. Bring your film developing t0 the Maupin Drug Store. Free en largement with each 60 cents worth of work. For many moons Maupin people have been regaled with bread from one bakery of The Dalles. Recently two of Maupin's merchants switched their orders for the "staff of life" to another bakery Todd's and now are handling the product of that bakery alone. The Todd Bakery makes a superior quality of bread and pastry and its goods are to be found on sale at the Shattuck and Resh ctores. Prices are the same as that charged in The Dalles and Mr. Todd sends delivery wagon to Maupin daily. Try Todd's bread and he will have made another friend for his products. Kdior!l Local fishermen are complaining that oil is bad for fish, which pos sibly explain the wor ried expression we have noticed on the faces of terdinex. O. F. RENICK, ' Editor. The Literary Digest's poll on prohibition shows the wets ahead but then the returns are mostly from New York and Chicago. Juet wait until we Americans get a vote. There are a lot of substitutes being u ed in building that are tak ing the place 0f wood but there never has been anything to propertly take the place of a wood shingle applied in jfre woodbhed. Place your orders for wood early and get the benefit of low prices. The hnd that roclif the rrsdle confuses the world when it j8 stuck out to i igual for a turn. Buy a Home A Mrt t0 Hon. While" you are in the mid4 of spring cleaning why not think of mak ing needed alternations and repairs on your old home? A bit of archi tectural planning by the Tum-A-Lum. few in expensive additions and changes in your old home will sometimes transform it from a shabby, unsightly shack into a home of comfort charm, and value. It will cost you nothing to inquire about our plans of remodeling and fi liating. No, Panatrope, the Volstead Act in not in vaudeville. Monday was a big day for the Irish. St. Patrick cleaned up' the Emerald Isle and gave us a day to either wear green or look natural. "Agne you don't love me and cince you'll never love me, there's ' only one thing I can do. 111 kill myself," said' the young man passion ately. ' ' "How?" sh Inquired. "I'll shoot myself," "Then won't you ba so kind aa to buy the re volver in Jamea' hard ware store. Jame- is ' my fiance, and I would -like to belp him when ever possible." This ia also our idea, buy at home whenever possible. How about a little paint to brighten up things a little! - IN MEMORIAM 0MHmMAVi iiAaPaaVaaiejaajVar Maupin Legion Hall f i ' - ' ' 1 ., J A. W GIVEN BY ,M - March Our Heavenly Father has, in Ilia Infinite wlndom seen fit to' take from us our dearly beloved brother, John W. Ward, who departed this life, March 12, 180. Whereas, in the death of Brother Ward the community has lost a highly respected citizen, loved by all whose fortune it was to know him. and as Wapinitia Lodge No. 209 I. 0. O. F. ha', by hi death, lost one of its most esteemed members; therefore, Be It Resolved, that we extend to the relatives our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of one dear to them, i whose plncc ia their lives can never he filled; Resolved, thnt a copy of tho c resolution be spread in full upon our records, a copy sent to The Mau pin Times and our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days in memory of him, James Chahners, ( j F. D. Stuart, R. E. Richmond, Committee. " f . s " i . A - - "4 i ( . Iw ) : " ' i i 4 ' y J ' REPIHUCAN CANDIDATE For- - - GOVERNOR Primaries Tfitrf Aiiv., Cobett-fgr Governor Com., Fioyd J. Cook, Field Mgr. MUSIC BY Dalles Orchestra ew l,0ne of those snappy, peppy dance orchestras that i . make the feet itch to dance and the body v to sway wim us rytnm . Suppe r will be served by the Ladies Auxil iary, and tliat part of the evening's entertainment needs no boost for those suppers are I' 1 ' ' 1 1 S 1 A I 1 always tne nest to oe arrangea. Dance Tickets Put On Degree Wort The degress team of the local Re bekah lodge went to The Dalles on Monday night ond there exempli fied the degree work of the order. Th0 ladies received many commen dation on their proficiency in Ke- bekah work. During the evening a fine repast was enjoyed. ; s '" $1.00 Maupin Shoe 5hop MAUPIN, OREGON , Shoe Repairing Well Done. ; '? : Cr . j ;.' Bring in the old Shoes E. A. CYR, Poprietor. ..J j Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing Us woik bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send GUY A POUND MauMiaeturfng Jeweler aud Watchmaker Lindquist . OREGON Succaanur to U TUK DA.LLKS - r Fresh Every Day Maupin Home Town Bread Cakes, Cookies, Pastries Ask Your Dealer sAmfl"A'i Took in Aut0 Sho .After delivering their . lady charges at the Odd Fellows "hall at Mosier last Saturday Frank Stuart ond Bernard Welch continued their journey to Portland and took in the aut0 show. Each reports a fine showing of cars among them being models in vogue years ago as well as the latest de igns turned out by manufacturers. Revival Meetings . ' ' . Beginning next 1 hursuay night a I revival service will be held at the U. B. church, Rev. Hartman of The Dalles being on hand. These meet ings will bo continued up to and in cluding Sunday night. All who havo the interests of real Christianity at heart are invited to attend and bring their friends. None but good lessons expounded and with good singing the meeting;-, should attract full houses each night. , y ; Reieryoir Work Progreinf ' Tom Baird and his crew of huskies arc fast making a hole designed to house Maupin's water supply. Bottcr than half of the excavation has been completed and it won't be long now until the reservoir will be ready for concreting. CRANDALL Undertaking Co. Tka Dallas, Or gam. Pfcoaa 3S-J LADY ASS1TANTS A Ac Maupin . , . Mr. and Mr. Charles Crofoot Wapinitia Tygh Valley A Roy Ward W. B. Sloaa t- QUIET SERVlCZ.j - 1.'--' .4