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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1930)
Thursday, February 21, 1030. THE MAUMN tflMfifi film life I n . StESH & CO.'S SPECIALS Pork-Beans j&ttwft 10c r A n nc Booth'8 Crcicent. 1 11,, Uttl Ulllvo tomato, mustard, spice J-Xv T?n iaina Thompson's SccdlesH, 2's OQ iVdlDlIlb Tender, sweet Utah pack &OC Cake Flour KTpS 32c Tannc McGralh's Champion, 2'g9r JJCclllo Green atringless; 2 cans -wUl Moll Blue Ribbon, light or dark, r A0 111 til I hoD flavored. 3-DOund tins. canOTrC 41c Save the Labels for Valuable Premiums There's Cream In Every Drop I III... Saturday-Manday Syrup Karo Blue Label. 5-lb. can Red Label 5 lb. can 45c Maupin's Leading Grocery O. P. Resh & Co. Everything Fur the Table Maupin, Oregon Another Flu Victim Mm George Cunningham was stricken with tho urcvallinir ailment. flu, last week and since has been con I fined to her bud. Dr, Elwood is In ' attendance and under his care the lady is making improvement. Will Clean Ditches Beginning next Monday a clam rhell digger will begin at WHirem and from that place to South Junc tion on the Oregon Trunk the ditche, will be cleaned out ami put in con dition to carry off all surplus wa ter. It is. expected the work will take a full mipiith to complete. Church Nolle Snbbsvth school at Maupin and Wapinltla at the usual hour 10:00 a. m. Church services at Wapinitia both morning and evening. Bible itudy will be Genesis IS to 21 at ach plate. A danger in this faKt age Is that we may be more concern ed In speed than about direction. Clark M. Smith, Tastor. ! ": Personalities l wvsl Hurstcl ltollm was in up Hvcr ranch Tuesday. from hi among the clerical force Johnston Htoru In Dufur. John McCorkle haa been hctlint; ; up the tractor recently received by Shattucks. were two from Criterion In Maupin on Tursdny. Harold Kramer is at tho Mias Dororthy Faley is the rww i waitneag at the Rainbow. She cornea ' o - from Portland and is experienced in Marlon Duncan was over from restaurant work. Wainic on Tuesday, having bunincn o with Maupin merchant. I Jo,m McMillan will g to Farghcr'a o Sunday, taking tho job recently held Ollio Wtberg went to the ranch' h Ji,n Ruic- who wi" "main- "t IhhI Si.lur.lav nti.l Indued hia Hon. llom0 Maupin. Leonard, hiitchrr some hoirs. ' " . . .... mra. jonn uonaio.ton is taking medical treatment at The Dalles. Mrs. Donaldson staying with Ar thur Crcightaii and wife. P. L. Rutherford and Tele Kirarhl M. F,. Scelhoff. daughter, who wore i Adeline, and Glenn Graham, came i . .. ...... up from fcugene ia i Saturday lor the purpone of taking Miss Gene- numbered I vievp Seethoff home. R Now Entering the Final Days of our ummage Sale Look Over the Items Listed Below and Check Your Needs A clean up in the kitchen department, all useful item's for the housewife at astonishing low prices quantities arc limited prices a great deal lower than ordinary sale prices an early selection advised No. 2 WILLOW CLOTH LS BASKETS, rcg. $1.50 value, Rummago price 98c ALL M10TAL WOOD BASKET, rcninforccd with shaped handle, regular $1.00 value 55c SHOPPING BASKETS, all sizes, assorted colors to $1.50 values, Rummage price 27c EARTHEN OVEN DISHES, heavy quality, glazed inside, regular $1.00 value, rummage price 25c Large Enamel LUNCH BAIL, with coffee reservoir in the lid, regular $1.50; rumage price 19c Nest of 3 heavy semi-porcelain MIXING BOWLS, large size, decorated, reg. $2, rummange price , 98c Assorted TINWARE- Pic Pans, Lunch Pails, bread pans, etc. Choice 10c 'Large MAYONNAISE BOWL, deep side, oval bot tom, Regular 50c ; rummage price 30c Decorated China CUPS and SAUCERS, set of 6, regular $2.00 value, rumage price $1.10 Standard size COCO DOOR MATS, reg. $1.00 rum mage sale price $69c 3-piece White Enamel BATH SET, Towel, Bar Soap Trayand Glass Holder, regular $1.50, Rummage sale price 75c Extension CURTAIN RODS, White enamel and brass finish, up to 45c values, price 10c Felt Base, FLOOR COVERING, per sq. yard, 6 good patterns, reg. 75c sq. yard, rummage price..49c Decorated Splint CLOTHES HAMPER, large size, hinged cover, reg. $2.00, rummage price 98c 28-piece SEMI-PORCELAIN DINNER SET, Floral Decoration, reg. $8.50, rummage price $5.25 32-piece Decorated DINNER SET, scm-iporcelain, open stock number, reg. $12.50, rummage z price $6.50 DOCHERTY-POWERS iFurniture Company Corner 2d and Washington. The Dalles, Ore. Mrs. Mike VanLaancn and little daughter cam up from Salem the latter part of last week and are now at the llenneghan home in Maupin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGce. the latter being a niece of Ellis Hughes, are at the Hughes home whil Mr. McGce Is recuperating from an at tack of flu. o "Brick" McLeod, who la operating a ranch on Tygh ridge, visited with .his brother, Floyd, and sister, Mrs. James Chalmers, a day or ro the fir. t of the week. Incidentally Brick learned how to play rummy. Billy Hunt was over from his Cri terion sheep ranch Monday. Mr Hunt is anxioua that the water question on Juniper Flnt