The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 20, 1930, Image 1

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    Always working for the best
Interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that newt fl
to print Caters to no particular
class, but works for all.
nu m
the amy pdm wo
Track Meet Date Set for
Saturday, April 26
Last Saturday Principal Welding
r, of Dufur; DeVoe, Maupin, Heck
man of Wapinltla and tht county
superintendent, Brumbaugh, met at
. , : . i i
....... vu ,.... unMKrmrnu i-r vie
'oncni track i.ctt. . I
by Superintendent Brumbaugh
, a , . .i.
- ... - - . -,. .v viiivi
I ha tnitinr 1II Ia
It was decided t0 Ml uw the
same i
program as tost year. A committee
was appointed to look after the truk
at Tygh Valley and it Is hoped to
to have H In good condition. Mr.
Meldlnger was chosen to prepare
programs and awards.
The concerlons for food sale will
be the same as last year in that tw0
4-11 clubs will hav, lite monopoly.
Two clubs may be represented.
Mr. Brumbaugh will aeleH the of
ficials for the different events. A
cup will probably he offered for the
meet again this year.
All of the schools that, will parti
cipate In the track meet are Ury
practicing and Maupin is determined
to aguln win the msjor honors.
Although Maupin Is a small school
compared to soma eight combatants,
atlU she has won the track meet for
three consecutive years and It has
not been through "might" hut thru
"real tchool spirit"
The remaining nine weeks of
school will have a variety of extra.
rurrleuUr events . which require
careful planning. Among the spring
activities In which students will par-
tlcipate art! Wasco county track
meet, boys' baseball, the writing of J
essayr, commencement exercise, the j
HnUr play, "Ust day school' plci
nlcic, and final examinations. Each
of these events requires care and
thought on the psrt of the students
If they are to rucceisfuHy complete
the school year. Teachers are,
therefore, urging students to flnM
thalr work early In order that they
may not ho rushed the lnut few dsvs
of school!
M'dsls are, bolng ordered that wl
be awarded to tudents of high
scholarship at the end of the school
year. One medal under considera
tion is of bronze and of a modified
prtagimal sh,p f "bout one and
out fottith inches long and one iiuh
wide. ! The medal will be enirravcd
with the date of awarding and the
name "Maupbt High , iSchool.
fJcholarsbipa will be signified by the
d"irn of thfl merfal itself, About
ten medals will be swarded, although
the number is not definitely decided.
The medals will he treasured as fine
souvenirs of study hours in 1930.
Last Friday's assembly enjoyed j
marehlng and the RakB(VPn Hop, wlrrs "" tn mtncmirfl 01 oieo
The ftudents of the High school and j trinity.
Seventh and Eighth grades all parti- The class is now (tudyiwr differ
clpated In the folk dance. They j cnt kinds of batteries, how they work
Vers divided into two circles. Mrs. , nd how they are made. Th, (wq
DaVoe s played Sfareiiing Thm u,(1 of socondary batteries are th
r.eorgla'' for the dancers and kept ld storage batteries and Edison's
the couples skipping lively. The "Irkd Iron storage batteries The
students appreciated this number. Ht day was devoted to calculating
Following til's, hpy formed a col- tm results t the current of scries
umn. "marched about the room and H',(l WM) lwk WPm
formed the letter M. ' The members of tho Society of
This formation will be nractlced Bsbble have their constitution
be the entire school with the hope
Of it M 0 fjfimonstratlpij at
Tygh VtiUey track meet April 20.
Maupin Student Body appreciat
es the fact that Dr. Toltng will ad
drees them again this spring. ' Ho is
sent by O. S. C. for tho purpose of
explaining its eour cs and advltsing
jirfpef tjye jttflfjents. His talk will
interest parents as well as students.
The Student Body will welcome any
visitors that choo'e to come. Spec
IhI mufdeal numbers will be provid
ed. ?: ' r'
Professor (to Frenhman); "When
were you born?" .
FrcshniHii,: "On, the second of
Profesaori ''Lnli ialu,"
The Senior class has been earnest
ly practicing for their pre'entot'on
of "Merton of the Movies." Met-1 The first appearance of the
ton of the Movies" is one of the r.ut "1930 Cubs" in basebayy uniforms
widely popular of modern American will be on the Dufur grounds, Fri
l.lavs. Il made a hi? sucrena as a'Uv xr..i. at t.. i.
nu auv .win tnvn
novci, a motion picture, and a play,
Tito story was wiitten by Harry
Lvu I HUi'lli inu tll J, 1 1 1 1 W II numnr.
