The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 13, 1930, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 13, 103d.
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There! Cream In Every Drop
Good (o Feb. 22,inc.
Maupin's Leading Grocery
O. P. Resh.Co.
Everything Fur
j Personalities j
Mrs. Hnrve Morris is reported nn
being sick.
Mht Adeline Seethoff spent the
lust week end with friends at Port
land. Claude Wilson was down from
his upper Bakeoven ranch this
Louht Woodsidc and wife were In
town from Wapinitia riaina on
Henry Cramer, The Dulles clgnr
man, was calling on his Maupin
customers today.
J. If. Wondccok, wife and Bob
Wilson went to Portland yesterday,
going down on buainw,
A. B. Matthews, the White River
rancher, attended a meeting of the
Kncampment on Monday in Maupin.
Laugh yourselves into hys
terics; bubble over with
pleasure at the
Old Maids
to be held at Legion Hall,
next Thursday night,
February 1
under auspices of and by the
Community Club
Twenty-four "Old Maids" and lo
cal "Flappers" in the cast
Curtain goes up at 8.00 sharp
Adults 50 cents Children 25 cents
Everybody Expected
pnn Iowana. A Rood tender OK.
VUIIl Iowa Corn. 2 cans for
T?1 fieri Washing Powder makes yourOO
IVIIlaU laundering easy. Large size
Tomatoes S K 13c
Q!f n vVt Calumet Corn or Gloss
Old! til Mb packages; 2 for . . . i-tlt
Paf cmr. Snyders, large size OO
VcUSUJJ bottle, special for week
Rolled Oatsz"ac&gee 29c
QAon White Naptha. It's simply,! 1 n
OUdp a better soap. 10 bars for
the Table
Hruce Bothwell and wife were
trading with Maupin merchant laid
Saturday, coming down from the '
1 Int. i
Jcsh Fleming came down from his
upper Bakeoven ranch yesterday
and continued on to The Dalles on
but iness.
Miis Genevieve Seethoff came up
from Mu gene on Monday and is
filling her sinter, Adeline's place at
the Rainbow.
Uurstcl Hollis came down from
his sheep ranch after supplies Tues
day morning. He reports his flocks
as doing well.
George Mallatt was down from
the Bakeoven country Tuesday, it
being his first visit to town nince
the first fnow fall.
Floyd Kelly and wife were trans
acting business in Maupin Saturday
afternoon. Floyd reports conditions
around his section an looking better.
W. L. McCoy, who has been at
Maupin, Oregon
the Johnny Karlen sheep ranch for
some time, wa,-, in town yesterday
and went to him home at Wapinitia
in the afternoon.
The High school boys erected a
neat bulletin board next the post
office Monday and it graced the
announcement of the Old Maids'
convention as the firt bulletin.
Joe Kestncr and wife were in
from White River Tuesday. The
Kestnerj figured in an auto wreck
near Redmond some time ago and
are still feeling the effects of that
Harry Hauser came over from
Shady Brook Sunday evening and
spent a few hours visiting with Mau
pin friends, He had taken his wife
and little son to her parent' home
on Juniper Flat.
The flour mill has been busy for
romc time. The Woodcocks slipped
a couple of truckloads of flour to
Bend last week.
Jim Rusic came down from Fargh
ers' the latter part of last week and
spent a day or two righting up his
property on thla side.
Frank Lister has become a regular
"tare," he having taken a job as as
st. tant to Foreman Kllmpt on the O.
W. section at this place.
Frank Klimpt is favoring a lame
back, sustained when he tried to roll
a huge rock from the track, it having
been brought down by a slide.
W. H. Williams i busy these days
taking care of his foxes and fur
rabbits. Bill exreets a heavy in
crease in his fox families this spring.
John McMillan is the only regu
lur still at the Williams camp ground
this winter. Mac rays that until he
Helps for the "Summer
flllS smmmer i the time to sur
prise your wife. Here's some
inside stuff on how to do it
When she returns from her vacation
expecting to see you worn and wan
from not having enough to eat dur
ing her absence, surprise her by
showing her a face of glowing
health, and proudly lead her into a
kitchen and point out a culinary mas
terpiece which yoti, yourself, have
mixed and cooked. Then observe
tlie expression of awe on her face I
Honest to Goodness
Yes. you're right, h will take
practice, but not very much, for
here are l couple of recipes which
can be followed implicity results
guaranteed :
Mexican Baked Beans: Heat a
frying pan, put four rashers of
bacon In it and fry, turning as nec
essarj to keep from burning. Re
get a home of hid own he will not
entertain thoughts of annexing a
' housekeeper.
