The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 09, 1930, Image 1

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Pl Til
Always working for the best
Interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that newi fit
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for aD.
Number 10
Maupin Wins Over Wap
and Loses to Kent
Cull down Cyclones 17-1.
Thur.duy evening the Cyclones Keconsi ruction Period, Building of
blew In at the Cubs' den In what was t,ie Panama CanaJ, Pan-American-
eonsldered a scheduled game. im Compromises of the Constitu-
The Cubs were quick to act and tlon.
succeeded in running the score up The class at the present time is
to 11-0 the first qusrter. Fraley working on the following fubjecta:
was sent in to place 8t. Dennis at A Public Park, How to Best Adver
guard. jtie local places of Interest, Fcst-
At the start of the second quarter bllity of New Industries, Praetlca
Snodgrvi clipped a foul for one bility of awlmming tank, and Law
point, and Coach Poling replaced Enforcement at Maupin.
four mora Cubs. The ball wan put 1 These speoches will be carefully
In play at center but It was too late; outlined so that they may be given
the whistle blew for the half mnk- with clearness and effectiveness,
ing the score 12-0. I I'M school opinions on these sub-
The second half started with a Jcts are the basis for later think-
bang when Rutherford pushed the
old pill for a field goal.. A few
seconds later Wilson gave her the
roll for two more points, while Fra
ley placed one point on a foul, end
ing the quarter with a score of 17
0.;. Coach Poling sgsin rubstitutcd
full team while Conch Cosnell made
a substitution of re frees, Snodgrass
for Crabtree. roughing. We foiled
to se the point mnybe Wilson and
O'Brien had some trouble.
Due to quick checking the Cy
clones held the Cubs for a no rcor
WhiU O'Brien pushed over for
one point.
Th ram started In a flash when
Snodgrasi dropped over a field goal
for Maupm, followed by a string of
field goals from other Cubs. The
first half ending wit 4W Cub lead
ing 11 to 6.' Four of Kent's points
were made by C. Allen, playing
left forward. One free throw was
made by L. Young, the center. Both
teams returned to start the third
quarter without, substitution. Kent
rallied and ran up a total of 12
points in tho second half. Bothwcll
made one more field goal for Mau
pin. When tho score wa.i tied, Mau
pin rooters rallied to stop the scor
ing of Kent and Maupin succeeded
in holding Kent to a final score of
17 to 13. Both of the 'frnms were
nearly matched In weight but Kent
was too fast and had too much wind
for the local boys. Maupin will
journey to Kent next Saturday
for a return game on Kent's big
The Dufur hoopslers will tanglo
with the cubs snd Comets of Mau
pin, Friday, January 10, at the Mau
pin Hi gym.
This is the first gamo of tho urn
ton for the girls. And plonty of ex
cKment is promised. Nearly all the
High school girls will be on the
floor. The Comta have shown up
well In their practice. ' Their friends
are expected to yell for them and
give them a good start for the sea
son. , ' .
There will be no extra charge
for this double header, and It is hop
ed that it may be poslblc to further
reduce admission prices in the near
future. This will be possiblo if
games are well attended.
The Kent game was1 well attended I
and the school thanks it many
friends, fpr coming. Gate receipt?
were $19.0. ' ''
Money spent for these games is a
contribution to the education of the
young people of the (Immunity, as
well as payment for genuine com
munlty entertainment. ,
(By Dr. Frank Crane)
It takes Gi lt ', ' '
To be patient, !
To keep your temper.' ,
To Improve your mind, '
To tell the truth, !
To say no. 0
But these things are easy: 1
To be irritable,
To be mentally lazy, read noth
ing but trash, and have no habits of
study. 7
To lie, to be di: loyal, and to be
unclean, , ';
To go In debt, and to say, "charge
It,". v, .
It's easy going down.
Thu public speaking clans hiui
been outlining and giving three or
I four-minute talk on civic Improve
ment subjects. Thone of which al
ready have been discussed are:
nK by the mature studying.'and are
valunble as
a center for home dis-
Maupin school offers unusual op
portunity for students in piano
;tudy. Opportunities for piano
playing in school come at assemblies
programs, parties and minstrels
Students enjoy their contact with
music In the chorus singing.