U'll...... ,L. ,.it l t
test, and ran originally In the Saiur-
day fcvenimr Tost. The dramat ca
bin has recently leen made aai
flla to the amshiir public. Dumg
its run in New York it was char-
urterizod by the Ntw York Time as
"by all odds the m n smithing show"
of the season.
lait yaw's rla i play, "Biliy." a great succcw; the class of 103J
bug determined that if hard work
v ill accomplit.h it, their play will
Mirpan all previous productions.
This ambition Is well founded if the
world is growing wiser day by day,
for the class includes the youngur
and wiser-brothers of Andrew Crab
tree, Kenneth Hnodgrasr, and Merle
SnodgrsHS Crabtree, and the sister
of Irene Matthows. bll leading play
ers of last year.
The 4-11 club members' mothers
are giving food sale . Saturday
morning, March 22, at Rcsh's store,
for the purpose of securing funds
for tho 4-H Summer School expenses.
Mrs. Kirch will take charge of
the food sale. The following foods
will be offered: Cakea of all sizes
i and kinds, pies of all varieties, rolls,
besns, and cottage cheese.
Tho e foods will be cooked by the
mothers of the club children for the
benefit of their own children or to
help Heu another's rhild to the 4-
II Summer School session at Corvallis
this June, 0-2 1st, inclusive.
Photographs from Markham stu
dios taken last Tuesday are acces
sible for inspection, All the clas es
of the grades and High school had
pictures taken. Photos were taken
of the football team, and both boys'
and girls' basketball teams, The
dignified Seniors had a , separate
group picture taken. In the High
.rhool photographs there are many
striking noses. Elton has a wicked
look, while Bo is looking dreamily ! Un lfwt' w,,h r'P1" o' deep
at the river, thinking t doubt 1 b-own. It will be very becoming to
the first day of fishing season soon ita . ownr. Evelyn Richmond. M
to come. The right wing includes i1 Wcberg'a dress of orchid pongee,
the school toughs while the hand
rom sheiks are on tho left. All
the beauty is sandwiched in Ui
middle, Mr. Tplinff is not in th
middle, he Is on the right wing,
The Physics clivs is working in
elcctric(ty. Tlw study has, included
klatlo and current electricity, also
magnetic fields surrounding the
drawn up and it is now ready for
inspection. Officers have been elect
ed 'and tho mbetingfl are carried on
In a business-like manner.
Tho Grand Shorty Change is run
ning a campaign to get a few coins
in the treasury. Dues for member
ship aria fwepty flva- ppntfli jnltifliftn
foes are fifty cents per cw mem
ber. The Celebrated Composer, none
other than "Ann Onymous" compor
ed an Anthem which Is sung to the
tuno of America before the adjourn-
ninjtt of each moctlng. Tha wordfi
are as follows:
(ur d,csr society, full of prosperity,
Of the we sing.
PraiHe all our Battlers now. before
Wo leave for ch,pu,
Then shall w speak and howl
Our volceo fling.
Tho cedar chests that are being
made by the manual training class
are practically constructed. Tho
ng, J,. TOf
Seatoa Arrtsjed
and practice is Intensive. The teem
h mni..iinr.( ..j i. ....
... ... .
1. 1 1 tf fMtll n I ( . W - T . . .
'"" m
Greene, the southpaw with plenty
of speed and curves, is holding down j
the "mound." -
ine gray nutij with blue caps and
blue socks have arrived and will be
started as big aid In the Improvement
of the Cubs' appearance,
(Hr, Toying fot h(s rBCKar(j
.Urted and dragged the diamond
lt Saturday. The boys under the
formanship of Bonney Duua are re
pairing the leaning backstop.
Maupln's part of the Wasco
County Schedule follows:
MLarvh 21 Dufur there.
March 28 .Tygh here.
April 4 Wapinltla there.
April 11 Dufur here.
April 18 Tygh there.
April 25 Wapinitla here.
A lively interest on lhe part of
the Maupin fans is expected ln
these games. Adult admission will
bo only 25 cents. Children will be
admitted free to' all games on the
home diamond. " w "
legs and handles have been put on
and the cheats' are being sanded pre
psrartory to finishing. When the
hinges arrive the chesto will soon be
First year project tables are about
ready to be put together,. They will
be completed in good time before
the school year closes.
