The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 23, 1930, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, January 23, 1930.
hit fkr4
building on his lot
Times office.
opposite Th
After February 1st we will mail our regular circu
lars each week to all our customers.
We strive to ivc you everything fresh for the
table. It is our aim to give you the same large se
lection of Fruits and Vegetables in winter as well
as summer. Make this store your headquarters
while in Maupin.
Maupin's Leading Grocery
O. P. Resh & Co.
Everything For the Table Maupin, Oregon
H. M. Greene baa been appointed
mad tupervior for Road District
'No. 34. which lie east of the De-
chutea river.
While coasting at Winnie one liiy
recently Ilaxel Johnson' Id carried
hr between a team of horse and
between the wheel of a wairon.
Neither the little girl or horn-s were
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
PublLhed in the inerests of the people of Maupin and viciuity bf
Vol. 1
Maupin, Oregon, January 23, 1930.
No. 22
Pick Ups US!
Editorial The kitchen in somt'
We M c by the paper houses is o small they
that Will Rogers and have t UMS comlpnse(J
Joe Robinson are over ., ,
. . ... milk. Our plans a ways
thfre trying to fix up 1 3
the worl. It will take r'''nt7 of room o
up the gum cheving v"ry room. Doth h:
habit and carry litrints. new and remodeling
T-A-L work our architcct 'arc
ine ourning qucs- tne bet. And
tion of the hour. Do
Art Morrla and wife braved the
omenta this morning and came to
town on a shopping trip.
Dolph Mayhcw wai down
the ranch on business today.
MUa Adeline Scethoff attended
the dance at Madras last Suturduy
EUa Derthlck broke road Bake-
oven way today, coming to town in ;
hia truck.
Everett Richmond took a load of
hofj to Portland for Reh & Co.,
on Tuesday.
Joe- Kramer attended a meeting of
Ford dealers held at Portland yc
terday and today.
K. R. Brown of this place was ad
mitted to The Dalle honpital one
day last week.
Clarence Fargher is busy these
daya hauling baled hay to the Far
gher sheep camp.
Billy Hunt waa a prominent
speaker at the Wool Growers meet
ing at The Dalles last Friday,
We call attention to the time and
express card of Mail Carrier Hart
man In this Is ue of The Times.
Dr. Short returned Saturday from
a week's visit with hia dental patients
at Madras and surrounding country.
Mis, Helen Wcberg was absent
from her disk at the Shattuck store
today, she being laid up with a se
vere cold.
Everett Richmond made trip to
Portland thi i morning, taking a
Imd of fat bogs there for Oliver
Harold Kramer came In from Du
fur thU morning, he having been
on a visit to hia brother, Sylvester,
at that place.
Furniture Company
Everything in our big store
(contract goods excepted)
will go at reductions
of from
Bobby Davidson's truck froze
Tuesday flight, thin leaving him
up against tt for ta trip to Portland
with porkers.
Ollle Weberg busied himself dur
ing the ejttreme cold weather In
keeping the school rooms warm
during the night.
Addie Wray failed to show up for
work at the drug store Monday
morning. Addie drives a Ford of
ancient vintage and that morning he
attempted to start the beast. It
failed to function and then our ur
bane drug clerk got real busy. He
eoumined the car's innards, looked
over the smoke stack, tried the air,
pulled it about to see its traction,
filled the radiator with hot water,
then got busy with the crank. And
still the wagon failed to move. Ad
die thought for a time he would
tha Mra when tie rlinrnvprrd h u-nt
all In., After dinner he tackled the
up 'animal again and was rewarded
j you know the answer to
it? Tum-A-Lump coal.
The hottest mined and
Oh Boy! so easy to
start on a cold morning.
Do you want that load
rent up today? Phone
Main 72 Irr quick
How about a load of
good dry pine or fir
W'e hve everything
to build anything.
