The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 09, 1930, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    fag fvO
Thurs.luy. January 5, 1930.
Voe Maupin Times
C W. SEM1IES, Editor
C. W. Semmes and E. R. Semmn
Published every Thursday at
Mitipin, Oregcn
8ubtrlptio: 0a year, fl.50; sii
months, 91.00; thrte months, EOcta
Entered as second class ma III mat
Wr September 8, 1914, at the post
office at Mauph). Oregon, under the
act of March 8, 1876.
In the January numb;r of Tho
American Mercury lTimld S. Davis
contributes a story under the cap
tion, "A Town in Eastern Oregon."
Id the story, which is semi-fiction,
the writer mentions "a town on the
south bant of the Columbia river,
at the foot of the middle rapids,
where the deep cliffs of the river
forye break southward into low,
pleasant bills." It docs not require
the knowledge of a geographer to
recognize the place as The Dallos.
-Davis goes back into ancient his
tory of the place and with all the
anthema at his command stigma
tiiea the place as being one that con
tained all the elements of lawless
Bees, lewdness and vileness. He
sneers at the early attempts of mis
sionaries to civilize the Indians,
maligns the early settlers and .thru
out his article tlurs the town gener
ally. .v In the text of bis article the writ
er deliberately falsifies the popula
tion number, saying that the census
of -the city shows a population of
but 3.0C0, while it is well known
that better than 8,000 people reside
Davis Is a product of The Dj!le.
ll.i father wrs for many veers as-e-
-sor to W;:jco county and during
h.s runy terns in office gave em
jiuyment t0 the son. The office of
assessor provided the means where
by Harold Davis secured an educa
tion, and to now turn and satirize
the town that contributed greatly
toward that education is like carry
ing out the old saying "he bit the
hand that fed him."
We have been told that the term,
"Gros Ventre," which name he ap
plies to his subject town, means, in
the Indian language, "big belly." If
that is true it seems to us that being
of that tribe the writer chowed the
name's truth by using a heap of
guts when he deliberately maligned
the town which made him the writer
he a-'pires to be.
All the t!k about commodities
and suffering workmen and starving
farmers and profiteering manufac
turers only ierves to gloss over the
fact that the greatest bone of tariff
dissension is politics.
The "tariff farce" iz very much
like a play, with its heroes, heavies
and villains. It runs the gamut
from comedy to tragedy. The "de
fenders" of the people rise to smite
those w-ho would increase tariff du
ties, and the "guardians" of pros
perity smite back at those who would
lower duties. It is all very pretty
nd trival.
In the meantime the real pro
ducers of our prosperity, the work
ers, fanners and manufacturers, go
on in the hope that some day the
senate will condescend to consider
the tariff problem as a highly
scientific business question instead
of a great political plum tree plant
ed and maintained by all the people
for the special benefit of a few
"servants" of the people.
A fair tariff is to protect home
wage scales and living conditions
and treat foreign producers justly.
Its primary object is not to furnish
an exchange medium for log rolling
and vote bartering between am
bitious public "servants." The
The home paper answers for dere
liction in letter writing. Many peo
ple send their home pnper to others
at a distance, having the idaa that
h" so doing llicy. r-rr .r..yv?cr he 1
Ku.t purpw .A s; hirer. The j
m.:-n hv on" . uliCfiltr who pays
I r five yearly subscriptions, he be-j
ing J. H. McMillan. Mac sends two
papers to Texas and two to Cali
fornia as well as receiving a copy
himself in Maupin. Here is an ex
ample for others to emulate.
Now that women's underthings
are, being made from wood we may
expect that when a girl craves a
change of such she will go to the
woodpile with a hatchet and carve
a suit or slip from a chunk of wood.
The fellow who tried to negotiate
the Maupin grade at high cpeed last
Sunday and who wrecked his Essex
roadster will pay for his recklessness
by digging up a tidy sum when the
repair bill cpraes ia , '.
How many or our readers have
written it "1929" since January 1!
County Court Select Officer for
Various Department
At the first meeting of the county
court, held last Thursday, the fol
lowing appointments were made to
fill various county departments:
Chr&t Faucrso, rcadmaster; Dr.
