The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 14, 1929, Image 1

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Alwajv working for the bst
Interests of Maupin and all of
Southern Wasco Countj.
Publishes only that newt fit
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for aO.
Number 2
Musical Maupin At
Merry Minstrel Show
Many achooU In difforent locali
ties feature tome event of their
school year, a play, an operetta, or
a pageant.
The show by the Melancholy Min
strels la Maupin's High school lead- Carden, Wheat, Bee, Potatoes, For
ing event of the year. It will be Crop (Hay), Home Beautifies
her big event because of the ability tlon l1" "d flowers), Rabbits,
and talent t0 be found in the Mau- Go1' pi Sheep, Dairy Cattle, Beef
pin community. Good muJc is as-, Cattle, Poultry, Canning Cookery,
sured because of every individual's ' Camp Cooking, Sewing, Handiwork,
earneat effort to please the public Bachelor Sowing. Homemaklng, and
and make this show a winner. Health. Club motto: "Make the
Maupin schools are fortunate In Bc,t Better."
having Dan Poling as their alnglng Th" -H lubl reori
leader. Under Mr. Poling each mem- laat yr- Everyone started in with
ber of chorus or a skit strives to put hoP enthusiasm. Fourteen
his finest effort Into the program. jclub members from Maupin attended
Maupin is proud of her various the ummer school at Corvallir. The
athletic honors. Lat year she won ' "ognlzed an improvement in
county honors In track, boae bull, i c,ub work of th boys and girls who
and basketball
With equal determination, the
students have made un their minds to
give an entertainment that shall Prt Judin, others in demon
bring Joy to the many who will be' Orations. All were Interested in
with them on the night of November i w'nn'n ribbons and scholarships.
26 at 8 p. m. In the Legion ball.
While searching among the shelves
of the library a pennant wss brought
to light, which caused many excla
mations by the students.
"Champions" was the word written
along the top while at the bottom
were the words "Track Meet 1922."
Falling to find a record of this
team at the ichool, Mr. Kaiser was
interviewed; he remembered a few
point winners on this team, Lester
Crofoot was high point man with- 26
Winifred Kaiser high point glrLwKh
At this meet Clifford "Fat" Mc-
Corkle was able to set a discus rec-
:us rec-1 ,
ord of 102 feet which still stands.
While mort records of this date have
been broken.
The Student Body will renovate
the pennant and give it a place of
hqnor among their trophies of later
The Cubs are minus Kenneth
Snodgrou, Estel Stovall, Andrew
Crabtree, Cyril Fraley, Ira Kidder
and Tom Slusher from last year's
team. Elton Snodgrass and Glenn
Alexander are the only two exper
ienced ones left from la t year's
team, but there are several good
propectlve players in view this year.
Chns. Bothwell, Val Miller, Loco
Greene, "Bo" WlUon, Ivan Donald
son, Richard Crabtree, Bob Shep
flirt, Orville Fraley and Bonncy Duus
Intend to turn out.
These, with the two new prospects
Albert St. Dennis from Snohomir h
Hlsrh and Massic Ashley from Tygh
Valley High, as forwards, Maupin
expects to make a good showing
again this year.
Mr. Poling has ordered nifty shirts
to set off his Cub hoopstcrs; prnctlce
will commence in earnest after the
big minstrel show.
The school has spent a holiday to
which most of us have never given
a thought. We must remember that
it commemorates on of the met
- important days in world affairs.
,The armistice was signed on tho
eleventh day of the eleventh month,
1918. The Gennans came into the
allied lines under the white flag and
asked for peace. Ta prevent the
Germans from renewing the war,
they were required to surrender
huge quantities of armament, am
munition,, railroad engines
and cars, automobile trucks, air-
planes, tanks and submarines. The
German soldier in the trenches wero
permitted to go home. Many of us
in High school can not remember
the first armistice day, but we can
Imagine the relief of the whole
world when it became known that
the great world power,! had declared
an armistice.
Mr. Hampton and Mr. DeVoe
spent the week end chasing big white
Jack rabbits as guests of Pete Kirsch.
