The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 12, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Tagt Ttt4
Thursday December 12, 1929.
The Maupin Times
"T1LCrW. SEJIJMES,' Editor
C W, Sertunea and E. R. Smmei
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
Subscription: One ycai$t.5U; idx
Dionthi, $1.00; three months, COcts.
Entered as second claw muill mat
ter September 8, 1914, at the post
ffic at Maupin, Oregon, under the.
ck of March 8, 1876.
W aometimes wonder from
whenes corro.pondcnts to the large
J.iihwi draw their news gtorics nnd
upon what premises they bun their
"fact." In the Portland U
tht fifth instant nppearcd story
undnr a flmdy date line, stating
among viher things, that "farmer,
re now pledging hearty support to
the new company," meaning the
Mount Hood Land & Water com
pany. The Times man has interviewed a
large number of water contract
owners of Juniper Flat, and in no
one instance have we learned that
a ''hearty support" was being ex
tended On the other hand, Flat
ranchers generally seem to carry the
opinion that there is no company
operating a water system sufficient
t0 induce support of any kind. Each
one interviewed seems to be of the
opinion that the water system of
their section is a fizzle; that the
erstwhile company is but a gesture,
and that o 'ar as receiving water
for their fields goes, that moisture
will have to be supplied in a natural
way from the clouds as rainfall.
Another report, and one which
aeems to have been made out of
whole cloth, is that a two-year ex
tension has been granted the com
pany in which to complete its system.
No such thing. The facts of that
matter are that representatives of
the contract holders' association and
the attorney representing Wapinitia
Irrigation company, at the request of
the attorney, agreed to waive the
findings of the state engineer in his
deci.ion handed down after the July
hearing, and to leave the matter of
extension of time in the hands of
Judge Wilson. That judge ha3 set
40 days as time sufficient in which
to study the matter, and nothing will
be done regarding an extension of
time until he has made a decision.
Some people :eem to delight in
misstating facts, when the truth
Monte Ray Grandpa's Grandson James Zuinwalt
Tod Hunter Dancing Master Vernon Wing
Otis Hammerhead Grandpa Claude Roberts
Officer McCormack Who does his duty Vernon Woodcock
Lucy Hunter Our little wife Alice Ge3h
Dorothy May Just out of College Hazel Johnson
Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch Fair, Fat and Forty Naomi Magill
Marie Ribeau The girl from Parsis Carmel Woodcock
Kloompy Just over from Copenhagen Ruth Wharton
Barlow Gate Grange is up and doing and the above
comedy is but a sample of that Grange's activities,
come out next Friday night and enjoy yourselves.
would more easily clarify a bud
TTnr About
1 IV it Town
Nick namcy are the bane of many
peoples' lives, and there are thoso
who seem to have a tendency to be
istow Mich names upon acquaintances.
Maupin has several residents who are
bettor known by their nick name-t
than by the ones christened upon
them. For instance Stovehook,
ling But, Tartar Tooth, Sheep Pick
er, Pillions, etc., and places such a?
the Falaee of Sin, Dinty's Place,
rurnithed Hold, Feed Trough, Bull's
Reit and mHrvy others. Well, so long
a, no one takes offense at their nick
mime we should worry
Rill Schilling has got it. He ram-1
bios around like a chicken with the
pip, waddles dike a duck and swears
like a tropper, and ull because one of
his uiatic nerves asserts itself and
insists upon letting Bill know it t
0n the job. Our worthy auto mechanic
says he has reformed and that here
after he will devote more attention to
Ml- nerves than to driving hi3 f.") e
Eight at a hundred-mile clip.
When coming from The Dalles this
morning with Stage Man ITartman, wa
went around by Friend. When we got
near the top of the hill near that
place we were surprised to see about
four inches of snow on the ground.
The snw appeared to be deeper near
the hills. Wheat in that neighborhood
has taken on new life and now
covers the fields like, a blanket, and
the mow will cover it sufficiently
to safeguard it against frost
The Bend-Portland freight line
seems to be the victim of fate. Only
last week one of the line's big
freight trucks left the road, tipped
over and was entirely consumed byj
the resultant fire. I his morning
another of the big vans went into
the ditch on the Criterion grade,
but fortunately did not take fire, al
though the load was neatly unloaded
and piled under the top.
ism Doughton is some hot air.
and bull peddler. We were told by
several that Bill had deserted the
ranks of the single ones and had
taken unto himself a wife. In order
t0 get the straight of the matter we
asked Bill about it and he tcld U3
a co'cf and bull rtory, saying the
report was true, even going so far
as to. fell us where the ceremony
took place. Later Bill asked us if
Gsfe Grar&i!
f fysmm Fir
f Gram
mw nsm
we wero serious in our qujt. Inning.
