MAUPIN I Publishes only that nera fi to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all. Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. JL XviLJLd VOLUME XVI MAUPIN, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1930 Number 12 THE MAUPIN HI TIMES VOLUME IL MAUPIN. OREGON. JANUARY 23, 1930. NUMBER 22 Physical Exam. Shows 10 Underweight LATE DEVELOPMENT IN WORK I, Tht state 1 ths first month Mm. Rutherford report that the are limit in club work has becu . ihnt Hnrlnir ! changed and now read "4-H-club nth of Khool each stu- wrK is for boys club n Qt A AArtkt cot AVI uturaii nuuivwvi Friday Assembly Last Friday morning High itudent un.l gim between and the Seventh and Eighth grade i . . ... i- .. ..... .. ... t.i.. dent shall be Inspected for defect n,n 10 iweniy-one years ui uk ..- pupni met Werner lor tneir weemy in vUon, hearing, breathing, dentl-j ciuaive. 'assembly. lr. and Mrs. vovau nu Aii Doyn or girra trnruiicu m Mrs. jesae uraotree were mc special BIO SHANIKO 8I0RE LOSES ONE ACTIVE FIRM MEMBER Roy Whocler Sell IsUrctt and Goe. la With Brother at Waaatcbea llm nv inv nthr nhvalrnl defects. unless the parent or guardian objects' work must carry to the examination. A summary of results of the ex amlnirtlon of the grade khool, ahowa that out of the 81 enrolled, of , which 70 were inspected. 22 are project, visitors. keep records, and turn in a record book. : "Booatmir The Old High School. After checking up on the 1929 rP Stovall gave an inrpiring talk on work for Maupin clubs, Mr. Seymour tno vaue 0f pep whrh he any is write u that two members have fall- rHy the Name as ambition. The 1 Thomas Gavin, who for many I years haa been at the head of the i r:. 'i A n'tisolor .tnrw at Khaniko. .A'ih! r.n'nf""'?iCr c'!J!,ni:,na3 taken over the interest of his partner, Roy Wheeler and will con- i COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION ENDORSES JUDGE WILSON Commando Hi. Candidacy for Office of Circalt Jadf to Sacceed Him.rlf the . I .... . a 11.L 1 . . . . a . at t without defect. None of the par- 10 maKe rl'0" i" student bojy enjoyed nm aaurew ana nto requested that their "children be Maupin from being 100 per cent Out appreciated hb coming to their as execused. It was found that H I ' 'nrollment of thlrty-f ive, thirty Mmby, have defective eyesight with only i 'hr h"vo nlhed 100 per cent. Let ; Mr. DeVoe then awarded the foot- four having bad hearing, while 18 u encicavor to i unisn , pvr bH Mter, wm,. wcre mc lewr com in ji'o'i. ol gold coiorea leu. me ooy As a New Years gift to 4-H club wh0 rer(rved letters for playing in hoys a new project haa been diel. j footbull were: Bob, Elton, Richard, This is called the Handicraft project : Orville, Glenn, Ivan, Albert. Massie, or Manual training project. Each j Charles, Laco, VaL Harry, Bo, and member mint mnk and exhibit six article-,-, and keep a record of mater- are mouthbrealher. Defective teeth art found among 31 students. It is well to note that eight of the pupils have corrected Wicir defeat. Serving hot lunches is one Idea mommendeid by the state authority and thti marks a genuine step in progressiva health work at Maupin , M " P"" schools. Mr. Shattuck loaned his scales to the Khool for the weighing. Since there have been smallpox clinics in near-by towns because of epidemics, the matter of vacinatlon ihould receive the attention of school patrons. Srxty-two out of 73 ex amlned report no vacinatlon. They have never been vacinatcd against smallpox. Th following are ton requirement of a standard club: 1. Five or more members taking the same project. 2. Officer elected from among club members. .1. A local leader selected. 4. A definite program of work make out, 5. At least ten regular meetings during the club year. ft. A local exhibit to be held an- nually. 7. A demonstration team which shall give s public demonstration in the community. 8. At lea t seventy per cent of the members must complete the pro ject and file a report with the State Club leader. 9. A judging team ahall be chosen by competlon among the members. 1 10. An achievement day shall b held during the club year. Bonny. Blanche Northrup entertalnod wth a piano solo, "Roman Candles" Ths a the first time Blanche haa duct tH enterprise alone hereafter The Change took effect laat week, at which time Mr. Wheeler left for Whereas, Fred W. Wilson, with .'