MAI Always working for the best Intercuts oMlaupIn and all of Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for alL Southern Wajco County. voiMilxv ,-r- MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 Number 1 I I If 'JL 1 s r aaftaiatMreaMM 1 ifltfE '-MAUPIN HI TIMES VOLUME IX. MAUPIN, OREGON. OCTOBER 24 1329. NUMBER 7 ret" MUCH INTEREST SHOWN JN DIPHTHERIA CLINIC 1 Last Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock,' Mini Lord, county health nurse; held a meeting at the gym naitlum which was well attended by both people fro mlhe town and aur roujuUng communities. The purpose of t,h i,tf-tinit was to explain tv par enVthe pie of Diphtheria Toxin An. tl-Tlfliaa a preventive of diphtheria. A madcuTi preventive has been found whereby the germ l not permitted to live.jyilhln the human body Mii,.i Lord, plates thai the universal uhc of Touli) Anti-Toxin serum would climl nate diphtheria from the world. Ninety per cent who take thin are ah aoldtely immune for life after from three to six months. A the oid say ing goes, "An oorn-e of prevention i worth a pound I cure." The cont of diphtheria ia all out of proportion to the cost of prevention. Often the senses are Impaired; of ten death re I u t.l SCHOOL RENEWS MAGAZINES CUBS SURPPRESS CYCLONES The - Waplnltl ''Cyclones" hil Maupln Friday, October 18, hut had lost' all their force as they were de feated 12-0 by the Cubs. The first score was made with a pass from Elton to Glenn. The next was made after a series of line bucks by Bill making the total score for the day. In the fin t quarter a tork down was made by Maupin on a pans. The scond quarter was a hsrd fought battle with neither side scoring. After a rest at the half, another score was made by Maupin with an end run and line bucks. The Inst quarter was slower and no ( cores were made. The team as aw hole is improving with each game. The line is now stopping them belter than In the earlier games. Football strategy consisted of an unbalanced line and a new formation In the backfirld which worked well. The officials, Bob and Art Sanders were fair in every respect. The net receipts amounted to $19, 05, after th eofficiali had been paid. The Maupin Hi girls put color and pep into the game with their yells and formations. The Maupin Public .icnoo I takes, many current papers and magazines, which are tead with much interest by all classes. The Literary Digests are available to all students of the High. The Scientific American Is of great importance t othc Genera) Science and Phy:lca classes. The Fashion magazines cause many sigh and wish for new dresses l.i the sewing class. The Maupin' Timet is a paper that is read by all the stu dents, since It represents home In terests. The Oregon Emerald of the Univcr ity and the Oregon State Barometer are of great interest to the football boys. The Hiirh school also takes the New Republic and the Current History. Th First, Second Third and Fourth grudes are inter ested in My Weekly Reader. The St. Nicholas magazines arc charl h ed by the Fifth and Sixth grades. The Seventh and Eighth grade boys are larlincd towards adventure and read the American Boy with appre datif n. Every student In school is en couraged t0 read more about topics of the day. ACTIVITIES IN GRADES he goea from camp into the ijla at the break of day to return .qften after nightfall. It ia not the venison steak for which he longs, Oh, not It b htc wild and beauti ful scenery in the alluring moun tains. But when he returns to camp dragging a two-hudred and twenty-j "What you-all cogitatln', Nlggah?" pound buck, Oh Boy I how wonderful ELABORATE SETTING FOR MINSTREL PROODUCTION TELEPHONE CREW NUMBERS TH1RTY-FOUR WORKERS Dieting Holet anj Will be Followed By Crew lo Put Up Tolet CARNIVAL AND DANCE ON LEGION SCHEDULE "Oh, Ah aint t cogltatin', nuffinr "Then Ah reckon I'll have to lopo glze for ma Igerniz." The press agent fo rthe Mysterious Melancholy Ministrels of Maupin Is deteremmel that nobody wil lhave'to "lopogize" for their ignorance of the date of the Minstrel show, to be pre sented November 26th. The troop of performers will rest in the shade of sliver palms. A background of gay color combined