Wendell has his bookcase ready to
bo varnished. Theodore and Ralph
are putting bird houses together.
under construction. The ' frock
show many newer style features,
such as delicate ihirring at the
waist line and full circular flounces,
perhaps paneled at the front and
back t0 add length and slendernesa.
Tho girls, however, are slow to re
concile their tate to the new cap
or puff sleeve, and in eomc c,-es
cling to thfir former preference of
no sleeve at all One print drees is
being done in tailored fashion with
contrasting pipings in yoh and th
waist lines where the box-pleated
ISK,rl l0,ns- NnM t n orange-
will be juRt the right thing in tyt
and tint to set off her delicate corn
plexion, Bethel Snodgrass has re
lectod a flaring model waljl adapted
to tho soft print material. Lelah
Wcberg, by use of xtr time, suc
ceeded in completing her white pon
gee tailored model for us on, it
special occasion lajt week. It has
a pleated front section in the skirt.
The ttyle accent lies In a collar of
intthate cut applied flat.
Caeier We. Rapid Thl.k.r
The Latin II students are breath
less from their harried efforts to
follow Julius t,nesar m hU riU'id
marches through, Oaul. 1 Hardly
lave they time to count the slain
cfter one o his sudden forays
against the tnemy, before he is
drawing them up in battle lini for
a new onplnught, The students 'at
vihnlfl Oa4arS military sucm to
his capacity for quick decision,
prompt action, and foresight. They
wish, however, that he might have
written his Comnisn.tarieg : with
modern notebook brevity and fewer
They have noted with Interest
that although th0 Romans had no
firearms at this time, yet they r c.d.
may yiccs n( tt " War,
They dug trettccs, made brush and
stake barricades, wore tin hats, and
for "tanks" bad m'taile-proof . mov
able towers. They rushed into
battle with crier, as the U. S. In
fantry Regulations fi tudnjf" wqus
of 'skirmished, .
Tho i tudy of plant life is occupy
ing the time of the Junior Science
class now. Tho microscope makes
the 4ndy doubly ifershiK, for'' a
peek through the lens reveals a new
and strange world. The structure of
the grain of wood and, loot eh.W?
tc-rlstlea can rcary he seen,. Til
(continued ou lust pHge.)
Mr W. Ward, Carol! Call
- ead Mary Janaia Called
o Hereafter
I, , ' .... '
Jake W. Ward
fJehn W. Ward, one of the
... ....
mm .ikts ni VI li r 1 1 n 1 1 1 d 'in. Hijiil . '
:v " -""i
MliUl -in Tfce DaJfe. WHnea. f
"y evni" after an Illness covering '
several months. Funeral was hsld
1 at L, t tt li
al tbe Legion ball, Maupin. on FrWhirh has sheltered a generation
aty, services being conducted by
Rev. Everett Hazcn and being un
der immediate charge of Wapinitia
Ldge No. 209, of which organtra
tloa deceased had long been a mem
ber. John W. Ward was born in Petal-
uma, California, December 24, 18C5.
He mided there with his parents
until 1880, when the family came to
this part of Oregon, settling near
Kingsley. Young Wsrd returned to
the east and later came back to
"Oregon, settling on Wapinitia Plains
where he continued to reside for a
period of 25 years.
Last autumn he was stricken with
tbe ailment which eventually caused
his death. He was at the hospital
for a time and came home seemingly
bettered. Ilia life span, however,
was hot to be lengthened and he
finally succunved as abovt stated.
John W, Ward was a man among
men. Living without enemies his
life was a personification of happi
ness and doing good. He was a good
man in all the term implies and his
death is a loss to this section. He
Jeave two brothers, F. H. and F. L.
Ward, of Portland, and three sisters,
Mrs. Mary Bowmn, Portland, and
Mrs. W. L. Smith and MM Susie
Ward, both of Dufur. He also was
a member of Rebekah Lodge No.
194, being one of the orginal ones
to sign as charter members. j
The funeral was largely attended, j
all the business houses of Maupin .
closing in his honor. Many tokena of
friendship in the way of flowers
were sent by sorrowing friends and
lodge members. Burial took place
In Kelly cemetery.
Caroline Clt Paa-
Mrs. Caroline Cull Pegg, mother
of Mrs. James P. Abbott of Wapini-
tla, passed away at the home of hr
daughter on NovemW 10. hW Qt
years of age at the time of death.
p Tn..w v..4 -,iv s
,im l VIt.b, nitll lllkl'I IllCllb III
the Odd Fellows' cemetery at The
Decedent was born in Oscela, In -
dlana. May 4. 1838, and resided in
that placo many year She was unit -
d in marriaga with Milton M. Pegg
at Osceola In June, 1857. the couple
living together -until 1883, when Mr,
Pegg passed on. Several years after
being widowed Mrs. Pegg came to
Oregon and tince that time made her
home with her daughter on Wap
initia Plains. .