.ignal ability, absolute integrity, and never failing courtesy, has srved the Seventh Judicial District as its Circuit Judge for many years and b so fencing this District at this tim, and Whereas, Judge Wilson's present term of office will expire January fifth, 1931, and a aucce sor will be nominated and elected this and PIONEERS' GRAVES TQ BE MARKED BY FOREST SERVICE Fifty-Sis Such Knows to Bo la Or go an I Washing toa; DcfL nitcljr Located Fifty-six graves of early day In dian fighteis, propectors and other pioneers ars known to tx'wt on ths I frot Orfrirnn unit Waatw ' ! ington. These graves are those which ' have been observed by fore.t offi cers in the course of their regular field work, no picticolar search being made., This Information is being compiled Whereas, the attorneya of Wasco county, composing the membership of the Waco County Bar Associa tes new post in upper Washington. ! tjon believe that the bet interests Mr. Wheeler will be associated f I)ifrirt rpnuir ih ronnmin. with hi brother in a chain of drug.ation and reelection of Judge Wil-,by th fomt Mrvic toT all,thf n" stores In Washington. The brother go,,, therefore be it ,tionaJ lorests or tne we. wiucn or- was severely injjured in an auto i RcoIved that the Wasco County nated with s from .th wreck last year and was unable to Bar Association herewith endorse Arizona Pioneer Historical tociety personally conduct his businea", so Fre(j w. Wilson for renomination vhkh in reluton n0 induced the Shaniko man t0 become ;for and Section to the office ofnonor can be to P""1 t0 bwto a partner in the business. Roy will Judce 0jf th Seventh Judicial Dk-1 uPon thc men nd womelJ who bravd. occupy the p,sition of auditor of the j trjct, comprising Hood River and Indittns nd nardships," and "the compsny, a work for which he is well ; WflM0 Counties and earnestly com. 6" ' many of the PD,e qualified. nwnds hi, candidacy to the entire ttered over the forest reserves Mr. Gavin, who has been at the eIctort of this Dbtrict; and be 8nd are Setting harder to identify k.kJ nt tia CkaniliA firm for a num. i ! each year." The recolution asks v. ... n. luriniT i - . Resolved that copie of these !' lederal appropnauons w do Recolution be supplied to the Press 'm markin , ne f?-. of this District for publication. Fourteen of the national forests oi TTnnin,n,,.w nt.d 14.. Oregon and Washington report 1930. . . .. i t. ... j .11 ; "i n ivbii fnr in nnxpmniv ana an are . . ... .1 rf - " . , . ;ber or yearn, win remain in cnarge 1 anticipating her numbers in me i"' , o the buBineM. The Gavin & Wheel- tur' . , . , , , , ' er business will be conducted under In keeping with Dr Stovall . talk incorporated Mmc. It recently wi asseniDiy vow w. ....... befame a part o the Red and aPtJI"" , 'White chain and since that took Next Friday at assembly it b plann- many changM haye occurred ed there wm oe a quanee numoer, . . . gtQre- ghelv. f a.1 1 1 . ...i.. ' - HOT LUNCH IS VERY POPULAR NEXT BASKETBALL.. AT.. TYGH The Cubs and Comets will journey to Tygh Friday, the 24th, for the first game away from homo this season. Due to cold weather two of the formerly scheduled games for away from home were canceled, so both of, the team are looking forward to the games next Friday. Maupin fans are' invited to follow their team and'make loud "whoopee1 Both of the Manrin team will go to Dufur January 31 for a return game on that floor. At the last j game with Dufur both games were , The hot lunch has become popu very close, so both the teams at Du- lnr among thc students since thc fur ought to be well matched. 'mercury feel below zero. There will bo no nioro games at Mrs. Fraley has accepted the re home until February 1. when Madras . pnnsihllity of serving a number of will come with both of Hs teams, os children, which varic3 between Maupin went to Madras for a foot- eighteen and twenty-two, in order that they may have proper nourish ment. She plans her menu differ ently each day In order to have a plensing variety for the students. Because of absences during the cold iwcather the1 number dertreased slightly, but It will not be long un- Dr. a brief review of the hstory of avia tion by Charles Bothwell, snd a speakor from the ouWde. There will also be the usual school songs and a special musical number. The assembly room is a cheery place on a eo'd Friday morning and the students will appreciate the visits of parents and friends if they will drop in for a few minutes at that trme. ing has been rearranged, good; given more prominent display end everything possible done to make the place more attractive and handy. Shaniko people regret Mr. Wheel er's leaving but console themselves with the knowledge that Mr. Gavin will remain with them as the lead ing merchant of that hustling city. CALLED TO HOOD RIVER BY DEATH OF BRO.