with a plantation air will form the setting for the show. Skits are being practiced, among which arc the dialogue of six per formers, "Adam Love Apple," a story of love in the twenty-firt ecn tury; "Airport Airs," a coon quar tette number, and "His Sister's Best Man." Nothing better could be hoped for in the line of amusement than "Lopear" Crabtree and "Mud heel" Rutherford when they give the "come hither" on the night of No .r 26. is that fat, juick venison steak. COURT OF HONOR HELD ON TUESDAY MAUPIN Ht FINANCES GIRL SCOUTS ORGANIZE Last Wednesday afternoon moth ers andg iris met at the Legion hall for the purpose of learning about Girl Scout work. The jurpo c and outline of the work was given by Mrs. Carr of the Primary depart ment. A very happy hour was spent by all singing and playin games. Mrs. Miller was accompanist for the songs. The result of the meeting was that twenty girls were enrolled ar Girl Scouts. The second meeting will be held In the Legion hall Wednesday, Oct ober 23, at four o'clock. One project has already been launched for tbe purpose of raising money to carry on the work. The Girl Scout organization ha? SevcntH and Eighth GraU Twenty-five books from the Was co county library have been reveiv ed in this room. Much Interest ia hown but lessons cannot be neglect ed, so the books must be read out side of school time. The magazines that were sub scribed from the school board for the different grades are beginning to arrive. Several issues of the American Boy have already come. This magazine is received by the Seventh and Eighth grades. Fifth and Sixth Grade The children of the Fifth and Sixth grades "who did not see the football game Friday decorated the windows of the school room with rats, bats and owls for Hallowe'en. After this was completed they clean ed the blackboards. Our bulletin board has rome realistic pumpkins and vegetables of crepe paper, which were brought by Gcraldinc Tctcrs. The first copy of the Weekly Reader which the school board pro vide,! for this room, has duly arriv ed and is going tn prove an inter esting and instructive paper fo these grades. Margaret, Allene and Floyd are reading dories from St. Nicholas, which they report ss being excellent. Third and Fourth Grade The plant which tbe janitor put up in the Third and Fourth grade ia called Wandering Jew. Tho Fourth grade geography class are making land forms of different countries on the sand table. Alma Fraley was absent today on account of sickness. The Third ant wourth grade room is now decorated lor nauowe cn. First and Sacond Grades Chcri Pratt and Vcril Confer arc desk inspectors this week. The policemen are Gar Mayhew In art the pupils have been work ed Mary Story, the Maupin Hi Student Body, re- Richardson Crabtree, treasurer of ports that receipts thus far have been larger than the disbursements by a margin of 16.80. The largest profit on a single item has been the profit from the Curtis Publishing Co. campaign, $22.61. Next in line ' the Wapinitia game with a profit of 118.95. The tettlement has not yet been made with Tygh Valley school for the game there, and the bills are still out for the refresh ments at the Frosh party. Madra( Game Receipts, by guarantee $20.00 Deficit 45 $20.46 S4at Executive Belcher and Local '; Scoat Officials Eajoy Camp .', Picture, Troop No. 38, Boy Scouts of America, enjoyed a court of honor at the Legion hall on Tuesday even ing, at which Scout Executive Bel cher was the leading figure. As a side attraction Mr. Belcher thowed several reels of pictures taken at Summer Lake, where the Scouts foregathered for a summer outing. The pictures depicted Scout activi ties at the lake An examination of merits of the Scouts resulted in Harry Rutherford, Ivan Donaldson, Edmund Wilson, Melvin Lindley, Delbert Alexander, Bonny Duus, Ralph Ka er, F.ldon Allen passing and receiving medcals representing them ss Scouts of the first class. .Albert St. Dennis was admitted as a Tenderfoot and was given a badge of that rank. Scout Ma ter Stovall imparted instructions to the initiate and conferred the badge. At the Court of Honor Carl Pra'-t officiated as judge and W. H.' Stsats, foremsn and Ralmond Crabtree, Earl