The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 05, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    thurstiuy December, 6, 1029.
The Maupin Times
U, w. Bemmcs ano. u. n. omui
Ujrt)bllherstv; IimI ,,v
-Published -every .Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
'Subscription: One year, $1.50; six
months, $1.00; three months, BOcta.
Entered as second class maill mat
ter September 8, 19 H, ut the post
office at Maupin. Oregon, under the
net of March 8, 187C.
Another Br
The Ladies Aid of the Maupin
church have arranged fur a basuar
possibly at the Legion hall, on Fri
day, December C. A large, number
of useful articles have been prepar
ed for the baazar. During the even
lug a small program will be render
ed and a light lunch served. All
can assist in the work of the Aid by
patronizing the bauzar as the money
derived from the sale of the thingi.
made will go toward the upkeep of
tho church. Remember the date and I
plan to attend.
Do not be surprised to lee some
reindeer meat in the market one of
these days. It can be cooked in
mort of the ways beef is cooked, de
pending on the tenderness of the cut.
Alaska is sending a good supply of
reindeer meat to the U. S.
A safe reducing diet rc one in
which all the e sential food mater
ials are supplied, but in which the
fat-building foods, starches, sugars
and fats, are eaten sparingly. Fads
about reducing diets are likely to
cau:.e serious troubles.
Linoleum, to give the best ser
vice, should be laid over a smooth
floor m such a way that it does not
buckle, and it should be cleaned with
a damp cloth wrung out of suds made
with mild soap. Alkali washing,
powders, strong soap, or too much
water, will even ruin the be. t lino
leum. Complicated fastenings around
his waist are an ravution to the
, small boy v ho is learning to put
on and tike ti his ovn clothes.
Ij' selecting patterns cr in chooung
ready-made garments, look for the
ones that are easy to button up, if
possible, without having the front
of the trousers overlap the back or
il mi Jkalwi
Fa5fe(gCEna( inn
Monte Ray Grandpa's Grandson James Zurnwalt
Tod Hunter Dancing Master Vernon Wing
Otis Hammerhead Grandpa Claude Roberts
Officer McCormack Who does his duty Vernon Woodcock
Lucy Hunter Our little wife , Alice Gesh
Dorothy MayJust out of College Hazel Johnson
Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch Fair, Fat and Forty Naomi Magill
Marie Ribeau The girl from Parsis Carmel Woodcock
Kloompy Just over from Copenhagen Ruth Wharton
Barlow Gate Grange is up and doing and the above
comedy is but a sample of that Grange's activities.
Come out next Friday night and enjoy yourselves.
vice-versa, (a good way is for them
just to meet at the side.) with short,
loo. e, straight Jtrrt and voir the
blouse, flat sfniulnWd. cellars' rath
er than flapping, tmes that get In
Hit way Mdny 'other new points
about boys' suits oro described in
a new leaflet, No. 62. which may
be obtained free from the U. S. De
partment of Agriculture.
Tomatoes, fresh, raw, or canned,
ere a good source of vitamins A. B.
and C. This is the reason tomato
juirc is often recommencd for young
children and even babies. Include
tomatoes frequently in the menu in
one form or another. Try them raw,
stewed, baked, fried, broiled, or
scalloped, or In mucc3. coups and
Hot scalloped apples arc easily
made for dessert and will be ready
to cat at the end of the meal if'
tarted a little over an hour before I
dinner. Choose tart apples. Tare, i
core, and slice them. Place a layer
In a baking difh, sprinkle them with '
sugar, nnd pour on a little melted
butter. Add more layers until the
dish is heaping full.
Preps the apples down, eovere the
dirh, and cook ilowly, from an hour
to an hour and a half. As the ap
ples coek down during the first half
hour, a few more may he added.
Fifteen minutes before the apples
are to be served, remove the cover
end spread buttered crumbs over
the top. Return the apples to the
oven, and let the crumbs become
golden brown and crisp. The apples
thcmsclvej will be in whole pieces
and transparent
Spraying with Bordeaux mixture,
winter strength, during December or
January has been found the best
method of controlling the peach
leaf curl disease, says the Oregon
Experiment statin. One spraying
is sufficient if it is applied so as
to cover thoroughly the buds, pro
tecting them against the fungus in
fection which usually attacks the
young shoots just as the leaf tips
emerge from the buds in the spring.
