THE MAUPIN TIMES Page Tkr TtursJay November 7, 1929. The Maupin Times r;. Pica 1I1 1 IQieS j Oliver Resh ent to Wamie en AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ! Sunday and thrre purchased 20 fine -1 , , fouler hops from Frank Magul. The C W. Stnan, Editor j lot weighed a little better than a ton C W. Smbw aad E. R. Smma jf.nd will be fattened for market at PaMUh.r. i the Kesh stock yards. Pnhllitied every Thursday at Miipla. Oregas tibaolptlon: One y-M-, $1.50; fix Months, $1.00; three Months, (Oct. Catered as Hcond clas, mail mat te 6ptmbr 8, 1914, at the post ofilct at Maupin, Or eon, untlr the Act of Match 8, 1876. T..k CitU Dow Verte Bonncy went to Portland Monday, (wing down to market a conr'rnrncnt cf fat range cattle. Building Craf and Shack Job Crabtrce is at work at the J. M. Abbott ranch building a fine (jarEfre and a homestead shack. The garage will have a concrete floor a!jl, hart tufficient capacity for htrce cx. The fhack will take the place of the one firt built on the Abbott homestead. Arm Improfiaj j Phil Starr las been Lid up for evrral months with a swollen arm 'and wrist Of late he has been Wrle hns with uoerss in fat- ( carrying; the member on a slinp, it ten'ng h.s c;;t'.!e an J the l;'.e : hi;-.- having pained him too much to let mer.t waj the second he Irs uid it han$r naturally. The trouble is within a sh.irt tlne. I luvunibinir to treatment and Phil says he will son be able to use his hand with usual facility again. PAGE. LINE AND PARAGRAPH It takes about 60 per rent more corn to fatten young hogs when com alone ua u.ed than when the corn is balanced by tome feed rich in protein such as soybean meal or tank ape-. It costs each man, woman and child in the United States lees than one cent a year for the protection from adulterated and miabranded food and drugs afforded under the Federal pure food law. be cut for fuel wood. The sound, straight, thrifty tree.; that will de velop into ,rol marki'tall timber should be left in the farm woodland. In cutting wood for fuel, only the crooked, di eased, tnd insect damag ed trees and soun 1 dead trees should be taken. Large over-mature trees unsuitable for lumber because of their large branches, short trunks and often rotten heart should also You don't need a chimney sweep to clean the soot from the chimney all you need is common salt. The fir should be put In good condition with a substantial bed of hot fuel on top and about a pound cf dry salt jprinklej on tha fira rlore to the furance door. Shut the door and open all the dampers to the fire will bnrn rapidly as the drafts permit. Keep the dampers wide open until the fumes have disappeared, about a half hour. Exceptionally heavy de posits of soot may require an add!- tionul dose of salt. "What! I A weather bureau ?" Tit Wis.... rtrfv'VSSSnt Bnn ft Gntrml Mici. J 'I: Dmern fttm 4 fttttffsfh 4 ttr hting tulii ISITORStoGcncral Motors' u68-acre Proving Ground marvel at the sight of a complete weather bureau and ask what it is for. The answer is that in the testing of cars every possible factor that might affect a car's performance is considered by General Motors' engineers. So precise are some cf the tests that even the difference between a sunny day and a partly cloudy day or between a north breeze and a south breeze is considered. With each day's record of the mechanical tests applied to a car on the roads and hills of the Proving Ground is included a report of the exact weather conditions prevailing. The engineers then can know how weather affects performance, and can have a comparable record so that every car tested is given an equal opportunity to prove itself tinder exactly the same conditions. Advance models of all "the cars listed below were proved at the Proving Ground before they were introduced to the public. Read about them; then clip and send the coupon. ""A car for every purse and purpose" CHEVROLET. 7 models. $525 69S. A si in the ptice nnge of the four. Smooth, powerful fyliailer Yalve-in-head engine. Beautiful Fisher Bodies. Also scdsn delivery, lifht delivery chassis, ltonchassis ud 1H ton chaws with cab, bcth with four speeds for ward. fONTIAC. 7 models. $745 89V Now offers "Big six" motoring lux ury at Ic cost. Larger I hesti en srine; latter Bodies by Fnher. New attrac tive colors tnd stylish lines. OLDSMOBILE. 8 models. 87S 1015. The fine Car st low Ptice. Now offers further rcfinearnti, mechanically and in the Fisher Bodies. Also eight optional equip ment combinations in Special tod De Luxe line. MARQUETTE, t models, $965 110)5. Bukk t new companion car, designed andbuiltbyBuidc Six cylin ders, tuber Bodies, lis price puts Buick qua! ity and ctaftsmaiubipwith la retch of more families. OAKLAND. 9 models. Ill 43- GENERAL MOTORS i $137 V Oakland All Americas Six. Distinctively original appear ance. Splendid performance. Luxur ious appointments. Attractive colors. Bodies by Fisher. VIKING. models. J1395. General Morors' new "eight" at medium price. 90-dcgree V-rypeengine. Striking- Bodies by Fisher. Unusual ap points en ts, also optional equipment rombinations. BUICK. 14 models. $1225-1995. Three new wheeibases, 118-U4-132 inches. The greatest Buick of them all. Many new mechanical features. Fisher Bodies with new lines. LASAUE.Umodels. $2295-12875. Companion car to Cadillac Conti nental lines. Distinctive appearance. 90-dcgree V-rype 8-cylinder engine. Striking color combinations In beau tiful Bodies by Fisber. CADILLAC. 26 models. $?29? 