The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 06, 1930, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, February fl, 10.10,
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( - J'wKvtinrlMr
There's Cream In Every Drop
Kodd (o Feb. 15,
Maupin's Leading Grocery
O. P. Resh Co.
Evervthinir Fur the Table Maunin. Oreeron
t -
Personalitips ;-
T nnd Dewey Linn were In town i
from Pine Grove Monday after sup
plies. Charley Walker nnd wife were in
from their Juniper Flat ranch last
Willi Q
John Conroy, tho White Rher
sheepman, wrh In tuwn on hu luess
on Monday.
Alvin Kavnirc and wif of Winnie
were trading with Muupin merchants !
on Monday.
R. W. and It. K. Richmond made
a buslnesa trip to Portland, going
down this morning.
Mrs. W. II. Stunts went to Dufur
Inct Saturday nnd visited with rela
tives at that plncr.
Dclos Benson, from Klamath
Falls, was a week end guest of La-
Laugh yourselves into hys
terics; bubble over with
pleasure at the
Old Maids
to be held at Legion Hall,
next Thursday night,
February 1
under auspices of and by the
Community Club
Twenty-four "0!d Maids" and lo
cal "Flappers" in the cast
Curtain goes up at 8.00 sharp
Adults 50 cents Children 25 cents
Everybody Expected
Ivory Soap fWiU5c
Cold'n Westi8Ttina45c
Chocolate K11" srni: 33c
Margarine ibutcrn18c
PrnrmGFancy 0on, 40-50 1 QC
1 r UlltJk Bize, 12H pounds for
T? . i wi n g 1,ancy Setd,t'ss' 9ft.
IValalllo 4-pound bag, special, for tJll
Wesson Oil ffiiS
4 , C
her. He returned homo'
wi,h Vnrnt
o on Monday. ;
Mrs, Ilattie IUh was confined to (
her bed a couple of days this week
with n illicit attack of flu. I
Fred Alt spent a few days of last
ami thi-, week in Portland, going
down on a business errand.
" 0
Walter Sharp, who Ik at work for
Bill Formnn on the Flat,
town on business Monday.
Thomas Baird came over from The
Dulles yesterday and is working at
tho ; itc of the new reservoir.
Lloyd Wondsidc has purchased
the snmple new Ford car recently
I shown by Kramer Bros., a sedan.
Chris Paulson, a one-time ferry
man at Muupin, now at Tygh Valley,
was in Maupin on business Monday.
George f'laymier and wife were
down from Juniper Flat on Monday,
doing shopping with our tradesmen.
Floyd McLeod spent the pant Sun-
day with his brother, Stewart, on
TyL'h Ridge, returning to Maupin
Stewart (Brick) McLcod came rn
with the mail stage Tuesday morn-
i"K tor a chort viwit with Maupin
relatives and friends,
o -
Mm. Julius Shepflin went to
Portland Wednesday last and spent
the time up to Friday visiting' with
her daughter, Ella, who la employed
in the Montgomery Ward office.
Exciting Waiters Drama Coming to
Legion Hall Sunday
A breath of the west that carries
the smell of gunpowder and the
rrfinl'inf- nf Innthpl- im ar thn T-pfrinn
hall Sunday night-next under thc
title of "Saddlcmatcs." A Pathe
western and with none other than
the popular western tar, Wally
Wally Wales is a hot-headed, two
fktrd, hard-riding cowboy who de-
mands fair play, and his partner, in
sobriety, for they drink nothing
stronger than milk, is an old-fashioned
type of cow-man who doesn't
bclivc that he who hestitates is
la t This pair attempt to locate
and then force a settlement with a
man who has defrauded them out of
property through the ruse of sign
ing what they believed to be a
gambling not but which really stood
for real estate.
In bringing about justice, a ro
mance develops between the young
cowboy and the crook's sister! which
wrks out to a happy ending.
A continuation of the Tarzan
picture will also be shown along with
a laughable comedy.
We have lots of valentines left.
See tho assortment at the Maupin
Drug Store.
Helps for the "Summer
HTS snmrner i. the tune to tir
prise your wife. Here's some
inside Jtnff on how to do it
When she returns from her vacation
expecting to see you worn and wan
from not having enough to eat dur
ing her absence, surprise her by
showing her a face of glowing
health, and proudly lead her into a
kitchen and point out a culinary mas
terpiece which you, yourself, have
mixed and cooked. Then observe
the expression of awe on her face!