They reported a score of 50-0 againtt
the rabbits.
Every boy and girl may have the
opportunity of enrolling in the 4-11
Club work for 1930. Tbere era
twenty-two different project from
which to make choice, or three dif
ferent onoi may be taken. The clubt
open for enrollment are: Corn,
had attended the aummer school
The county fair waa an exciting time
fur all 4-H Club members. Some
" attended
Dy me winners or me county iair.
While there they received other
tonors and saw the state capitol and
ithcr inter ting places.
Is everyone ready for this year's
l-II Club work? "Absolutely," is
the cry of every 4-H club member.
(Irene Woodcock)
A window In Miss Csrr's room
was broken by one of the girls
playing baseball. It seems the same
girl has been so unlucky as to break
windows . twice this year. -
All the girls that were playing
showed fine co-ooeration bv "chioD-
l, " u ' ' ' 7 ,
71ns realize tnai wnen a wmaov
is broken they should all help pay
for it because it takes them all to
play ball. The girls hsve now mov
ed their field to a place where so
many windows will not be broken.
November in general Is a bleak
month with rains, aleet and rtorms.
However, this year Oregon has al
most continual sunshine with each
morning a trifle sharper and frost
ier. Several kinds of late flowers
including a few roses, are still
Thki bleak month is cheered by
the festival of Thanksgiving, which
was first given by the Pilgrims to
show their thankfulness after a
year of hardships. We, too, should
be thankful each year for ample
food, clothing and shelter, and we
. hould show our thankfulness on
this day.
A short poem by Bryant brings
to us memories of a Thanksgiving
K turkey's In the oven,
Red apples in the bowl,
You ought to see the pumpkin pie
I'd like to eat it whole.
I'd love to get the wishbone, for I'd
Make a wish, Oh, myt
That I could have an extra piece of
Mother's pumpkin pie.
The Seventh and Eighth grades
will Journey to WapinBtia iFriday,
Novembor 22, where they will try
to outspell the opponents of that
school in an old fashioned spelling
There are only, seven in the two
grades at Wapinitia and seventeen
here. Maupin is arranging so that
Wapinitia will use some of their
Freshman and Sixth graderc in or
der that all of Maupin students can
j compete.
ine maupin students will use as
a slogan "Spell them Right," and as
they are taking a genuine interest
In spelling it is hoped that they will
win the match.
(By Ab)
While working a problem in Phy.
slcs the other morning the number I Boys" at Maupin High there
3.1416 was involved. As some of the' You want to see them strut
students failed to work the problem, stuff at tho big minstrel show,
thoy were asked by Mr. DoVoe if,vember 26. Oh, Boy!
Prospects Bright For
Girls' B. B. Tern
Girls basketball practice etarts
November 14.. tt
Prospects for girl basketball tfcls
yesr are by far better then the
of previous years. The aajortty ef
the girls going oat have bad sojsV
slderable experience. They are of
a suitable build to stand the rough
and tumble of the game. Their
team spirit will be displayed at the
coming games. It la hoped that
games may be scheduled with Madras
Dufur, Mosler and Wapinitia. Those
who will turn out are : Nova, Hedin,
Lelah Weberg, Mabel Weberg, Mary
Greene, Gladys Martin, Blanche
Northrop, Bessie Starr, Nina Mat
thews, Bethel Snodgrass and Alts
The last hour of the day is bury
now with preparation for the show.J
When the curtain rises on the
night of November 26 an entirely
new settling will greet the observer.
Orville Fraley aa stage manager
Is buey preparing elaborate wall
paper for the etage Betting. An ar -
tistlc de ign of red diamonds, six
feet in height, against a white back
ground to correspond with the
checkered Jackets, has been pre
The celling of the stage will be
replaced by a canopy of red and
white crepe paper streamers.