7000. The Standard of the World. Famous efficient d-cylinder90-dege V-type engine. Luxurious Bodies bf Fisher and Fleetwood. Extensive range of color and upholstery com bination!. (All Prices f. o. b. Factories) ALSO FEJGrDAlRE Automatic Kefrif t it, New silent models with cold control device. Tu-tone cabinets. Price and model range to suit every family. , DELCOLIGHT Electric PUnu Water System. Ptovidf ill elect cal convenience and Ii'ji r-saviruj devices for the faa. pHE COUPON i wn The io,X " la.-.. " Name. aixjut. Addrei TUN'E IN General Mntai Fumily Parry, every Mnoday, )o F. M.(&urcrnStafidaia Timt)WEAFaod j7MiocuttJidiottationi. DCHEVBritr.- p PONlTAC tJ OLDSMOBitfi DWARQL,ETTB O OAKLAND Osuiac UU5ALL8 u -ADILLAc VSTEMg v 7 l i . Mnny persons cn rfmember tnypinp muskrats. in their youth and making jrood profits by stelling the fUns for p;rhp 20 cenU spicce. Now mimkrats pelU nrll for nbout ton timos that amount, the ctUTaif.'' xrc oobl as moot for ur much nts thr skins formerly brought, nntl muskrat fiirminK in march arc has become a profitable indu try. The amiua! ratch in the United States is now around 14,000.000 muskrats. The chief requirements is muskrat farm ing are to maintnin a food supply for the animals and to guard against depleting their numbers by too close trapping. In some Walitioa mu krnts are kept on definite fencing. Children will enjoy their meals and take more inetrest in rating what they crc given if they have (heir own set of dishes and table implements. The knife, fork, and spoon should be easy to grasp and use, the tumbler for water should fit small hand.-, and the pitcher for milk Ehculd be sturdy, easy to pour from, and not too heavy to hold. Very young folks can aoon lenrn to feed thumselves without mishaps if given the" right articles to hondl. At first it may be necessary to guard the floor and furniture against spill ing, but after a few accidents the child ought to be quite independent. RUGS! Superior Make and Better Quality at Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered in Eastern Oregon Docherty Powers Co. :j i4SUMR.7! AUTHORITY" . DICTIONARY -TA1 M-EP.IAM WEBSTER hece ur-z !T;.:idr'.a-. of Supreme Court Jiidy:3 concur In highest praise of the worlc as their Authority. The r'rcslJnnf!) of all WllngUr vzrJ.ties, College, md Normal Schools give theit hearty iidorte mcnt. ( All States thnt have adopted a lai'ije dictionary as standard have selected Webster's New It.terna tional. . The 5c.hoolboolt3 of tSe Country rtirierr to the Merrl am-Webster nysism of Jiacritleal marks. Tlis Government Trlntlng Ofllce fit V,'uihlti;(or. usiti It as authority. WRITE for a sample pane of the New WWi, a-irclmen of Kegulat and India Facers, I RLE, 6.&C. Menriatn Co., Sptlr field. Your Check's a Receipt Have you ever boon culled upon to pay a bill a second time? Have you suffered the annoyance of h:ivin to dig Ibroueji a pile of old receipts, with a possibility of mt. finding it, when asked to pay a bill you are satisfied hns been paid? .All very dU ccuraping. There is one sure mthod of making sure of ptiy ment, and that is to pay by check. Then you have infallible evidence that your part of the transition has boon fulfilled. Deposit your money with ua, pay by chock and have our endorsement showing full payment of the bill. Try it and realize the bene fit accruing from the practice. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Crandail Undertaking Co. In order that wo may serve you better, at the time our services are needed, we have a representa tive in your neighborhood whom you my call. Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot Wapinitia Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward Wamic Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Maj(ill TyKh Valley-Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sloan GRANDALL UNDERTAKING GO. The Dalles, Ore. Phone 35-J Lady Assistants axxxxixxxzxxiirriiixiriz-:.'. rrTrsiirxzixinxrnxTTT, Callaway Funeral Chapel The Dalles, Ore. BILL EVANS Dufur, Ore. We carry a completo line of CaskeU xxxix xxxrrxxzixxrxiri;sxiiriixixxiinTTXxxxxmxixxii Dufur Hanna builiiing bciiu; re modeled. Malin Plans undcrwuy fir con struction of J25.000 sewer system fur this city. Klamath Falls Two large illumi nated Net n tlfitis installed on Ar cade apartments building. Hammond New bridge being erected over Alder creek near tht place, Hood River Construction of round houno emit of the depot ntnr- '.ng completion. Hood River Havens confection fry changed hands. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOR SALE 100 cords of wood on my place in the timber. Inquire of C. II. Wulkcr, on the old Kelly ranch. Cl-tl IIANO FOR SALE Inquire of Mffs. W. L, Gnge, Tygh Volley. 51-t2 CARS FOR SALE Model T. Ford truck in good ninning ordor.Will be sold cithor with or without trailer. Also a Studcbnkor light six touring car in good running order. See these cars at the Richmond Service Station. f)0-t2" Medford New 6c-10c-$l store opened for business in this vicinity. WAPINMA i. o. o. r. Lodurt No. 200, Maupin, Oregon meets every Saturday night In I. O. 0. F. balL Visiting member, alwayi welcome. Willard Cunningham, G. Kurett lluzen, becrftary ERFECTION FLOUR IT'S THE BEST Central Oregon Milling Co. Maupin, Oregon SHEEP FOR SALE Three hundred head of ehocp from one to five years of age; two hundred old ewes for sale by Ernest Troutnian. Will make early delivery of all purchased. 4fl-tf WhiteRestaurant PRIVATE BOOTHS Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, - Prop. won llSiijXsiirVatyaasa Harvest Bread A Wasco County Producfl MADE BY &f)e Oregon Bakery Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchant get the best 1 i f 11 Ind Ltot,, ii