1 MAUP nrr Always working for the best interests of Maupln and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all. VOLUME XVI MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, littO Number H II IMES THE RMUPIN HI VOLUME II. Dufur Basketeers Down Both Mauin Hi Teams The Comets nnd Cube met defeat last Friday night on the Dufur floor In a double header that proved In teresting, even if ono aided. The Criterion bus rolled over to Dufur and Jil back to Maupln. The Dufur girls made the flnit basket. Tho ball waa in poisoslon of tho Dufur girl most of the time because of their height and long arms. Sev ern! foula were called on both teams, At the cloae of the gamo the acore j atood 20-2 In favor of Dufur. The j referee for the game was Bill Obor-! hurt t The Cuba, then decided to make the acore look different than It hud for the Cornet. Dufur again made the firit ban ket but while the crowd waa still yelling, Glenn aurceeded in making a clever ahot, which tied the acore. Elton allppcd a long one through the hoop and made the acore 4-2 In the Cuba favor. The game ended In favor of Dufur 19-9. Mr. Hampton refcreed the boy.' game and It acemcd a though he hud aome trouble keeping headlork and wrlatlocka of the player'a broken. Mr. Wilaon agreeably drove th Criterion bus with 16 of the player, aa paaengera. Mra. DeVoe, Mr. Poling and Kenneth Snodgrass also took players. The trip to Dufur waa without ac cident, which waa fortunate m the return trip up tho White River grade waa frown with ice for about a quarter of mile. The school waa fortunate in having Mr. Wilaon at the wheel on the Icy ttretch of the grade. Although no one Vaa in any .. . ., serious danger the moment was brief I and exciting while the bus alid for a I few feet into a comfortable bank of snow on the curb. STUDENT BODY MEETINGS A aiwUI Stndfln n.,r!v ii.not.imr waa called to order Thursday, j.BJb.e it plays such an important uary 30, to make arrangements for Prt ' eryday life. a party to be given February 14. The first debate of the public The 'following committees were ap pointed: Refreahmentr ; Mrs. Do Voe, Blanche, (iladys, N'ina,, and Albert; Entertainment committee is composed of Mx, DeVoe, Nova, Ma be!,and,Lel!ih; and the Decorating and "clean-up committee is, Maaie, Glenn, Orville, Alta, Ro, and Bethel. The tremirer was authorized to I pay the bills of the party and a mo- j tlon passed to invite the Seventh and Eighth grades and the Alumni. Orville war appointed to investi gate the advisability of having clothes-washing conveniences in the shower room. A regular meeting was called to The en 1 ,IU 111 order Tuesday, February 4 tertainment committee reported that the Seventh and Eighth grades would have Valentines with tho High school. These bills were authorized paid: Lowe and Campbell, f 2.5(1 ; Northern School Supply company, $15.50: and Maupin Telephone Exchange, Sl.'iO. The treasurer wan authorized to pny nil bills of private cars taken on basketball trips. . at thc Old Hoop skirts barred Maids' convention." SPILLS AND THRILLS Coasting proved a joyous after the rero weather. Most every young perron came out for a few swift rides over Maupin's many slopca. Several hills were used but the moat popular was tho grade be low Mr Turner's. Joe Kramer broke tha trail with , tho tractor and the snow plow. Thunday night, although it was rather dark, the track was smooth and hard. . Orville furnished several old truck tires for beacons at tho darkest turns to provide light. One of the thrills of the long ride was right at thc bottom of the hill where the bank suddenly slopes off. When a speeding sled hit the brink of this It.literally "took off." Going vp was thrilling but coming down waa smashing. Looking back over the short but joyous season, the coarters can only lament its pasning and hope for an equally cold but longer coasting sea son next year. MAUPIN, OREGON, FEBRUARY 6, 1030. GROUND HOG PAYS MIS ANNUAL ' VISIT Late Sunday morning a thrill whistlo awakened the bachlor mem hrt; of the Owl's Club, Kit, Glenn nnd Ma sie. Elton, thinking he was still in the Dufur basketball game, pushed Mwvsie out of bed. The three partners then went to the door and there on his hind legs stood a ven erable ground hog. "Good morning, young friends," vz ho, "I with to have a word with you. At you can sec, the huh ia shining bright and my ahadow shows plainly. Now I am Koing ,,,lf k t n,y den for six more wo of