"Thursday, bctober 17, 1929. THE MAUPIN TIMES The Ia-jpin Times ?PE'DENT NEWSPAPER C. W. Semmet, Editor C W. Scmmri and E. R. Serames Publisher Puuliaht'd every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon. Siuouurtytlon: Onecar, $1.50; tlx AT.ur.Vi!, $1.00; three months, BOcto. Entered as second cla4 mail mat ter September 8, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oreon, unit the ct of March 8, 1876. t AVERAGE SHEEP PRODUCES . WOOL FOR.ONE.SUJ.l Belter Breeding and Rigid Cullin: Producing Better and. Heavier Flec How culling and wie attention U breeding of farm animals may be ex pected to produce returns for farmer is reflected in statistics gathered by the Bureau of Animal Industry and published in the current Year book of the United States Depart roent of Agriculture. "In 1840," says E. W. Sheets, ;n charge of animal husbandry invert gations, "the average weight of fleece sheared from American sheep was less than 2 pounds. By 1900 it had increased to nearly 5 pounds. To-day it is approaching 8 pounds. In other words, nn average sheep to day prowr. wool enough each year to make approximately one suit of clothes. In 1340 it took the wool of four sheep to ml;e a suit of equal weight and quality." Better breeding and more rigid culling of breeding flocks promise to raise this average still further. Wool production is similar to such qualities as heavy milk production in dairy cattle and heavy egg pro duction by henr. The offspring of heayy producers are likely to be heavy producers and to transmit to their offspring the capacity for heary production. In the case of sheep, Mr. Sheets wys: "There is still room for im provement. , By 'weeding out' the poor producers and breeding from the heavily fleeced sheep, flock owners can rai e the average." enough to bag one deer, but Ralph failed to have a chance to attach a license tag to a venison. Bob used nn automatic rifle. He Bays that he hud a fine chance at a big deer and that when about to pull the trigger the darned rit'le Jammed on him. FROM WHENCE COME FOODS facta Concerning Original Home of Well Known Eatable The National Grocers' Bulletin re cently contained some valuable In formation concerning the original home of. various fruifc and vege tables.' Below we print a list of the nore common of such: Spinach came from Arabia. Celery originated in Germany. The chesttnut came from Italy. ' The onion originated in Europe. Oats originated in North-Africa. .Tobacco is a native of-Virgina, The citron is a native of Greece. Rye came originally from Siberia. Parsley was first known in Sardinia Cucumbers came from the ' EaBt ndies. The Sunflower was brought from ?eru. The mulberry tree originated in Persia. Walnuts and peaches came from Persia. Sheap Coming Out Bands of sheep representing the flotkii of Tele Conroy, the Far ther?, Billy Hunt, Ernest Troutman, and others passed through Maupin the first of the week, having been brought down from the summer range in the mountains. All were in good condition and appear able to with stand a hard winter. Bob Got a Deer Bob Wilson and Ralph Kaiser re tuned Sunday from a deer hunt in the Blue mountains. Bob was lucky Chicken Thieve Busy There is no man in Maupin with a bigger heart than has Bill .tfati. If he has anything his neighbor co vets all that is necessary to procure that thing is to ask Bill for it and it will be given. But.when someone, with burglarous instincts deliber ately helps himself to Bill's chick ens, taking them between suns, then it is that our worthy fathe? of Mau pin waxes wroth. Bill lost four fine springers last Friday night, his pen being entered some time be tween dark and dawn. Bill has a grave fpspicion aR to who the thief is and the fellow is warned not to try his nefarious practiiei around the Staats home again. Just Arrived! New Patterns in Work Saving Rugs Freak in color.. exquisite in de- aiga . . . the new fall pattern in Armstrong's Quaker Rug bring new beauty to floors . . add life and. gajrety to dull room. And the lustrous Accolac Procet surface protects thes unny patterns by keeping spilled on top. Dirt lies lightly on the surface . . grease add stains come off with magical ease leaving no spot to mar the parading patterns. Expensive? Not at all They cost far less than you'd expect no more, in fact, than a pair of good shoes! Come in this week and seef them. Armstrong Quaker Rugs mm WORTH SEEING The Latest Creations of the Quaker Girl You know the Quaker Girl. Every Friday night her fresh young voice comes drifting over the air. And if you will stop in at our store some day this week, we are sure you will enjoy seeing her latest creations in Armstrong's Quaker Rugs. The clear, bright color, i the gay, cheerful designs; the Accolac Process surface that simply won't spot; the way they hug the floor without surling up or buckling; their, oh, tit reasonable cost there are any number of reasons why you will Cfittl appreciate Armstrong's Quaker Hugs. Won't you wj' stop in and decide for yourself. 