-IN-LAW Lewis HoT.y, Hn.baad of Mrs. H. Woodcock's Si.ter, Coos on Laat Joaraey J. SCIENCE AND THE COLD ball gams. COLD WEATHER OBSERVATIONS Winter seems to have a death grip on Maupin With 16 or 16 Inches of '(now, and the temperature ranging from: 20 to 30 degrees be- i til the regulur number is back . (By Gladys Martin) Thc Phyiics class completed thc chapter on "Work and Heat Energy" last week. Through the interperta- I tion of science from this chapter stu dents have learned many facta con cerning present temperatures With the cold winter season at hand re fresmcnt of the knowledge of these facts tend.) t0 enlighten the gloom of cold. From science we learn that work produces heat, since both arc motion. The conclusion b drawn from thii theory that there is no such a thing aa cold. The term merely means Uhe absence of heat According to Mrs. J. II. Woodcock and her sis ter, Mr:.. Guy Harvey, of Wamic were called to Hood River on Mon- tday, the summons announcing the " " sudden death of Lewis Hovey, bus-1 ' LITTLE MINISTER" PREACHER band of the ladies' elder sister, j " " VlCt-re. WITH STOVALLS DpafK" Van hm rpnult of heart trouble KRAMER OVERCOME BY ; which decedent bad suffered forj FROST WHIL. UN 1 kai 1 ua I pioneer graves definitely known and ' worthy of marking. The Applegats dbtrict of the Crater National Park leads with 16, and the McKenire dbtrict of the Cascade National Forest ic second with nine. Fifty one of the graves are reported from Oregon and only five from Wash ington. Perhaps the best known of these graves b that of the pioneer woman on the old Barlow trail, just east of j the East Fork of Salmon river on the Mount Hood highway. Boy Evangelitt and Parent Stop in City Tuetday Night While on Way to Tacoma P.ichard Hedrick, a methodist di vine from California, with hia wife and two young sons, called on Dr. and Mr;. Stoviill of Maupin Tue3- Iday and spent the evening at the Stovall home. The party was oi the way to Tacoma, where thc eld est Bon, a lad of 12 years of gae and known in his home state as the "Little Minister," was scheduled to hold a serro; of cvcngclistic meet- aomp venrr.. In the afternoon of hb death Mr. 5aow l"rom Hovey had gone to the woodshed & Chilled and UtU after some wood. Not returning to Su"d or W,lk when expected his wife went to the shed and there found the dead body j J Kramer had a cloM cscaPe of her husband. It is supposed that 1 from serious frost bite on Tuesday he was stricken with a tudden at-h;ie clearing a roaday the tack and was carried off before he Bakeoven grade. Joe had fi ted up could return to the house. . ? v-scraper ana swwj up The funeral was held at Hood) the grade. He had reached a spot River on Tuesday, after which thej little better than half way u, the ladies from this section returned toi"de when thc a-.ctor motor dieJ. thrir homes. Mrs Hovey is the eld-1 alighted from the seat bui wa e-t of 12 children, Mrs. Woodcock , ahle to stand and sunk down into lminc flirt irnnnc-pBf . ' line snow, low xero, one fancies he Is a mem-iElwood says the rtudents who take ber of commander Byrd's South j hot luneh are better equipped for pola expedition. Water pipes and , their afternoon duties, that the serv radlators have to be watched. Ice j ing of hot lunch and drinks fill a Is forming on thc creeks and rivers. real need in the school, as it helps All wild life tuffers during thojthe children to enduro thc cold and cold weather. Quail find it hard to resist disease, get enough to eat. Some of thc j Some of thc students who are tamer birds are being fed by differ- ( not patrons of the lunch, bring thcr ent people. .Mr. Confer is feeding jmos bottles, so they may also have blue