I thuritoy December H, 1020. THE MAUPIN TIMES Pg3 Tlf.l We are thankful for the very liberal patronage we received the past year. That trade proved that our goods, prices and service meet with approval. To all our people, patrons and others, we wish you a .Hkppy annd Prosperous Ymr Fir 1930 Maupin's Leading Grocery O. P. Resh Co. Everything For the Table Maupin, Oregon ing a butcher knife for the purpose, had the utensil klip, the point enter ing the left groin, narrowly mining the femoral artery and causing a deep, long wound. Dr. Elwood at tended to the injury and the lady ht getting along in fine shape. Pal Up Road Sign. A representative of the State Highway commi'sion has been at work in this section for the past two weeks, engaged in putting up road signs. The markers include, "crois roads," "cum," "danger" and ''caution" signs mid will be of great service to motor! ts. Jesse Adding- jton was employed by the official !!) helper. Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published !n the inerests of the people of Maupin and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO., Phone Mai. 72 Vol. 1 Maupin, Oregon, December 26, 1929 No. ia THANKS, FOLKS! Muck Christmas Business Maupin merchants reports a greater volume of business this year than for any year past. The rain fall and snow covering on wheat fields caused a feeling of optimism t0 pervade the ranchers and each one responded with a little more spend ing money for Christmas gift; than would have done had the dry weath er continued. Personalities JLr,"--"-"L v; Crofoot home, coml ities:- iug up from Everett Richmond made a to the county scat on Monday. trip Dan Poling Is at the home of hi. parents at Corvallis during the holi day time, 1 1 iQ Prof, and Mrs. A. W. DcVoe arc spending the week with friends at the state metropolis. Tonight will occur the last Hoy Scout meeting of the year, being held at the Legion hall. Mac Ilollomsn took in the dance at Legion hl Haul night and re mained over in town today. Ben Flinn. son of Noah Flinn, former resident of Wapinitia Plains, was a visitor in Maupin this morn ing. o Miss Winifred Kaiser will spend the holiday vacation In Maupin, hav ing come up from Eugene last Fri day. o H. E. Marks came up from the power plant at Oak springs Sunday night and took in the show at Le gion hall. W. F. Magill, brother of Mrs. Chas. Crofoot, is a visitor at the Wade Hampton left for his home at Latimndo last Friday morning, and will remain there through the holiday time. o John SUiviill came over from Condon and spent tho Christmas time at the home of his brother, Dr. L. S. Stovall. o Verne Fischer, Slgno Firchcr and their little daughter motored to The Dalles tli In morning. John Stovall accompanied them. o John Stovall returned to Crndon 'li- morning, going over to ur intend some repairs to th-j High I' hcol building there. Miss Maggie Wray, a student at Northwetern Business college, Portland, ia at her parents home for the holidny vacation. o Mr. Joynt and Mrs. Carr went to Portland after school clowd for the holiday and will spend the time with friends and relatives there. o Hobby Lewis is spending his va cation from 0. S. C. at the home of his parents on Smock and the TilitM son home in The Dalles. Herbert Bair, youngest brother of Mcmlamcs Phil Starr and Ellis Hughes, came over from Fossil and spent ChriHtmaa with his relatives. Visited in Town O. P. Weberg and family gathered together at the family table yester day and ate Christmas dinner to gether. Thote from out of town were Leonard Weberg, wife, and little daughter, and Harry Weberg, who is at work on the Claud Wilson ranch on Rakeoveti, James Wray came night from Portland, up Sunday where he is L. C. Hcnneghan and wife have as a house gueM, the latter's sister, Mrs. T. W. Knowlcs, of Dufur, who will remain throughout the holidays. Jimmy Johnson, who came to thec part when the Deschutes river ran over what is now top of the hills, was in from Shearers Bridge today. o Lloyd Woodsidc end wife and John Stovall from Condon, were out of town people who partook of turkey dinner at the Dr. Stovall home yesterday. taking a course in pharmacy at tbe North Pacific College of Pharmacy. He will remain until after the holt days. Pernell Marks came over from Longview, Washington, Sunday and has been visiting with his father at the Oak Springs power plant. He expects to return to Longview Saturday. EnUrtained at Dinner L. C. Hcnneghan and wife enjoy ed the company of Mrs. Hennc- ghan's sister, Mrs. KjiowIcs, of Du fur, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. StaaU who they entertained at Christmas dinner at the Hcnneghan home yes terday. Cbi.f Celt Cap James Chalmers, chief of the Maupin Volunteer