Five student:) of High school are
now studying piano under Mrs. H.
F. Bothwell. They are: Bethel
Snodgrass, Blanche Northrop, Chas,
Bothwcll, Bessie Starr and Nova
Iledin. There arc approximately
thirteen pupils in the grades study
ing piano. Charles Bothwell and
Nova Iledin have studied piano for
eight year.
Mrs. H. F. Bothwell has many pa
pils throughout the county. Pupils
from White River, Shersr'a Bridge.
Waplnitia, Chenowlth, Wamic, Cri
terion and Bakeoven come to her
studios at Ramsey, Dufur, Tygh Val
ley and Maupin,
Mrs. Bothwell contributea great
ly to our school In offering the op
portunity to study music. High
chool credits are granted to those
who are sufficiently advanced to
follow the State courso of study.
Bessie Starr and Blanche Northrup
arc the Maupin students taking for
Some of the composers studied
are Hannn, Chopin, Clement!, Mo
rart, Bach, Beethoven.
Students ivre afforded the oppor
tunity of playing in public at the
recitals. People will have the oppor
tunity of hearing the muRic of the
varioun students in recitals given at
Tygh Valley and Maupin. The next
recital will be given Sunday after
noon at 2:30 p. m., January 26. at
the American Legion theatre, Du
Maupin'a Health club has started
its activities Mr. Wade Hampton
has been chosen as the leader and
he promises to put the members
through tho paces.
The aim of the club is to inaugu
rate good health habits in the school
and in the home. Some of the re-
quiremcnts are to drink a quart of j
mini a m wntcr a day, to practice a
posture drill, and to eat the right
Ml- I . . . . .
kinds of foods in a balanced diet,
Miss Lucy Cose of CorvBllis Is I
the founder of this new club and
she has completed a booklet of
thirty pages. It Is composed of
henlth charts, weight charts, eating
habits, and all the things necetsary
to a successful hnalth club.
The club is divided into two class-
fx Uans A is the children in good i
condition at tho beginning, and the
winner of this cla's will be chosen
by the bcBt physical condition and
will bo eligible to enter the state
contort at Salem. The winner of
class B shall bo chosen by the great
est physical Improvement. Class B
requires two examinations, one at
tho beginning and one at the end,
by the same physician. The winner
will receive a money prizo from tbe
' The attendance in , the Maupin
schools has been very good. No one
ha,i had to be absent because of
epidomic diseases this term. Last
year many were absent because of
contagious: fever and flu.'
Students From Outside
Served Hot Lunches
Criterion, Lakeview, and Pairvlew
district are furnishing hot lunch for
children coming to the Maupin
schools from their districts. One
hot dish Is to be prepared by Mrs.
Fraley and served in the Fifth and
Sixth grade room each day of the
school week, 'Since most Maupin
students go home at noon, Maopin
does not provide lunch. Any stu
dent wishing lunch who does not
come from Criterion or Fairview dis
tricts may be served at small
charge to him.
Those who represent tbe different
districts at the meeting Monday
were: Mr. and Mrs. Kirsch, Mrs.
Appling, Mn. Duus from Criterion,
Mrs. ChasUin from Falrview and
Mrs. Bothwell, Mr. Kaiser and Mrs.
Fraley of Maupfn.
Tuesday Mrs. Fraley served nine
teen children hot lunch.
(Evelyn Powell)
Recently, while hunting in Bake
oven nd Two Springs canyon,
Douglas Bothwell and Albert St.
Dennis found some interesting In
dian relics They found thru ar
row heads in Bakeoven which were
white and brown. In Two Springs
canyon, Albert found IndUn pesties
and corn grinders.
Perhaps the most interesting of
the relics seen is & sort of an aitsr.
It Is ten feet long, fivo feet wide,
and six feet high. Bone?, upon this
alter have been turned to lime by
fire. The rock is red because cf
heat of the flames. A now Leads
and bones -arc scattered sreond the
This might have had several uses.