All this preparation makes work
snd activity for every member of
the schooL
Seveatli and Eighth
Genevieve Allen and Dorothy
Greene were the leaders of the spell
ing match held in Mr.. Hampton's
room last Fridsy. Genevieve's aide
was defeated by Dorothy's snappy
spelling team. Mr. Hampton Is ar
ranging a spelling match between
Maupin's Seventh and Eighth grade
and the Seventh and Eighth grades
at Wapinltla. The match will be
held t )Vpinitia on Friday, the;
22nd. The team haa not yet been
Mrs. Kirsch visited for a few
minutes Thursday.
Fifth end Slath Grades
Nina Chastain participated in
exhibition in music,, presented
H. F. Bothwell at Dofur Sun-
Monday John Slusher surprised the
class by getting 100 per cent inlairi w mmes,
spelling. John now' smiles on Msj Edltor' "P5" Tie.
fellow clsss mates from the head! Maupin, Oregon,
of the clars. Dw Slr:
. . I Permit me to comment upon the
t-vi.j .j , ' I letter writ yon by F. L. Ballard of
We are all back to work
Armistice Day vacation.
Mrs. Joyntgave a party to
Third and Fourth graders. '.
There are only 13 children
Mrs. Joynt's room since some
the telephone children have moved
Primary Note
Every one in the Primary room
came back to school nappy Tues
day from their few days' play.
The First and Second graders are
happy to have James Crabtree back
with them after a 'period of sick
Much interest In. held in the sand
tsble, which portrays two Indian
villages, both old and modern.
An attractive Jndian border, In
dian and canoe, ia on our board.
Don Stogsdell was absent from
school one day on'oe-ount of being
butted by an enraged ram.
jacK Mcueod is citing newer
first grade work, after coming ac
customed to his new glasses.
they knew what pie r-s. Elton
answered, "Boy, and her!"
There are great prosper, for the
girls' basket ball team this v:r. They
are sure to bring much honor to
Maupin High and if good looks have
anything to d with basket ball be
hold the 1930 pennantl
You ought to see all the "Black
Will MmI With DltHtUn aad Di
m Afoot'
la our issue of October 17 we
priated , a communication from Mr.
D. M." Stancliff, Smock rancher, re
garding the county agent. Now
comes Mr. F. L. Ballard, county
agent leader, Corvallls, and answers
Mr. Stancliff's letter. Mr. Ballard's
letter follows:
C. W. Semmee
Maupin Times
Maupin, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Semmes:
I note in the October 17 issue of
your paper a letter written by D.
M. Stancliff regarding the cervices
of the county agricultural agent, C.
W. Daigh. I do not care to enter
Into a newspaper discu, sion of this
point On one point, however, the
fscts should be presented.
Upon the establishment of coun
ty agent work in Wasco county sev
eral years ago the matter of the loca
tion of the office was given con: id
eration and it waa decided that The
Dallea would be the most convenient
i" - Until Mr- Stancliff brought
the matter to our attention we never
knew that the wisdom of this deci
sion was being questioned. So far
si thla office is concerned our only
interest is to have the office located
where it will be of maximum rervice
to the farmers of the county. We al
so wish to state that the work which
the county agent does in Wasco
county is determined by the farmers
of Wasco county, and while more
than half the funds used in the coun
ty agent budget come from sources
iutside the county there Is no in
tention to be arbitrary in the direc
tion of the agent's activities.
If Mr. Stancliff wishes more work
done in his neighborhood the county
agent, or representatives of this of
fice, or both, will be glad to meet
with him and his neighbors at any
time to consider the matters that
should be given attention there, and
we will include in the program of
work for next year as many lines of
effort falling within our field of
work as the circumstances justify,
and on these points I believe there
will be no serious disagreement,
ery truly yours,
County Agent Leader.
Mr. Stancliff also received a copy
of the above letter, and comments
on same in the following:
Mr. Stancliff Answer
.; omocK. ure. November 3, 18Z9
Comllia, Oregon, for publication, a
copy of which was sent me. If you
will kindly publish these comments in
the same issue as the letter from
Corvallis your farmer reader; will
.appreciate the favor, I am sure.
