The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 05, 1929, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Tluirsdny PccemW, 8, 1&29. '
22 Rounds of
I .
n7 rl
AL Jl 13 D
Maupin Legion Hall
This smoker will bring together some of the fastest
and hardesi hitting fighters of this section. Three
of ths Holloman boys have been signed for the card,
the main event being a six-round go between
In addition to the above there will be four four
round bouts, contested by boys who know all about
leather slinging and who will show action from the
tap of the gong to the finish.
Ringside, $1.25 General, 75c
tluy. Sho Is staying with her mother
Mil. It, I, Davidson for a few days.
Mr. hii,1 Mrs. Shorlhill came up
from Portland Sunday, bringing
Myrtle Shorthlll, primary teacher,
Mr?. Roy Word and M.l,s Helen
Flndursby worn callers ut the J,
Shepflln Iuhih) In Maupin Saturday
evening. .
M. and Mrs. T. W. Linn made a
i business trip to The Dalles Monday,
j William Sturgis and family ex
perienced a wreck with their ChevTo.
, let six about nix mile taut of The
Dulles on the Columbia River High
iwny la t Thursday:. The car, which
kidded and turned around several
tunes, rolled over, tearing away the
fenders and a trunk which was at
tadiod to the rear. Occupants of
the car were unhurt
To determine which is the ri(lit
and left sleeve after cutting out the
material, fold tho sleeve through tli
center lengthwise with the sleeve
seam edges together. If one side
of the sleeve, in only slightly blither
than the other and the top curve of
tbo front and back Ho in the stitmi
general direction, the high side U
the back, At the lower end, too,
the back will extend beyond the
Woodburn ltemodeled armory
opened by Howitzer company, 186th
Economical Cam
(continued from first page)
tooth ache.
The Primary room is beautified by
a pretty blooming geranium.
Maupm, Oregon
Dec. 3, 1929.
Dear Aunt Abbey:
I always think of you aloag
about Christmas time. I want to
thank you for your presents last
year, especially for the new Ford.
Don't form my address.
Now, Aunt Abbey, I want to try
and tell you how hard I study. I'm
carrying four subjects, Just imagine,
and my average for lart six weeks
amounts to 101 per cent You know
I got 25 per cent in each subject and
one in deportment Isn't that grand
for your little Klton. I know you
will be tickled.
Would you believe it we never
whimper, why it was just the other
day that one of my teachers asked
me to talk a little louder.
Well good bye, Aunty dear. Did
you see thnt picture in the "Twl
light Dreams," of an aeroplano? Gee
I wish I had on aeroplane.
With love,
Don't feed the dairy cow ear corn.
Grind it either with or "without the
Neighborhood School Notes I
(Marion O'Brien)
The benefits derived from basket
ball are numerous. The game being
played on a small rectangular floor j
cf about 75 feet by 48 feet, by ten !
men with five on a team, or twelve '
women with six on a team, develops
one's quick thinking ability. It
teaches one to employ team work in
working the ball towards the goal.
The team work learned m basketball
or other auuetics is never entirely j
forgotten and io involuntarily used J
in dealing with others in later life, i
When one plays basketball, as in any j
other athletic game he mu t have
a steady, calm nerve. lie must not
disregard his team mate3 and try
to be all-star player of the team.
Even more so in basketball than in
football, good wind is needed by the
players if they expect to stand the
Although different in nearly all
I respects, basketball greatly resem
bles football in the aspect of plays
which may be employed. If every
one does not perform his duty, as in
football, the play fails. So basket
ball teaches one to do what is ex
pected of him. It takes up the
training whero football left off.
Al. o, as in all athletics games, the
athletic learns to take things as they
come wthiout grumbling plainly
speaking, he learns to be a sport.
I put up and the boys are busy prac-
I ticing. The girls are worrying over
j when they will get the field to
I actica.
Mr.. Shorthill, Miss Shorthill's
mother, was a visitor in the Primary
room Monday morning.
Marion Howard was absent from
diool Monday morning.
Basketball goals were erected a
few days ago and the ground leveled
off by picking out a few large rocks.
Monday morning found the boys
rolling the old ball around, and the
running and twisting around gave
one the impres. ion that a cyclone
had broken loose.
Everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiv
ing vacation. All report eating
their share of turkey.
All the teachers left Wednesday
evening for their respective homes.
The basketball goals have been
Wapinitia Jottings
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crabtrec wre
Thanksgiving guests at the E. H.
SnodgTass home.
Clifford Odell was a caller at the
Roy Ward home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lester McCorklc
are the parents of a baby boy, John
Lester, born Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Endersby
were callers at the Roy Crabtree
home Thanksgiving.
A large crowd from Wapinitia at
tended the Thanksgiving dance given
by the Maupin Legion.