The number of cattle carcasses
condemned for tuberculosis in the
United States decreased from 430
jper million in 1928 tS 380 in 1929.
i The number condemned declined
from 660 to 530.
If bee supplies, such as empty
comb or foundation, are stored in
a warm place during the winter it
y alley
1 H)
ii 11
is necessary to fumigutc, with ear
bon di. ulphlde while the tempera
ture is abovo CO degrees to pre
vent damage by wax moth, says the
Oregon Experiment station. If the
storage place is exposed to winter
temperature fumigation is unneces
sary. Carbon disulphide is explosive
and dangerous near an open fire.
A 40 per cent solution of nicotine
sulphate, painted on the roosts short
ly before roosting time, is quite ef
fective ngainst chicken lice.
Stovall's Bu-Qu pills, a guaranteed
treatment for all kidney disorders,
60 cents, at the Maupin Drug Store.
(From School of Home Economics)
When flour is browned more of
it is required to thicken a liquid.
Honey is best kept In a warm
place, as cold waiter it cloud or gran
ulate Inspectors of labor conditions in
factories and stores require tllM
stools be provided for help to use.
Whilo no one Inspects the housewives
working condition-, by keeping a
high stool in the kitchen she can
save her strength while doing rou
tine duties such as ironing, or sink
Milk and butter, if stored near
such strong flavored foods as onions
and cabbage, readily absorb these
When an acid liquid is to be thick
ened, more of the thicking necnt is
needed, and the time for cooking is
White of egg is often used to
Steele Jo3ed coffee, because it
cooks at a low temperature. As H
coagulates it drawes the grounds to
gether in a ball. A few drops of
cold water added after removing
the coffee from the fire also clears
the coffee by driving the grounds
to the bottom.
Klamath Falls New Sacred Heart
church and Parish House at Eighth
and High streets dedicated.
Klamath Falls Pioneer East side
pharmacy opened for bi iness in
Mills addition.
Gold Beach War department ap
proved plans for construction of
bridge over Rogue river at this
3 Act
Simplified Tuning and Screen
Grid Tubes Arc iho
Big Features.
Simplification In tmiltiR. popularity
of screen grid tubes ;uu exception illy
artistic enliliiots for radio receiver!
no among tho outHtnnlliu fen turn
ut the radio shows which now are la
proKress throughout the t'nlted Stiilei.
Qunntlty production him hrmiitht the
greatest values ever offered
An lunovutloj Is the olTerlnri by one
of tho largest nwinfncturert of the
tlrst battery operated Kaillolu wbost
performance Is comparable to Hume ot
socket power. This development,
made possible by louilspi'tiket rullue
nieuts und the tiicrensud elhclmicy ol
the screen grid ut a low current con
sumption, Is be. tin weloiiied by own
ers of homes unwlrud for electricity.
Although the screen (crh! leads ID
the new models as a radii, frequency
ainpllller, another new iludlotron, the
UX2I5. Is used widely as no oulstaud
Ing part of Uie audio systems. Tin
UY227 aud other standard tubes also
retain their popularity fur the specific
lisps for which they are best suited.
The famous super heterodyne clf
ctiit Is employed lu one of the new
est Radiolas, attraction attention at
the showj, but quau'lty production hat
put this model for :ee tlrst time In a
price class wlthlu the reach of the
va,;t majority of listener.;.
The entire control mechanlam of on
modern radio receiver. Hlumlmtec
dial numbers show on the escutcheor
window when the set It turned on.
Simplified tuning lu some models ex
hlbited takes the form of tuning and
vol il mo control from one combination
knob In others It Is aided by a mannl
fled tuning scale which throws lllunit
nated numbers of a size which can b
read easily upon a translucent coin
position window In the escutcheon
This Radlola tuning scale Is the re
search laboratory' answer to the prob
lem of tuning receivers placed In posi
tions where the light Is not good.
