THE MAUHtf flMES ' Thurdny, January 0, 130. DECADE BRINGS VAST RADIO CHANGE Tenth Anniversary of Organization Formed to Foster the Art in America Emphasizes Progress. The storv of a decade in which enmmunlrnti'rm -lnAnd beyond the wildest dreams of years that had pone before is linked with an anniversary which just has been observed. The anniversary, marking the passing of ten years since the Radio Corporation of America was founded, is significant for the en tire field of radio because the corporation has been associated 80 closely with the great changes which have pushed back world horizons. Ho treat ties changes have been f- U to bard to realize now that radio Is accepted casually as one of the biggest f American Industries, doing a busi ness of more than $600,000,000 a year It help to bring some realisation to consider radio as it appeared to tbe MM who formed tbe corporation, tiirting business on December 1, 1919. Broadcasting as it is today, wttfc V: , GENERAL JAMES G. HARBORD ; ifljpOO.OOO listeners in the United ' States, wa: undreamed of then. Trans oceanic radio telegraph and ship to bore communication were the inter MU of the men who were brought to- 1 gather by Owen D. Young, now Chair- Isaaa of the Board, with the sympa thetic cooperation of the government President Wilson feared the Alex- aaderson Alternator would enable the British to dominate radio telegraph, as they already dominated ocean ca tlea and, at bla request, the General Electric Company canceled negotia tions for the device with the Marconi 'Company. It was to create a radio ! communication organization capable of holding its own against foreign competition and to supply sucL Amei i cab organizations as the General Elec tric with a borne market for Inven tions on which buge sums had been pent that tbe Radio Corporation as formed, welding onder one centra! or ganization America's principal radio Inventions and research facilities. Uow the history of tbe corporation Learn To With Br JOSEPHINE B. GIBSOV Director, home Economics Dept U. J. Heinz Company rrH honsewfie who lenows her i seasonings can serve an almost . ... r n r..1 unlimited variety oi uavunui meat dishes this bail and save con aidcrable money at the same timet Just a dash of this, and a bit of that in the hands ot a skillful cook and lo, even the most ordinary cuts be come pi'iuant and delicious. In no rther department of cookery are zest ful condiments so essential to suc cess. Learn to maintain a kitchen shelf well stocked with savory sauces and relishes. They keep in-leluiitcly ; and the family will welcome the de lightful changes they can make in the monotony of endless menus. Following are several "different" Wishes which yon ceitainly will want to include in your book of favorite recipes : Spiced Pol RonJ : 4 lbs. beef (rump or round) 3i cups flour suet cr lard Icr browning 2 onions 4 bay leaves Yz Uvpoon pepper 5 w'.'.ole cloves i cup pure cider vinegar Flour incut ?nd sear all sides in hot fat. Slice onions and place on toy of meat. Add hot water to cover tntat, and then add vinegar and inices. If preferred, the spices may be put in a cheese cloth bag. Sim mer for three hours. Thicken gravy before serving if necessary. Pork Chops en Casserole Sprinkle 4 pork chops with salt and pepper, and brown in a skillet. In a buttered baking; dish place one cup thinly sliced potatoes; sprinkle with tablespoon of finely chopped onion ; 3utt with salt and pepper, and cover with the browned chops. Add another layer of potatoes and onion, and pur over all a small can (about one cup) Cream of Tomato Soup. Bake in a moderate oven about 40 minutes, or until the potatoes are 9fc - ' r-- ,J becomes a story of men, as well as the story of an era. Among them are Owen D. Young, whose broadmlodcd Judgment since bu own recogaited by appointment as Chairman of the Reparations Commission; GeneraJ James O. Harbord. military leader wttb a brilliant record In peace and war, President; David Sarnoff, Executive Vice-President, cne of many ou the Kf t V MR. DAVID SARNOFF company's first roll who had been working In telegraphy since boyhood; Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith, Director of Research, a scholar of radio. The possibilities of broadcasting suddenly were realized In 1920 and one of the most striking developments of modern times is summed up in the fact that between them and the end ot 1922 the number of receiving sets in the United States increased from 30.000 to 1.500.000. In the years that followed the Cor poration organized a decade ago to further America's