Johnny Williams Is fixing up some
of his tourkt cabins, putting in wall
noaru on the sides and ceilings and
adding a coat of kalsomie to some.
Johnny gelling ready for the in
flux of tourists which will b on the
road as soon as rprtng opens,
A work train came up from The
Dalles on Monday ami is at work
Aliinwi,4n ......... 41... J..t.-iu L.....L
I down by a slide which orcurred up
me river, by the hig rocks. Joe
train crew will clear a wider epace
between the high bank and the
Manager Millrr Promite Something
Out of Oardinary
Manager George Miller of the
show promises something out of the
ordinary line of shows for next Sun
day evening. Ju t what it will be we
have not learned but it gopa without
saying that the offering will be one
of the best obtainable. The 13th
chapter of the Tarzan serial will be
shown along with a news reel, the
whole going to make one of the beat
moving picture shows yet to be seen
in Maupin.
Dark blue tissue paper, placed on
each aide of linen that is stored, will
prevent its turning yellow.
Klamath Falls Klamath Shoe
fhop jmoved to remodled quarters
between Sixth and Seventh on
Klamath Falls Construction of
$200,000 six-story Oregon Bank
and Trust company building will be
completed and ready for occupancy
on March 3.
Hood River Tum-A-Lum Lumber
company plans to erect new build
ing. La Grande .Union Pacific Stages
Inc. constructing $2,500 depot in
this city.
Klamath Falls The Little Peli
can theatre opened at Pelican City
school recently.
Azalea Clare Lumber company
sawmill on Cow creek above this
place resumed operations.
Nyssa Reconstruction underway
of bridge across Snake river, just
out of this place. (
Oregon City Larkins Lumber !
filed articles of incorporation.
D;I I7 About
1 Town
"The old girl who wore leg-'o-rr.utton
tleeves and retired at 10
o'clock now has a granddaughter,"
asset ts Bill Williams, 'who would
rather have an arm amputated than
to have to quit dancing before 3
a, m,
There seems to be tome doubt,
jl yeats after, if the Armistice
meant Uie end of the Inst war or
prepurnt on for another one.
Cyril I ralcy says there are rhret
move baerrtr and put on platter to
keep hot Poor off all the fat from
the pan exrept one tablespoon. Add
one tablespoon of minced onion and
fry gentry until a golden brown.
Add half a number 2 can of baked
beans and one-half teaspoon of
chili powder. Stir until thoroughly
heated and add salt and pepper if
desired. Serve with the bacon on
top. This will serve two people
or one mighty hnngry one
Cam and Bacon Casserole :
Drain the diced carrots from an
eight-ounce can. Arrange them m
very small casserole. Sprinkle salt,
peprer and paprika over them and
thee, sprinkle about two teaspoons
of. graded chofe on each. Lastly
lay two or three strips af bacon
on top of each. Bake in a hot oven
until bacon is crisp. This will serve
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in tho InorcsU of the people of Maupin and vicinity bv
Vol. t
Maupin, Oregon,'
Editorial j
We found out that a'
woman's intuition Is j
what tells hr the in
Spring has come
Winter has went
It Was not done
By accident.
The snow ha gone
We had a thaw
Get repairs done
Before next fall!
right, when ,he is
O. F. RENICK, editor
Carpenter Crabtree is
building cupboards for
the Rtbcwahs in the
lower part of I. O. C.
F. hall.
Husbands ask your
wife where she would
like to have another
bhulf or cupboard.
Wive.. -ask your
husbsnd about those
little things that need
fixing around the house
Head him toward our
hangout and we will
give him the necessary
lumber and other items.
(P. S. The charge for
name will be small.)
A scientist has dis
covered that the weath
er con not be controll
ed but then neither can
weather prophets.
Mrs. FnnV. Turner
builds more room for
her hen-. The old say
ing that there is money
in chickens pans out.
But she don't have to
kill hers to get the
devices that keep a man from getting
round-s'i.-jidcred suspenders, a
naja'irg wife and a fat bank 'oil.
