The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 20, 1930, Image 1

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    Always working for the best
Interest of Maupin nnd all of
Southern Wasco County.
KMOM BMMW a--.- tntnn oannawnMian aat. a
Publishes only that news tli
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for all
Number 13
Cubs Win From Mosier
And Comets Lose
Last Friday night tht Maupin
Comet, and Cubi met the Mo lor
"thootera" on tho homo floor, Al
though the Mosier girli had tho ball
In their possession moot of tht tlm
during the flint half, the game wu
fa t and well played by both team.
In iplte of the height and long arms,
Lelah made a two-point ehot. and
Mary a free throw which left the
core 3-8 In Moslcr't favor at the
The last half, the Comets had bet
ter possesion of the ball, but tho
Mosier guard.; tuccecded in break
ing the tiiiiv. Nevertheless, the
ComeU ahowed much Improvement
twice the last gamp, and more con
fidence. When the fllnal bell rang, the
core stood 20-9 in favor of Mosier.
The Cometi appreciate the cheering
of their friend at this gamo.
The boy'i game promised to be
close from the etart. When the
half time oame Mooter was In the
lead 10-0. Bothwell got eight of
Maupln'a nine points in the first
The tecond half was just a close
of th first and ended with Maupin
at the big end of 22-18.
Bryant and Race were the high
tcore for Mosier geetlng 10 and
.... i, A. . -ii . '
and Alexander got Maupln'a score
with 10, 7 and 5.
After the game the Moslor team
and fans were t erved cocoa and cake
at the Maupin cafe.
Both ComeU and Cubs were gen-
ulnely pleased with the large and
lively crowd of fans, wh0 tendered
them $23.84 in admission fees. All (
fans are hereby warned that the
last game on the home floor in 19.10
wil be with Crass Valley on Sat
urday, February 22.
With these warm bright February
day' the tchool grounds are becom
ing dry. The ttudente are eager to
get out and play baseball. How
ever, the field need repair; the
bock stop need;) to be propped and
the netting patched. Tho ground
should be dragged aoon, and some
new base put In.
Then the field i
will b marked off for the spring
games of baseball. If the weather
stays the same everyone will be
playing baseball before long.
Mn . DcVoe has returned from a
visit to a hay fever specialist. She
reports that an exhaustive aeries of
tests hat ehown that all varieties of
ange and reveral relative plants act
as acute pojsons t0 her. She is
taking Injection of dilute solutions
of these pollent in the expectation
of gradually Immunizing herself to
these vcxatiouo plants. ,
Douglas Herbert, Ralph, Hnrry,
BuV, EmerV; Jim, Theodore, Earl,
Bonney and Melvln have turned out
for the Seventh and Eighth grado
basketball team with Mr. Hampton
as coach. -
The boys ' practice every Thurs
day night, and would practice every
night If it were possible. Recesses
are also (pent, in practice.
Dufur scheduled a game for Tues
day night but called It off because
of, lack of transportation. Mr.
Hampton Is trying to get a game
with Mosier at The Dalles during
the county tournament.
The boys are eager to play and will
make good showing against any
team of their ttze.
Health club members are aequlr
ing tho rosy bloom of health. The
secret la. cat. vegetables. Eat car
rots for rolori eat spinach for ironr
and by all means get plenty of sleep
at night.
A record of what he eats Is being
kept by each member. Members
underweight are watching dietn and
trying to gain. Overweights are
trying to omit sweet.
Miss Lord, county health nurse,
is eager to help to health club,
Mellifluous Potpoarll
"Swoet aprlng, full of iweet dayu
and rosos,
A box where sweets compacted
lie." I
Everyone welcomes the early
aprlng this year. The beginning of
February brought, tunny daya, caus
ing the enow to disappear rapidly.