It could have been used as a place
M t. . 1 1 i t .
wr wowiuj. or n couia ns7 oee ( $,,000, the money to be used in
used as a place for cooking, or it ltraightenms out the main cana, 80
could have been used for making that water woud nofc be b.t fc
arrow head. As one stands before backng lnto a ,ow fc Thoge men
hi. tlmecarred monument to Indian were L c Henneghan, J. S. Brown,
Ingenuity, he thinks of tbe many u D Woodaide. J. W. Ward, ad
changes tho year, have brought to Frank Batty Again ,n ,91g an,
the plains and canyons of our East- other contribution of money th;8
ern Oregon. lme $2 000i WM turne(J over to the
compnny as an aid in fixing canals.
4-H CLUB CARD PARTY .. We have not learned that the ditches
received attention to the extent of
The first club activity of the year $6,000, and we do not believe any
wlll be a free Five Hundred card one else, outside of the company,
party, which will be held at the . has ruch knowledge.
Maupin I. 0. 0. F. hall at 8 o'clockj It is Rad commentary on econo
Friday, January 10. Three prizes mics when a company will accept
will be awarded, for the best man, ' pay for a certain service and then
beet lady, and the booby priie. " j fail to render that service. By all
Club members will sell refresh- j the rules of fairness and right each
menta. The rurpose of the party is man should have a chance for his
to raise money to send 4-H ,elub
boys and girls to the Corvallis sum
mer school.
The hall will be warm, comforta
ble, and a large crowd is assured.
Tell your neighbor. ".
Ivan Donaldson has finished the
hardwood art shelf for the trophy
cups and haa mounted it on the wall
in the assembly room. This shelf
required many hours of careful
work for designing and finishing.
The shelf is of dark oak wood, and
It shows up the beauty, of the Fair
view trophy and the Track cup.
The typing room doors having
; been cleaned and varnished. The
beautiful picture of Mt.' Flood given
'by the class of 1929, and th begin
J m'ng made with plants makes the
worn more pleasing to students atm
jviritors. , . . .
Other Improvements" thai
help the appearance "( the
would bo kalfomlnir.,' the
which are discolored; nd the room
needs a new book case for the en
cyclopedia, As the years pass more pictures
and statuary will probably be added
by presentations from graduating
clasnes to help improve 'he appear
anco of the fine assemMy room.
Among tho ma,ny ' Interesting
speeches given in the Public Speak
ing class is the story by Blanche
Northrup. i
That the annua value of the corn
crop ranges from one and a half
. ' (continued on page 4)
Maintenance Fee to Amount
$17,775.05 Paid In to Irri.
gat ion Company
t When a water user who has a
contract with a company which
promises to deliver water to the
water user's fields the man who
paid for such service should de
mand and be accorded that for
which he has paid. That is a rule
the world over, but In some Instances
has not been carried out.
The water u.ers of Juniper Flat
have paid the Wapinitia Irrigation
company the sum of $17,775.05 as
maintenance fees, expecting their
canals would be kept clear of grass
cat-tails, willows and other growing
impedimenta. They expected the
water due to be delivered and that
the ditches carrying same be kept
In such condition that there would
be nothing in the way of a clear
r vDId they get that flow! We learn
they didn't. Just above the O. P. We
berg ranch on Juniper Hat, there
lc a measured stretch of 300 feet of
ditch that is filled with cat-tails. So
thick do those weeds grow that the
water is diverted from the ditch
at least a cansiderable amount and
seeks a low place Instead of flow
ing down to the Flat proper. Those
$17,775.05 were paid for the pur
pose of keeping the water flowing,
not for the purpose of growing cat
tails, and as a result many ranchers
aave suffered. That mney was sup
posed to go toward the payment of
a ditch walker, whose duty is should
be to keep the canaLi open and un
cbntructed. Where did that money
go is a question that agitates the
minds of many water contractors.
In the year 1916 five ranchers on
Juniper Flat contributed the sum of
white ally and be given an opportun
ity to play the game right. The
water urers of Juniper Flat paid
thoir money in gcod faith and In
tbat faith had a right to expect that
the water r' for be delivered to
them. The maintenance fees paid in
should have been applied to the pur
pose for which thty were paid. Had
that been done the ditches would
now be in a condition to carry wa
ter to the extreme end of the sys
tem, instead of part of it being di
verted because of a henvy growth
of cat-tails from reaching that part
of the Flat The contract-holders
may well cry with Job, "How
long, oh Lord, how long," meaning,
not boils but time wa ted in waiting
for the water that they long for
and which seldom came.