Being told we wanted the i i he
crawfished, said hi:, tory w;m bull
and asked us not to publish what
he h.'ij told us. We remarked we
had the story written up and then
road it to him. IU asked f ir the
copy, got It and In that way The
Times lost a good Item. If Bill ever
gets married, we wfch him all the
bad luck possible even that bin
wife prove to be a veritable shrew
and will hen-peck him all around the
ranch. So there.
h'i , Bit Boy
George Miller was put to it Inst
Sunday night to show hi picture:
nt Legion hall. He was nervou.i
and seemed all broken up but. not
with trouble. On the contrary
(ieorge's face vni turned toward
his White River home, where, (he
night before Dr. Elwood played
stork and left a nine-pound son to
Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The new
comer just fills a hand, as the Mil
ler' other child is a girl. Mrs. Mil
ler and son are getting along finely
and George will be all right as soon
as he recovers from hia present
Cr Towed In
This morning, while . coming to
Maupin from The Dalles Miss Marion
Lord's Ford acted up on the top of
ihe Maupin grade, necessitating the
assistance of a tow car. Joe Kramer
went after the car and brought It
to town. With Miss Lord were Mis
Case and Mrs. D. 'L. Rutherford, the
two latter being brought to town by
Moil Carrier Hartman.
Slop Sign Erected
The state highway department has
erected four ftop signs at the inter
section of our two main cross streets.
The signs call attention to the fact
that our main street is a part of the
state highway and are for the pur
pose of warning autoista that dang
er faces them when driving from an
intersection onto tho main through
fare. Truck Tipped Over
One of the largo Bend-Portland
freight trucks left the road near the
top of Monument hill this morning
and tipped over when it struck the
ditch. The clamps which hold the
bed to the chassis gave way allowing
the top to slide off. The load of gro
ceries and other freight was neatly
piled by the side of the road and the
top re.ted calmly on top of the pile.
Buying Fiihing Tackle
"Bunny" Welch is going into the
fishing tackle business and will be
$ Acts
ready for the opening 0f the season
next year. Ho has placed orders for
a full supply of lines, rod, reels,
spinners, flies, etc., nnd when the
season opens will be In a position to
cater to the wants and needs of all
Soaking, steaming, or cooking
stock feeds increased their dlge tl
bility slightly, hut usually not enough
to pny for the expenm and work.
WTlen maxium gains are desired,
cooking may encourage the animals
to eat more feed.
According to available report
more than nne-thlrd of the annual
farm slaughter of hog takes place
during one month December. In
some years more hogs are killed on
farms in December than in til the
pncking-hniiHcs and other places
where Federal meat Inspection is
carried on.
Many fanners now carry fh-e pro
tection through farmers' mutual fir
insurance companies. According to
the latest figures available, about
? 10,000.000,000 worth of firo in
siinince is carried by these mutual,
at a low annual cost averaging 26
rents per $100 fr the country as
a whole.
When the calf In three weeks old,
it should be given a little hay and
grain. Clean, bright clover, alfalfa.
r a mixed hay is best. Alfalfa hay
that is too leafy should not be. fed
to a very young calf. Com, oaU,
wheat brnn. and linseed meal are the
best grain for the young ralf.
Shredded corn hnt about the same
feeding value as unshrrdded rtover.
It is better than timothy or straw
for milk cows, and better than straw
for horses. For bedding purposes,
shrcdde.1 stover is more valuable
than straw, and much better than the
l"ng unshredded stover.
Failure to grade eggs is one rea
son why many farmers don't get a
higher average price per dozen for
their eggs. When small and bad
eggs are marketed with good oneii
the result is a lower price for all.
If only a few eggs are obtained from
a small flock, grading is less likely
to be done than when the eggs are
produced by a good sized flock. A
flock of 200 to 400 birds is practl
cularly desirable, in order that the
marketing of the eggs nd also the
management of the flock may be pu
on the most economical basis.
The first exclusive turkey show on
the Pacific coast will be held at
Oakland, Oregon, December 13 and
M, under the direction of J. C. Leedy
county agricultural agent.
