The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 16, 1930, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    MAUPttf TiMES
ThurSilay, January 16. 190
The Maupin Times
. C W. SEiMMd, Editor
& W. Sntmo ami E. R. Semmeo
fafcTiehod vry Thursday at
MstJpln, Oregon
feWiptioB: Ons ysar, $1.50; Ax
artvtte, $1.00; three months, BOcta.
Bntarod socoad cla68 mailt mat
tar feptereber P, 1914, at the port
vfffct at Maupin, Oregon, under th;
act of March 8, 18T6.
mm j. ,r-., -
There is n0 fi'uh like that of littlt
children. No child but believes in
its parent friends wd companions
Whenever a cl.ild makes a confessior
of faith m th-! Redeemer that faitl
U nnboundol ar.d his life b lived ac
cording to "the tents of that belief
The child is ever alert to God'i
goodness and the teachings of thi
peat Redeemer are as manna to hi.
growtn? soul.
A case exemplifying that faith wai
shown in the illness of little Delma:
Frischknecht, who passed away last
week at Redmond. Delmar early pro
fessed his belief in the miraculous
power for good told of in the Scrip
tures. His daily life was an exem
plification of his belief and as he
lay upon what he reemed to know
was his death bed his talk was of God
rnd his prayers went up for his sis-
r-s ?n playmates.
!"? 'f that belief scattered
. - roople might do a
- , ' " . hr.prenr'd our
fit oi tlM rut and
. , - - : a reputation for
: J of bearing a
'. ?:vors of disreputs
j'. "nes. A belief in God
r .er ir.jjurcd cnyone. The effi-"-7
if prayer is well known while
. '.' r snirlt oftinies chastening,
c ri-f ri rr.kes whole and entire
:. 'uusity.
.; stion of the tength t wo-
uc -fses is on; that is agitating
' .! female minds of this country.
We'll bet a cookie that dresses will
not be lowered much below the knee
a- long as flappeds and girl cigarette
smokers enjoy wild parties.
It has been charged that the
Tadio Commission is in collusion with
certain radi0 manufacturers and that
f",-erfs of radios outside the pale
of the combination are hindered in
marketing their products. We rug
gest the latter install violet ray ma-
JtYTHEN a committee meeting
Jiil drags itself "out longer than
was expected, when a glow
ing crowd of bright-eyed high-school
girls come in with a hungry look in
their faces, when unexpected guests
drop in during the evening then
what a comforting feeling it is to
know that on a certain shelf in the
kitchen there are the makings of a
dainty bit of food which will take
only twenty or thirty minutes to
prepare and will win the crowd's
Let Your Daughter Cook
This shelf is especially desirable
if your daughter or son is of
the gregarious type who is always
bringing friends home after school,
for you can teach her, or him, to
make a few dishes and rest serene
in the knowledge that the responsi
bility is off your hands. But to
do this, one of the most important
things is to see to it that the nec
essary supplies are always on the
shelf and that recipes, if needed, are
pasted on the inside of the cupboard
door. Because the essence of such
a meal is speed, some preparations
should be made ahead of time. If
you include cheese in the repertoire,
tee to it that grated cheese is always
in the glass jar on the shelf.
Canned fruits are especially suit
able, for they lend themselves to
many uses. Apple sauce is one of
the best liked. It can he used as a
filling for cake or gingerbread. ,If
you have baked tart shells ready, it
i . . fa Jl - ... X
Don't Bum
7F HAT don't btrn the. hems
Vii on the stove, hut you can proi'it
ably burn them up inde you
for energy lh;s winter. For brans
are a concentrated food well suiteti
to fortifying you against the as
W'lts of cold weather.
Their variety is raotiejs- k;dny
brans. lma Vans, 'wkked beans, pork
and beans, brans in t'-mato saiice.
And the ways iu which they can
be served are corresponding !y nu
merous. Some rew recipes which
ha'-e been tested Soth for accuracy
and flavor are given below.
Accurate and Appeti.-ir.g
Curri'd FaeJ wj: Fry cne-fo-'rih
p'jtmd of bacon tu:l retnovt
tii d'h to keep hot. AM two
slreHded peeu r-r.pers to the fat.
and samite until tcixler. Add con
tvT:t of iwci narnlvrr 2 cans of M'-.-d
chines wherever one of the trust's , four case of flue, one case of f mall
radios are set up. In that event pox and one case of mumps. -There
the interference might soon open a j were five cases of tuberculosis re
way for distribution of all makes. ported but they were in the hospital
.if radios.
We de. ire to extend our heart
felt thanks to 11 those kind friends
and neighbors who so sympatheti
cally fend wSlingly extended their
aid during the illness and at the
funeral of our father and brother,
Wilbur E. Hunt. The senders of
the beautiful flowers to cover his
bier will always remain in our
nVj-nories as true friends. Again
we thank you.