It docs not necerarily follow
that a man who drives into a city
lamp pout is under the influence of
booze. As an instance. A Maupin
merchant and his father-in-law went
to The Dalles last Saturday in a
truck. The driver parked the vehicle
on a side street from which the :now
hag not been cleaned off. Ahead
of hb was another truck. When he
attempted to leave he was compelled
to make a short back-up and in so
collided with, a lamp post. Result:
lamp broken and an interview with
a traffic cop. For further informa
tion ask Oliver Resh or Bill William".
"And the last words he said
On his death bed were
('I never did hire a t-a-are;"
Then he turned around and gently
said; Merry, go ile the c-a-ar,"
Frank Lister has joined the ranks
of section men. He understands all
shoot .timninn tpa. utraip-htpninn' !
rails and in a pinch can bend a rail
to a curve. Sheepherding has lost
its charms with Fank. Digging post
holes and plastering mud on wall'
have become things of the past, and
in the future his working address
will be care of Frank Klimpt, 0. W.
Railway Company, on the track at
Maupin, Oregon.
Wallis McCoy has aspirations of
a higher order. He savvies theep,
can make up a rick of wood as quick
as the next and when it comes to
driving a furrow n0 one strikes a
straighter line. At that Wallis has
tired of chaperoning a band of sheep i
therefore came down from Johnny j
Karlen's sheep farm y terday and
hit the hill for Wapinitia. where is ;
is assurred of three squares a day
and a place to flop at night. I
Joe Kramer satisfied
a big dog by acquiring
a yearn for
a big police
hound. Visualizing the activities and
attributes of theb reed Joe thot
he had come into possession of some
thing superior to the general run of
canines which roam Maupin streets.
"Pal," a- the pup is named, has be
trayed Joe's confidence. Instead of
being a one-man dog, as is the na
tural trait of the breed. Pal has be
come the friend of anyone who will
stroke his mnne. He is familiar with
men. women and children and as a
result of that familiarity has la t
caste with his master. Poor Joe;
poor Pal.
When a sedate matron essays the
role of an old maid things are bound
to be a little overdrawn. In the
character taken it is generally ihown
that the idea is carried that the
portrayer voices her imagination of
what she might have become if some
man had not been carried away with
her charms and took her to wife.
All the emotions and longing of old
maids will be shown at Legion hall
tonight, when the Maupin Commun
ity club members stage an "Old
Maido Convention.
Popularity is something to be
proud of, especially if that attribute
is gained through doing good. When
a person becomes popular because of i
means not in struct accordance with!
all that goes to make a good citizen,
then that person U not wanted in
any community. This applies to peo
ple in every town and should be
given attention that the term "no
toriety" should not be mistaken
for that of "popularity."
Februanry 13, 1930
Numbor iiB ,
Our Handi-man Servica
If you have an old
building, a room o
anything that you would
like to have repaired.
jii',t call and gir u
the detail. We will
get a workman to do
the work arJ u'"u aft
estimate a.-; -to iL
Lum: If a burgu
lar should break Into
the coal cellar would
the coal chute?
Ber: No, but the
kindling wood.
Another remodlintf
job. B. D. Fraley i
rcrnodling his home..
Though it la not gen
erally known, snail
never use asbe. toa
brake linings.
Bob Wilson says that learning to
eat with store teeth is somewhat ot
a ta k. That effort has been under
taken by numerous Maupin people
but we have not been told of any de
crease in grocery buying because of
the acquirement of store teeth.
Thousands cf
New Words
spelled, pronounced,
and defined in
new mummzi
The "3jp.-m Authority"
Here art a few tan pUti
hot pursuit Bod Star
Air Council capital ship
mod gun mystary s!jp
S. P. boat irredenta
aerial cascade Esthonia
American Legion Bluo Cross
girl scout airport
cyper crystal detector
lippio euperbatarodyna
h thia mtonn
of information
ttrving you?
2700 Pace
tntiooa 407.000
Words ud
PhruM .
Cazettearani! Biographica'Diattacary
Get tho Bart!- Writ for a (ample
psfte of tliu JV?fr Word, epeclmea of
Regular ar talli PBr, I REZ.
Springfield, Mesa. V 3. A.
UnJertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Plana 35-J
Mr. and Mr. Charlea Crofoot M
Roy Ward
Tygh Valley-
W. B. Sloaa
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doinpr its work
bring it to The Times
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
jnaui'H''ing Jeweler
auii Watchmaker
bucctwur to 11. Linduuist