9x12 1 1.75 DOCHERTY-POWERS Furniture Company lllllklllllHtlllWIUIHIIIlllllll!IIIIIM I Neighborhood School Notes i iMiiiiiiiMiiiiittiiittHtiuitniniitiiiinintitiumuHtiiiuiiiiMtuniMiiMiiiiiiuiiitHiiiiMiMiituitiriiiiMituniaintniiiiiitiitiiiii Wapinitia The Biology claw the Inst few days ha been studying on the chap ter entitled "Insectj in General." This chapter takes up the study of the hous fly, mon luitoes and most other common Insects. It also takes up the work of the National Govern ment toward Insect control. There were eight pupils who re ceived A grade; for the first six weeks period. The Seniors were Avis Endersby, Hazel Laughlin, Ernie Endersby and Marion O'Brien. The Sohomore was Wilbur Mat hews. The Freshmen were Ruth Walters, Lenora Hammer and Gerald Clay mier; Last week was a hard, week of practice for the "Cyclones." Every player was out in histuit ready and willing to go. Each one has a place t0 play and knows why his place is there. Come on Cyclones,, lets go! Grade Notei The Primary grades now have a health organization. John Lewis is health inspector an. I Vwiilace Wood side b chairman. They each hold their office for ; week. An attempt has been made for a perfect atteendanee record for an en tire week, but so fur success has not been reached in this respect. The intermediate grades have been learning the use of correct English by giving extemporaneous speoeheo before the High school. All of the High school pupils are back at their usual studies, after ex periencing the first six weeks exams. High school started thi week with every one present The High school assembled in' the Intermediate room for the regular Friday morning singing. Arnold tioRnell, Intermediate teacher, as hinted by Myrtle Shorthill, Primary teacher, at the v'JU'i "nil Mel. -In Walters, Senior, on tho violin, led the, singing. Frank Heckmnn, prin cipal, was unable to be pre ent at the assembly, ,,Wnpinitia High school has defi nitely scheduled tho following git men: Oct. 18, Maupin, at Maupin. Oct. 25, Mmipin. at Wapinitia. Nov. 9, Cress Valley, at Grass Valley. Rasvoe Butty has spent part of the pa t few days working on the football field. The field was first disked and then smoothed down with h drag pulled by a truck. Goal posts are to be erected this week. v On Friday afternoon, October 11, a student body meeting was called in Lthc High school for the purpose of discussing football. Student body memberv also decided that the time be shortened for the Freshmen aa to the wearing of the green hats. Zelma Teschncr was absent last week on account of illness. She re turned to school Monday of this week. V ilbur Mathc-s was abtcnt fr-m school lai't Friday. The Freshmen will cense wearing green ribbons and green hats this week. A new chief editor, assistant editor grade note writer, and athletic editor were chosen Friday fir the coming six week . Thomas Batty,. Freshman, sang a song before the school Friday morn ing entitled, "How Green I Am," as a punishment for not wearing his green hat. Arnold Gosncll, football coach, and Lee Laughlin made a trip to Clear lake last Saturday. Albert Hachlcr spent the week end in Portland. BOY SCOUT COURT OF HONOR TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 22 Thirty-Minute Picture Showing All Scout v Life Phases Summer. Camp to Be Topic Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles Scout Executive Belcher will meet with the local Boy Scout troop on the evening of Tuesday, October 22, at which time he will give a talk on the scout movement, and will also hold a scries of tests for those members who are desirous of obtaining first class badges. Meeting of Scouts was held last Thurs., October 17, at which Carl Pratt, Raymond Crabtree and Dr. L. S, Stovall took tests in first aid, na ture requirement, judging weight, distance, signalling, etc. The coming meeting will bo open to the public and all our people inter ested in the Scout movement are in vited to attend. Driving New Truck-Bobby-Davidson is the proud pos sessor of a brand new Kenworth two ton truck, delivered to him Monday. Bobby has worked up a fine truck business and found his Pontiac too small t0 accommodate the loads he is hired to take to Portland, hence the new gas wagon. The truck is heavy and is geared to the road by moans of a governor. FIND THE WORD WIN A PRIZE Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Offers Gift for Good Spellers Knows His Onions Harry T. Lcwi or rather Mrs. Lewis, has our thanks for several fine samples of onions grown on the Lewis Smock ranch. The ones brought to this office were as Urge as some pumpkins and po. sensed a flavor all their own. If there are better or larger onions grown in this country we know not of them. Harry, please accept our thanks for tho fine specimens you brought to OREGON ALFALFA 13 HIGH IN PRICE The Tum-A-Lum Lumber company is in the work of improving spelling. In order to stimulate the study of that art the company, in its ad in this issue of The Times, offers a prize of 13.00 to the lucky one who finds the j misspelled word in the advertisement. Here is a chance for our school pupils to show just how good they are In j their spelling studies. Follow the di rections given in the ad and take your arcwer to the lumber office and be listed with those others who think they have found the misspelled