winter, but If you guya dnn't alnrt playing bo kctball, It will be winter in Maupin until the Fourth of July." Paint and Powder? Oh, no! Just plain facca at Old Maid..' convention. ASSEMBLY On last Friday morning the nigh achool with the Seventh and Eighth grade students listened in assembly to a debate of the public apeaking rlas. , a piano solo, a demons) ration of the electric motor, and the High sohbt'a' invitation to the Seventh (i n si IV irrf Vi rrrtnlnH As tha opening number "March of tho Slavs" was played by Nova. I The following explanatory comment I rond in conection V.Ith the m,.ivii! "Thin romnnftlt.i.in aiirnifie.! I v. a i.i ir. Vi ln( ii nwn nf n wonder. . f ul people. Downtrodden and op- j Pre.-.H. d for centuries, these Slav people have wonderful tnu in all : branches of art, which the world is ! beginning to recognize. Thu march' has been writUn out of tho joy! iva.pn a., er ana i neoaore v rsca round in contemplating the dawn lhatif hajI Jhour .,. ! i,. i ..,... 1 time In the shop each day working fin L1 coming to this people in every way. Bonney Puss illustrated and told how the electric motor worked. He told of Farnday's early experiments ; with coils nnd bars which finally led I to the motor. He ureed that all "Houlil learn more nuoui eicciriciiy ... . ....... mi.nkin rlin wn. the miration. Re- wived: Th.it the present system of ! Eighth grades have accepted the In extra territoriality in China should j vitntion of the High school, extend er Hindi hod. Tho affirmative wbs i supported by Ilah. Robert and Blanche. Charles, Beth and Iiichard represented the negative. The arguments on both sides were de livered in a direct forceful style. Mr. ' n i: i l: . -. : t I ouriK i'xjmi-'m.'u ma m.u iavui'ii in the students' efforts. Bo extended to the .Seventh and Eighth grades the High eschools' in vitclion to the combined St. Valen tine and Lincoln's birthday party on tho 14th, Henry Wil.on, represent ing his room, accepted the invitation J"" the Old High School," was i t... il ...:L nfi...i it. sung by thc group, with Mabel at the pinno, closed the Assembly. B.i-tques and polcnnise aliown at Old Maids' convenaion. TYPING " The typing classes have been tak-J lug fifteen-minute speed nnd ac curacy testn. The highest record in Mrs. DcVoc's cla.ts has been made by im i ct( .'r f uv, i a. iu,ia skvci u ii i"uw vj i Mary firecne; In Mr. Poling's by Blanche Northrup. Mrs. DeVoe keeps a daily record of her class. She re ports a decided improvement in the sport clnss a a whole. n,..L. xt-h... r,.ir . Not all tho practice time, how ever, is devoted to copying of straight matter, as the claims is mak ing an effort to learn proper ar rangement of letters and reports. GRADE NOTES Third and Fourth Grade Eunice Lindley has been absent for a long time and is not expected to return. Thc Fourth grade is taking up Ithe study of the Middle Atlantic States in Geography. Tho Third grade has just finished the Beacon Third Reader and are now studying in the Silent Reader. They have also been working on thc health poster-. Adeline Schilling, Alma Fraley and Ccraldine Fraley returned Monday after being absent part of last week on account of illness. The children have midc a Valcn- TIMES NUMBER 24 Various Activities Keep Departments Busy The hLtory class has lately com pleted a thousand word theme on the "Reconstruction Period." ' This was chosen tha subject for cureful atudy because of the great Importance of the period of adjust mcut following the Civil war, and the el feet on the present government Methods of reconstruction were taken up by Abraham Llucoln, but because of his asssr sin&tion he waa not fible to carry out his plans. How ever, a rnan that lacked the great ability of Lincoln, the vise-president, AnJr'w Jackson, did his best to ful fill these plans. In conrequence, the period was filled with strife be tween Congress, and Johnson. The difficulty went as far as tb? impreachment of Johnson, but fall ed, through a lack of one vote. The Manual Training boys - are improving In their work. Therfirst year boys have completed their shoe blacking stands and some are now de sign injr, while others are cutting ma terial for their folding game and study tables. These tables have a round top, 28 inches across and) !. landing 274 or 28 inches high. Thpy fold whn not in "e er" afnsld in colors the by Pwfer nd prove valuable to home "rimmo. i no. BVrwng on ineir tables are: Bonney table are: Bonney luus, Laco Greene, Val Miller and Melvm Iji"dlcy; ...,. ... ., endp11 Li,ldIpy now bulldin f ine bulletin bottrd standard for the community club and will later make ,k for UmJ- s , picture frames, Tom Sluaher, who hna been at- tending Benson "Tech" in Portland, returned to school here Monday. His old ciassmatea are gad to nave n.m bark with them agam. The basket1 l.