OI ! r ti . . . . .
mr. canara in commenting upon
my letter, you kindly published in
the October 17th issue of The Times
states that the location of the coun
ty agent's office in Wasco county
consideration and who decided that
decided that The Dalle; would be
the most convenient place." The
Dalles is at one end of a county 100
miles long, a county that Is farmed
from one end to the other. We farm
ers of southern Wasco county would
like to know who gave this matter
ronrideration rnd who decided that
The Dalles would be "the most con
venient place?" Were any of us
consulted in this important matter or
were we treated like children who
didn't know what was best for them?
the merchants of The Dalles.
consulted or was perhaps, the "con-
venience or the county agent lead
er on his occasional trips to this be
knighted county?"
Mr. Ballard, says further: "We
alo wish to state that the work
which the county agent does in Was
co county is determined by the
farmers of the county." Since when,?
Mr. Teutsch, assistant county agent
leader, recently told the writer in
the presence of the county agent
that "we" (he and Mr. Daigh) plann
ed the work for this section. He was
speaking of demonstrations and
special projects in particular.
Robert &aatti Pa, Away After
Long Period of IUnM the
Fnaoral Hold Toooday
Once more The Time is called
upon to chronicle the passing from
this life ef one one of those men who
opened up this section te civilization
and who carved a home from among
the Junipers and aage brush on Wap
inKia Plains Robert Beattie.
Mr. Beattie and wife came to this
Section in 1886 and settled on Juni
per Flat near Tygh Valley. Here
their children were born and here
they went to school and here they
were married. Among the early set
tlers there were no kindlier neighbors
than the Beatties. Always ready to
extend a helping hand to those in dis
tress, to forget themselves that others
might be made comfortable, ministers
to the ill and afflicted they made
warm spots in the hearts of all who
knew them, and they were many.
Robert Beattie wa born in Lan
castershire, Scotland, September 26,
1842. He remained in Scotland until
He has arrived at the age of 20
then came to this country, settling
first in Illinois, where he met and
married Miss Emma Hughes. From
Illinois the young couple emigrates
to Nebraska, from there to Kansas
then back to Nebraska, coming to thii
state in 1886. They resided on th
Flat until 1909, when they moved U
Dufur and resided there until Mrs
Seattle answered the final summon:
in 1918, since which time the subjec.
of this obituary came to the Flat ant
made his hame with his daughters
Mrs. John McCorkle, since deceased
and with his son at Hartland, Wash
ington. To the couple three children were
born, they being Louisa J., Anna R
both preceding their father, and
bcott R. Beattie. Mr. Beattie'f
death occurred at The Dalles hos
pital on Saturday, November -9.
Funeral services were held on Tues
day at the Maupin church with Rev.
Smith, pastor, officiating. Burial
was made in the Kelly cemetery,
the remains being followed to theii
last resting place by a large con
course of sorrowing friends.
Mr. Beattie is survived by his son
and six grandchildren and two great
Mr. Ballard, makes a still more re
markable statement when he says,
"while more than half the funds
used in the county agent budget
comes from sources oufcide the coun
ty there is no intention to be arbi
trary in the direction of the agent's
Now, fellow farmers, for the
facta. We pay $1800 of the $4400
total expense of a county agent out
of our county taxes. Our county
court votes this appropriation. This
amounte to nearly 4 1 per cent of the
total. Where does the rest come
from? From state and federal
taxes. Does not Wasco county pay
any state tax? Wasco county pays
$127,531.19 state tax in 1929 and
$105,312.69 county tax. (See Blue
Book Page 90.) I haven't the
figures handy for federal revenue
derived from Oregon but Oregon
inns including the taxpayers of Wac
co cc-linty are not exempted from
federal taxation. Every pound of
tobacco, every pack of cards, etc.,
pays federal revenue. I label the
above quoted statement as mislead
ing and call upon Mr. Ballard to re
tract. I hope the farmers of central and
southern Wasco county will express
themselves in no uncertain terms to
the county court os regards this mat-
ter of the location of the county
, -
of a committee of Wasco countv
. . 1 it. , i. .v
farmers to supervise the work ot the 1
i a . . , '
farm expert they support in lareei
expert they support in large j
measure. If the petition located in j
stores in all the chief towns of this
seln are not satisfactory, write
out some others, and demand your
rights. The time is short.