birds. Mr. DeVoe says that hot food. ings. Richar Hedrick, Jr., is one of the modern "notions. thc tern- most prericioua lads of the, age. He nerature of a body means simply in- has appeared in moving pictures. creasing the average velocity of its having been one of the stars in the molecules. filming of "The Four Horsemen," For the measuring of temperature j and also (tarring with Bill Hart and three different scales are used: , in some of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Centigrade, Farenhelt and Absolute, stories Hc b a natural orator, Comparison ,of these rcales shows , possesses a keen mind and holds hi" the freezing point of water to be ; hearers spellbound when making a placed differently on the different ! religions address. He and his fam scalcs. The freezing point on the I ily were on their way to Tacoma, Absolut, scale i 273 degrees above 'having but jjust completed a scries of six meetings at Bend, where the boy talked to the largest audiences HEAVIEST SNOW OF I At 1.-1- . AU lU PnBl! m mla sparrows and juhcos enjoy his bread The peple who are responsible AMO,",e ' u SZZ v . .... .1 h.l . . .. . . . . ... 'zero Is thc freezing point of water, crumb, and oaim, oai y. ne for the lunci, are to oe 32 d eveP Kftlhored together in the up- Maupin VBI1 is ainu ircmiiK nit ra in inis reaiiy pogroslve muvc- . . . c- .... , . u , 'above zero is freezing point, bincc b rd and every one else should put ment. , . ' .. u .... ...j. x.'j k. .a ...f in - the freezing point of mercury Is OUt BBCU5, UlCaU V.U.Hun ...U ; !... on A rtinn..J n,l Illlliua u. ui:liii: viitvi,fc..v ..v boiling point 357 degrees Centigrade, mercurv thermometers can not bo : used for measuring extremely high The sewing class, under the su- nr iow temneratures. The ias thcr- Ground Covered to Depth of Than Foot on tho Level More , Following the plow were Jim Bax- SEASON vuniicjr . I Joe go aown incy nascenea 10 w assistance and recognizing hb plight aroused him from his dazed condi tion and attempted to force him to 11. T - V. 1 f.l. 'a The early snowfall of last week I- 7".u"7 , " was augmented Saturday night and i . , 4, , v. Sunday by an additional foot of the I him " arm andthus madf " stuff that tends to keep the wheat ! walk town- U reqf red M.n' , . j. siderable force and persua; ion to ac- warm and provide nurture . for its . ,u " vx . . . t. ... 1 complish that task, Joe was about growth m the spring. In this section .y , m the mow lay upon the ground where all in. Finally the party reached a place where there b no snow and new where the cats can not get at tho blrdv Jack rabbits find it hard to Veep" out of harm's way in the deep snow. Elton tells that Kenneth has been keeping In training by out running them and capturing them with hb hands. Skating and coasting find a place In our winter recreation. Dolph Mayhew's pond Is a fine' place to skate and old roadr. are good coast ing grades. However, warm clothes with good foods and plenty of them GOWNS AROUND TOWN THE perviflon of Mrs DeVoe, is working momoter b, therefore, the standard hard to complete their new dresses instrument for all temperatures, by Friday. Mabel Wcberg will cele- Therefore on these cold mornings hrnte her sixteenth birthday Janu- wncn the thermometer register-, 26 ary 25, and she is e pccially anxious depTPCs below zero on Farcnheit to be able to wear her new gown at Bcaei consider that we still hnvc that time. The dress is bright red 043 degrees above absolute zero and wool georgette, and the collar, jabot, bc j)Bppy, snd cuffs will bo trimmed with navy ' river town. As ,a result of his meetings im converts were nuuc succeoded m opening up the road to .Mr. Hedrick carried a letter of in-1 lan the Poad to troduction to the Stovnlls from the,the wd flf Ms section on the west ., , n . . . . i.:n . 