Tho birds are coming back; robins
can bo heard tinging thoir cheery
ong of springtime; the bluebirds
aro aeon. One can hoar frogs j
tinging In the pond. The even
ings are warm and mild. Hou-'ewlvet
welcome their old enemy "fly" with
the swatter. Beet are buzzing about
but no one hut reported any butter
cups or other wild flowcri yet.
The Maupin Cubs went to Kent
Saturday evening to play a return
game with Kent on thoir big floor.
Due to :ickneat and absence from
school only tlx of the Maupin play
ers went over. On the large floor
Kent prover to be too fast for the
Cubs. The final score wot 27 to 4,
Alexander and Greene dividing the
honors for Maupin. Allen of Kent
wet the fastest player and surest
hot. Mr. Fischer, Mr. Poling and
Glenn Alexander provided trar.npor-
Intlon. Member of the team enjoy-
cd the fine large Legion hall at
Mrs. Stow, taleman of Remington
typewriters, looked over the achool
machines Saturday. He says that the
Maupin school machines are better
oiled, cleaner and In better condition
than any school In his territory.
When told Maupin always appreciated
flattery, Mr. Stow insisted he was
Harry Rutherford hns been ab
sent from tchool for the past week
on account of serious attack of
flu. Hit tchool mates will be glad
to know he Is recovering and will
soon be back to his classes again.
High school and Seventh and the
Eighth grade students are interest-
ed in a little "hop, ttcp, glide," which
they alternate with the regular march
The exercise lias been named the
"Bakeovcn Walk" owing to It rug
ged and vigorous movements.
The steps are given here and all
are invited to practice them to the
tuno of Marching Thru Georgia.
Part 1
(a) Start with the outside foot
and take 8 marching steps forward.
(b) A three-quarter turn out
ward, starting with the outside foot
and turn on four counts. Thl, brings
tho partners facing each other.
(c) Courtesy with the outelde
foot backward, hold 2 counts,
straighten and rake left arm to a
scml-clrcle over head 2 counts.
Tart 2
(a) Three tildes left, cross the
right foot in back of left, and bend
knees 4 counts. Same opposite
(b) Take hold of partner's
right hand with the right, 6 skips
around, release hand and courtesy,
the person on the outlde steps for
ward and each hot a new partner.
The Maupin Hi students suggest
you try it ot home; it might even be
ued as a reducing exercise.
Plans which are being held for the
i assembly next Friday, February 21,
include rongs by school, and piano
numbers by students taking music
The special feature of the as
sembly will be an Interesting ex
ervicc in Falimentary Procedure by
the public apeaking class.
To add to the delight or otherwise
of. the assembly Professor Crabtree's
"Jazz Phoney" orchestra will "ren
der" several mouth organ classics
The boys practicing are: Bonney
Dim-, Wendell Lindley and Val Mil
lor. Either Val or Mr. Poling will
titillate the Steinway.
Baseball season it at hand. We
have a new avortmcnt of things
used in the game. See them at the
Maupin Drug Store.
Combined Valentine and
Lincoln Party
The program last Friday after
noon wai a great success for all
those who participated.
Tho pantomime entitled, "And the
Lamp Went Out," given by the
Seniors was on of the best ever
presented In High tchool, and it
brought many laughs from the audi
ence. The long, "Jimmy Valentine,"
tung by Glenn, Bo, and Val, proved
a winner, as they were encored.
The "Gettysburg Address" was
given by Douglas, proved that he
was an inspiring orator as wu
Lincoln who delivered the speech.
The High tchool enjoyed hearing
Mr. DeVoe't reading "Kubla Khan,"
and hope to hear him on other pro
grama. The school also possesses some
fine musical talent, which wot
proven when Blanche, Jean and Ber
nice rendered a fine trio, "Mignon."
After the program the itudents
formed in two lines and proceeded to
march. The letter "M," was made
and after "Bo" led a yell the ser
pentine wai thrown from one end to
the other.
Green, red, yellow, purple, blue,
pink, and black paper hatt were
worn during the latter part of the
Elden Allen proved to be the
beat folk dancer and for hit good
work received a "Krinkly Klown."
