tig two" T - THE MAUPIN TIMES Tlmi-day. January 30, 102l). The Maupin Times AM INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER C W. EMMES, Editor C. W. Semmes and E. R. Semmes i'ubli hers Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon Subscription: One year, $1.60; six monthi, l.OO; three months, 50cts. Entered as second class maill mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the aot of March 8, 1876. Sound Meats Canned MOO- is IT WORTH DOING? Takng away that life given man- hind by a Jut and all wise creator; is a gross violation of the Biblical law, for in that instance something is taken that cannot be restored. No man fa hia sober sense will de liberately take away bis life. When ever that occurs we should took In to the cause and then determine the state of that man's mind. He may have had provocation, and a diseased mini, caused either by excesses such m drink, ill health or family distur bance. The latter is by far the strongest contributing factor in tulcide cases. Letter Kelly usually shewed a mind far above the average. For several years he had abstained from drink. His ill health was not! such as do unbalance his mind. There' mu-t have been other causes that so preyed . upon him as to prompt the deed whereby he took his own life. It is known that all MOO-OO! - - Hi r M , ;1 inr mf pH jtll S3 ViV. F -ivi:rf nmi .CACKLE- CACKl E! rfcpbBLE! I. ..IL,....iiA."T vVtl 1 ! Til I IV I "WW. EST-"! F.W 'UiiW NlrXll if It fijOUND meat, not meat sonnds 9 r canned. But if meat " sounds could be canned tlic cans would cackle, grunt, bleat, gobble and moo, for almost every kind of meat may be found in a cm. If all the cans were put together on a shelf, undoubtedly the most noticeable sound would be the bel low, for aside from being the loud est noise of the lot, there would be more cans containing beef. A par tial list includes, beef boiled, corned, dried, roast beef stew, beef stew with onions, beef hash, Hun garian goulash, o.x tongue and beef i la mode. There would be timid attempt at bellows, too, from the calves, represented by veal loaf, and roast veal, veal tonsne and ve-il liver with bacon and liver with onions. Grunts from cans of the pork family would ctne from sliced bacon, deviled ham, h.ini loaf, and whole hams, pis feet, sausage in many styles and sausage with sauer kraut. The King of Them AH Only a few baas would lie heard, lamb tonpue bein? the rt:iin repre sentatives of the iam'j family. Cackles? Oh, yes. quite a few from boneless cmcken, deviled chicken, chicken t:nu.le, chicken curry, chicken a la kir.t and chicken liver sandwich spreads. Ard rising ' above te clients would eo-.ne a lordly "GoldiV, grtihle," from the can wherein re ro? the remains of the kiiij of lov.'ls, the turkey. lUr From The D1U Attorney Frank Dick, "Sid" John son and Harry Sherwood came over from The Dalles- and attended the funeral of Lester Kelly on Tuesday. ;Dick and Sherwood returned that evening, "Sid" remaining in Mau pin and continuing on to Madras yesterday. "J" ' Ricardion Cut lea Den Richardson was in from Tine Grove Tuesday. He rolated to The Times man that ho had put up about H1 tons of ice, cut on the Kd. Da vis pond and that the conglealed moisture was eight inches thick. Several others of that locality also put up thcr summer's rupply of uc. Trout Jumping in River John Foley, whose eyes take in everything of note between her and North Junction on the 0. W., re ported yeterday that trout wert jumping in the river. John says that is the first time in the many yean he has been track walking on that section that the trout have been seen on the jump in the winter timt. SOME WORTH WHILE RESOLUTIONS: Resolve to pay eo!.h during 1PII0. Resolve to pay your obligations by check. Resolve to have m indent funds In bank to meet obligations. Resolve to bank more of your profits and keep o nurplus on hand. Revolve that some credit is n bugaboo nnd that cash buys mora. Resolve to choone n responsible bunk to do bu lness with; and then Make a further resolution to patronago our growing institution, the MUD AND THE FARMER A recent