If Mr. Daigh and his predecessors
- , had not done srood work for the
- , farmers of this county, we should
demand the abolishment of the coun
tv agent's office unconditionally,
The point of the matter is this: they
might have done much better, if
the office has been centrally located
and farmer supervised.
Our present agent has been charg
ed with unfairness in club work by
some very good people. They might
be ml taken about it. However, any
agent holdinjr office for a number of
years has taught the farmers practi
(continued on last page)
agent's office and the establishment!,
Participant in Boat Working
and PromUo Llvoly Work
In Squared ClrcU
Much interact in' being taken ia
the coming smoker, to be staged at
Legion hail this week Saturday.
The full card is one of exceptional
merit and each one signed Bp for
bout la at work getting in condi
tion. The Holloman-Kennedy scrap,
whkh haa been acheduled for lis
rounds is, of course, the main topic
)f conversation among fight follow
ers. Floyd's recent knock out of
Jim Gordon of Medford has boosted
his stock to the sky. In its write
ap of that scrap The Dalles Chroni
cle said: "The Holloman-Gordon
affair was as spectacular as it was
brief. Holloman is a two-fisted
twin-ignition, straight-eight scrapper.
Gorton tried valiantly, but there
rere too many gloved hands coming
it him from all angles. Holloman,
t is said by Maupin fans, fights that
ray ac long as there is anything to
lit He is another boy who deserves
1 second showing here."
The writer of the above evide&t
y knows a good man when he see
him in action. We here in Maupin
ecognixe the ability of Floyd Hollo
nan and there are those here who
ire willing to go as high as $500.00
'n backing him to whip any lad of
his weight in this rection.
The following is the line ut: ,
Curtain Raiser Four rouids Hi
pounds. 5
EKon Snodgrass, Maupin vs. Wil
lard Conley. Tygh. ; : i -Four
Rc-unds 145 pounoV ;
Doug Holloman, Maupin, vs. "Kid"
Davis, Tygh.
Four Rounds -160 pounds
Cyril Fraley, Maupin, vs. Albert
Hachler, Tygh.
Four Rounds 135 pounds
Nick Holloman, Maupin vs Dalles
Main Event Six Rounds 145
pounds r
Floyd Holloman, Maupin, vs.
"Chick" Kennedy. The Dalfcc. I
At the conclusion of the smoker
the floor will be cleared of benches
and dust and those who desire will
have a chance to indulge a time In
Prices for the smoker have been
placed at $1.00 for ringside seats.
75 cents for reserved seats and ,50
cents for general admission.
Gertrude Laughlin Become
Bride of Flat Man
A bit of news that will be of in
terest to many people herabouta
comes from Rev. J. I. Parker, at
Manor, Washington, to the effect
that Roy Woodside and Miss Ger
trude Laughlin, both of Juniper
Flat, had been, married, J tha
wedding taking place at the
parsonage at Manor, and being
performed by Rev. Parker. The
happy event occurred on Sunday,
November 10. Mi. s Florence Wood
side, sister of the groom, attended
the weeding.
Both the contracting parties are
well known to many Maupin and
Juniper Flat people. They had llv-
: T .
1 .j .11 11.... tv. 1- .1
mougn ivoy nas oeen ai worn in
' ! Portland the past year. The wed-
T 7
flInK WRs on outcome of a sf.year
., . . ,. . . , .
courtship and that It has taken place
.... . . .
win De a cause ior congratulation
on the part of their many friends.
The Times Joins with all others in
ivishing the newlweds bon voyage
on their life's Journey,
Store Cloied
The Shattuck and Resh storen
were closed for a time on Tuesday,
the proprietors closing their doors
out of respect for many people who
1 ve m town and on the Flat, who
attended the funeral of the late Mr.
Beattie, who died at a Dalles hos
pital on Saturday and whose funer-
! .1 V.l J 1 T. I... M..
ot waa iicm iivio un uoauajr aiii
noon. M
Portable talking machine, origin
ally sold for $25.00, now only,. $20
at the Maupin Drug Store. H