Honest to Goodness
Yes, you're right, It mill take
practice, but not very much, for
here are a couple of recipes which
can be followed implicity results
guaranteed :
iftrictm Baktd Btoiu: Heat a
frying pan, put four rashers of
bacon m It and fry, turning as nec
essary to keep from burning. Re
I Former Maupin Resident Succumb
to Lon(-Lae'inf DUeaiei
Buried at The Dallas
Philip Gonhaw, aged 76 years, e
former resident of Maupin, did at
the homo of his daughter, Mrs. L, V.
Broughton, The alien, Saturday last
after Mifferhig from an ailment thi'.
hud onJuied several years. Funeral
service wvrc held Hi CVlloways' fu
eral chapel on Tuesday, the body be
Itig laid tw rert beside the remains of
hU wife, who prccccded him In Octo
ber 1020. The Odd Fellows burial
service wai read at the gravo, he hav
ing been a member of that order.
While his son-in-law, L. V. Broug
ton, taught in our schools Mr. Cos
haw made his home here. He had
previously lived at The" Dalles, to
which place he returned at the ter
mination of Mr. Broughton's school
work. He had been a victim of
Bright' disease for some time and
ft is supposed that ailment was the
cause of his death. While in Mau
pin Mr. Go haw made many friends,
all of whom will deplore hfs death.
Mr. Oofihaw wa-i born In WabaHh,
Ind., March 16, 18G4. From the
late nineties, to about 1925
he wan engaged in the lumber busi
ness m Chippewa and Clark coun
ties, Wisconsin, retiring about five
years go and making him home in
Surviving arc a brother. David,
of Geary, Ind., two rlstcrs, Mrs.
Katherine Gcrbert of Laurel, Ind.,
and Mrs. Mary Craig of Chippewa
Falls, Wis., two daughters, Mrs.
Mnry Stangland of Gateway and
Mrs. Brougton of The Dalles; a son
John, of Donald, Wis., 5 grandchild
ren and 3 great-grandchildren.
S to vail 's Gas Tablets will relieve
indigestion. 60 cent-, a box at the
Maupin Drug Store.
Grippe Crip- Two
Clarence Zigerhagen and Nick
jKarolus were two Maupin men who
were downed by grippe the first of
the week. Nick got so he did not
care whether he lived or died while
"Ziggy" straightened his back and
at la: t got the better of the aflment,
I altkAiink P4 tlr . Ah n o fen
although Nick is now able
Mna-er Retignt
Morris Greene, who has been in
Immediate charge of the Rainbow
pool hall during the winter, has re
signed and will take a re.t before
time to begin work on his ranch and
ID J. TTn About
riVli, UpS Town
Rending that a beggar who was
wilted a million dollars lost his
mind. John McMillan rays he is
willing to take the risk.
Bob Wilson says there isn't much
difference between going on a
"hunger strike" and marrying a
Mcdern girl who can't cook.
There's nothing sillier than going
ahead and making more nutos when
nothing is being done about making
move bacon and put on platter to
keep hot. Pour 'off all the fat from
the pan except one tablespoon. Add
one tablespoon erf minced onion and
fry gently until a golden brown.
Add half a mtrnfw 2 can of baked
beans and one-half teaspoon of
chili powder. Stir until thoroughly
heated and add salt and pepper if
desired. Serve with the bacon on
top. This will serve two people
or one mighty hnngry one.
Corrvl and Bacon Casserole:
Dram the diced carrots from an
eight-ounce can. Arrange them ra
very small easserole. Sprinkle salt,
pepper and paprika over them and
then sprinkle about two teaspoons
of grated cheese on each. Lastly
lay two or three strips of bacon
on top of each. Bake in a hot oven
until bacon is crisp. This will serve
two people too,
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Published in the merest of the people of Maupin and vicinity bv
Vol. 1
Maupin, Oregon,
There is an old say-'
Wo adviie that you
paint everything.
roof the roof.
new you happiness.
HP viait our office.
pair everything.
new our friendship
model the house. ,
Poor fellow he has
all kinds of bad luck.
Got en auto and it blew
up. Got an airplane
and it blew down.
Odd Fellows expect
to remodel their build
ing of course they will
get the lumber of us.
If any more towns
get in debt ar. badly as
Chicago, they will all
probably call on the
farmers to give city re
lief. We might give them
a cow and let them
raise their own food.
mg that a silk purse
can't be made from a
sow' car, but they
certainly build fine
stadiums by kicking her
hide around.