Ovet 70 years ago she united with
the Methodist Episcopal church and
dating the time such membership
continued, which was up to the time
of her death, was a firm believer in
the teachings of that church and a
follower of all that was for tbe best
oy ner aeain vtp uHuovrrs r
I it .1 ti
left to mourn her pa slng, but they
may rest secure In the belief that
their mother's long life writ but a
test of hep goodness. The daughters
are, Mrs. Clara Abbott, Wapinitia,
Oregon; Mrs. Lillian EUHhorpe,
Muncie, Indiana, and Mrs. Sayrs
Kirkwood, Constantino, Michigan, ,,
Mry Jal Sherr
Metiptn people wore f hocked last
Saturday when the news of the death
of Mrs. M I. Shearer was noised
about town. J While her death seemed,
to be hut a qiicstlQU, wt Still
when, w reji,t came in it carried
with it a surprise,
Mrs, Shearer was stricken with
paralysis early in the winter. For a
time she seemed to react to medical
treatment and gave pronto, of a
iW.KrT' fcuch was not to be; for
some time before her death she lapsed
into a ; condition of Remi-cop,scio.n,
ness an) (frly :ttH ittil doaths
summons came, which was on Fridny
March 14.
Mra. Shearer, born 4 Wray, fM
Tm-A-Lm Lumber Campaay
Fraa lafonsatloa Bareaai
Excerpt Fallows
The Tum-A-Lom lumber maintains
a free information bureau relative
to rebuilding old homes as well as
constructing new ones. Below we
print an excerpt from the company's service, which should be
of interest to all who contemplate
fixing up their old houses:
Old homes have for many persons
... .
a marm wnoiiy scktnr in a new
dining." It t- the -arky found
oniv n ft. dwelling through which
tu hr,i, t k.. ...a
t CtkiV.tSf VIN
more of people and been an intimate
part of their joys and sorrows.
For this reason many persons are
reluctant to give up the old home
for a new one. Modern home de
signer , though, appreciative of this
indefinable appeal that clings to old
homes, have devised ways of trans
forming old homes Into beautiful,
modern dwellings and yet retaining
in them that which is an essential
part of their treasured charm.
These old homes can be given a
new roof, new siding, additional
rooms, an attractive porch and other
features which improve their - ap
pearance and vsiue without detract
ing from the qualities which may en
dear them to the owners. Extensive
improvements can be made inside
and out without loss of tbe lived-in
feeling of the old home. '
This is true especially if tbe old
home is of wood. Because of the
flexibility of this kind of construc
tion any desired change in various
parts, of the house may be " made
without disturbing other parts. And
the new may be joined to the old so
rmoothly than when the whole is
painted there will be no indication
of where the change was made.
Ja Matt" aad TW-Rv-1
Csintdy oa Bill
V inaeer MiUtr of Maupln's sboa
th(,,, announcf t the signing of "The
jaM Man." a olorful comedy-drama
. M attractU n .Tbe picture is f 11
, the brim with comical situation.',
and a vein of romance permeates the
whole story. As a filler, Mr. Miller
will show a three-reel comedy picture,
one that fa bound to raise a housefull
of '
. .
. Prawkiatf Magpie
' Next Sunday ig the day for preach
ing services at' Maupin. wbich-will be
...... 4 A .AA & m
hplH at the usual time 10:00 a, m,
':0 P- m- Sundy cbo at
j 11 :00 a.m. Sunday school at Wap-
' nW at 10:00 a. m. and Christian
I Endeavor at 6:45.
! saw the light of life near Monticello,
j Kentucky, November 7, 1871. She
j rcRidcd there during her girlhood and
on October 1, 1893, was united in
marriage with Wt L Shearer. To
that uuion four children were born,
they being Marcus Shearer of Mau
pin, Newel Shearer, now at Kansas
City, Mi: souri, Fred Shearer, a stu
dent at O. S. C, and Madge Shear:
er, living at home.