Our service is fast
you get thingr, you want
Frank Litscr has concluded that
working with sheep has lobt attrai
tloo for blm. It has been his cus
tom for Mveral years to assist ;n
lambing, then shearing and later to
Uke a band of ahecp to the high
spots. All that will be forgotten,
for Frank will become one of Frank
Klimpt's crew and will devote his
talentj to "oilin' the car" tamping
ties, straightening rail and otherwise
keep busy as a section hand.
Mail carriers have had their
troubles all same as other people.
The weather is oftimcs cause for
non-delivery of mail, as we instance
here. Tuesday The Times man ac
companied Phil Starr to Shaniko.
It is Phil's route to come from Shani
ko by way of the Bakeoven road. I
serving patrons of the postof fire I
a Inn 9 that K i r. Vm,- a tf U'Un wa laffl
morning, he having picked them up!Shaniko we found road drifted!
wnen me icnuoi pus inueu ig cunic uji
Henry Richardson is now at
work taking rare of a big hooch of
Enie&t Troutnvan'a sheep on the
Batty place on the Flat
Hnnk Ilarpham came over frvm
Goldnndale today. He has been
making that place his headquarters,
for the past month or so.
Ollie Bothwell and wife were
down from the Flat on Thursday, it
bemg their firat visit to town since
the winter weather came.
Wiley Harris waa over from
Shaniko, where he la looking after'
the Blakeslee sheep during the win
ter. He was in town today.
Otis Chastain brought i
school children to town
load of
with a slight cough. Continuing he
at bt got Lizzie going and without j the same day you want
more ado proceeded to town. As a
result of hia delay several of Shat
tuck's milk customers either had to
drink black coffee or resort to the
anned product of lacteal fluid.
you know it ia hard for
the cows to ait on
those little cans.
Cowboys roll their cig
arettes, The flapper rolls her
The baker first rolls up
hia tleeve
And then he rolla in
Sailors always roll
their walk,
Scotchman roll their
When a crap shooter
rolls a natural,
He rolls in a Rolls
Royce car.
Sinn in church kiilletia
The Indies of the
church lave cast-off
clothing f.f all kind.
They may be Been ia
the basement of tha
church any aftcmood
this week.
Girl: Have you any
green lipstick?
Druggist: What da
you want with greet!
Girl: Well you see
a railroad man is calV
Ing on me to-night.
We expect a car" "6f
King Lump coal Sun'
day or Monday.
T. A- L
Aa the zeppelin mov
ed over the' elephant
herd the oldest member
said: "There ia that
new trunk cover I or
dered two years ago."
1 4 r X still JL-
in time.
Johnny Karlcn's - truck . laid
d'Wn on him while coming to town
last Tuesday and it took Phil Starr
and a couple of others to bring it
to town.
The Jim Baxter mentioned a a
juror in lat week's paper la not
the Jim Baxter of Maupin but the
man of the name name who lives
at Antelope.
Doctor In Drift
While on his way home at The
Dalles last evening Dr. Coberth,
who had been calling on a patient
on the Flat, ran his ear into a
snowdrift at the Intersection of the
main highway and the Waplniti
market road. He tried to get back
on the highway but failed. Just
then Marcus Shearer with a load of
basketball players, who had been at
Dufur, came along and the combined
help soon strighlcnrd the doctor
around on the road.
Agent, Maupin.
full, no tracks breaking through and
evidencing a hard and possible fail
tire of the trip to Malpin. Phil
used hia prerogative and came back
by way of the Sherman and Dalles
California highways.
Mose Addington has his section of
the highway well cleaned from snow.
From Maupin each way the road is
easily passable. The snow, thrown
lp by the road sccraper lies piled
high on each side of the highway.