O. F. RKNICK, editor
Up in Walla Walla
they have a stadium
built of Tum-A-Lum
cement and it iure is
nice. There are 1000
other uses for this con
crete on the farm and
in town. Come in and
let us show you some
ht them.
Little Mary on teeing
her first peacock ex
claimed, "Look Auntie,
one of your chickens is
in bloom."
City building new
reservoir. We are fur
nihing the lumber and
more parking places for them.
Wonder how onons would ever
have been able to claim a place on
the dining table is someone had not
discovered liver?
, ot
Bill Schilling has become an "ob
jector." He objects to working on
a cold concrete floor, objecta to lying
under a car to make repairs, objects
to handling cold tools, objects to de
welding in a cold room, in fact ob
jecta to anything that is not conducive
to comfort. With the advent of
warmer weather Bill's objections will
vanish like a summer cloud and he
will be willing to do the things he
now objects even to getting rid of
hb sciatic rheumatism.
Dan Toling should be little asham
cd of himself. As coach and player
of the "Wildcats," Maupin's town
basketball team, Dan has so perfected
his organization that the Cats are
winning all their contests. Why not
lot tome other team carry way the
honors sometime, Dan?
Dr. Elwood is a real philanthropist.
After each snowfall he gets busy with
a snow shovel and clears the walks
from his office to the Kramer
garage. Dr. Elwood must realize
that us poor newspaper men cannot
afford a snow fhovel, being weak
and puny, could not use it if we had
it, therefore derives a little exercise
! from the work of snow shoveling.
Thnks, all the same, Doctor.
Come and see the Old Maids con
vention. Court Will Act On
(continued from first page)
water users under contract with the
Wapinitia Irrigation company for
water, who were not prcent at
said hearing, had no notice thsroot,
and whose rights are prer.idicially
affected by the said findings and
order of the State Engineer.
The Wapinitia Irrigation company
particularly excepts to sub-division
4 of the findings and order upon
the following groundr, to-wit:
That the evidence submitted to
the State Engineer upon tho occasion
of the hearing July 15, 1929, showed
conclusively and unquestionably that
labor and money had been expended
on said project in an amount great- j
ly in excess of that found by the I
State Engineer, and that in addition !
thereto the Wapinitia Irrigation j
company had incurred a very con
siderable indebtedness on account of i
the development of said project; that
the raid findings failed to show
that the failure of the company to
deliver water pursuant to its con
tracts with water users was due '
largely to circumstances outside of
the control of the company to-wit,
the failure of the contract users to
maintain their ditches, weirs and
measuring devices in good condition
and in misusing and destroying the
same; the failure of the contract
users to pay their maintenance
charges, making it possible for the
company to maintain laterals and
sub-laterals connecting with ' their
ditches; and a seasonable inadquacy
of water.
That the evidence affimatively and
unquestionably shows that the Wap
initia Irrigation company expended
in the maintenance, development and
improvement of said project, all of
the money that it had been able to
secure for such purposes; and
February 6, 19Ul
No. U
The moat unplesanl
place to live Is just be.
yond your Income, Bit
building a Tum-A-Lun
home you will get a Ufa
time lea. on bapplncs
and will save money io
stoad of paying rent
o o'
Have you cut
Cclotex a, m s'.me of
the leading newspaper
and magazine? . Look
for them in the Ladie
Home Journal, Sat.'
Eve. Post and others.
e '"
The patient about to
be operated on for thi
eighth time asked the
doctor, "Say Doc why
don't you put in a Zip
Building time com
mg. ' See our plan
books, they are , for
free inspection.
it was considerably hampered by the
failure on the contract users to
bear their maintenance charges and
by a condition of severe agricultural
depression existing throughout the
entire territory covered . by caid
Thousands of
New Words
spelled, pronounced,
and defined in
The "Supreme Authority"
ere are ftw tamplei t
hot pursuit
Air Council
mud gun
8. P. boct
aerial cascade
Red Star
capital ship
mystery ship
American Legion Blue Cress
girl scout
thh itorw
crystal detector
mf information
amrwing yaf
2700 Page.
CuetteeranJ BinenpklcalDictionerf
Gf f A But i Write for a armpit
Vt ot the AW IVo-rf., .peclmon at
E.gular and lad! Piser,
Springfield. Mass. 1! S. A.
ijlt 'ii el
Undertaking Co.
The Dalles, Oregon. Phene 35-J
Mr. and Mr. Charlet Crofoot
Roy Ward
Tygh Valley-
W. B. Sloan
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
brinK it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
asamiSiwMturtnK Jeweler -nd
bunu ur to U. Lindquist