Irene Woodcock and roomatea dls-.
trlbuted the valentines from an
overstuffed box.
The refreshment committee pre
pared a deliciouc lunch of sand
wiches, pickles, Jello, heart cookies,
cinnamon drops, candy hearts and
" Bethel Snodgrass robed herself In
a gypsy's outfit and proceeded to
hand out mysterious and delightful
fortunes until four o'clock.
A letter has been received from
the County School Superintendent,
T. F. Brumbaugh, calling attention
to a meeting t0 be held at Dufur,
February the 22, at 10 o'clock. The
purpo.e of this meeting Is to make
plans for the coming county basket
ball tournament.
The Dalles floor was used laft
year bccauH of Its large seating
capacity, and since The Dalles
toams are excluded, the floor is
neutral. Another advantage in that
The Dallea is the most central point
Maupin boy's basketball team car
ried away the pennant last year and
will give just as good a showing
this season.
Five school, will be represented
and four schools have both girl's and
boy's teams.
The annual district tournament
will be held at Hood River or Mos
ier, but the date and place has not
been definitly set. , :
Maupln'a community newspaper
plays a real part in the lives of its
subscribers. The paper provide A
necessary contact among people of
the community, tends to unite fac
tions and groups on matters of com
mon interest, furnishes a local
means of advertising, introduces to
people modern nd scientific meth
ods of progressive living, contributes
to tho joy of living thru neighbor
ly newt notes, encourget education
by permitting different rchools to
use its columns for school purposes,
supplies a means of preserving the
best traditions of the community by
promoting common interest and
The Maupin students enjoy the
privilege of appearing on the first
page of The Maupin Times, and in
gratitude for this privilege they,
hereby sincerely present the delayed
valentine to their friend, the editor,
Mr. Scmmes, and son, Edward
Seventh nnd Eighth
Those neither febsent (nor tardy
for the last school month were:
Jim Slusher, Greatha Turner, Irene
(continued on last page)
Union Hi Plan Given Up
At Tjfgh Valley
Opponent, 0f Scheme WUe up Some
Proponent, anj Name Taken
Off the Petitions
A move wot recently made by the
people in and around Tygh Valley
to inaugurate a movement looking
to the construction of end main
tenance of a union high school. Pe
titions were tigned and everything
teemed to be sliding along nicely,
"However, a monkey wrench was
thrown into the machinery and at
this writing the matter is about
dead. Some interested people be
gan figuring just what taxes would
be, the probable cost of a new build
ing, cost of transporting pupils t0
and from tchool, etc., and when
their findings were made known
many who had signed the petitions
revoked such signatures and the
plan fell by the wayside.
With a Fin Line of Thing,
Ladie, and MU,t Wear
Mrs. M. E. Bickert of Portland
w'dl display spring's most attractive
apparel for ladies' and missoi' at
tire, at the Maupin hotel on Wed
nesday evening and all day Thurs
day, February 26-27. In this as
semblage you will find coats, hats,
dresses, ensembles and colored
jewelry to match costumes. Real
merchandise that b clever and new
from San Francisco, Portland and
New York, and at prices that will
be to your particular advantage.
Adding to Chicken House
Such has been the success of
tank Turner with chicken
that the Is making an addition to
the chicken house erected last fall.
Mrs. Turner is arranging to bring
up a large family of chickens thi;
spring, therefore needs more room,
which is being provided by the
erection of a large addition to tho
already commodious hen hotel.
Con to California
Dr. L. S. Stovall and wife left
yesterday on a trip which will take
them tQ Pasadena, California. On,
the way they will visit relatives in
various towns and expect to tpend
a few days with the doctor's broth
er, Dennis Stovall, in the southern
state. They will be gone about 10
Delivered Tractor
Shattuck Bros, have delivered the
first of their fleet of McCormick
Deerlng tractors recently received,
that one going to Ed. Gabel. Ed.