J. M. Lowe, county health officer;
George Obarr, Leo Schanno, road
viewers; Ralph Uazcn, fruit inspec
tor; L. A. Schanno, member county
i fair bowd, in place of N. G. lledin;
W. H. Harrfc,, county stock inspec
tor; Dr. R. A. Russell, county vet
erinarian; Marion Lord, county
health nurse; Ruby Thompson, coun
ty probation officer.
The Dalles Optimist and The
Dalles Daily Chronicle were desig
nated as the official county news
papers. Trin Kills Cow
One of the Connolly cowf strolled
onto the O. W. track just above the
depot Sunday night and was itruck
by a train. Section Foreman Frank
Klimpt discovered her lying beside
the track next morning and proceed
ed to finish what the train begun, by
shooting the animal. Dill Williams
dressed the carcass and will use tho
meat for fox feed.
Mored to Maupin
Maupin had such attraction for J.
H. Cha;tain and wife that they have
given up living on the ranch and
have moved to town. Joe recently
acquired the Frank Creager resi
dence property, has renovated the
house and moved in last Sunday.
We welcome them to Maupin society.
Will Furnish Hot Metis
At a meeting of those interested
in serving hot soup to pupils of orr
vChools, held at the High school Mon
day aftemoon.Mrs. B. D. Fraley was
given the job of supplying the pro
posed edibles.
4-H Card Party
The members of the various clubs
interested in the 4-H movement of
thb section will hold a card party
at Odd Fellows hall on the evening
of Friday, January 10. Tables will
be suppiled for many players and
during the evening refreshments will
be served. The proceeds will be ap
plied to furthering the work of the
clubs. -
Monthly Bank Meeting
Directors of the Maupin State
Bank met in regular monthly meet
ing at the bank parlors Tuesday
afternoon, iand went ovejr matters
pertaining to the institution. The
last financial statement was ex
amined and the bank found to be in
a sati factory condition. Those at
tending the meeting were Directors
L. C. Henneghan, J. S. Brown, L. S.
'Stov'all and Cashier F. D. Stuart.
A Correction
In last week's Times we mentioned
the return to her work with the
Portland Electric Power company
of Miss Jean Wilson Since then we
have learned that Miss Jean is at
tending the Northwestern business
college, marticulating in a general
business course. Jean has gotten
through with commercial law and is
now perfecting herself in stengra-phy.
Peas in the Vegetable Plate
A LUNCHEON or dinner
J which contains no meat is
(7 occasionally enjoyable in the
summer, and of all the vegetables
which are especially adapted to such
dishes, the pea is one of the best.
It contains some protein which, com
bined with a comparatively small
amount of cheese or eggs, will give
enough for a really hearty meal, and
by using canned peas for the main
food and fresh vegetables for the
accessories, time and expense arc
Peas in Patties
In the plate dinner illustrated, peas
are served in a patty shell with a
cheese sauce over them. Slices of
fresh tomato and parsley potatoes
are shown with the pea patty,
Another vegetable plate might
'have on it sliced cucumbers, scal
loped potatoes and pea and walnut
Mad Winter's Sausage--
Ed. Gabel recently killed several
hogs, intending th meat for home
consumption. He brought a tub of
pork in Saturday and proceeded to
grind it up for Bausage in the Kesh
meat grinder. Ed. will stuff the
sausages and smoke them, and will
have romething out of the ordinary
in the breakfast line.
Fish Efg for Schools
Salmon eggs or trout eggs are
furnished by the state gsme com
mission to public schools of the state
for nature study. Hardly a week
passes but what some teacher writes
to Matt Ryckman, superintendent of
hatcheries, requesting eggs for the
nature study classes.
Going to Madras
Dr. Short will go to Madras Sim
day and for the week following will
:ake care of his patients needs in
the dental line there. Dr. Short
makes regular visits to Madras and
has a large clientele at that place.