Fire department, was most agreebly surprised Tues day evening when a delegation of firemen appeared at his home. Jim was wearing his old cap and one of the visitors took that off and in its stead placed a fine firemen's uni form cap on the head of the chief. The new headgear is decorated with the word "Chief" and pleased the recipient more than words can express. If it wasn't for ihe trade you folki give us we couldn't continue in bu'inesn, that's all. You juat bet we arc mighty thankful for your pat ronage during 11)20. To make our business of even greater value and service to you in dividually and to the community at large is going to be our guiding principal again in 1930. The past year may have brought its dissa pointment and troubles but let's not carry them over into this year for we probably will get tome nice new ones without even looking for them. A new Year I Say, folks, if we had a mon opoly on happiness and prosperity we could cer tainly pour out a mighty generous share for you in 1930. W. Could Do Without The man in the office could do without one meal ,a day, but he would not like it. The man on the farm could get along without a seed drill or corn plant er he ,could do his planting by hand. And a woman could get along without many la bor saving conveniences in her kitchen. Wc men folks never hesitate to buy equipment that will save time and work. Why ihouldn't we be as considerate of our wives as we are cf ourselves? A built in kitchen cabi net, new floors and a coat or two of fresh bright paint on the wood work is what she wants and we have 'em. Be careful of too many New Year resolutions. Shepflin residence b nwing completing. In ride is finished with the new Gypsum waU board. Contractor Job OraMrce is doing th work. Contractor Crabtrce is doing repair work at the school house during vacation. ... The man getting hi hair cut noticed that the barber's dog had hi yes fixed on his "Nice dog," said th customer. ''He seems very fond of watching you cut hair." "Tain't that," said the barber, "You see sometimes I makes a mistake an mips off a piece of a customer' ear." Tround, did you say? Yes, and cabins being equipped with electrU proud of it, is our genial chief of lights, cooking plates, spring beds the fire department. And why and sleep-inducing mattresses. Tba shouldn't he be? Wkh a fine chipf'a 1 cop and silver badge to wear with'two 8re able to take care of 811 th in Jim is as proud as the boy withjtrave desiring a resting plaso and hLs fir.t pair of boots. He has been' to start another would only result i;t ihe head of the fire department Jin splitting up the Incomes and f.ncc its organization and under his would not innure much profit fo? ft pei vision all things connected with 'either of them. the water service of the city has b;n well taken cere of. The Maupin Warehouse Co. wishes its many patrons and friends A HAPPY AND PEOSPESOUS 1 NEW EAE L. B. KELLY, President. CEO. L. MORRIS, Manager. L. D. WOODS1DE, Dir. W. E. HUNT, Dir. Marcus Shearar went to The Dalleg on Tuesday for the purpose of having his physician examine his wounded leg. He was told that in about another week hi condition would be such as t warrant his dis charge from medical attendance. J. C. Redifer, who has the con tract to haul telephone poles for the new toll line, and who, with his family, has been here for some time, left for The Dalles last Fri day, having completed his contract in these parts. More Kids A17 Two new babies were born to people of this section recently, one of them, an 11-pound boy, making hln advent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brittain, living at Smock, last week Monday while the other n daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartman, Wapintia, arrived last 1 Saturday. AH concerned, parents and babies, are doing well under the care of Dr. Elwood. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From The Times Dec. 27. 1018 Three inche: of snow fell at Wap initia last Tuesday night, while the thermometer stood at 15 above zero. Fog and wind also were ex perienced. Dolph Mayhcw, who has been with the army, came home last week, be ing the first one from this section to return, owing to cessation of war. o Dr. Elwood arrived on tho after noon train yesterday, ahving a three day' leave from csntp. He expect to be discharged from the army in about 10 days. L, C. Wilhelm reports that the re building of one half of L. D. Kelly's big barn Is about completed, and that the other half will be built in the spring. o Mrs. Frank Chastain of Juniper Flat received a telegram yesterday stating that her brother, Bert Lin ville, had died in California. The body will be brought and laid away in the Kelly cemetery. Maupin's