be soon settled, as "in has some property there, nearly all of which can be placed under irrigntlon. Reiervoir Work Pro(rttinf Tom Baird with a crew of mud and rock hog3. is making good progress on the new reservoir. Already a large hole has been excavated and judging by the many shots let off all working are bit. y. Gu Derthick is in charge of the drill and what ho doos not know about sending holes into rock is not worth learning. It is expected the reservoir will be com pleted in schedule time. Double Freight Run Tom Swett, local agent and driver for the Spickerman Truck line, made a double trip to The Dalles and bnck yesterday. On the first trip Tom brought a consignment of oil for the Shell company and on tho next trip was loaded with general freight for Maupin merchants. Building Cabins Hen Kichnrdaon wa in frm Tint Grove today, coming after a load of lumber from the Tum-A-Lum yard. Ben is putting up a couple of cabins at his camp ground, they hav ing been rented and the renters waiting their erection. LaW Bn will erect twn "'ore cabins, which will give him a total of six fine l'taccs for the accommodation of tourists and mill workers. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published In the inerests of the people of Maupin and vicinity bt" THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO .Phon. M.i. 71 Vol. 1 Maupin, Oregon, February 27, 1930 Numtar 27 Editorial It is well said that A i' em and Ev were the pioneers in the housing T'j)e, but they vere smnrt enough to own ths'r own home. Stjlns tiien wre pretty 4Ci-.t-Adam dressed in leave absence. Styles in homes have changed some since then but a hou e in't a home if it's rented. O. F. Be nick, editor I am interested in building. Without obli gation to mo pleanc give me your ideas as to coct and construction of the things checked below: Garag Porch Sun Room New home Sleeping porch Attic Floors roomi Rood Attic fixtures Otherwise. Name Addrcis ..- The teacher wa giv ing the Primary class a talk on flowers, "Now children, " she said, "who can fell what makea the little flowen spring from the seed?" "(jiud docs it," an swered one little girl, "but. fertilizer helps." Ben Richariboa ha? taken out lumber foi tw new cabins at hi Pine Grove service station. Garden furniture ir easily and cheaply con structed. Attractive fences, seats, summer houe and arbore are a few of the types. Look over our detai. plana for these addi tions to your summer comfort. Helpful Hints At the side of lha door drive in a good ftrong nail and sbarpea thi protruding end. When the landlord call for the rent, greet him with a rmile and care fully back him against the nail. When ha leaves there 'Will be a rent in hit panta that thould satisfy bim. Our architectural de partment can design anything from ailplan hanger to zebra crates. It is service td our cus tomers. Johnny Williams it building a cold storage plant at the Maupin Camp grounds show enterprising spirit. D;J- TTn About I ilV UJJd Town Lew Hcntwghan is at Hot Lake taking treatment for rheumatism. Lew writes that the waters there are proving beneficial, for wliich all hig friend,:, will be pleased. Hot water is a great specific. But when it is applied to one's back by an irate woman the pleasure is all her's. Many a man has been marked for life by a liberal application of hot suds to portions of his anatomy, and in uch cases the assistance of a doctor is usually solicited. Lew's doctor applies his libations according to rule, si there need be no worri ment on the part of friends regard ing our mayor's contact with the water of tho lake. Jim Baxter is somewhat perturb ed at the actions of some men. Last week Jim thought he had sold a new Ford car to a Wasco man. The car was brought up from Portland and Jim took it o r tho hil.i to Wasco. The m:m who bad ordered ihe vehicle had made an initial pay ment of f -5.00 but when he saw Jim and the car he forthwith acknowledged be could not finance thc rest of the payment, therefore Jim was compelled tp return to Maupin. Hereafter he will make a Recipes for the Bachelor Girl do. er investigation of a propect's ... ! l- j-t: I linanciai Gianamg Deiore ut:uii"s a car. Joe Rigglcs came to town Tues day and visited with friends during thc day. Observing The Times man Joe suggested that both the editor and himself visit the barber. Both men looked like Santa Claus with their whiU beards out a couple of weeks. In explanation of our appear ance we will y that we have a weak wrist, a dull razor and that our hopeful appropriates to him self each new safety razor we bring home. Bill Richmond is preparing to aggain hit the trails for Montana. Bill has worked that state the past several years and has many good building jobs in sight. Bill Is a good carpenter and such has been his work that he is always welcomed wherever he ha8 put up buldings, which cannot be said of all men who invade the wilds of the ''Treasure State." i A tourist blew into Maupin Mon day night. He stopped at the Mau pin cafe and a'-ked hi, way to The