Training at Tho Dalles
Floyd Holloman has placed him
self in the hands of Vic Eada at The
Dalles and is undergoing a rystem of
intensive training for his coming
fight there. Floyd will headline the
coming card, coming off January
24, and will meet a fighter as yet
not named. The lad realized that
he must train if he expected to
make a showing and if he does not
come through on top at the coming
scrap it will not be because of lack
of condition.
More Snow Falls-
I Snow began falling early yester
jday morning and kept it up inter
mittantly all day. As wo go to press
about four inch . of t'i5 beautiful
covers the groun-.i, ai.a as it has been
rather cold for a low days, the new
for some time.
Thy Vest "The Leatherneck" With
Exciting Action
Members of the United States Ma
rine Corp boast that wherever there
is trouble you will find devil-dogs.
"The Leatherneck," Pathc's dia
logue and tense fiction which comes
to the Legion hall on Sunday night
next concerns itself with a trio of
marines, whore efforts in behalf of
j world law and order take them
from France to Vlndivostock and
'thence to China. Colorful adventur-
ers befall the three against strange
nd interesting back-grounds,
j William Boyd, Alan Hale and
Robert Armstrong play the courage
ous three, with Diane Ellis, Fred
Kohler, and Mitchell Lewis in other
important roles.
The plot and Bcenic effects in
this picture are effective and thrill
ing. The action is swift-moving and
tensely dramatic.
Marcus Shearer is taking care of
the Williams camp grounds, store
and service station during the ab
sence of the proprietor in Portland.
Early Lambs
Dolph Mayhew's sheep flock was
i increased by 25 young lambs this
Iweek, which is considered rather
I early for such happenings. At any
; rate Dolph will have some early mut
I ton to market in the spring.
roast with tomato sauce. The roasl
consists of canned peas, walnuts am?
bread crumbs combined with a thick
white sauce and egg, and baked un
til brown and attractive. It is then
sliced and served with tomato sauce.
Canned peas may be combined
equally well with a nsh or meat
salad to form the foundation of a
cold meal. A salad composed of
water-cress, tuna fish, peas and
celery, could be served with fruit
muffins or baking powder biscuits
and would form almost a meal in
For breakfast'or luncheon, an egg
omelette may he spread with creamed
peas just before folding over, and
surrounded with creamed peas on
the serving dish, A small amount
of minced pimicnto also adds an
enticing note of color when the bits
are sprinkled over the omelette.
Malcolm P. Hanson, With Byrd
Near South Pole, Heart
One of the most striking methods of
making an award of merit ever de
vised was the recent presentation of
.The Veteran Wireless Operators
Association medal In a speech by
David SarnofT In New York to Malcolm
P. Hanson, radio operator with Byrd.
listening by radio In the Antarctic
wastes near the South Pole.
Mr. Sarnoff, Executive Vlce-Pienl-
. dent of the Radio Corporation, prais
ing Hanson, mentioned also the forti
tude of the wife of the operator, who
had consented that her hushaud 1 on
the baiardous expedition tor the take
of science. After she had received the
medal tor safe keeping, Mrs. Hanson,
deeply touched, spoke to ber husband
across the vast distance. Within a
' Mrs. Malcolm P. Hanson, Holding
. Medal Awarded to Her Husband,
11,000 Miles Away.
few minute Hanson's reply came by
radio telegraph through the receiving
station of R. C. A. Communications,
Inc., at RIvei'head. Long Island. In
- addition to thousands at the Radio
, World's Fair, where the presentation
was made, an uncounted throng heard
the tribute over the network of the
National Broadcasting Company.
"It Is my privilege." Mr. Sarnoft
aid, "to pay tribute tonight to a maa
who has madt aa unusual contribution
to science and civilization. Although
he Is 11,000 miles distant from this
glass-enclosed room In Madison Square
Garden, where I now stand, na Is
nevertheless able,- through the tnsiru
mentality of rtadio, to listen to the
sound pf my voice. That ' .ct alone if
worthy of commemoration, even In this
day of extraordinary progress In
"Malcolm P. Hanson, as Chief Radio
Operator of the Byrd Antarctic Expe
dition, you have been awarded the an
nual medal of the Veteran Wireless
Operators' Association, for the n.ost
dlstlngulsheu contribution, by a radio
operator, In 1028. to wlieleas comniunl
cation. As a member of that aasocla
tlon, with some knowledge of Its ro
mantle traditions and standards of
service, I feel that ttie award Is well
earned and well deserved."