Intends to hurry through his spring
work and with the new power ma
chine will be able to do more and
better work than with horse power.
Ptomaine PoSion
While at Portland last week Bob
Wilon partook of what he supposed
was fresh smelt Result was he was
attacked by symptoms of potmaine
poison and for several hours yours
truly iuffered greatly. Bob came
home Tuesday morning feeling
somewhat better but for a day or
two was rather weak.
Hoipital Patient,
Mrs. Charlie Steele was dlamis ed
from The Dalles hospital on Tues
day and the tame day Mrs. Alber
tina West was admitted to the
M5d-Columbi hospital. Mrs. Steele
Intends to join her husband at
Clatakanie as toon as she is able to
make the trip.
Sign of Spring
One of the surest signs that spring
is about to break b that of Ollie
Weberg warming up his tin Lizzie.
Ollie got .busy one morning recently,
gave Liz a drink of warm water
then jerked the crank a few times
and was rewarded with a genuine
cough from the old bird. Yes,
spring is here.
Back to California
Lawrence Powell and sister, Rilla,
will leave today for Gerber, Cali
fornia, where they are holding posi
tions. Lawrence has a job with a
big atock ranch while Rilla is wait
ress In a hotel. They have been in
this vicinity for a week or so, visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Stage Bet Show Ever Pulled Off
In Maupin PUyed to
Capacity Houte
Maupin'a "Old Maid" are a non
entity. None auch occupy quarter
within the confines of our fair city.
Just why? Because each on reached
the pinnacle of her desire at the
regular meeting and convention held
at Legion hall last Thursday night
The meeting opened with the regu
lar routine of business. President
Jerusha Eliza Bang.:, . Secretary
Rebecca Retrace, committees and
members generally were present
The president stated the object of the
meeting being the consideration of
ways and means toward acquiring
husbands. The matter was discucsed
pro and con and the ' consentui of
opinion was that all legitimate meant
be employed toward the occomplish
ment of the desire. - Right here a
bright fly dropped into the would-be-wives'
ointment in the form of a
French inventor, wh0 carried a ma
chine which was ordained to change
live', opinioni and detiret of the
maidt. The members were told that
if they cared to make the experiment
each would be granted her desire.
nu s it proved. Instead f acquir
ing a husband all but one had a
change of mind and were transmuted
according to her wish. '
Miss Bangs had a predeliction for
golf and as a result, when the emerg
ed from the cabinet had assumed the
shape, face and attributes of a
beautiful golfer.
Secretary Retrace had her mind
set upon being a bathing beauty.
Her de- rre was granted and instead
of an old maid who stepped . into
the professor' contrivance became
a pretty and very beautiful maid of
the sea. -m'
Maid Plack was a homebody and
desired that she be made over into
a good cook. That was done and
her subsequent entry pictured her
as a youthful compounder of things
hold a man through the
medium of his stomach.
Deslro Aman thought that being a
college girl was the height of glory.
She reached that height as
v, , vniino hemihV
ful and possesed of the pep usually
attributed to the present-day period.
Aspsediah O'Della ' Olds desired
above all else to be a musician. Her
new self appeared and at the piano
rendered a fine solo. A most laud
able desire on the part of Hepsy.
Minta Clovertop's ambition was
toward dramatics. She desired. to
tin fame a a reader She won H
for her double appeared and render
ed a diKtertation on the trials and
tribulations of an Irish waiting
Ann Patterby thought it the best
ever o be able to play tennis. When
she made her second oppearance she
was equipped with tennis racquet,
wore a fitting costume and her face
waj wreathed in a bewitching
Serena Haabeen was so flustrat'J
Vie failed t make a wish but fur
all that was forced to undergo a
change. In her stead emerged a
fine appearing lady who possessed
f 1-1-1 .4
a marvelous voice, wmcn n
once used in rendering a beautiful
Petunia Pickles, with an Idoa of
doing the greatest good to ' the
greatest number, chose to te ' a
nurse. She bravely entered the
cabinet and upon coming out was
younger and wore the un f) n of a
Charity Hopegood deiired to useFftrlow and wife on the j, jngtan
her vocal cords in elocution. Her
double came forth in the person of
a youthful and attractive lady, who
showed her ability by rendering a
talking song, much t0 the delight of
all present.