Still Healthful
Wsco county still remains in the
healthful column in the last report
of the State Health department. In
that bulletin this county reported
is the work of only a minute to add
spices to taste to the canned apple
sauce, pour It into the shells,
sprinkle with grated cheese and
heat in the oven until the cheese
is melted.
Apple and Date muffins are simple
to make and with chocolate or coffee
are enough for such a light lunch.
To make them, beat two eggs and
add one cup of milk. Mix and sift
two cups of flour, three tablespoons
of sugar, four teaspoons of baking
powder and one-half teaspoon of
salt. Add to the first mixture.
Then add one-half cup of canned
apple sauce, three tablespoons of
melted butter and one-half cup of
chopped dates. Pour into buttered
muffin tins and bake in a hot oven,
400 F., for IS to 20 minutes. This
makes eight to ten muffins.
Versatile French Toast
French Toast is a quick and uni
versally liked dish and can be varied
in many ways. Vou can sprinkle
it with powdered sugar or a mixture
of cinnamon and sugar, or you can
serve honey or a tart jelly with it
Another variation is to cut the
bread in circles, dip in the egg and
milk mixture and saute" in the usual
way. Then force canned apricoU
through a sieve and spread half the
slices of toast with the puree. Place
the other slices on top and garnish
with a thin slice of orange, cut
A pineapple sauce to be poured
over French Toast is made by bod
the Beans
bean, two cups of lomatt, one
fourth teaspoon of pep?r and one
teaspoon of curry jvniKt, a:td nn
mrr liftet-n or twity minutes nntil
slightly thickened. Serve Rurmshed
with tlie hacon slices and whole
sweet gherkins.
Ant Hxi.-lanJ SamhvUhf.r. Mix
tofietlier tVee-fourths rup of cold
v-anned Ki!ed beans, onr-fnnrth cup
oi chopped celcy, one-fourth cttj
of chili sauce. Oinn twf cans nf
Rosion brown hre.-l. and s''c and
butter the Spread filiin
bet wren the slices.
Hck'J Pri Swi-.-iehfs: 'x
tireil'fr orr-hK cv cVl canned
lake) lr?nv one laHenn of
'hopped crr, 'vo tlb'esrv'ws nf
ihovii ,; ffl riillfs ;m I ti V
nnon of choop:t! (.voiced Kiron.
Spread bclwcc;; slicci of hi.ttcrci
at The Dalles coming
from than
And Still it Snows
The mowfall of Tuesday night
was augmented on Wednesday by
a fall of about six inches. The snow
was light nd is reported as drifting
badly on the higher levels. .
Seven Hunter Take 10,250 Animals
While Service
Hunters working nnder (Mrevbn
of the Bureau of Biological .Survey
U. S. Department of Agriculture,
are given credit for taking a large
, number of predatory animal'-, such
I as coyotes, bobcats, cougar and
bears. Among the seven high re
cords made since the department
ing until thick the contents of an
eight-ounce can of pineapple tid
bits, one-fourth cup of orange juice
and one-fourth cup of sugar , mixed
with two teaspoons of flour. Pour
over the hot toast and serve im
mediately. Peanut butter may become a part
ner in the French Toast business,
too. To make it, cream together
one-half cup of canned peanut but
ter and one cun of milk. ArM 1
and pepper and a slightly beaten
egg. Kemove the crusts from slices
of bread and cut in strips. , Dip the
bread in the mixture, and saute in
butter. Serve hot with
of sweet pickles.
Pie Crust Sandwiches
Pie pastry may be kept in the
refrigerator for some time all ready
to be rolled out and made into turn
oversif you have a filling readv.
Or you can roll the pastry out and
cut it in circles the size of a slice
of pineapple, and bake it in a hot
oven. Put a pastry circle on a
serving plate, and place a slice of
drained pineapple on top. Spread
with marshmallow creme " and
sprinkle with nuts. Another circle
of pastry goes on top of that, and a
dab of marshmallow creme to top
it off.
By a little home practice in mak
ing the foods which will appeal the
most to your crowd, and by seeing
to it that supplies are al vays on
hand, you will have no qualms
when the qowd descends on uu.
has been at work in Oregon R. C
Fulkerson of this county stands
second high. The total of seven
listed show 10, 250 tuch animali
taken. Their listing for the time
0. A. rhilbrick, Wheeler 2.017
R. C. Fulkerson, Waaco 1,725
Alva Stone-, Umatilla 1,23
B. Sarrett, Wallowa 1.S79
Adam Knoblock, Morrow 1.367
John Laurence, Grant, 1,122
Tom Rice, Gilliam 1,012
Total 10.250
Klamath Falls Betty Jane beauty
3hop located at 107 South Seventh
street changed hauds and will be
known as Powder Puff.
Mcdford Construction of airport
Klamath Falls Acme garage in
stalled Neon sign.
Heppner Drilling of water well
underway at forks of Willow creek,
1-2 miles fro mthis pla e, to provide
this city with better and more ample
pupply of water.
