THE MAUPIN TIMES Thunluy, ianuury 3A, 103rt. The Maupin Times AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER , C. W. SEMMES, Editor C, W. Semmes and E. R. Scmmea Publi. lirre Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon SobtcrVtion: One year, $1.50; six Wonttia, $1.00; three months, 60cta. Entered as second clasi maill mat ter Spteaber 8, 1914, at the post office at Maopm. Oregon, under thf et of March 8, 1876. One of the exceptions taken by the Wapinitia Irrigation company to tbe finding of Engineer Lupei states: "It (meaning tho company) was considerably hampered by the failure of. the contract u:ers to oar their maintenance charges." Si & and to forth. Does the sura of $17,775.05, mean anything when applied to -the keep ing up of the water system of Juniper Flat? That sum was ; paid by contract users, as shown . by. an audit of the company's books, sworn to and acknowledged by a notary public. What m the world does the com pany desire? Does it desire that contract users turn over to it every cent derived from the ranches of the users, or has the money been applied to uses other than those for which it was designed when paid in. You ranchers thould take time off and study this matter over, then hump your shoulders and demattd tHat you be given that for which you have paid water for your your fields. With a half dozen candidates tightening up their fences for the fight for the office of governor it aeemB that Oregon people will have to do a heap of thinking before de ciding on the right man. We know who he is but won't say at this time. i JULWl p IMJ JLMJljLOJ! 1 U I 1 1 ifl " llr"71 19 TLX T V" I'J . V V M ir 'M I 1 A Dollar Dinner for Four hogs, the prperty of John Towell ami Dolph Mulhew, while Otis Chastum sent 21 slu'pp to market. Bobby returned on Monday. Paralysis Victim Mrs. M. I. Shearer, .vnher of Mar cus Shearer of Maupin and who liven n ii ranch on Three Mile, nar 'lho I'a'lrs, was atricKon by naralysis on Monday night Marcus received that nad intelligence Tuesday morning and vent to the family home tlmt day. Jus how severe tho stroke was it, not, known., AA nurse from The Dalles is in attendance but whether the victim will be taken to a hospital hits ns yt not ' been decided. Sauerkraut-Jo ice Cocktail $ .08 Walnut and Ric loaf 40 Baked Tomatoes and Peppers.. .1 Bread and Butter 08 'Pineapple and Date Salad 21 Iced Tea with Lemon 03 Total Cost $ .99 A cool, clever dinner for swelter ing August is given above. And another of its important virtues is the fact that it can be bought for a dollar and will serve four people. The prices are given above. Here are the wars to make the dishes: Sauerkraut Juice Cocktail: Sea son about three-fourths of a number 2M can of sauerkraut juice with Tabasco juice and chill thoroughly. Walnut and Riee Leaf: Brown two tablespoons chopped onion in two tablespoons butter. Add on tablespoon flour and stir in one enp milk. Stir uutil thick. Slightly beat one egg. and add hot sauce to it slowly; add one cup vacuum packed walnuts, one-fourth cup crumbs and one-hall' cup brown rice which has been boiled and drained. Pack in a buttered loaf pan. and bake in a moderate oven (375 de grees F.) for about half an hour, or until crisp and brown on top. Baked Tomatoes mi Peppers: Shred one green pepper and mix ith tomatoes from a number 2 can. Season to taste. Pour into a buttered baking dish and bake in a moderate oven until peppers are tender. Add one tablespoon butter and serve. To make the salad, place a slice of chilled pineapple on a lettuce leaf, put a stoned date in the center, garnish with mayonnaise and serve very coR' Looked for Work Lnvcrno Fischer, acompanied by his mother, wife and little daugh ter went t0 Klamath Fnlla Tuesday. Hi mother and the little girl visited for a day at Bend with Mrs. Fischer's niece, while Verne and wife continu ed 'on to Klamath Falls. They re turned today. Safely First Goe Niae Coyote Trapper It. C. Fulkerson succeed ed, in spite of deep snow and cold weather, in getting the scalps oi nine coyotes la t month. He has been putting' out poison lately and expects to take more of the sneak ing sheep destroyers in February. Cot New Ford Piek-Up , Joe Kramer went to Portland on j Monday, going down for the purpose of securing a new Ford pick-up for Oliver Resh. Oliver's old Ford has outlived its period of usefulness and as his establt. hment has much deliver ing to do the need of a new vehicle became imperative. Coi to Clal.kanie Charley Steele has severed con nection with the Kramer Bros. Mo tor Co. .ind has gone to Clati'.anie, Where he has secured a position as mechanic in the Ford garage of that place. His wife will remain with her parents for a couple of weeks and then will join Charley in their now home. Since coming to Maupin Mr. Steele has made many friends, each of whom will wth him well in his new location. It is said that income tax has been paid on earnings of $950,000,. 