Dalles. He further asked if the river he had just crossed was the Columbia. Being told that Thc Dalka was BO miles further" on and that the river spoken of was th Dcschuter, the tourist seemed some what taken back, as he said he thought he was sure of his geo graphy. When a piece of machinery is needed it is wanted as soon as it can be procured. We were against COWS GIVE MORE MILK BY RADIO The Brat test under practical dairy Ing conditlous of providing radio music tor cows has proved a big success, ac cording to officials of the Detroit Creamery Company, near Mount CUmens. Mich. The creamery com pany officials bought RCA loudspeak ers tor each of their oaros when they noticed the cows liked the music from l Radlola receiving set installed to entertain the men doing the milking. Now atl the 900 cown on the model (arm enjoy radio programs. it last week for a gasoline jet for the burner of our linotype heater. Ordered it by air mail, expecting it t0 be here by Monday. Failed to ma terialize. Came in ye terday, thus putting up one day late with com position. Such is life in a print shop. ill II TL Thousands cf New Words spelled, pronounced, and defined in WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY The "Supnmm Authority" Her or a few tampUt i hot pursuit Red Star Air Council capital ship mud gun mystery chip 8. P. boat Irredenta aerial cascade Esthor.ia American Legion Blue Cri'; girl scout airport cyper crystal dotfetor ippio superheterodyne ahoneen hi kit tf ortiiMM . e information mrmng yomf 2700 PtfM 6000 UW tratMue 407.000 Phruee CentteeruiJBioeTaphic&aDictioiury Gel (Ae Beet! - Write for a ewnpU rf of the New Word, pacim3 kl Regular and lodia Papers, ?R. G.&C.MERRIAM CO. Springfield, Mut II ?.A. s.r . m rr-s 7 tJi?-rt iTJTHE bachelor girl who likes to icook her own meaU and occa tionally have a guest has diffi culties confronting her which may be summed up in the phrase : How to htty little enoinjh food to avoid waste. But several agencies have com bined to help her. Canners put out fruits and vegetables in eight-ounce cans which hold a cup and cost ten cents. Evaporated milk solves her milk problem, for it obviates the nuisance of attending to milk bottles and milk tickets and the problem of storing milk. Evaporated milk will keep well after being opened, if it is not all used at once, and the un opened cans can stand on the kitchen shelf ready at all times for use. ' Recipes for Two Some recipes which serve two and include this time-saving milk are: Stuff td Tomato: Cut off stem and remove pulp of two large toma toes. Mix two tablesioons chopped, canned okra with one tab!esoon bread crumbs and season with salt and pepper. Fill tomatoes with mix ture. Bake in a hot oven (. 4.-.0' ) for fifteen minutes, then reduce heat to medium, .350, for fifteen minute. Make a cheese sauce ly melting one tablespoon butter in a pan , aiij three tablespoons grated cheese and heat slowly until me'tcd. Add one fourth cup evaporated milk and heat until well blended. Pour over to matoes and serve. Salmon Pattits: Remove bones and skin from a half-pound can of salmon. Add one and one-half tea spoons lemon juice, cayenne pepper, one-half teaspoon salt, one egg, i ne half cup bread crumbs, one-tourth teaspoon baking powder and one fourth cup evaporated milk diluted with one-fourth cup water. Mold into four patties. Place on a?i oiied tin and bake in a hot oven (4JS F.) for five minutes, then reduce heat to 375' until browned. FAMOUS SOLDIER, IN OFFICE, STILL RIDES Sitting all day long, every day at a desk one of the most Important desks In tho United States ii an active man whose picture, showing him sitting erect on a horse, vor.ld bo recognized instantly by thou sands of Americans. He Is General J. G. Harbord, now President ot the Radio Corporation of America. He was Chief o: Staff of the A. K. F., commanded the Marine Brigade of the Second Division In Belleau Woods and Bouresches when the division stopped the German ad vance at Chateau Thierry, md n the Solssom Offensive In the bat tles ot July IS and July 19 he com manded the division. There Is Interest for the average American, who always has the best Intentions ot keeping fit. In how General Harbord has managed to be so successful at It elnce bis out door routine was changed suddenly by his new position. He accomplishes that by consis tent exercise, Including as a prin cipal Item a dally horseback ride. He keeps a horse In Central Park Every morning, while the aver age man Is lying In be.1, he la up and dressed. At 6:45 o'clock he is riding briskly through the wood ed park with bia trleudo. CRANDALL Undertaking Co. The Dalles, Oregaa. Phone 35-J LADY ASSITANTS A Maupin Mr. and Mr. Charles Crofoot Waplnitia Tygh Valley- Roy Ward W. B. Sloan 4 QUIET SERVICE Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doina its work bring it to The Times otF.ce and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND moiiWri-'f'ir'ng Jeweler ursi WalcbmaKer huccnamr hi U. LuiduiHl. TUB DAUBS - - OREGON 1 ". 1 i1 1 1" "