quota to the United War Work campaign was $510.00, but Bought Show Shop George Miller has concluded nc gotiations for the Nahouse picture littica of rivatia Vollav n.l irill , 11 v owing to a change 111 the itate quota show there weekly hereafter. I " , . , , . , . , .,iwc were raised 50 cents mof, which uuuihu lion lias a nimu vi oiiimt houres and is showing a quality of pictures that appeals to people in each town ho visits. Had Narrow Escape Last Friday morning, while trying to loosen some candy in a pan, Mrs. Andrew Cunningham, who was ut- i IT THIS WIMTTOUiai The Season's Greetings FURNISH YOUR HOME :ntsT- FtiRNisH TOUR HOME H WISH TO EXTEND TO OUR PATRONS A 5 fl wnZxVot at n we met, and then some. Total do nations received were J78S.10. o Mr. and Mrs. Laco DcCamp have rented the Mmipin hotel and are making preparations to open same to the public. 0 J. P. McGlasccn, principal of the Maupin schools, is at The Dalles this week, taking an examination for a life teaching certificate. He is the only one taking the examination at this time. appj P irTproua iiw K D0CHERTY-POWERS Furniture Company n:i. rr About riVli, upt Town Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles 1 Oliver Resh demonstrated his strength Tuesday morning, but at the expense of the steering whorl of his Star car. Oliver was about to ftlight from the car when opposite the bank. In doing so he kept hold of the wheel and when ho reached the ground level found a segment of the wheel in his hand. Oliver is no light weight, is very strong and didn't realize ho had hold of the wheel while getting out of hi3 car. -x- j Charlie Steele evidently had forme the idea that he was to be J forgotten by his friends in the mat-! ter of a charivari, as some time had j elupted between his marriage and' last Sunday night. His friends, J I oiriver, were sleeping with one: eyr : pen, and that one looking out j for the right kind of weather. Sun-j 1 day evening last proved an ideal j.iii tnd several, yes, 1 great many I friends loaded themselves with all I kinds cf noire makers and proceed ed to the Steele home where they made the air resound with hideous sounds. Charley responded like a little man and the ''serenadcrs" de parted after wishing the ncwlweds all kinds of success and happiness in their wedded relations. x The Times folks' table was grac ed at Christmas dinner with a fine fat turkey, one of the flock that Frnest Confer had been fattening for the occasion. Of course the family did ample justice to the bird and all (or nearly all, the editor e.pccially) had to push the table away from them, so well filled were they with turkey, stuffing and the other things that usually accompany a Christmas dinner. F.rnest shipped a consignment of turkeys to Port land Sunday, receiving top price for his birds. The coming smoker at The Dalle", on New Years night, will show Floyd Holloman of Maupin In the ring with his late antagonist, Jimmy (Del King) Larson, as King has been -x head-liner, in Portland fights for some time. This time the Portland lad may meet a Waterloo, as Hollo man has been working out with VIt End'-, who knows the fight game from A to Izzard. It is expected many from here will attend the smoker. In a letter to The Times man from a friend at Longview we were told that the reason our friend did not accept our invitation to Christ mas dinner was that our roads were too crooked; also that our highways had a reputation of being ued Ly people somewhat under the influence 0f moonshine, which war. a mcnat-j to s 1 er travel. All right, old m...t, wo re sorry you couldn't como over but your further excuse of 1-0 mu-li snow won't go down with us, foi this section is enjnyin the finest rprig weather ever exp ;.: need at this time of year. We were asked what we ;h:UV. of another cnnip ground behij: started in Maupuin, and we answer ed "Nix on that idea" Miupin is singularly blessed with two good camp grounds, one on the east side and the other at the west end of the bridge. Connected with each is a neat store, carrying all such goods demanded by campers, gas tanks, oib, accessories, etc., as well as the CRANDAH Undertaking Co. Too Dalles, Oregoa. Pbont 35-J LADY ASSITANTS Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Wapinitia Tygh Valley- Charles Crofoot Roy Ward W. B. Sloan hh QUIET SERVICE Trucking Long Distant Hauling A Specially INSURED CARRIER ELZA O. DERTHICK Phone 5188 ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE " Call Maupin Drug Store Phone-345 Your Watch Haywire? If it ia not doincr its work .; bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmes will send it to ' . i GUY A. POUND MsuuMctiir'ng Jeweler awl Watchmaker SuccNwvr 10 U. Lindquist , THE DAUE3 - - OREGON V