Salads are an easy means of get
ting somo of the raw foods in the
To keep the juice from running
out of apple pics, moi.sten the un-
with n fork. Slits In the top crust
over it. prcssine the tw together
with a ford. Slits in the top cruwt
to allow steam to escape are also
While a littlo cocoa occasionally
adds variety to the child's break
fast, it is best to use only enough
cocoa for flavor, and to have the
beverage only .slightly sweetened.
' If mayonnaise dressing fails to
form a smooth emulsion or separ
ates, one co muon method of repair
ing the damage is to start over
tgain, using another egg and beat
ing the separated mixture into it.
Another method which almost never
fails is to put about two teaspoons
of cold water into a bowl and beat
the separated mixtre . elowly tnto
he water.
If the menu for the day has been
lacking in vegetables or fruit, a
choice of fruit as dessert for the
evening meal will help to make up
the deficiency.
The wise housewife will not have
all the expensive foods in one day
and then have a conscience about
the grocery bill and have all the
les expenfivc ones for a while.
It k, estimated that one-third of
the dairy cows in the United States
are kept at a loss, about one-third
return little or n0 profit, and only
one-third yield large profits. Close
culling, proper feeding and good
breeding are the things that build
up a dsiry herd.
In some sections of the country
pregnant cows are affected by a
lack of iodine in the ration. This
deficiency produce goiter, or big
neck, in the calves at birth. Iodine
can be effectively supplied ' by
sprinkling on the feed of the preg
nant cow once each week a table
spoonful of a 5 per cent solution of
potassium or sodium iodine.
Far more important than to kill
weeds on the farm is to avoid hav
ing weeds to kill. A farm can be
kept almost free of weeds by strict
ly observing these rules: Frevent
weeds from going to seed on the
farm; prevent weed seeds from be
ing brought to the farm; and in
esse of perennial weeds, prevent
them from making top growth, so
that the underground ports will
1 . A A A. 1
nnany dc tiarvea out.
Grain mixtures for dairy cow
should be sufficiently palatable so
that every cow will consume as much
ps is required. for highest milk pro
duction. Fortunately, fittla diffi
culty is ordinarily encountered in
this re pect as most concentrates of
good quality are palatable.- Amjong
these are corn, oats, bran, beet pulPi
and the oil meals. Velvet beans,
rye, cocoanut by-products, and some
of the other uncommon feeds are
lacking in palatability. Such feeds
sometimes are eaten more readily
and completly when mixed with mo .' '
Found Bunch of keys. Owner may
have same by calling at Kramer
Bros., identifying them and pay
ing for this notice.
APPLES Newtowns, Jonathrhs,
prtleys, Baldwins. Good cook is,
good keepers. Now in storage at
Dufur, Oregon.
Vanderpool '& Stoughton.
. 3-if
Rewlve to pay ciixh during 1920.
Resolv to pay your obligation by rheck.
Resolve to hne rufflclmt funds in bank to meet obligations.
Resolve to bank more of your profits nd keep a surplus on hand.
Resolve thut some ciedrt Is a bugaboo nnd that cash buys more,
Rusolve to choose n responsible bank to do bu Inesa wHh, and than
Moke s r.-.'her resolution to patronage our growing Institution, th
Maupin State Bank
Callaway Funeral Chapel
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Ore
We carry a complete line of Caskets
Closing Early
Kramer Brothers have inaugurat
ed snd early closing movement, they
now turning the key In the door at
tlx o'clock each evening. The
practice was begun tho f irut of the
year and will continue until Mm h
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County's Exclusive
Shoe Store
v'hnn for th
Hundreds of Supreme Conrr
Jiidgei concur In. highest prnKc
iff the work as their Atakurity.
The Presidents of all lending Unl
versifies, Colleges, end Normal
'SohooU give their hearty iruionc
; ment
All States th have adopted a
hrge dictionary as standard have
' selected Webster's New Interna
tional. TheSchoolbooksnf the Country
adlitre to the Merriam-Webster
system of diacritical marks.
I he Uovernment i'rtntlna Uluce K
int r i . it. .t K'
ax wasmngtor, uses it as auinoncy.
"JTUTE fur Mmple p of the Nm
'lonli, tpcclmen of Regular and India
ft pen. FREE.
m m a
Co., 0 -H '(?, i ylffigi
mm, mm !,: r.Tto
Harvest Bread
A Wasco County Product
66o Oregon BaKery I
Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your homo merchant get the best
25 Cents
buys th best and largest mwd
served in The Dalles, at '
Across the ttreet from hW oM
stand. Now at 410 East Second
L 0. O. F.
Lodgn No. 20ft, Maopb, Orsgoo.
meets every Saturday night la L 0.
O. F. hall. Vliatlng members always
Raymond Cratr, N. O
B. W. Welch, Secretary
Central Oregon
Milling Co.
Maupin, Oregon
Where the best 35 eent
meal is served In
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.