000,000. Wonder who pays the tax on the other $900,000,000,000? Old Maids become flappers next Thursday night at Legion hall. lt Another Child Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Frisch knecht, Redmond, have been called upon to part with another child, this . time their three-year-old daughter, Glorian, being taken. On January 8th the Frischknechts lost their eldest on, pneumonia was the cause of both death-. But one child remains to the couple. Had Pneumonia- Andy Crabtrce made a trip to The Dalles last Saturday with the Shattuck truck. When he came home he was compelled to take to hb bed, having all the symptoms of pneumonia. He is still very sick but at this writing is improving. Frost Heaved Roadbed The recent heavy frosts worked havoc with portions of the highway. In spots on the Flat and north of White river bridge places are al most impassable. Road crews are at work taking up the broken portions, filling the holes with gravel and gov ing the top a liberal coating of tar and oil. r-l L - C.LL..L C-l I cnurcn and Jaounn tnwui I Next Sunday will be a day upon which preaching services will be held in Maupin both morning and evening. The morning service will be followed by an official board meeting. Sabbath school at 10:00 o'clock, preaching at 11:00 and at 7:30 in the evening. Bible study class at 6:30 p. . The new choir will be on hand at the evening meet ing. At Wapinitia Sabbath school at the usual hour. Perpetuates Name The name of Fraley is not destin ed to run out if Cyril of that name has his way, at least he has fhown, in one instance, that he has father cj a son who will bear the old familiar cognomen. Cyril's wife presented hint with a bouncing son on January 16. birth being record ed at Bend where the mother had gone for the occasion. Cyril is taking up his burden ai Dad like an old-timer, while Grandad Bill Schilling in expected to survive the joy at the youngster's arrival hi time. Help the Old Maid; catch husbands at Legion hall next Thursday night SHIP BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE Between PORTLAND THE DALLES MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND-THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUPIN and Way Points and Way Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS Prolific Sheep Cliff Allen has one of the most prolific bunches of ewes m the coun try. Twenty of the ewes have lambed, giving birth to 35 little woollies. One ewe had triplets, 13 twins and the others but one Iamb each. But two of the lahbs died, leaving a flock of 32 new ones. PACE, LINE AND PARXGRAPII It' a good idea to incirbate a few eggs before the breeding season as a check on the fertility of the flock. Keep some reserve males on hand in case of sickness or accident to the regular breeders, 0r to replace males that are not reliable breeders. Gone 0 Hot Lake Lew Henneghan left for Hot Lake, Oregon, yesterday and ex pects to stay there for the coming three, weeks. Lew ha,-; been bother ed with rheumatism and realizes the medicinal value of the water of the lakes as a specific for the disease, having been a patient there some years ago. Trucked Stock Bobby Davidson took a mixed load of sheep and hog3 to Portland on Sunday. The lo:id consisted of 12 Many a cellar is wet becau?e the surrounding ground is flat or slopes toward it. Water in the ground moves much more rapidly downward than laterally, and conditions can he improved by grading the ground to make a smooth, sharp downward slnpe extending at least 10 feet fr"m the building. If you are buying an incubator, get one large enough to hatch all the chicks for home use in 2 or 5 liatcbe . It takes little mre time to rare for a large machine than to tenri h rmaller one and the larger albiws f'r growth of Inrincrs. Al U.w about five rggi for each good pullet desired next fall. Machine changes character.- at the Id Maids' convention. THE DALLES-MI AUPQN n noils' . I C. A. HARTMAN, LD U U J L3 Proprietor-Manager Tariff Schedule showing One Way ard Round Trip Fares, and Express Tariff No. 1 between The Dalles, Maupin and Intermediate Points. PASSENGER RATES The Dalles 00 Boyd 75 Dufur $1.00 Friend $1.50 Tygh Valley .... $2.00 Maupin $2.50 Boyd $ .25 .75 1.00 1.50 Dufur $ .50 1.00 1.50 Friend $ .50 1.00 Tygh Valley Maupin $ .50 L5 0 POUNDS 1 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 76 to 100 EXPRESS RATES MILES 1 to 21 MILES 22 to 37 $ .25 $ .25 .25 .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 Minimum Charge 25 cents MILES 38 to 60 $ .25 - .30 .40 , .60 is a stem law of nature. Arc you safe in your insurance, or valuable papers? This bank is a place of trust; we guard your interest as our own; If not a customer arrange to be one soon. Let's talk it over. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) nxtiii;iiiiixiixixiiiirxrriinnniHti Callaway Funeral Chapel The Dalles, Ore. HILL MANS Dufur, Ore. We carry a complete line of Casket TTIIIIIIITTTTTITITITTIIIIITIITiriirilirillllim "SWRtME AtTKGl.TrV WEBSTER'S s NEW INTERNATIONAL DlSTStWARY -run mc::r:am wi tisrtR h Because Hundreds c( Supreme Court, Judge concur In ir.ibc of the work us their Auvii;?. The Ptcak'.e nts if nil IridlnR L'nl verslti, Cot trees, and N rm..l Sch o! give their hearty InJ.iw. mcitl i All States that have nilopirJ a large dictionary n ttarddrj h.ivo tclcctcd Vebttet's New Ii.UTtw tloniL The Sclrxilhooka of the Country adhere to the MitTinnvWi'tatct tyitem of llacritlf il marks. The Government Printing Ofnc! at Washington U a auihimi-j. U'RITE fur wwr'e mile " thf Vl'ittix, .pftlnvn of (i-uljt t il Ii, UEE. J Wm. A. SHORT Dentiit MAL'PIN . . . OREGON r 25 Cents buy the bent and largest meal nerved in The Dalles, at JEFF'S PLACE Acroni the ttret from bla eld atand. Now at 410 bit Swnd Street. t' re CLASSIFIED COLUMN APPLES Newtowtu, ,?otia!hn, Ortleys, Baldwin. Good cookers, good keepers. Now in RtnrHge at Dufur, Oregon. Vanderpool & Sloug-liluii. WE R MM ARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Watco County '$ Exclusive Shoe Store hoea fr th General Kepniriiii vhol KaniUw The Uiil'es, Or. WAPINITIA ""l 111 m Lodiro No. 208, Manpln, Orefoi meets every Saturday nlgbt In L O. 0. F. hall. VWtlng- member thrift welcome. Roy R. Crabtr.a, N. C B. W. Weleb, SweUry. PERFECTION FL0UR IT'S THE BEST Central Oregon Milling Co. Maupin, Oregon WhiteRestaurant PRIVATE BOOTHS Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prep. I TT n in 1 I A Wasco County Product MADE BY &fe Oregon Bakery Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchant get the best JS.C3EaZI3l3CSH