word. Hy Market Affects Snles of Llr". stock; Wool Prices Un settled; Eggs Up Got No Deer The hunting patty made up of Everett, W. W. and Roy Richmond and Dec WooduUe, which put nl a week in tho Ochoco National For est after deer, returned to Maupin last Friday minus what they went after. They say plently of does were encountered but so far as bucks were concerned, that sex seem ed to have been driven from the Ochoco to some other inaccessablc timber land. Ni in rods After Deer Bates Ghattuck, Joe Kramer, "Kelly" Cyr and Art Morrir, left for the Blue mountains last Sunday morning, going after deer. ' Each of the party is an experienced hunter and if does not succed in getting him quota of venison it will be becuase there are no deer In the part hunted over. The most active fall hay market in many ycara with average prices for alfalfa in Oregon $2.60 above the level of a year aago, is reported in the weekly market review just re leased by the agricultural economics denartment of the state college ex tension service. Scarcity of feed be cause of poor pastures has stimulated the demand for hay at the came lime that holdings the country over are some seven million tons below lajt year's totaal. This situation in the feed market has caused heavier shipments of un finished cattle and hogs to market, temporarily depressing the price. The general outlook remains favorable after the present forced rhipmcnts are over, although some observers believe that the market for stockcr and feeder cattle will remain some what below that of last year. Wool markets are unsteady be cause of unsettled conditions tn foreign markets. The United States wool clip lr, now estitmated at 1 per cent below last year. Mohair mar kets are also reported slow. Egg shipments to eastern mar kets have decelincd this fall a com pared with 1928 and case eggs In storage arc considerably lower than la t year. Trices advanced more than usual in September and storage stocks are-now coming out at pro fitable prices. rat-fi fc jWH Club nimbers today ju, dairy farmers tomorrow . ""Bolter dairying calls for better" dairymen its well as better methods,'1 state. Extension Bulletin 72 of University of Idaho College of Agriculture. "One of the surest ways of developing high class dairymen Is by training boys and girls in 4-H Clubs," it .niplutsi,e. "Boys' and Girls' Club Work Exhibit, ar among the important features of the 19th Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon, Oct, 26-Nov. 2. This year's plans covering Club Ea aibits, and dedication of the new J. C. Penny Hall t0 Junior Agricultural Activities provide the most extensive facilities and accommodations 1st the history of the Exposition- Other features Include exhibits of millions of dollars worth of pure bred Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Sheap, Hogs, Goats, Foxrs and Poultry; Diiiry Manufacturers' and Land Product Shows; Industrial Exposition; anil worUI-rrnownf d Horse Show. TH premium aggregate $100,000. The Maupin Slate Hunk fully inil.re this spirit of co operation on the part of Pacific International. We hrlirve the future success of the Ameri can farm depends very largely upon the young people of today. There fore, we urge every boy and girl (whether club member or not) as well as very farmer in this community, to attend the Exposition. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) f 'Jd VF Bum. Gracing i fiv m tt- i u W'cmlb.ini- -Wood!.urn streets completed. company changed handi. Milling Crandall Undertaking Co. In order that we may serve you better, at the time our services are needed, we have a representa tive in your neighborhood whom you mrjy call. Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot Wapinitia Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Ward Wamic Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Magill Tyifh Valley Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sloan CRANDALL UNDERTAKING GO. The Dalles, Ore. Phone Lady Assistants DTXraxrXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT. 1 1 1 X I 1 Ml Callaway Funeral Chapel The Dalles, Ore. HILL EVANS. Dufur, Oto. We carry a complete line of Caskets IXXXXXXXZXIXIXTTTTTTTTTTTTXXXXI 1 1 1 1 1 H , We Ata Vennon Through thi thoughfulness of O. B. Derthick The Times famiiy en joyed a fine venison roa t. O. B. with his son, Elza, and .Frank Lister brought in three fine bucks and the saddle of venison we were treated to was sweet, juicy and greatly ap pealed to our epicurean taste. Thanks 0. B. OREGON NEWS NOTES Astoria Meglcr Fish . conncry changed hands. Rainier Zimmerman store con structing addition to store building. Madras City transfer line chang ed hands. Klamath Falls $8,000 worth of equipment purchased for Klamath county dairymen's association. The High Dollarfor Your Livestock For Trucking Livestock Call BOB DAVIDSON Phone 6-F-2, Maupin, Oregon Ship your Cattle, Hogs and Sheep to ALBRIGHT COMMISSION GO. PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS lifuuijvianu jnjvr fg "i 'i ff" r'" Harvest Bread A Wasco County Product MADE BY &he Oregon BaKery Fresh bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchant get the best 1