Besides the husband and children
decedent left three brothers and
three sisters to mourn her depart
ure. The brothers and sisters are,
M. E Way, Mauplnr James and
Jve Wray, Monticelld, Kentucky,
... . .Tr. ..!- 1
, mrs. Lilsztc iucnecnnie wiu
Peal Tate of Monticello nd ' effective, but U'tn per cent wa
Dora Stump, Morgantown, - West, now sureest5n(t. woulll in 0H,
Vir;iiia. . fiV . .judgment put the trade on a fairly
Mrs bhearer came to uregon in
March 1917, and for several years
lived on a ranch near Maupin. Later
her husband purchased a ranch on
Throe Mile, near Tho Dalles, and lor
the past two years nave restacu
Mrs Shearer wa-. a lovable woman.
She made friends easily and steh re
mained true throughout Her
h'.!H)o UN wax pleasant nnd sincere.
Iter children according her the adora
tion a true and loving mother de
serves She was a member of tbe
Church of Christ and lived up to it
teachings during kung connec
tion 'therewith.
The Times joins with the many
other friends of the Shesror family
In extending sympathy to the
stricken ones, asking that they have
that faith that will insure a meeting
intbat place where no trouble
eojnes and where all is brightness
and happincssi.
'Number 19
LY ,
Moaiar LaJfa Royally EaUrtamt
Viaitar Witli Baa,et aad
Caaeral Ho-pitality
Tbe 22nd annual convention of
di.trict No. 18, Rebekahs, was held
at Xosier, Oregon,. March 15, 1930.
Manzanita lodge No. 161 opened
in tbe Rebekah degree, after whkh
the officers of the convention were
seated by Azalea lodge No. 99.
Hallle Ingle, president, Dora Sex
ton, pa.t president, and Margaret
Wilson, musician" of the Rebekah as
sembly of Oregon, and district dep
uty presidents of this district, were
introduced and welcomed.
The address of welcome, by
Catherine Holmes P. N. G. of 'Man
unite lodge No. 161, was very cor
dial and the response was given by
Bessie Creson, P. N. G. of Hazel
lodge No. 156. ; ! "
After the business session tha
Memorial exercises were beautifully
done by Laurel lodge No. 87.
The afternoon se:sion was taken'
up in instruction and . exemplifica
tion of the work of the order and in
the reading ofreporte of all the
lodges in the district.
. In tbe evening a fine program was
presented by local people and school
children and was thoroughly enjoyed
and londly applauded by the visitors. '
, After tbe program Manzanita
lodge No. 161 opened in tbe Rebekah
Degree. Alalia lodge No. 99 ex
emplified that degree in a beautiful
and impressive manner. '
The addrers of the President,
Halite Ingle, was interesting and In
structive. : .
Tbe officers for the Bext conven
tion were elected. Lulu Vanderpool
of Star lodge No. 23, chairman;
Lauro Arnold of; Laurel No. 87,
vice-chairman; Orya Wiley of Laurel
No. 87, secretary; Ethel Obarr of
Azalen No. 99, treasurer. The next
conv-.ntion wil be held at ,Duur,
Ataukg lodge No. 99 seated the
new rfficers, after which Maftrnita
lodge No. 16 closed the session. At
the conclusion of that the visitors
departed, all ommending the chair
man, Fannie Neilson, and the mem
bers of Manzanita lodge No. 101 as
most hospitable of hostesses anJ
praising the members of the Y. W.
C. A for the delicious meals they
I mawvMn
Winifred McLucas f
Margie Stuart, ,
Louise McCarty.
Press Committee.
Letter te N. D. Governor Full at
Sewnd Scase
In a letter to Governor Shafer of
North Dakota, Chairman Legge of
the Federal Farm Board, among;
other things, said:' " '
"Your growers will ask hov they
are going to get along with a less
production, but if they get mora
money, and we believe they can, by
raising four buchels where they are
M.Uino fiva. whv ioiiW the
j m
' nt re.
I -- r-
!j...H ...1J mot. tk. fnltl
i neaui,y basis.
There Is much food for reflection
in this and it state- what must b
done in order for farmers to recaWe
,wU(T priceg fcl .j, gAtXk
Two Dmonitratio Ca Offered at
Extremely Low Prices
We are closing ofc our Durant
line and are offering two demonstra
tion ears at bargain prices. One
1029 6-60 Deluxe Sedan, six wire
wheels and trunk; full equipment.
One Current Model 6-60 Sedan,
lour speed transmission. Both these
turs carry tho .' reg'.lav': new car
guarantee and terms. Real buys. ,
Twin Peaks Auto Co., j
The Dalles, Oregon.
Clean-up price on fancy plate glass
mirrors $125 at tho Maupin Drug;
.Store. " A