Experiments conducted at Oregon
Mate college indicates that hens will
consume more warm water than cold,
"ml n& much wsler Is essential to I
high production, being no large a j
proportion of Hie egg, it is wise toj
keep a good supply of warm water!
before, them, especially during th"j
c"M weather.
Many farmers u e their pare
time during the winter in building
or retiairintr fenrea o.wl ..I,..,.,,'.,.. ..
the weeds and trash accumulated '
along old ones. It is a wise use of
spare hours, says the Oregon Experi
ment station.
De pHn cold weather many dollar
in rtrg production enn often be sav
ed by providing the chicken bonnes
wilh curtains arranged to rlo-ie up
the bottom of the open front, says
the Oregon Experiment station, as
the wind and cold get in at the bot
tom much more than at top. It
is bet, however, not to close up the
entire opening unlesp other means of
ventilation are provided.
The farm accounting rystcm, while
necessarily simple, can often be de
vided to advantage into such parts
as poultry, dairying, farm crops,
etc, enabling the farmer to know ex
nctly which enterprise is paying and
which is eating up the profits, says
the Oregon experiment station.
Ilcrmiston Over 500 acres hi
thin section will be planted to Jer
usalem artichokes.
Klamath Falls Mills addition in
this city show rapid development.
Klamath Falls Quarters in the
I.oomis building being remedied for
occupancy by Electric flhop.
Rums Harney County Mercan
tile company store being remodlcd.
Wapinitia Confectionery store
and pool hall opened in building for
merly occupied by Matt Busic.
Maupin Plans underway for con
struction of new reservoir.
Surfacing of Vale to Harper stretch
of Central Oregon highway will
start about December 15th.
Do You Feel Absolutely Safe?
When you go to bod at night do you feel absolute
ly safe?
When you leave your home for a day do you feci
absolutely safe?
Is your property safeguarded by a policy In a
good, reliable insurance company?
Have you taken precautions against fire? If you
have not now is the time to insure against that pos
sible loss by fire.
Insure Today
We handle only the most reliable insurance and
represent some of the most substantial insurance
See us today and let us write that policy that will
give you the needed protection.
Maupin State Bank
Callawav Funeral Chapel
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Ore.
We carry a complete line of CatdceU
APPLES Newtown, Jonathans,
Ortloys, Baldwins, (iood cookers,
good keepers. Now in storage at
Dufur, Oregon.
Vanderpool & Ktoughton.
The undersigned having born ap
pointed by the county court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco coun
ty, Executor of tin estate of 1). V.
Wlgle, deceased, notice is hereby
gtren to all persons having claims
against said deceit' ed to present
thorn, verified hh required by law.
tlx months after tho first publica
tion of this notice to me at office
of Gavin A Gavin, my attorneys, in
The Dalles, Oregon.
Jumea E. Taylor, Executor.
Dated November 12, 102!.
Hundrrd of Supreme Court
Judges concur in bifjbcit prane
cf the work as their Wm(ty.
The President of all leading Uni
versities, Colleges, and Normul
Schools give their hearty iruorje
tnent Stsitct that hpve sdrpicd a
large dictionary an 'Mniinrrl have
selected Webster's New li.tjrn.i
tlonnL I
The Schoolbooku of the Country
adhere to the Mcrrlnm-Wchster
ystem of diacritical mnrlcii.
The Oovernmrnt Printing Office
it Yt'athingtor uibt it ai (iitifioriry.,
WRITE for nmrtf cntt of ttif Nrw
WWi, nwrlmn ot Rpjnlir nnd livlii
ripef.. i-ntfc. Aly U
O. C.
Sprit. f'WS?,-
m i i.i.
Harvest Bread
A Wasco County 7roducfl
Ufe Oregon Bakery
Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your home merchai t get the beat
25 Cents
buys the best and largest mtal
served in Tho Dalles, at
Across the :.trcet from hl old
stand. Now at 430 East Second
i. o. o. r.
Udgn No. 200, Maupin, Oregon
ineeta every Saturday night In I. O.
O. F. hall. VUlttaij mcmbon lajri
Willard Cunningham, N G.
Everett Hazv Secretary
Central Oregon
Milling Co.
Maupin, Oregon
f- .iMuj j.'j.- -'-: i
I WhiteRestaurant
Where the Ifcst 35 cent
meal is rtrjrvcd in
The iJaVles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargfcnt, - Prop.
V ,