-n team will be considerably strengthened by h.s return to school, The Lincoln and St. alentm. Day party will be held at 2 in , t.he gj-m Irebruary 14. The beventh and the d at the la t assembly. The aluiv also have been invited to the party. The program will con, iat of games a playlet, readings, music and a folk dance. The school has also de cided to draw names and have a valentine box. After the program there will be plenty of good cats. One of tho latest experiments of the Junior Science class was the setting up of the telephone. Bonney nuus, after taking a telephone apart at home, was sufficiently acquainted with the machine to take an especi- n it. .m-4- ally active part in the experiment. Wendel Lindley. another member of the Science clnse, electro plated a f"'mg nccciie inrougn ine use oi i(lrv cel1-" "nd " solution of diluted .suipnunc aim ana copper suipnsie. Through thc study of a model mo- tor this class has also learned of the intrieneipa of mnirnrt fields and r . , I " m m l i . . " "'"'Ithe State Engineer shall file his heat ha a mechanical equivalent by : inA-1nir, in lieu of tho orfi,,r hpre. , 1 1 ' i ii , "per.mentally showing that i g.ven lamouni oi wora may De iransiormea may into a definiate amount of heat Het was acquired in this experiment through friction; a comparison of the work done to the amount of heat pro duced waa made by the class. While the determinations were not so ac curate ar. those of the English scicnticrt Joule, they taught tho class the meaning of thc mechanical equivalent of heat. Through the study and experiments vith evaporation thc Thysics class has learned that whenever a liquid evaporates it oi sumes a temperature somewhat lower than its surround ings. This class enlarged this fact by evaporating ether in a vadium. As a result of thta experiment water was frozen in a tube by the cooling pro cess of evaporation. tine box to use on Valentine's Day. They drew names and will give a valentine to the person whose name ,they d"w- Primary Gertrude Kirsch returned to school Wednesday after ft long abrence on (continued on last page) COURT WILL ACT ON STIPULATION AND EXCEPTIONS Adjudication of . Extension Applies tioa'and Protest ' Now in Hand of Judte Wilton After State Engineer Rhea Luper had handed down'his Ueciaiqn'dehying the application of the Wapinitia Ir rigation company for an extcn ion of time in which to perfect construction of plant and delivery of water to contract holders, attorneys for the company and protestants got to gether, at the request of the com pany's attorneys. They formulated an agreement whereby the decision of the engineer would be waived, the whole matter to be left in the hands of Judge Wilson of the circuit court for final adjudication. Stipulation The stipulation, in part agrees: It b hereby stipulated by and be teween Wapinitia Irrigation com pany, the State Engineer of the State of Oregon, and Protesting Water Users, using or entitled to the use of water, the filings on which have heretofore been decreed to the eaid Wapinitia Irrigation com pany, as follows: The order heretofore made by the State Engineer and bearing date the 23rd day of September, 1919, shall be deemed to be vacated; the State Engineer shall within thirty (30) days file with the clerk of this court in the above entitled proceed ings, his findings on the question of the right of said Wapinitia Irriga tion company to an extension of time within which to complete its Irrigation project; any person feel ing agrrleved by said findings may wtthia -Jorty 40) -days thereafter file his exceptions to said findings. When the court shall have reached a detrmination as to the right of vaid Wapinitia Irrigation company to extcneBion 0f time within which t ,et , j. irri-ation pro. iject, the trial Judge shall announces his decision on said question, but the parties shall have five (5) days thereafter withm which to decide ar. to whether or not an appeal should be taken from said decision. In the event any party having the right to appeal shall declare in writing his of their purpose to ap- peal from such determination or de crce, men, .n mat eveni, me entry of said order shall be withheld for the period of ninety (90) days onjwith thc changM to ufce p,ace d(J. or before the expiration of which ( lnR thc convention the State Engineer shall file with, . , . . . , . .... . . I Thc Maupin Community club has court hia finding, pursuant to the . . ... . . . , . . , ., , arranged this convention and will terms and provisions of thc decree . . , . A, . . . .. , I hold forth at Legion hall on the in the above entitled matter made, . ... . , , , , . , I evening noted above. The enter- and entered under date of Noveni- . . . . . ... 