Crabtree, Dr. Short, D. L. Ru therford, Frank Turner, Wm. Ful kerson and R. E. Wilson as jurors. Each Scout received from one to five merit badges in personal health, agriculture, leather craft, gardening, firemanship, pathfinding, horeman ahip and poultry keeping. Executive Belcher propounded the quizzes in the first clara tests and at their conclusion presented those passing with the badges;' Mr. Bel cher was accompanied to Maupin by The crew that is preparing for the erection of poles on the long dL tance telephone line between The Dalles and the California line, numbers 34 men, including the foreman and clerk. MoH of the men are housed in Maupin proper, although several occupy cabins at the two camp grounds and at the East "side hotel. The personnel of the crew is:1 J. T. Ensign, foreman ; Roy Thurston, clerk; Martin H. Johnrton, Joe Dodge, RoWrt Tapp, S. W. Randies, Oorge Danms, W. A. Shuey. W. A. Roberts, Bob Thompson, James Ap plin. .Alfred Mikklesen, R.. Morten son, Walter Hirkok, Wm. Luthey, Wilbert Manning, Tod Robinson, Henry Rover, Frank Wright, James Webster, C. Wineland, Ernest Pat rick, Frank Arnold, Felix Kirsch, Peter Kirsch, Hollis C. Gove, Clinton Sheney, Ben Howard, Roy A. Pum mrill, Byron Corwin, Jack Dizney, Tom Lcarh and Roger Sanford. Old Time Doings and Plenty Money on Hand to Tempt Dime Chance's Camas HAS DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTY THE editor of The Maupin Times does not want to be considered a Potroleum V. Nasby or to emulate Josh Billings, although some of our readers may incline to that idea after reading this week's paper. Our linotype motor got its back up, stripped a pinion and bucked all over the shop. As a result we could not correct proofs, having had to run our newi matter in the raw. Better next week. Expenditures. Transportation $12.00 Eats $ 8.46 $20.46 Dufur Game Receipts, at gate $20.80 Deficit $ 8.70 $23.50 Expenditures Officials $12.50 Guar, due $15.00 Bal. due from '28 $ 2.00 $29.50 Wapinitia Game - Receipt?, at gate ., $26.45 Expenditures Officials L $ 7.50 Profit . $18.96 his wife, she being an intensive worker along Scout lines and a valu able asii tant to her husband in that work. Pcterton Children Celebrate Day Last Saturday Natal Once each year the Maupin Le gion Pt essay; a real carnival and dance. This year the event will oc cur on Saturday, November 2, and arrangements promise something out of the ordinary. Games of chance, not dog stands, red lemonade and western hilarity and a jitney dance ill include a few of the features of the evening. "Seck's Columbian." will cn hand and when that orchestra Is billed all know that only the best in dance music will be purveyed. Seek has had his wind lammers and drum twisters rehearsing new , stuff and when the floor is cleared for the dance the inrpiration will be such that the most sedate "dogs" will in cline toward the floor. Remember the date and attend the carnival. SUPER PICTURE AT HALL NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT 'Foreifa Legion," Best Story of Screen, Next Attraction; Many ia Cast Margaret and jBob Peterson, children of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peter son, Sherars, celebrated their birth days by a party at the parental nome last. Saturday oy inviting a number of their little friends in for a good time. Their birthdays come but one day apart A fine dinner was served by Mr:. Peterson, after which games were played. The fa vors consisted of comical little ani mals, being formed out of gum drops. Prizes were given and later a group picture of the hosts and guests was taken. Mr;. Lucile Can trel and little daughter , attended and were gusts at the Peterson home until Sunday- faternooiw. ., KENTUCK HITCH-HIKERS MADE HOME QUICKLY Accomplish 2,300-Mila Trip In Sam Time as Coming. Herat- Both Now in College TR1-COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS Regular Stated Meeting Held Maupin Last Friday . ... . . aroused mucn entnusiasm among me njf wi(h WBter colorSi pBinU nd girls and H is hoped that all will en-: nauna nm,0. nriranircn nH nearv. joy tho new work. Those who arc charter member are: Bernlcc Hollis, Jean Rcnick, Margaret