In the Sixth Annual Radio World'i
Fair In New York a radio Pageant ol
Progress, prepared at a cos of mote
than J 100,000 by the Exhibition Divi
sion of the Radio-Victor Corporation,
traced by means of historic apparent,
replicas and true to scute m-ulel., tin
story of radio from Marconi to lli
present. Similar historical exhibits u
radio are being placed by Radio Victor
In other shows. Oeorge Clark, man
ager of the Exhibition Division, Is sec
retary of a committee cooperating
with the Smithsonian Institution aud
government officials In creating a na
tional museum of radio, which eventu
ally will house many of the exhibits
being shown by hia company.
Television demonstrations under the
auspices of the Radio Corporation at
the Now Vork show Indicated real
progress, but the engineers whose bril
liant work was responsible for the Im
provements were careful to point out
that other problems still remained to
be solved before television would be
practical for home sets.
An Interesting Insight Into the wide
ly distributed ownership of the radio
Industry In the United States ts given
by the summary and classification of
the stock of the Radio Corporation ot
America, the largest radio organiza
tion In too world. The latest state
ment shows stockholders In every
State In the Union. Ninety nine per
cent ot the class A common stock Is
owned In the United States, much of
it being In the bands ot small Inves
tors. Although there Is a good showing
In the Industrial East, as In the case
of all stocks, New York State having
1,291 class A common stockholders,
Illinois has 357 stockholders In the
same classification. California lists
131 class A common stockholders, al
most as many as New Jersey, which
has 140. , ' -
Among the thirty-four foreign coun
tries In which there are holden of
class A common stock are such widely
separated points as Argentina, Aus
tria, British Guiana, Honduras, Egypt,
India, Venezuela, Norway, Japan ao
- V WF
-a . 't j
v - if' 4 & t'h '
Do You Fed Absolutely Safe?
When you go to bod at night do you feci absolute
ly wife?
When you leave your home for a clay do you fct'l
absolutely pafe?
In your property safeguarded by a policy In a
good, reliable insurance company?
Have you taken precautions ngainst fire ? If you
have not now is the time to insure against that pos
sible loSvS by fire.
Insure Today
We handle only the most reliable insurance and
represent some j tht,1 most substantial insurance
Sec vis today and let us write that policy that will
give you the needed protection.
Maupin State Bank
Callaway Funeral Chapel
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Ore.
We carry a complete line of Caskets
ATPLES cwtowns, Jonathans,
OrUeys, Baldwins. Good cookers,
(rood keepers. Now in storage ut
Dufur, Oregon.
Vanderpool & Stotiirlitnn.
;i if
Tho undersijnod having been ap
pointed by the county court of the
State of Oregon for Wasco coun
ty, Executor of the estate of D. C.
Wigle, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons having claims
against said dooea' ed to present
them, verified an reqnirfd by law,
six months after the first publica
tion of this notice to me nt office
of Gavin & Gavin, my attorneys, in
The Dalles, Oregon.
Jame E. Taylor, Executor.
Dated November 12, KO.
HntvlrrrU of Supreme Court
Juduri concur in niRhent rnlie
r-f rhe work their Auihatity.
The rr-identsnf nil lending Unl.
verdiles, Coileg?, nnd Normal
Schools give thelt hearty inJone
ment. AJ1 Stares that have adopted a
large dirrionnry as tnndnd have
selected Webt' New It. tarna
tions! The SrWlloolr of the Country
adhere to the Mertlam-Webster
yntcm of diacritical marks.
The Oovernmcnt Trlmim' Office
at Vaahingror. ufc it sa authority, f
H'RITE for Mmc'e of the Ktm
V'wit, infdnwn of Rtsulir tnd India,
, , H
I "Supreme m;rKrwTy"
Harvest Bread
A Wasco County Producl
K6g Oregon BaRery
Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your home merchant get the bfM
25 Cents
buys the best and llirgeit meal
served in The Palleif, at
Across the street fi;om his old
stand. Now at 410 East Second
I. O. O. V.
Lodgfi No. 209, Maupin, Oregoo
meets every Saturkr ,B -
O. V. halL Visiting members alwajt
WiRard Cm mivgham, Nj G.
Everett Hazi m, Secretary
Central Otregon
Milling- Co.
Maupin, Omjoii
Miere thest 35 ctHt
raeal ia-served in
The Dalles
Next the Dalles
C. N. Sarg ent, - Prop.