editorial in the "Bureau wa not serene in his family life, j Farmer" says that the barrier of While he uttered no public complaint , mud wnch fivc months out of the is was easily seen that he was men-' year separates five million farm tally disorganized. . People who families from the markets where reera to know voice the opinion that ;-hpy sell their produce, and like- ing of immediate consideration. Rood roads will probably do more than anything else to advance agricultural progress and prosperity THE LATEST WRINKLE Since the season of good radio reception has again rolled around interesting rending. Within the past few week3 one of the brst- knowfn makes of automobiles has I been exhibited with a complete ,n- j dio set attached. Together now are j two of the world's greatest bless- I family troubles were the prime cause i wise buy their supplies, is of of his deed. Be that as it may. the preme importance in the agricultural fact remains that he is no longer a economic situation, resident of thh community. His According to this authority, there hody rests in the spot dedicated to are almost two and one-half million mch purposes by his father. It is miles of unimproved dirt roads in evident he sought rest and rolief the United States, and nearly five irom sometmng other than- bodily million farmers live on them. Farm-1 ings. Today we can get our ball ilms. lers in this country pay seven per scores, market quotation, stock rc- We sometimes question the wrong cent of the highway tax, yet less j ports, weather forecasts or jazz in committing suicide. In such than three per cent of them are sit- program as we ;kim along the high casea there is always a reason and uated on year-round highways. S way. All thst is needed is to opcr when a man, of his own violation,! Here is room for some "farm re-'ate a switch on the instrument works that act his reason, while of-, lief' activity which will actually re-; board and the radio set is in opera times obscure to others, may be lieve. The greatest present need, in : tion. It tends to show what a fast justified. Christ said: ''Come unto1 the matter of highways, is improved tare we are living in as well as to me an ye mai lacor ana are neavy : larm-to-market roads. These can be make us wonder more than we hav Reduced . Tira Pric The Maupm garage has a change of advertisement in this Isrue of The Times. The garage has a large stock of tires on hand and in order to close them out has reduced the prices 20 per cent. The prices apply to tubes as well as tires and at the figures quoted arc real bargains. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) UTTITTTITTTTTTTTT TTTTTXTT1TTTTTTTTX1 Installs Big Swinf Machiao Kelly Cyr at the Maupin Shoe Shop has received a large sewing ma chine, one designed to sew soles on ; hoes and do other kinds of heavy leather work. He is now, fixed up to do all kinds of shoe repairing as well as fixing leather coats, gloves, etc. Rin and Sleet The weather opened up Tuesday afternoon, first letting down a heavy snow storm, later that night turning to rain, which fell inter mittently during the evening and night. Wednesday morning the show wit; covered with a coating of ice. The rond crew went out that morning and cleaned the roads from the now and ice. laden, and I will give you tcit" It I constructed, with a durable water may have been that the late la-1 proof surface, at & low cost and merited realized that invitation and I without large maintenance expense, sought the rest denied him on earth, j The five million farmers now liv Btft at that, was the act worth ing with a barrier of. mud between doing ? I them and their markets, are desorv- SHBP BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE Between PORTLAND - THE DALLES - MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAN'S TRUCK LINE PORTLAND-THE. DALLES THE DALLES MAUPIN and Way Points and Way Point BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS wondered if there really is anything impossible outside of finding some way to dispense with death and taxes. An Atlanta woman fays she hns lived to be 103 by "minding her own business." Now we know why a lot ef citizens around Maupin are apt to die in middle life. Ninety thousand New Yorkers are making a living through the boot leggrnfil business, it is raid. This doe3 not include the undortakcrs. Maybe Maupin boys seem more sinful now because they don't take the precaution to sneak out behind the barn to enjoy a quiet smoke. There are still a few Maupin pro pip who can remember when the fhinglc was the board of education. Portland Plan.; underway for the contraction of Consolidated Truck line terminal at 21st and Quimby streets. At Kelly Funeral Among tho e who attended the funeral of the late Lester Kelly and wh' live on Waprnitia Plains, were if. 'S. Endershy, Ted Enderbsy and wife, Ernest Confer and Wife, Ray Kaylor and wife, W. H. Talcott, Pee Talcott and wife, Raymond Cribtrec and wife, Lloyd Woodside and wifi. Callaway Funeral Chapel The Dalles, Ore. HILL EVANS Dufur, Or. We carry a complete line of Caskets Have heavy stitcher for shoe soles, heavy harness tugu and other heavy sewing. Can also do hand sewing of all kinds. Ladies shoe heels straightened with top lifts. Men's rubber heelr. replaced. Half soles, full soles, s'de patch- s, toe caps. t.i Prices the same as Portland ami Thu Dalles. We do a cnh buslnos . We, will pay cash for some womons caM-off shoes. ndv. Wm.A. SHORT Dentist MAUPIN . . . OREGON r Chinook Here As we go to press a chinook rs working on the mow. Last night rain fell at intervals and today the v,-arm wind is dissipating the snow. On the Flat and Criterion high spots tho snow is settling. Ranchers iiro hoping that if the snow docs go off that it will be gradual, thui pfnnitting the moisture to sink into the ground. Thti M. S. 3 Js now open for your inspection. Come any time and look it over, Wc do all kinds of shoe, harness, coat, canvas and glove repairing. Have tewing machine for light leath er Work such as canvas, coats, gloves, heavy cloth and other light sewing i m W 1 THE DALLES-MAUPi'N '! m r, TS1 I2Vmsi 7 W "-Ti- U M 15 Mtd "- n . (i rr 3. A. HARTMAN, Uz3 U 11 V 1 Proprietor-Manager Tariff Schedule showing One Way and Round Trip Fares, and Express Tariff No. 1 between The Dalles, Maupin and Intermediate Points. PASSENGER RATES The Dalles 00 Boyd .. ........... .75 Boyd " Dufur $1.00 $.25 Dufur .; Friend $1.50 .75 $.50 Friend Tygh Valley... $2.00 1.00 1.00 $.50 Tygh Valley Maupin $2.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 Maupin $ .50 EXPRESS RATES POUNDS MILES 1 to 21 MILES 22 to 37 MILES 38 to 60 1 to 25 $ .25 $ .25 $ .25 26 to 50 .25 .25 .30 51 to 75 .30 .35 .40 76 to 100 ' .40 .50 .60 Minimum Charge 25 cents OREGON NEWS NOTES Parkdale Plans dir,eunscd for re constructing burned Grange hall building. i Med ford Standard Oil company opened diMritt sales agency office here. Gresham I'ost office moved into quarters in Greahnm drug: tore build ing. Klamath Falls Capita! tock of American National bank increased from $100,000 to $200,000. Portland Plans underway for construction of approach to road way to Swan Island airport. Grants Pass Ore discovered at Queen of Gronzo mine, 40 miles west of here. 25 Cents buys the best and largest meal served in The Dalles, at JEFF'S PLACE Across the itrect from bis old stand. Now at 410 East Second Street. CLASSIFIED COLUMN APPLES Newtowns, Jonathans, Ortleys, Baldwins. Good cookers, good keepers. Now in storage at Dufur, Oregon. Vanderpool & Stoughton. 3-ti WERNftVSARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Watco County 's Exclusive Shoe Store hoea for thn Vhole Kmi General Repairing the Pai'es, Oca. v. . . ' wAPwrnA i. o. o. v. Lodgo No. 20, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night la L O. O. F. hall. VMtlng members alwaya welcome. Roy R. Crebtraa, N. C B. W. Wakh, Secretary. PERFECTION .FLOUR IT'S THE BEST Central Oregon Milling Co. Maupin, Oregon WhiteRestaurant PRIVATE BOOTHS 'Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prop. Harvest Bread A Wasco County Product MADE BY &f)Q Oregon Bakery Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchant get the best 313 VVaiVay