Appling, Bethel Snodgrnss, Irene Woodcock. Francis Lindley, Myrtle Kramer, Betty Slusher, Nina Chastain, Lena Turner, Alone Wil son, Dorothy Doty, Dorothy Greene, Kathleen Foley.' x At the ksembly last Tuesday morning prizes were awarded to the first class salesmen of the Curtis Publishing conpany campaign. Prizes were received by all who made three sales or more. They con snstcd of fountain pens, eversharp pencils, a key and card chko, and a notebook. The selling of the magazines wbs food practice in ralesmanship and al so increased the Student Body treasury a considerable amount. Those who received prizes were: Gladys Martin, Nina Mathews, Ma be! Wcberg, Mary Greene, Lelah Wc berg, Elton Snodgrass, Eldcri Allen, and Alta Chastain. Den Stogsdill was absent from school this Monday on account of a very bad cold. In the Primary room the pupils 'mve started practicing for their Christmas program. LIGHT'S GOLDEN JUBILEE Mrs. Stodgadill, Mrs. Mayhew and Mrs. Chastaiin ,wcre, visitors , here This week the world is celebrat ing tho fifieth annivenay of the in vention of the incanesccnt lamp. Henry Ford has moved Edison's original Menlo Park laboratory to Dearbourn, Michigan, and on the twenty-first of October Mr. Edison re-enacted the invention of the in candescent lamp. , It is believed that this invention has done more for tho world than any other invention. It has revolu tionized industry and has brought about great advances in our civili zation. Although Ediron is one of tho world's busiest men, he finds time for the advancement of youth. His career should be an inspiration to all boys andg iris. The Maupin Hi Times invites its readers to take not of the cclebra , tion fo this great work. . $26.45 Financial 'Report Summarised Receipts Profit on football to dte .... $ 9.80 Net ret. on Curtis Co $22.61 Bal. on hand Sept 5 $153.76 The regular stated mceing of the Tri-Couocil Legion order, which in aludes the counties of Wasco, Hood River and Sherman, was held in this city last Friday evening at Legion lu. Delegates were here from The Dalle., Bend, Madras, Kent, Grass Valley, Mosicr and other places. After the meeting the dele gates were regaled with a fine luncheon, served by the Ladies Auxiliary. These meetings are held in the in terests of the Legion, many matters coming up for discu sion that are of interest to the membci.v The last meeting was attended by as large a delegation as has appeared at any similar gathering in the district. Total $186.17 Expenditures Telegram $ .80 Hauling $ 2.00 Football equipment $10.12 Equp. and drugs $11.40 Post, advanced on library books $ 1.27 $25.59 Cash on hand,, 10-22 $160.58 Total $186.17 VENISON STEAK Fat, juicy venison steaks, savoring of the fresh green pastures of the wild! Rick dark meat that surpasses all other! The hunter goes long dis-r tances into the mountains for this rare treat. It is not the flesh of the deer that lures him into the hills, but the desire to be in the open and to pursue the game in the fairest time of the year. In tbe autumn, a timo of cold clear nights and. warm bright Ester Davis and Max McDonald, the two Kentucky boyc who hitch hiked frm BarbourvDle, that state, last spring in 14 days, arrived home October 6, having made the trip in about the Bamc time it took them to come west. ' The boys left Maupin September 19, intending to go by way of the southern route. They changed their itinerary and went by way of Den ver. From that city they caught a ride clear into Kansas City, a dis tance of better than 800 miles. They went t0 St. Louis and fro mthere to Lexington, Kentucky, where they visited a few days with Max's father, then on to Barbourville. Both boys are attending Union college, Ester being particularly ac tive in athletics. He is a member of the rollgc football team, also playing on the baseball team and listing in most other college events. They say they want to come back next summer, and knowing the pull ing power of htis part of the coun try we do not hesitate to cay that both will be here for harvest next season. "Beau Geste," a story of the war in Egypt, called forth vast audi- . ences wherever shown. It was a story of thrills and complex situa tions with a vien of love permeat ing all through. Now comes a pic ture that far exceeds "Beau Geste" a.