The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 26, 1929, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Thursday Scomber 20, ld20.
Never uso soda on aluminum wure.
tfti'fl wool or fine scouring iwvuVr
in (ho best to iih on alumium.
I .
Flavor few glasses of your p
plu Jelly with mint extract on J cnlor
with Riven vegetable coUrinir The
Jolly will ho enjoyed with hmb.
Pa Fcuf
-P ROC M Rfi?
at American Legion Hall, on
Night, DecrC 9 )
Legion Auxiliary
and consisting of
and Drawing for the
A pleasant evening is in store for those who attend
this entertainment, and as it costs nothing why not
turn out and give the Auxiliary a full house.
Pruning the heavy side- of a wind
blown tree clrafs that title hut does
not materially help the light fide of
the tree, ays the Oregon Experiment
station. Under these conditions the
lopsided tree Is usually tht mora
urefitnhlc tree,
Pad flavored milk commonly oc
curs during the winter when cowa
have been receiving dry feed or have
been on dried up pasture for aomc
time. While there is no certain
remedy for thin, aome good often re
i ults from n midden change of feed.
Otherwise the condition will probably
continue until the grass cornea In
the spring.
Cod liver oil added to tho mash or
(train at the rate of one pint for each
hundred pounds will often prevent
or cure lameneaa of laying hen caus
ed by insufficient Miwhinc, suggests
the Oregon experiment station.
There is no known remedy for lame-
I nes.s due to paralysis, however, and
I it is best to dispose of birds ro af-
! ii .-i.i i
it:iiu, incy nriiiini recover, u
Hie condition is due to lack of nun
shine the birds often appear to re-
j cover in a few hnura or a few dava.
The over-winterng form of the
pear and cherry ting ia in the soil.
Control of often greatly Hided in
j Oregon by thorough cultivation in
the full and spring which destroys
j many of the hibernating forms, says
thr rxper'nienl .station.
rnn-mp meat a." soon na it is de
livered, and place on a clean plate
in the coldest part of the refrigera
tor. A piece of parchment paper
may be loosely laid serosa the top
of the meat but not wrapped around
Oregon City Four and one-half
milo section of paving south of hero
opened for travel,
Salad greens can be kept fresh
and cri'p if washed and wrapped in
damp paper, or shut in air-tight con
tainers and kept in a cool place.
f Neighborhood School Notes I
The monitors in the Primary
room are:
Chairman, Vern Hachler; Pencil
Monitor, John Lewis; Desk Monitor,
Vivien McCory; Paper Monitor, Rosa
I Hartmon ; Library Monitor, Chloe
The Christmas holidays began on
Tuesday December 24, and will last
until Monday of the coming week.
Lecembcr 30. We 'will have school
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
New Years Day will als0 be a holiday.
The basketball team turned out
for a work-out in the Lewis hall
last Friday. Everyone was on his
toes and ready to go. Although the
hall is small we are getting some
good practice, which we hope will
prove valuable in the near future.
Christina Program
The Christmas prograh will be
Monday night, December 23, at the
Wapinitia High school. The program
will consist of .ongs, recitations and
dialogues. After the program Santa
Claus will give out Christmas candy
and presents.
Primary and Intermediate rooms are
School was dismis ed last Friday
afternoon, the purpose being to erect
a stage for the Christmas program.
With the aid of a team and bobsled
the lumber was quickly secured from
Mr. Graham's place. Tht; stage wa"
quickly, but not quietly, erected.
Frank Hachler was appointed as
manager of tV. coi.&U'ucion joi,
The Higher Arithmetic class is
coming along fine. They have fin
ished "Measurements of lumber and
timber" and are now on "Measure
ments of Volumes."
Since the snow and tho bad
weather quite a few of the High
school students are absent.
Wapinitia Jottings
Wapinitia Flat had a fall of
snow which was about a foot in
"Buck" Hachler rodo an unbroken
colt last Sunday while visiting his
sister, Mrs. Lena McCoy.
Marion Howard is suffering with
a felon on his thumb.
The community was sorry to hear
of the death of Mrs. J. S. Brown.
Many friends attended the funeral
services held at tht Wapinitia church
Sunday morning.
Frank Heckman and Arnold Gos
nell made a trip t0 Maupin Satur
day. Albert Hachler was in Wapinitia
a short time Saturday afternoon.
All of the teachers left Monday
night after the program to spend
the holidays at their respective
Melvin Walters haa been obliged
to "hoof" it to school, as the snow
has become too deep to come in his
old Ford.
Lyie Endersby visited with Ken
neth Endersby over Saturday.
S. E. and U. S. Endersby attend-
, ed a water holders' meeting at Wa-
; mic Saturday last.
Ruth Walters spent Monday even
' ing with Helen Endersby.
Alva Hammer is visiting with his
J father, Burt Hammer,
j Mrs. Glennie Middleton is visiting
I with Mrs. Sam Wall.
Thousand Island dressing is a
mayannaise dressing with finely
chopped material added as many
as you like, chosen from the follow
ing, according to what you have on
hand: Pickle, olive, radishes, hard
cooked eggs, hard chee:e, celery,
green peppers, pimientoes, capers,
onion, It is excellenet on plain let
tuce and other salads.