1 town uui nui uciviic u isj" it fell but on top of the hub, es- , . pecially on the Criterion hill, it drift-1 ea J? iacuilKs' V , .,. k,.i Aicfnn'. r.Hl There were no fenders on crew worked all of Saturday night , tractor and in traveling ahead . mist on :ho Criterion grade and hill and!of anow was klcked UP beh,n.d' the doctor's brother. Dennis, of South Tnsadena, California, who is an ar dent supporter of the Boy Scout, movement in his state. . Richard, Jr., is. chaplain of the troop of his home town. SPECIAL CHOIR AT THE CHURCH Dan Poling Will Lead at Service Evening as far as the end of the White river bridge. JACK STAATS FINDS A BEAR striking the driver aevross the hips and causing the chill which came near doing away with our town marshal. Both Hastened Away From Pl&c But in Opposite Directions arc needed theso days. in order t0 enjoy life HONOR ROLL liluo ailk crepe. Tho sewing girls took several days to decide on tho proper pattern to use. They considered tailored and prinee s styles but the vote was unanimous for thc tailored styles. The school congratulates Mabel on her birthday and will admire tho PUNCTUALITY IS ESSENTIAL Summary of thc attendance re ports of last month ihow that tho standard of punctuality is lowering. This is partly due to the cold Those students who receive three grades' of 90 or above and have no M.aJ. AJaiu fi T II 11 1 1 ll'tllt VlflVA Till .u ..,. - nrand new gown , unexcusod absences or tardineas, are placed on the honor roll. StudentB who have so far been on tho honor school now opens at 8:45 wh "-re. on the honor roll for the ron for the three six weeks periods morning and at 12:45 in the after last six weeks are: Nova lledln, nrc Evelyn Powell, Gladys Mar- noon and closes at 3 :30 so thc child- tin. Nova Hedin, Alt Chastain, La- rcn that have far to como on the co Greene and Charles Bothwell. husses may reach home before dark. Something new and pleasing has been arranged for the evening ser- i a vice at the church next Sunday evening. Dan Poling has arranged for a choir of young voices, he lead ing in the singing, both of the choir Gladys1 Martin, Blanche Northrup, Evelyn Powell, Alta Cha; tain, Rich ard Crabtreo, Bothel Snodgrasa, Charles Bothwell and Laco Grceno. Medals will be given at tho end of the year to those who nro on the , honor roll for the entire year. Thoso Students whose grades are closu to the honor mark will be given the opportunity of doing extra work in order to make them clgiblo for the medal. weather. There was also some mis- and congregation. understanding of the time claws Bihle itudy at 6:45 in the even- onpn. Owlnff to tho short days rng with preaching following. Reg- 1 " . n . ,, l I i 1A.AA . in the uiar saDDath scnooi ai iu.uu . m. preaching at 11:00 o'clock. . With the advent of the newly or ganized choir should come an in creased attendance at tho church services, t0 which all are invited. Jack Staats writes The Time3 from Barton, Clackamas countr, that he is ?onJired to the house th a cut knee cap, the injury being sustained iliil? was manip'iladop. crosscu' S!av. In his letter Jack tolls cf .ur.mig onto a slv .ixg boor while on the coast rang's fall The nr-ibe was mutu:l and Jack says hc hit the trail in nothing flat. When he came" up for air he saw No Show Naxt Sunday Owing to weather conditions Manager George Miller announces that he will not show in Maupin next Sunday night. He promises, how ever, to make arrangements whereby . the Tarzan pictures will keep their' sequence, and that he will also pro vide a fine comedy while the "Ape Man" films are taking a lay-off. VOTE OF APPRECIATION As soon a.-, the weather moderates the old schedule will be resumed. The value of punctuality is high and should be learned In school, (continued on last page) Ab a means of showing our appre ciation of the good work "of Dr. L S. Stovall, who labored for the up-i building and success of the , local Boy Scout troop, and who bo will- the bear hurtling In the opposite ingly gave of hb time and means to Homento makes breathing easy for catarrh and colds 40 centj at I getter. Twenty.five cents the Maupin Drug Store. Maupin Drug Store, direction. The Maupinite tells that the end that the troop might -stand in the front ranks or the organiza tion in the country, we, the members of Maupin Post No. 73, ' American Legion take this means of commend ing his work. We thank Dr. Stovall for what he has done in behalf of the Scon, and collectively and individuallly are pleased with he had hard workr'keeping his hat on his head, because of rising hair, the rest of the day. He expects to re turn to Maupin the latter part of next month during the lambing season. Try Stovall's quick and easy corn at the same. , Tost No. 73, American Legrojw