-, a thriller "The Foreign Legion" a story of the burning sands of the desert, a story of sex, strife, soldiers, passion. , Sex unrestrained 'neath the burning tropic sun. Soldiers the daredevil of hte Le gion, in ma t realistic presentation of their life on the desert sands, ever screened. Strife between father and son, between sister and sifter. Passion mad passion of the flesh. ublime passion of pure love, a con flict that has endured since the be ginning of time. . . 3 il Norman Kerry, Lewis Stone, Mary Nolan and June Marlowe are in the leads with hundreds of others mak ing up the -cast. Home From Mitchell W. L. Gage, owner of the old Bonney place on Tygh creek, re turned on Tuecday from a combined business and hunting trip to the Mitchell country. Mr. Gage did not succeed in getting a deer but done some worth-while business while away. He was in from the ranch yesterday. Sale Going Over Bib ' ' The special stock reducing sale now being conducted at the Shattuck store is drawing customers from all sections. Last Saturday the store war, crowed with buyers, the sales being within a few dollars of those made at the clearance sale of a year ago. All line are included in the sale and some good bargains are of fered. Prices have been reduced to a minimum and purchasers are sav ing money on each article they buy. The sale will continue all next week, closing on Saturday, October 31. Many new items have been added, they being late arrivals. GROWS BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Operator at Oak Springs Plant Lorer of Nature BOB LEWIS GIVEN BIG HONOR Chosen Beaver Knight of ian Club Hper- S, E, Marks, operator at the power plant of the Maupin Power company at Cak Springs, is an ar dent lover of the beautiful nature. In his snare moments he has culti vated a fine flower garden just above"' bcr of the Beaver Knights, which ir Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oct. 24. Robert Lewis of Wamic. Oregon, was chosen the Freshman Beaver Knight of the ILeperian club, a social organization of non fraternity men cn the campus oi Oregon State college. Each social organization has at least one mem- lont l0 Ranch Home Hurstel Hollis and wife left today for their stock ranch up the river. Hurstel has been directing work with the John Karlen sheep on the ranch for some time but will now , ?o into the sheep busine;s for himself. the plant and has many varieties of flowers growing thereon. To enum erate the varieties would take some one with more floral knowledge that has The Times editor. The garden is a cyclone of color, a wealth of na ture's art and clearly shows the apti tude of Mr. Marks as a flower gar dener. Not alone does the operator raise flowers but ah a well kept and prolific vegetable garden spot on the side hill above the plant. an organization for the purpose of instilling campus traditions , and college spirit into entering Freshmen. Lewis b a forestry student. Served Many Dinner, That the Sunday dinners at the Maupin cafe are attracting many of our people was shown last Sunday when over 75 partook of chicken there. With superlative service, viands cooked just right and a suf ficiency served tbe wonder is that Dr. Clarke, EYE SIGHT SPEC-1 more patrons 0f the Maupin do not IALIST, in Maupin Tuesday, Octo- take advantage of the dinners of ber 29, at Home hotel, I f ered on Sundays. ' Burned Hie Arm Bill Schilling was so unfortunate as to badly burn his left forearm yesterday. He was making a weld and the torch slipped, brinfdwr, tho flame across the back of the member and inflictintr a bisr burn. Bill is now going around with his arm done up in a package of dressing. DR. CLARKE COMING Will Be at Home October 29- Hotel Tueiday -Sea Him Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Optical company, 326 Washington ntroet. corner Sixth, Portland, Oregon, will be at the Homo Hotel in Maupin all day and evening of Tuesday, Octo ber 29. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR EYES. Johnston's Town and County fancy boxed chocolates. i'..00, $1.50 4 box at the MaupinDrug