30 j923. To those mVmg cx. ception8 may be iIcd wltnln forty 40) divs. The court shall inch)(ie ,ts dcU.nnmation on the . .. quP8ti0n of the right of said Wap-, tifu Tifi . . tension of timc vithin which to complet e ito said irrigation project thnt any pnrtv foeiinff aggrieved bv th. mA dcfrp. or nnv thercof. m-y rctrularlv aui'eal to tho Supremo Court o thc state of .vregon. I Tfr its fi.liao armaa. ,b " iuiiuri ok,ecu man niivn ' " , tofore dated Septembcr 1929. , t. . .,0.i,i, j : ,i,ni v Mwa vttva V 1VH HIIU VVVV1 thereto file for the consideration of the court all appropriate matters of record in his office upon which said findings arc made. Dated this 25th dny of October 1029. The above was signed by C. M. Idleman for the company, Engineer Luper, and Francis V. Galloway for protestants. ' Exceptions Cited The exceptions to the findings of the state engineer are, in part, printed below: Exception Comes now the Wapinitia Irriga tion company, a corporation, the owner of a permit to appropriate public waters of the State of Ore gon, and more particularly waten of White River and its tributaries, pursuant to a decree of this court, made and entered Nqvember 30, 1923, and excepts to the findings and Order of the State Engineer, made and entered herein pursuant to eaid decree and relative to the application of said Wapinitia Irri- OLD MAIDS DEVISE WAY TO ACQUIRE HUSBANDS Convention to Bo Hold Haro Thursday Neat Invention to Be Introduced Maupin old maids are determined to tecure help-meet and to that end will hold a convention at Legion hall next Thursday night, February 13. Ai that time ways and means will be discussed and a plan adopted whereby the spinster will be able to overcome the machinations of the young- flappers in controlling the mar, market. It is an age-old say ingthat when a women hao passed n certain age her chances for mat rimony are lessened and grow weak er year by year. There are. few marriages of record hereabouts where an old maid has been ru.hed to the altar and there made the blushing bride of some man. Widow-, both sod grass, ceem to have a bitter chance than does the dyed-in the-wool old maid. Maupin ole maids have decided that ' single blessedness has lost ife charms fo them and to ameliorate their con dition wiii attend a get-togethei There are fourteen old maids in Maupin. They have decided to snare seme man for each one. Just how they intend to do this will be shown at the convention. The meet ing is to be open that k, a small admittance fee will be charged and the deliberations conducted on the stage. i Connected with the convention hangs a little story: Our old maid will hold forth on the stage of the hall. There they will give voice to their ideas rela tive to securing of husbands. They will plan and discuac, dsicuss and pian. in mis iney will De assisted by a noted French inventor, who has perfected a machine that he; claims wu! restore the bloom of youth, round out and perfect dis torted figures, add flash and fire to weakened eyes, give zip to con versation and figureatively speak ing completely rehabilitate the age racked females. The offer of the inventor will be accepted, his machine put to use and when each of the sisters has been operated upon a complete metamor-, phosis will have taken place in , each subject So marked will be . that change that a new figure will , be seen in place of the character. , represented at the opening of the . ( convention. Ponce de Leon's rpringl , of Hfe not be in it .nmMnl j ent new and unique and will J.e ."k Uufh Pnuer from start to SUre to attend and see ' fn Jn!y'l0XXT c racteT I will take nart. and some rpal rnmpdv ' ' -------r 1 10 expected. Admission, adults 50 Cents' chUdren 25 Nnti gation company for an extension of time within which to Derfect Its water rights, i aid exceptions and ob jections being more particularly as follows, to-wit: I Exceptions to the findings and order of said State Engineer gen erally Mpdn the grounds that the State Engmeer failed to give . to said Wapinftia Irrigation company land failed to publish the notice of the hearing, pursuant to which said findings and order were entered, in the manner required by section 5770. II. That prior to said hearing, the State Engineer caused a prelimin ary investigation to be made for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent the Wapinitia Irrigation company had complied with ths de cree of November 30, 1923; and said investigatioin was made with out notice to the Wapinitia Irriga tion comnany and without co sult ing said company and that all the information secured thereby waj secured from parties Claiming ad versely and untagonislic to the Wap initia Irrigation company. The facts found by said investiga tion did not convey a full, fair or complete impression as to the exact situation. ' III. That there were numerous other (continued on third page) WORK ON RESEKVQIR BEGUN-AIR DRILL IS City Will Emptor Local Labe Uadar Direction of Man , . '- From Tho Dalloo At last the citv fathers of Mannin have gotten down to actual work oa the new reservoir, work on which will begin at once. Thomas Baird, an experienced reservoir builder of The Dalles, has been designated as superintendent of the work, and he will bring a powder man as well aa a man experienced in rock work with him. Other labor required will be recruited from Maupin workers. The new reservoir will be 70 feet square and will have a mean depth of 10 feet. Considerable rock will have to be taken out on the east side in order to give the big tank level floor. When completed he reservoir will have a capacity of iOO.OOO gallon?!. The old reservoir las proved to be too small for Mau- loss of considerable water through ' seepage. ' It is the intention of those having the work in charge to employ an air compressor m drilling operations. A mchine for that work will be se cured at The Dalles. When the rock has been excavated to the re. quired depth the walla and floor ot the reservoir will be concreted and made as sanitary as possible. The compressor arrived yesterday and workmen have begeun oetting it up. It ia figured the reservoir can be built at a cost not to exceed $5,000. French inventor present at the convention. . ICE JAMS AND FILLS uuur Dtvro rnnoc Part of Bridge Structure Come Upper Bridge Out The chinook has raised cain with WTiite river and has can ed vast floes of ice to come down river and jam at various points. The ice be gan moving Saturday and by Sun day morning a huge field had ar rived at the lower bridge, the one over the highway. An eye witness to the flow of the jam says the river raised a foot a minute for some time and that ice was piled mountain high in places. At the Peck place on the lower flat the , a ii river niiuues turn, tntti piucc the ice field wan diverted across the river and covered the opposite flat to a height of several feet The moving jam tore trees up by the roots and in other places snapped off trees having a diameter of 14 inches. The current of the river opened a channel under the ice, thus preventing a flood, which had it not been unobstructed, would have covered the Peck place and other ranches below. The power plant at White river falls was ceriously handicapped by the ice flow and men were kept at work diverting it over the falls and away from the wheels of the plant. This jam is said to have been the heaviest ever known on White river. Carried along by the jam were many pieces of bridges stringers,, braces and floor timberc. While H it not known for a certainty it u supposed . that both the upper bridges the middle and upper crossing structures have gone out under thc extreme pressure of tha floating ice. Spit curls and all Maids' convention. at the Old FORMER MAUPIN1TE CALLED Dvid Arnott Die at Yakima February Firtt David Arnett, who moved to Yaki ma, Washington, from thki section about five years ago, died at that place on Febuary 1, and was buried at Zillah, that state, on February 4. He was a son of M. L. Arnett, and leaves, besides his father, five broth ers, Chrles of Maupin, John, James, Frank and Mark Arnett of, Beuna Vista, Washington, and three siiters. r ti..i. nr...;i4 7;n.,v, Mm, and Eva Arnett of Beuna Vista, Washington. EMPLOYED