Mr. and Mr. Roy Crabtrec nnd
son, Carson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Earnie Endersby were in Maupin
Mrs, Lester Crabtree and baby
daughter, Helen, came home Thurs-
As the pullets in the poultry flock
begin to lay cgirs .they need fairly
large amounts of calcium for the
formation of cggl hells. This is
probably best supplied in the form
of oyster shell; or limeftone.
fljVKRV woman know itwl in
jljtnany win hmhanda re timdar
Cto little hnyv v vlirn ymi have
concocted drMfrt which n not to
b aatan ontil later in the ihv, nr
tat hit raidinf te.ndenciea and offer
kM a Urtr.
Aari if, m yon are taking hit
opinioa ( the tattr, you ran de
UftMrtfy tell him that hV food ii
rraraural, too, doen't that irk) to
the pWnur of hu prawe?
For Stammer Thrift
One oi the bnrt wayi to trooomue
food is t combine
fnaits and wfeUblrt with
an fWautr raruvd (noi
are wart no at tW keight n( the
tmtm ti afl war U ditrardrd
en ()kt saw. Skej frequently are
cheaper tkau Weak food in teaton
tnd wittily arc Iraa tvprtHm than
(rtHt which have paed their prime.
lor instance, it you uw many
fruit jnirr beverages during tha in.
mrr, it probabl will U Wat i
pemive to purchase large cans
Wanheirirt, cherries (aow wit
rhernen) and other bwriea than ft
ta to extract the Juice of freak eim.
The fruit from which the ama at
drained ran b used la pftddlnf af
the Hrown Betty type.
Combining canned and lrrih toaeb
will tave time, loo. Say ymi vaatf
to nerve peaa and tarrots. Yau raw
buy either the peaa or rirroti freak
and gt the othVr ramvd, thw m.
mg much time f preparattrm.
Small Cat fewtwrnkail
For imall familiu. Saw tifSt atiwxa
rana whira hold a raw aw4 al war
ten renti are a twtwVrM ImIb k
eking out mmi anwwia f jwawa
fondi, and may m U tmi m
tirely W majre i wagaAiwai atr r i
flint driaafl
The horse that eats his oat too
ravenously and is in danger of chok
ing should be given a little chopped
clover hay or some whole comcoba,
mixed in with the oats. The nse
of wheat bran with oats aLo lessens
the tendency toward chokingr.
In the range areas the practice of
holding steers over, until they are
2 or 3 years old is gradually giving
way to the sale of the animals as
feeder carves, i emand for lighter
and smaller cuts of ment is reopen
. ibblc for Uic change.
When cured pork on the farm is
to ba canned, it Is better to solit the
carcass through the center of the
backbbonc, rather than on each side
as is usally done. This ''center
split" eliminates the appetizing
backbone cut, but it leaves the two
loin muscle.-, so they can be boned
out readily for canning.
I . lit in J
they'll all
U. S. Royal
29x4.40 $8.25
30x4.50 9.20
29x4.75 10.65
29x5.00 11.00
31x5.00 11.85
29x5.50 14.10
32x6.00 15.95
Exrta Heavy
30x3 (Peerless) $1.20
28x5.25 (Royal) 2.45
29x4.40 (Royal) 1.90
29x4.50 (Royal) 1.95
29x5.50 (Royal) 2.85
30x5 130, (JRoyal) 2.30
31x4 (Royal) 2.20
32x4 (Royal) 2.30
Maupin Garage
I The dairy heifer's ration during
late fall, winter and early spring
should include hay, silage, and grain.
Well-cured kgume hays such as al
Ifalfaf, clover, vetch cowpeas, field
poBH, and soybeans are best aa they
are rich in both protein and lime.
Corn .'ilago is rich in carbohydrates
and is succulent and laxative, mak
ing it a valuable feed when pastures
are not available.
Milking machines should be taken
apart and thnughly wached at least
once a week, even though they are
thoroughly rinsed immediately after
each milking. If the machines are
not rinsed Immediately after the
milking they should be taken apart
and thoroughly washed. This i-, es
sential to prevent curd from form
ing at the connections and in the
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Wasco
rounty, Oregon, will hold the regular
ccxamination of applicants for state
certificates at his office In the court
house of The Dallca as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, December
18, 1929, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con
tinuing until Saturday, December
21, 1929, at 4 o'clock p. m. Pro
grams may be had upon request
Vale Rex Theatre installed talkie
"Something for the Home"
. . . tlie happy thought that will
make this the best Cbrittmas ever
Ordinary gifts mean an ordinary Christmas. It's the unex
pected gifts that make a Holiday season exciting. Give Home
Furnishings the one gift that never fails to please, A single
present of Home Furnishing will win far more appreciation
than many ccs'.iy trifles. Our showrooms are overflowing
with suitable suggestions.
Furniture Company
Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles
jrwAiiLsaaXf nnftM "f inwi ifif'nriraiiirti"
and Way Points n& Way Pobata