Miss Case to Demonstrate Above at
' , Legion Hall
- Miss Lucy Cas?, demon; trator for
the Home Economics department of
the Oregon State college, will be in
Maupin on Tuesday, January 14. and
will hold a demonstration at Legion
hall that day.- Miss Case will shovv
various modes of preparing milk and
eggs and Will concoct dishes with
those articles as the principal ingre
dients. All interested in these de
monstrations are expected to be at
the hall on the date mentioned.
The holder of the mortgage given
by Antone Seifert and wife to se
cure a note for borrowed money,
has begun foreclosure proceedings
against the Seifert janch property
I at Ncna statioii. "
'. sr i.
Jamas Chalmers ad Ed. Win, la.
stalling Officer. Have
"Eat." Degree
The evenings of Saturday, Janu
ary 4, and Monday, January 6, were
made gala by the members of Wap
initia Ixdge No. 209, I. O. O. F. and
Tygh Valley Encampment, No. 95.
when officers for the ensuing terms
were inducted into office by Jomcs
Chalnura, district deputy . for tbe
Odd Fellows and Ed. Wing, district
deputy grand priest, for the En-
Those installted Saturday
wcr :
Roy Crabtree N. G.
Eoy A. Ward V. G.
Everett Tvichmond Warden
Recording Secretary B.
Financial Secretary Geo.
Chaplain W. A. Short.
Con. 0. F. Renlck.
Inside Guard Lester McCorkle.
Outside Guard Melvin Fulkenon.
R. S. N. G. D. L. Rutherford.
L S. N. G. Geo. Claymier.
R. S. V. G. R.. W. McCorkle.
L. S. V. G.-J. H. Woodcock.
R. S. S.-J. W. Derthick.
L. S. S. 0. P.'Weberg.
At the conclusion of the installa
tion exerciser the member.) present
partook of a bounteous luncheon,
after which all fdjjojuriied to their
homes sceure in the knowledge the
affairs cf the lodge were in good
Encampment Installs
When District Deputy Wmg
called the lodge to order for in
stallation of the officers-elect of
Tygh Valley Encampment, be was
greeted by a full house. The offi
cers who had the choosing and ap
pointing of their assistants had
made their choice and Deputy Wing
proceeded to induct them all into of
fice. Tho e who had been chosen
F. D. Stuart C. P.
R. E. Wilson H. P.
J. L. Elwood S. W.
B. W. Welch-J. W.
Chas. Crofoot secretary.
A. B. Matthews treasurer.
W. A. Short G.
B. F. Turner 1st W.
J. H. Woodcock 2nd W.
Zone Watkins 3rd W.
0. P. Weberg 4th W.
Willard Cunningham I. G.
W. L. Fischer 0. G.
A. C. Lucore 1st Tent.
Roy A. Ward 2nd Tent.
When the installation work was
over another degree wah taken up,
this being what the members called
"The Eats egree." Several mem
bers of the camp had been dressed
in character and when the members
filed to the dining room tables many
grotesque and laugh-provoking
waiters were on hand to serve the
refre ments. The eats
nounccd the best ever.
were pro-
Both lodges are growing in mem
ber hip and power and compare fa
vorr.bly with like lodges throughout
the state Each has a membership
that is up and doing and under the
direction of the Recently installed
officers will continue to expand and
exert an era of good for the whole
community. ' . . "
Gains in Deposits, Surplus and Un
divided Profits
The recent statement, of the Mau
pin State Bank showed that insti
tution to be in a flourishing condi
tion Not only has the bank succeed
ed in retaining its usual depositors
but has gained new business in the
acquisition of new depositors. Its
loans have been made conservatively
yet 'with an idea of the general wel
fare of borrowers, while the new
business ha been gained through
the fact that the financial status
of tho bank has been found to be
sound. .
The ; recent statement showed the
following gains over a correspond
ing time in 1929:
Surplus $1,000,001
Undivided profits 3,000.00 1
Denoaiu : 1 R fion nn
- ..
t. j i li ,,.v
Raymond Crabtree and Don Miller
were in tows i yesterday on busmess
uuituctcu wmii liio luteal Jtjvy uuu
Girl Scouts.