Bu should a heavy wind come up,
thvn look out, Mose, 'for you will
have a man's size job on your hands
scraping the snow from the roadway.
x Mr. Mellenthin is a regular grad
Joe Kramer has a real he man's uatc in medicine and surgery and is
heart He is foremost in ad- licensed by the state of Oregon. H--vocatlng
improvement, as. ists in not operate for chronic appen
keeplng the city pumps in order and uMcltI gall stones, ulcers of stomach
finds time, outride of his many du-. tonsils or adenoids,
ties about the garage to do other He has to his credit wonderful re
things, all for the public good. His suits in diseases of the stomach,
recent act of cleaning our sidej liver, bowels, blood, ikin, nerves,
streets was commendable. Not heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting,
alone did the streets receive his at- catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism,
tcntion but in the bigness of his sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail
heart he attempted to scrape the nients.
Lv. MAUPIN 10:55 A. M.
connecting at Sherman with the
Alo connection with the famous
This fine flyer leaves Hie Dalles 8:33 P. M. Luxuri
ously equipped- dining car service par excellence.
F. &
P. A., Bend Ore.
No Charge for Consultation
Bobby Davidson's Kcnworth truck
ir, still on the bum on account of
the cold weather.
TJin Tinm. .Tan 93 1920.
Mrs. R. S. Slushcr and Mrs. H.ib"ckd on the job
R. Kaiser were hostesses at a
shower at the Slushcr home last
Frdny evening, , the . event being in
honor of Mrs. . "Virgil Maybew.
Twenty-four, ladles were present
and the young bride was recipient
of many bcutiful and useful gifts:
Big Stock, Low Prices
I -Don,' A. StogMlill and Miss Lacy
V. Brittan went to The Dalles tn
Monday and there were united in
marriage. Don returned to his
Maupin ranch Wednesday, his bride
remaining at the county tat that
evening to attend a lecture. 1
Herbert W. Copcland, principal of
Maupin schools, is a graduate opti
cian and is advertising tho correc
tion of mpaired eyesight.
A chinook wind took most of the
snow from the Flat last week but
the weather again turned cold.
Ora Maynard has sold his ranch
of 400 acrog and his farm equip
ment, horses, cattle and hogs, to
Calvin McCorklc. The" consideration
was $16,000. Tho Maynarda. will go
to California to reside.
H. L. Morris is erecting1 an office
road up Bakeoven. It was not his
fault he did not complete that job
on Tuesday. Hir Fordson tractor,
like all of the old Ford products.
and left Joe
morooncd far from town. Too bad.
Trapper Fulkcrson is a close ob
server of the habits of predatory
animals. Recently he told The
Times man of finding the stomachs
of killed coyotes filled with juniper
berries. The sneaker, during heavy
snow and cold weather, .when rab
bits and squirrels were-not to be
bad, had feasted on the berries,
knowing they posses ed sufficient
vitamins to sustain life until better
fare could be procured.
Dr. Mellenthin
Internal Medicine for
past fifteen years
Will be at
WedS, Thuriday, Jan. 29, 1930
Office Hour 10 a. m. t0 4 p. r
Below arc the names of a few of
his ninny satisfied patients in Ore
gon who have been treated for one
or the other of the above named
H. II. Blake, Marshfield Ore.
Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis, Ore.
Chns. Desch, Portland, Ore.
Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker, Toledo Ore.
. John Lucian, Echo, Ore.
Bert Lampa, St. Helens, Ore.
Mrs! Maybelle Snydre, Alseo, Ore.
' Mi s Emma Turner, Mikkalo, Ore.
Mrs. John- Van Pelt, Harbor, Ore.
J. H. Wood, Eugene, Ore.
Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem, Ore.
Remember above date, that con
sultation on this trip will be free
and that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 4221 West Third Street
Log Angeles, California.
t '
Long Diitant Hauling A Specially
Undertaking Co.
Th Dillet, Oregon. Plioa 35-J
Maupin :
Mr. and Mrs. Chariot Crofoot
Wapinitia -
Tygb Valley-
Roy Ward
W. B. Slow
Phon : .... SI 88
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing ita work
brinjr it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
uDvaturing Jeweler
ami Watchmaker
Suocwwtw Ut V. Llndquiat