Mr. Sarnoff related how Hanson
planted his slender steel towers on the
edge of the great Ice barrlor, cheered
'bis comrades with new from home
and gave the world for the Hrst time
a thrilling dally uccount of a polar
' expedition. Those tilings hIouh would
' have been a contribution to history,
he said, but tlan.;on added to radio
' knowledge by testing signals against
the polar sky, obaerved the phenomena
' of the Aurora AuKtralls and made a
record of radio behavior under condl-
i Hons hitherto unknown. To Mrs. Hau-
: son, Mr. Sarnoff said : .
"Your sacrifice was all the greater
because soon after your husband
sailed for the Antarctic, you bore him
a child. No medal can ever reward or
repay you for your own courage and
i heroism."
Pendleton Voters of Umatilla
county voted on $100,000 tax levy
annually for three years to provide
fund:; for construction of new court
Construction "of Rainicr-Longvicw
bridge will be completed February
Burns Police signal lighe install
ed on front of Tonawama building.
Burns Hiland Dairy installed ad
ditional equipment.
' Burns Stops signs installed on all
intersections leading to Main street
Burns lUnion Pacific railroad
will imprivc freight service along
this line.
Vale- Construction of Chicken
creek siphon being completed.
Klamath Falls First Methodlet
Epifccpal church edifice dedicated
Found Bunch of keys. Owner may
have same by calling at Kramer
Bros., indentifying them jwd pay
ing for this notice.
APFLES Newtowns, Jonathans,
Ortleys, Baldwins. Good cookers,
good keepers. Now in storage at
Dufur, Oregon
Vanderpool & Stbughton.
Jtowjlve to pay rash during 1030.
Kesolw to pay your obligations by check.
Resolve to sufficient funds in bank to meet obligations.
Resolve to bank more of your profits and keep surplus on hand.
Resolve thnt some credit is a bugaboo nnd that cash buys mora.
Resolve to choose a responsible bunk to do bu-iness wKh, and then
Make a further reFolutlon to pntrouagc our growing Institution, the
Maupin State Bank
Callaway Funeral Chapel
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Or.
We carry a complete line of Caskets
Closing Esrly
Kramer Brothers have inaugurat
ed and early closing movement, they
now turning the key in the door at
:ix o'clock each evening. The
practice was begun the first of the
year and will continue until March
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County 's Exclusive
Shoe Store
Uneral Rermirlng
The 'ihI ca, 0 .
Hundreds of Supreme Court
Judges concur In hinhest rr.ilic
of the work as their Avthority.
The Presidents of nil lenjinp, Uni
versities, CdIIcrcs, nrul Normal
Schools give their hearty indunc
menu k
All Stat; ths have adopted a
large dictionary hs ttandard have
(elected Webster's New Ii.tcrna
tlonaL The Sehoolhooks of the Country
adhere to the Merriam-Wcbster
system of liacriiicut mnrki.
The Government TrintlriR Office
at Washington usks it as auihtniiy.
WRITE for s sample paet of the Nf gg
Wordt, ipeclmen ol Regular und IndU il
Prri. FREE. -Ja
ix. Aft ' "'i'-'i'vry
IJhoM for rh
(V n,iiBuJyi.'.&.;S,5t"i
vera ..
1 Oct tt ml sntf&MKum
Harvest Bread
A Wasco County Product
Uhe Oregon Bakery
Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your home merchant get the best
25 Cents
buys the bHt and largest mel
served In The Dalles, at
Across the itrnet from hi old
stand. Now at 410 East Second
i. o. o. r.
V,..dgo No. 208, Maupin, OrtfM
meet every Saturday night In L O.
O. V. hall. Vlaftiig member always)
Raymond Crsblrss, N. C
B. W. Welch, Secretary.
Central Oregon
Milling Co.
Maupin, Oregon
i Li-inaiBse
I WhiteRestaurant
Where the best 36 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next Hie Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.