Cabbage ha.- more food value and
is more easily digested when eaten
raw than wh-n cooked.
rcanuU, botanically speaking, are
not nuts at all, but lemons, and a
member of the same family as beans
and peas. ,
Junket is cunily made and provide;
a pleasing method of adding nrilk to
the. diet.
Did you ever hear of "three
day" or amber marmalade? It,
doesn't take three days to make it,
though. With an orange, a grape
fruit and a lemon, and the right
amount or sugar, and water, you cm
make a surprising amount of deli
cious prorerves in the course of a
single morning. The Bureau of Home
Economics will tell you how.
Mayonnaise becomes thin and
I watery if placed on the salad too
j Ing before nerving, aa the vinegar
! or other acid drawn the water out
;of the nnterinln in the sal'id. This
nK) caijsrs the greens to ) th''.-
The popular toasted sandwiches
ere easily made at home, even if you
do not have a special griddle such as
the randwich shop or drugstore u:cs.
To make a toasted cheese sandwich,
cut a thin slice of cheese, season,
and lay it between two buttered
pieces bread, slip into the toasting
oven, and when delicately browned
on both tides, serve hot.
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County 'a Exclusive
Shoe Store
hoea for tb" general Renairinir.
'"hole Kami'" Tho Dal'es, Ore.
tii 1 1 iiii ij
Women's Shoes in Pumps, Straps
Spike and Cuban Heels
WOMENS-Lot 1- MKN'S-Lot 1
Values $0.50 to $8.50 Values $0.50 to $8.50
$4.85 . $4.85
Pumps, Straps, Oxfords Ituy one, jjet another
All Heels pair absolutely free.
WOMEN'S Lot 2 Values $5.90 to $7.50
Values $5.50 to $0.50 ajq QC
Q9 or pO.OO
$ri.O) pUy for one, . Ret ..the
Come in All Heels other pair for nothing.
The above n.rsw'.s that if you buy one pair of
shoes, paying e.-'s't. ynu will be ejven another pair
absolutely free. In this manner you get two
pairs mud only pay fur one.
WffiMAEILS Itore
201 E. Second St. The Dalles
The Dalles Auditorium on
Wednesday, January 1, '30
main event
Frankc Wamekc vs. "Dynamite" Joe Murphy
10 Hounds, Middleweight
Floyd Holloman vs. .Jimmy (Del King) Larson
4 Round.-!, 11."; poundsRematch
Tod McCIasky v. Mike Mcndcll
1 Hounds, 100 pounds
Abe Westlund vs. Timrny Davis
1 1 Rounds, 135 pounds
George "Roob" Star vs. Jack Rissett
4 Rounds, 135 pounds
Maupin's pride, Floyd Holloman will again try
conclusions with Jimmy 1M'snn, who pot the deci
sion over the Maupin lad at the last Dalles smoker.
.. nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT
and Way Poinii
and Way Poinii
A good use for stale broad is to
make it into "twice-baked" bread to
accompany soup or salad. Trim the
I crusts on each s:do, lurking a rcc
j tanguler loaf. The trimmings can
' be dried in the oven and rolled out
! for bread crumbs. Slice very thinly
and put in a rfhpr cool oven to
brown delieatelv. These arc crisp
and "crunchy" hut not hard. They
I are often served hotels and res
Let us have your magazine sub
scriptions. Will give you the best
j price possible. The Maupin Drug
Learn to know the attachments of
your rewing machine and how to use
them. Keep your tensions adjusted
to the kind of material you are us
ing. Use good needlen and the
right 8ize for your thread and the
material to be used.
Grade Notes
Last Monday afternoon a Christ
mas party was held in the Primary
room. Sometime ago the students
drew namec and at the party pres
ents were distributed.
The Primary room is now decorat
ed with the Christmas tree and
other decorations.
Holly berries are borne only on
the pistillate or female trees.
Mololla Construction of exten
tion of P. E. P. power and light line
south of here to start at once.
When making bread, if the cans
are not filled too full a lighter pro
duct will result.
Serve foods which have to be
carved on platters large enough to
allow the one who carves free play.
Never place around a roast foods
which are likely to have their ap
pearance rpoiled in carving, or got
in the way of the carver.
Tin and enamelware cooking
utensils which have foods stuck to
them may he cleaned by boiling them
In a weak solution of washing soda.
U. S. Royal
Reg. Exrta Heavy
29x4.40 $8.25 $11.50
30x4.50 9.20 12.30
29x4.75 10.65 13.15
29x5.00 11.00 13.00
31x5.00 11.85 14.45
29x5.50 14.10 16.85
32x6.00 15.95 18.85
30x3 '-s
32x4 (Royal) 2.30
28x5.25 (Royal) ,
29x4.40 (Royal)
29x4.50 (Royal) .
29x5.50 (Royal) .
30x5.00 (Royal) ,
'1.1 vA n?mrah
HA X V J J tA,x
auDin Garage