interests in radio telegraph has played Its leading part in a changing world. Always develop ing that first Interest in radio tele graph, it has acquired an important position In the closely allied amuse ment Held. It has a substantial inter est in tbe production, distribution and exhibition of sound-motion pictures, with increased facilities for furnish ing entertainment and education on records, on films, through the air, la the theater and In the home. Save Seasonings Lcjl-over Meat with Tomato Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 6 medium onions, thinly sliced 2 cups Cream of Tomato Soup 2 cups cooked beef or vtal, diced or in slice 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Yi teaspoon celery salt Melt butter in frying pan; add sliced onions and cook over a low tiame until slightly brown, stirring frequently. Add tomato soup and other seasonings, and cook slowly until thick and rich about Y hour. Add the cold cooked meat, heat thoroughly and serve. This recipe serves six. V eal Birds Cut very thin veal cut lets into pieces about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide, each piece to make a bird. Remove trimmings from meat, and add an equal quantity of chopped bacon or other pnrk, mixed with the same quantity of cracker or bread crumbs. Season highly with salt, pepper, onion juice and Worcester shire Sauce. Moisten with one beat en egg. Spread each piece of meat with this mixture. Roll and fasten with cord or small skewtcrs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in hot butter until golden brown. Add cream, or thin white sauce, to half cover the meat. Stir in 2 taUuipoons tomato ketchup, and simmer slowly for 20 minutes, or until meat is tender. Remove fastenings and serve birds on individual pieces of toast, pouring on the remaining sauce. Veal Birds are tender and deli- if3 ! 1tf S 'LC'- GOVERNOR CALLS MEETING I ON ECONOMIC PROGRAM' Would Follow President Hoover' Recommendation That State Further Construction Governor Norblad has called a meeting of chamber members and others interested in furthering; the recommendation of President Hoover 'that states pursue an x: tended construction period for this i year, the meeting to be held on February 11, at the Indian , grill room of tho Multnomah hotel, - at Port knd. At that meeting, which will bo a Btnte-wide economic conference, lending economists of the state will be present. A broad program ha" ; been laid out and many matters tending to the best interest of the ; ."Hate will be taken up. Among the measures to be take up are: (a) To insure an early starting of many needed improvements. (b) To determine which may be in position to be started. (c) To determine an outline of what may be expected luter and when H will seem rea onnblc to ex-! pert a start on these. WORKING DAYS OF THE HEN Ebttric Light Will IncrtMc the Egg Yield General rules for u. ing hen house lights arc formulated in the report as follows: 1. The lights should be turned on at the same time every morning. 2. The daylight period should be not over thirteen or fourteen hours. 3. Always have both feed and water available during the extra hours regardless of morning or night feeding. ' 4. Feed grain liberally to main tain body weight. 5. Try to maintain production at J about i ixty per cent, or slightly less. 6. Lighting rs profitable from October 15 to March 15. 7. Discontinue to feed early and late in the day when lights are elim inated. "If all of these rules are observed the poultryman who uses lights will materially increase his labor income." Electric lighto In the henhouse to lengthen the hen's working day and Sq increase her egg yield have defi nitely proved their value, accord ing to a report from the Ohio State Agricultural college, which says: 1. Lights will increase winter egg production. 2. Records on 756 Ohio Calendar flocks show lighted flocks produc ing twenty per cent more than un lighted ones from October to March, and nine percent more for the en tire year. 3. Lights will hasten breeders into (production. 4. Lights will prevent winter molt of early hatched pullets. 