Rachel Ketchum desired, above
all things, a husband forgotten, to
be a society girl. She attained her
desire, for in place of staid old
maid a young lady appeared, dressed
in the latest function costumo. .'
Belinda Bit a was next to try 'the
experiment. She uttered a wish
for beauty, so she could catch one
of Maupin'a bachelors. Her next
appearance showed her wish, was
gratified, for one of the best look
(continued on last page)
Maupin Man In Ranks
of Utility Inventors
Wm. Schilling Doris, Burglar and
General Alarm
Wm. Schilling recently received
advices from a Washington, D. O,
patent attorney relative to an inven
tion of the Maupin man. The do
vice is designed to notify car drivers
of the condition of oil, gas and water
showing just how much it in tho
proper receptacles. It can be applied
to all makes of cart as well aa to
-team boilers, beating plants, etc
Tho Invention also acta at a
burglar alarm, being arranged. U
tell when prowlers are at work.
That part of the device u arranged
somewhat on the order of a phono
graph record, which gives voico
when come in connection wiu.. Bill
will have his invention patented,
then expects to arrange for its
manufacture and sale.
Charf Brought and Pupil, Drt
School T,timony H,ard
Tygh Valley is in the throes of a
school muss, one that has scattered
trouble over the whole community.
The principal teems to have been
the target of tome of tho pupils be
cause of some of his rulings and, it
la said, charges have been preferred
against him by tome of the pupil.
The achool boards i neutral in most
lines of the trouble but is with tho
principal in others. The county
superintendent and district attorney
have been called in and will attempt
to bring order out of tho school
chaos now existing in our neighbor
ing village.
Reterroir Work Progrexiag
Tom Baird has a crew of men at
work on the new reservoir. A sup
ply of powder has been received and
with the aid of a compressor many
holes are being put down preparatory
to blating. Tom is using extreme
care in shooting, as he does not want
to crack the walls of the old reser
voir and thereby cause Maupin to
be without water.
Charlie Steele Visit,
Charlie Steele came in from
Clatskanie Tuesday morning. Ho
i 18 now employed in a Ford shop and
says business is good with his env
I Payers, they having sold 10 car
of that make since the first of tho
year and alo have all the work two)
men can do. Charlie came after
his wife but the being ill, will re
main with her parents for a time
Begun Excavation-
Richmond & Sm have begun ex
cavating for their garage and shop.
A trench has been dug up to tho
front property line and extended to
the rear line of the contemplated
building. A fill of four feet will bo
made at the rear of the lot Tho
new building will be 40x50 feet la
Auction Sale Billed
Raymond Crabtree has announced
an auction sale of livestock and
farm implements, household goods,
etc., at the John McCorklo ranch
for this week Saturday. Raymond
recently purchased the McCorklo
ranch with its stock and implements
and finds himself In possession of
more 0f tuch than be cares to keep,
hence the auction. Sale begins at
10:00 o'clockk sharp.
Birth Announcement
Announcement of the birth of
LaRRa Jean Farlow war received by
Maupin friends the latter part of
last week. Te newcomer made her
nnoemnp th hom of Leonard
and weighed six and one-halx
pounds. The Farlows are living at
1702 Fisher street, Portlan.d
Improving Re,Idence
Lew Wilhelm is at work on the Fra-
ley residence and will complete a
new sleeping porch and kitchen.
The kitchen will be 10x18 feet and
will be 10 feet by 16 feet and tho
the porch 8x10 feet in eize.
The Fraleya will move to their own
home as toon as the addition i
Take Sargon and regain your
health. Widely recommended and
sold in Maupin by the Maupin Drug
Store. .