O. E. Brittain from Tygh Valley
was a Maupin visitor on Monday.:
Manr Voter. af'TliU
List Sixteen From Man
pin Alonn
The jury list for the year 1930
was drawn at the county court bousa
last Thursday, a full quota bain
distributed as follows :
Maupin: Frank Batty. Jaroea
Baxter, J. S. Brown, James Cbal-
merr, J. H. Chastam, John Confer.
J. M. Konklin, Roy R. Crabtree. I
C. Henneghan, W. E. Hunt,. Sr.,
W. E. Hunt, Jr., II. R. Kaiser, L.
D. Kelly, 0. F. Renick, James IL
Woodcock, H. F. Bothwell, W. H.
Wapinitia: Arthur Fechette.
Wamfc: Willis R. Norval, Ceo.
L. Bourland, John 0. Chaatain,
Willis M. Driver, J. H. Eubanks. 3.
G. Ledford. Hftrnr T Twi. t?Iti-
ard Savage, W. T. Zumwalt.
Tygh Valley: John M. Conroy,
K. L. Hauser, Wm. Head, Geo. W.
Lofton, Paul Muller, A. C. Buckley.
Shaniko: A. R, Altermatt, Thos.
Gavin, Andrew Holt, W. A. Reea,
Alex Ross, Edw. Wakerlig.
Antelope: D. VInne Bolton. J.
E. Kimsey, Geo. McDonald, R. B.
Membership of 23 Doing Worthy
Work Dr. S to vail Retires as
The anuual change of officers of
the local Boy Scout troop, No. S3,
wag made thio week, Dr. L. S. Sto-
vail ..retiring , as Scoutmaster, be b-'
j ing succeeded by Dan Poling.
Dr. Stovali has been an earnest
worker in the Scout movement. It
was mainly through his efforts that
t. 1 l : I
nie irwup was orgauizeu, wucn was
done on January 3, 1929, with but
a small handfull of members. At
the prerent time there are 23 youths
learning the duties and responsibili
ties of the order, each one of whom
is whole heartedly in the movement.
The members, with their rank, fol
low: First class Edmund Wilson,
Bonney Duus,. Ivan Donaldson, Harry
Rutherford, Forest Urban, Delbert
Alexander, Eldon Allen, Melvin
Lindley, Ralph Kaiser. Each of those
scouts have five merit badges.
Second .Class Laco Greene, Val
Miller, Jim Slusher, Earl Addington,
Chas. Bothwell. Verne C. Hull,
Theodore Kirsch and Herbert Kra
mer. Tenderfoot Wm. Slusher. Lloyd
Swale, Lewis Chandler, Edw. Hull,
Albert St. Dennis, Albert Gesh.
The new officers for the year are t
Dan Poling, Scoutmaster; Ivan Don
aldson, Junior Assistant Scoutmast
er: Edmund Wilson, Senior Patrol
Leader; Harry Rutherford, Eldon Al
len, Forest Urban, Patrol Leaders.
Scribe Albert St. Dennis.
Bugler Ralph Kaiser.
1'i uinme- Vsl Miller.
Other posts will be filled by ap
During the year juit past 18 more;
O i. J i . .
ccuuis were advanced in ranic
Regular meetings were held during
the first six months but during threa
months of summer no regular meet
ings were held. Fall and winter
meetings were held every alternate
Two Courts of Honor were neia
at Maupin, and the members of No.
33 attended a like function at Tha
Dalles. Troop Kb. 33 "nna been acuvu a
special meetings, on Washington',
and Lincoln's birthdays, Mother'
Day and at home and church ThU
troop also sponsored the exsreises at
tho dedication of Maupin'a new
bridge over the De chutes. One pub
lic lecture and one dramatic enter
tainment were also brought to Mau-
J pin by the troop.
The Inst financial report shows
1 rcceiPta of N24.43, cxpendi-
jtures of $380.72, which leaves a
balance of $43.71 in the treasury.
The T contributed the sum of
mM jn eaah toward thfl dedJca.
. . 1 v..
organization being $162.00. On
that day they gave away 86 gallons
of lemonade and orangeade.
' (continued on page 3) '1