5. Lights used on culls will in crease the fall and winter produc tion. 7. Lights properly used will' ma terially increare the labor income. TEN CASES ILLNESS REPORTED Measles Hm Call oa Other Klaidi lUnwted to Jfoard Jfoaala aeems to b the most pre valent disease in Wasco county ac cording to a report of the State De partment of Health in the boilletiri released January 25. There, were fix cases of that ailment reported, one each of whoopnig cougfy and smallpox, while chickenpox had af flicted but two persons. ' In the whole ttate but one ense of spinal meningitis was nrported, that being in Marion county. Pneu monia led in cases reportcyl, there being 94 of such in the , bulletin. Influenza came next with 69, fol lowed by measles, of which there were 51 cases. Chickonpmx had 40 victims and mumps had twollen the jaws of 44 people. Valentines a nice selection one cent to 25 cenfc:, at tht Maupin Drug Store. Fort Rock Brooks Scanlon Lum ber company purchased 28423,000 feet of timber here.' v Pine Grove Doings Ed Bcebe, being in The ' Dalles hospital Hnce Thanksgiving, has improved enough to return home" lust Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davie il eon, George, were visitors at Mtrs. O. Bronners Friday last. '' ' Mr. and Ms. Fank Richardson were Sunday guess at the O. S. alters home. i Vigil Mayficld and John f ie Sin clair arc logging at the M'jFarland '. ' A padlock has been put on the Pine Grove school house, f br there has been a loose finger in I She community. Mrs. Kate Peterson is improving in health since she left for Portland, and will be able to return to her home In a few more weeks. School was not held ut Tine Grovo lust week on account of cold weather. MMiiiitiiiiiiniHtiitsiiiuiiiiiiiuttjrMiiiMUiutiiititiitniititJiitiMiiivftM(tuicitiijitMfiitiiiiiiiiiiiiistiiiitiMiJrM triirtnriiu Neighborhood IIIIIIMIIIIIinillllHillHIMIIIIimillllinillHIIIM'HllHI Wapinitia GRADE NOTES An average attendance was found in tbe Trimury room Monday morn ing. Thofe absent were Chole llollomnn, Rose Ilartman, Vcrn Hachlcr and llnrvcy Wall, Harvey Wall has been very ill with pneumonia, and has been out of school for some time, but Is netting bettor. 1 The class officer?, in tho Primary room are Kenneth Endersby, chair man; Kenneth Burchard, desk moni tor; Ted Hachlcr, library; Wallace Woodsidc. paper monitor and Wini fred McCoy, pencil monitor. Glen Hammer and Viola West were absent Monday from the In termediate room. SCHOOL NEWS Avis Endersby was abeent from school Monday morning. Rabbit Hunting Rabbit hunting is mc sport those days. All you have to do is to sit down along a trail and wait for them to come along. So reports Mr. Heckman on Monday morning. He says he succeeded in shooting eleven over the week end " while Arnold Crosmj'1 bagged eoven Er.rnie Endersby reports that he "ran down" two saddle horses last Sunday but succeeded in capturing eight jackrabbits. JOKES Melvin W. (on the way to school) t0 a jackrabbit: "Whafa your hurry, big boy?" Jackrabbit (as he hurried towards Pine Grove:) "Don't kd me, 'feller." "Pop" Heckman bought a box of shotgun shclb this morning." Teacher: MVliat do you think of mud as a beautifier?" Wilbur: ' It hasn't done much for us basketball players." Billie: "Where did you get that cold?" Wapinitia Jottings L. W. West and family made a trip to Dufur Sunday. Gerald Claymier and Elwyn Sturgis shot nine rabbits Sunday. E. A. Hartman motored to The Dalles Monday to got Ed Becbe. who has been in the hospital for some time. , Myrtle and Sylvia Holloman were in town Monday. Lloyd Wood idc is hauling hay from his lower ranch to the one in Wapinitia. rxxTlxlllllxXTXtiililixgllilliliiiiiTHiTitiiiniiiiiiirTTiTvutrrirTi Tires and Tubes Reduced U. S. Peerless and Royal Tires-Tubes TUBES 30x3M Red Royal $1.50 $1.20 30x3'. U. S. Peerless 1.20 1.00 31x4 Royal 2.20 1.75 32x4 Royal 2.30 1.85 32x4'. Royal 2.70 2.30 29x4.40 Royal 1.90 1.50 29x4.50 Royal 1.95 1.55 29x5.00 Royal 2.05 1.60 30x4,50 Royal 2.00 1.65 30x5.25 Royal , 2.70 2.50 30x5.50 Royal 2.95 2.65 30x6.00 Royal 2.95 2.65 , 31x5.25 Roval 2.80 2.55 Herb Lewla with his snow plow k keeping the highway from Brown's service station to Pino Grove, free from snow. , Haxel mid Laughlin spent Inxl week end nt their home nt Pino Grove, School Notes "rnnk: glaa:." 'Drinking out of a damp NEED OF A GYM (Marlon O'Hrien) What is more desired In school than athletics? If a school is to have a good athletic team, that school must have some place for the tcum to practice. Basketball is a game which Is played indoors, thus it necessitates indoor practice. What can a school do lit basketball without sufficient floor room for practice? Until the present now fell the "Cyclonca" ob tained (tonic practice on their open air, outdoor cmift. This outdoor practice is not i (t'""l indoor practice, but when m school has no other meana it niuil mrki- tlm ln't of Us opportunities. Even lids out door prsctice ut the pre cut tlnio i impowihlo bt'CHitso tho emirt is cov ered with about one foot of snow. At the present time tho "CyrloiKs' have no gomes in view due to no means of travel. As every gnmc of basketball that the "Cyclones" have played has been played on other floor , they have not hnd an even break. If there was a gym here at Wapmitia. the "Cyclones" could have at least half of there games here and get an even chance with other teams. Some of you mny say, "If you have no meana of playing bnxketbnll, why not drop it?" Now, folks, if you were going to school and wanted to play basketball, wouldn't you mnke a fight for your game? WouUl you like to go to a school where they had no such game? Wouldn't you go to a rchool where they had such a game? If every one took this at titude, how long would the school last? Such is the attitude of a ma jority of High school pupils of today. If they fell this way, they have not the needed school spirit. Friends and patrons of tho school, does it not reem to you that we need a gymnasium nt Wapinitia so that we may athletically uphold the honor of old Wap. Hi? MAUPIN III TIMES they have come back t0 tho floor with plenty of pep and vigor. Maupin will journey to Dufur January 31 to play a return game on Dufur's floor Both teams are looking keenly forward as the lust i games were close. Many of the fans from Maupin will journey to Dufur to cupport their girls and boys and to witness a well matched event. GRADE NOTES Seventh and Eighth The pupils all favored having a 30x3VL Royal, regular $ 6.75 $ 5.40 30x31- Royal, extra size 7.25 5.80 31x4 Royal Cord 12.00 9.60 29x4.40 Royal Balloons 8.25 6.60 29x4.G0 Royal Balloons 8.85 7.10 29x600 Royal Balloons 11.00 8.80 30x500 Royal Balloons 11.35 9.00 30x525 Royal Balloons 13.25 10.60 30x550 Royal Balloons 14.35 11.50 31x525 Royal Balloons 13.65 10.90 30x600 Royal Balloons 15.10 12.10 30x3VL U. S. Peerless cord, extra $ 5.00 $ 4.00 29x4.40 U. S. Peerless 6.30 5.05 30x4.50 U. S. Peerless 7.00 5.60 28x5.25 U. S. Peerless 9.90 7.95 31x5.25 U. S. Peerless 10.95 8.75 Maurrin Garage Valentine box. They have draws iiiiiiicg and are now looking over the Valentino supply ut tho various atorvi trying to find Suitable ones to give. Gcnuvelvc Allen and Russcl Holt wore absent from school several days In t wwk, due to the deep smw and cold weather. The Seventh graders are struggling with percentage In Arithmetic while tho higth grude is solving problem on lumber measuring. Fifth and Slsth While coming t0 school Monday morning, John Slur fell and dis located his elbow. Doctor Stovall act the Injured member. ' Margnrct Appling is bark at tchool again. She wa absent week bo cause of illness. Myrtle Kramer and Rculah .Schill ing are making a Valentine box for the Fifth and Klxth grades. Jumping is the only meana of ex erelso ilnre the snow Is too deep to play outside, The hall in used as a gym for this amusing sport. Third and Fourth Eunice Mndlcy was absent Mon day on account of lllncs Adeline Schilling uiul Charlotte New wero iil. ii ab:ent Monday, Tk gold flUi are living through I ho cold apell without much trouble. The children wIlq have not been absent this year arc: Joliu Foley, Albert Troutman and Loyal Pratt Primary Nw NoIm The First and Second grader arc having t Ixuvcr project, learn ing how ''Paddy Beaver" Uvea, Stories and picture of Paddy Heaver were secured from the coun ty library. Every on was happy when Don Stogsdill returned Monday after a Ion;; absence. One would Judge by Don's radiant fare that he waa also happy to be back. Gertrude Kirsch Is still absent on account of the deep snow. Several of the First and Second Tader out ide of the Maupin dis trict have stayed in Maupin during the cold spell. Verl Confer and Glen ChaMala stayed with their grandparents here. Mrs. Chastain, grandmother of Glen Chartain, visited the Primary room, The Second graders are enjoying the library books sent from our library. The In pectors for this week are I Phyllis Trnutman and Billie Schill ing. The policemen are: Dean Crabtree nnd Murl Addlngton. Verl Confer has charge of the wraps for this wek. Final cost of Klamath Falla-Bend The Dalles line of Pacific Tel. A Tel company, now under construction, will be $1,400,000. OREGON NEWS NOTES Klamath Falls Klamath county court house renovated. Oregon Electric Railway company will start construction of 70 mil logging railroiad from Lebanon op Snntlam river to Sweet Home, Oregon City Bids called for con struction of retaining wall. TIKES Cord and Balloon Tires Icjpus. Try them one day this week! i t ( 4 i,timiiiimiiiitirmmi: niiiiiiimnminmiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiTii