4 i I tun fcouf A.. - Thursday, October 10, 1020, Floating University to Alaska Thrills U. of O. Students y-'Vitn N O.Hvir - V c- i ..... . I t..t IA Above-Student body of 170 and faculty of 15 which mde cruise to Alaska In Augu, at pari o. ,ne r..., f Oregon summer session. Classes were held on board the S .8. Qneen of the Admiral line Jfh wm char tared for the trip, and credit was Etrcn for all studies taken. So successful wai the cruise that it la eipected it will be repeated ajain next aummer. i!oiuuiirautHHii(iiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiii:imiiiii:ii nmttiKi i!.i!iiiiii!ii!iimi!iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii!iiiii Neighborhood School Notes IIIIUlHUIIUintlUHIIINlHIAll l-uii Wapinitia in i tn uti Minim i:iir uiMinimuiwiimiiwHiiuMiiiuiuiXiniiiMii'iK jTygh two rointsi tbe first score of Itho game. Again in the third Tygh tuccccded in puttriig FOOTBALL quarter .he ball over for a touchdown by i means of a long end run and a Itne buck. In the fourth quarter the The Wapinitia Cyclones journeyed : ..Cvciones held Tygh's light but to Tygh Valley last Friday to play whb the last eleven of that place. Webb, Tygh's captain, won the tcs and chose to defend the west goal. Enderby, Wapinitia's cap tain, chose to receive. Wap receiv ed the ball on her own thirty-five yard line but failed to return the pigskin for any yardage. Wap initia tried several line bucks with seme success. Also end runs were ucce iful to a certain extent, but passes Wapinitia could not complete. Many times during the game Wap initia lost the ball on downs or fumbles. In the first quarter, cue to an errow of center, Wapintia fumbled the ball, but recovered it behind her own goal line. This gave fast team scoreless. At the end of the game the score stood 8-8 in fa vor of Tygh. With only a week's prnctice and 'nability to learn all of the signals in such a chort time, Marion Howard plr.yed only a short time. Webb, quarterback, Knighton, full back and Conley, halfback, were Tygh's outstanding players, while O'Brien center; Endcrsby fullback, and Walters enfl, starred for Wap initia. Freshmen Enrollment Increases Miss Lillian Wa.hburn, former student of Eugene, was enrolled in the Freshmen class, Monday. Miss Washburn completed her 8th year at the Tine Grove grammar school. Oh! Rookie The Freshmen with their shirts on backwards and green lids present rather ludicrious spectacles, remind ing a person of some early Turltan judge. Each of the upper classmen is de ciding upon making a private valet of a rook. Of course the haztng isnt radical, but each Freshie ir made to feel his inferiority and present due respect to his superiors. SINGING The High school students met In the grade rooms for the regular Fri day morning sin.-ngj Ruth Walters and Helen Endersby led the MngTng with Miss Shorthill, primary teacher, at the piano. Mr. Heckman, princi pal, and Melvin Walters accompanied with the violin. SPELLING The leading contestants in the spelling this week are: Ruth Wal ters, Eva Linn, and Zelma Teschner for the Freshmen, each 96 per cent. Wilbur Mathews, Sophomore, with a rade of 100 per cent and Avis En- dershy, Senior, with a gToJ 98 per cent. FOOTBALL AND COWS Lee is a pretty good football play er, but he Is a better -cow puncher. Walking home from a dlscourglng football gunie one night ho found his most welcome cowa a mile or so from home. Lee, not being In a very good humor, secured a good club and pro cceded to march home. Lee strstch- ,n.T his legs a mtie Die xaruier eacn 'tep, kept each old cow going a little : r than she cho. e to walk. Lee was soon home and found his par ents gone. This of course made him in a very good humor and by the hiu he got the cows milked, each one t'X.d four or five more names. Then ;Vr n goad refreshing supper. And II w! I suppo.e ho enjoyed it to t iinish especially after cooking it 'limself. SHORT NOTES Lincoln Hartman built g stile be .ween the school yard and the foot oiill fL'ld last week. Every one is, busy studying for he six weeks exams which art to :ake place tome time this week. The Wapinitia High school plans to put its football field in shape .his week for the games to be play ed here in the near future. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Maupin tat Maupin, Oct. 18. M.iupin at Wap. Oct. 25. Tygh at Wap., Nov. 1. GRADE NOTES The upper grammer grades are organized under a self-government plan. When one of the boys wears his hut rn the school nounc he mu t sit on the fence and tip it to every girl or woman who pancs. If a stu dent's desk is not kept tidy, he has to ( tand in the porch and polish I shoes as a peialty. Last week the I High school enjoyed several inter esting talks by the member of the intermediate grades and Mr. Gos 1 mil because they sard "yeah" m- . 11 .1U I'l Jn the iTimary grade health con tent ended Friday. Almost all of the rooms will receive gold stars for the perfect health record for the paat month. The Third and Fourth grades haw been having an arithmetic race based on the multiplication facta. So far the two sides are almost even ly matched, and each team is worV ing hard to get ahead. The Primary room is now organ' ized and has a chairman to take charge of a meeting each morning. This meeting takes up the health work and attendance. Each child is given an opportunity to report any thing of interest that he has ob served during the day. JOKES Roscoe: (in a low whisper) "Be you age." Trof, Heckman: "Roscoe, correct ynur EnglL'h!" REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Maupin State Bank AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCT. 4, 1020 AT MAUPIN, COUNTY OF WASCO, OREGON, RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ Overdrafts Bonds, securities, etc Banking house $t000.00, furniture and fixtures $1000.00.... Real estate owned other than bunking huuso '. Cuah, due from bunks and cash items Total 181,028.05 154.91 19,130.05 0,900.00 5,310.50 52,568.70 2115,094.21 25,000.00 5,000.00 11,587.13 LIABILITIES Cupital stock paid in - ..... Surplus - Undivided profits net Demand deposits 171.750.12 Time certificates : 61.76C.96 Total 206,094.21 STATE OF OlthXON, County of Wusco as. I, F. D. Stuart, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement is true to the bexl of my knowledge and belief. F. D. STUART, Cannier. CORRECT Attest: ' LAWRENCE S. STOVALL L. C. 1IENNKGHAN, Directors. Suburibed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October, 1929 (Seal) GEO. McDONALD, Notary Public My commission expires Jan. 10, 1932. their Many to 1)11 Lies I u.e No Tooth Briihh." The children are enjoying new library books immensely. books are being taken home read. We arc a busier lKtlo family than ever since our new Bupplics have come. It is time to sec and hoar of gl Irns, witches and catn. You will nut be disappointed if you visit the pri mary room. There was just one absentee, Naomi Schilling, from our room. Gayle Mayhew looks more faml lar to hia play mates since Doctor Clarke repaired his broken glasses. Don Stogsdill has not found lit; lost cap. We are still in hopes of it. The newly elected Health Offi cers for this week arc: Naomi Schill ing and Jean Mayhew. The elected police are Mae Green and Verl Confer. Mrs. Job Crabtree was a visitor of the Primary room. malady for (ome time is now on the roud to complete recovery. Lately thy lady was taken to Portland and n clinic of physicians dingnosed her ailment as gorier. Later sho had the swelling removed and now Mrs. Mct'nrklo is making good headway toward perfect health. Mrs. Frank McCorkle Better Mrs. Frank McCorkle, who has been suffering with some unknown l.eitrr Kelly Improved ' Lester Kelly, who was at The Dalles several days la t week taking treatment for a case of blood poison on one of his legs, haa returned home much improved. While the wound has not entirely healed still It is succumb ing t treatment and Lester hopeo to be able to soon take off the bandages. Sliippod Many Lambs J. P. Abbott shipped seven car louils of spring lambs to Idaho on Sunday, they having been purchai ed by a buyer from the Gem state. The Abbott sheep came nut of the moun tains looking better this year than fr several year and Mr. Abbott re ceived n good price for those he ship ped out. The consignment went out over the O. W. are coming to Maupin and bringing with them all the latest hot stuff in the way of music for the big Tygh Valley The Curtis Publishing campaign was very successful. The Grenns were victors by about 20 points. The total amount taken In was $103.00. Everyone worked very faithfully. The party given the Red Hawks was a very gay affair, all en joying themselves immensely. It be gan Saturday evenrng at 7.30 and clmed at 11:00. The attendants went home happy as larks. The football game was very strenious on our boy. but at the end the score was 8 to 0 in favor of Tygh, which paid them for their hard work. They are in condition to play again. Even the yclkrs' feel paid for the few efforts which were put forth during the mr.ie. GIVEN BY e-gv.is. Maupin Legion Hall The school wai aroused the other day when a fire alarm was sound led down town. All the beys rush led to the scene to find it was only a small grass fire. They helped In putting it out and were back In their classes in a very few minutes. "I ONLY TRAIN from CEHTHAL OREGON making DIRIZCT CONNECTION FOSl ALL POINTS EAST Lv. MAUPIN 10:55 A. M. connecting nt Sherman with the CONTINENTAL LIMITED AIho corniest ion with the famous PORTLAND LIMITED This fine flyer leaves 'Hie Dalles 0i35 P. M. Luxuri ously equipped ditvnjr rnr service par excellence. Supper served by Ladies Auxiliary Dance Tickets $1.00. b Supper Extra Several affairs of interest were settled in Student Body and com mittees were appointed to look after the decorating, the supper and other necessary duties which hsve to be done before the dance. The entire H'gh school will at tend their third football game of the sca-on, which will be played on the Dufur field Friday, October 11. Vcnnan Woodcock school Monday. entered High Those absent during the week were. Thursday, 3rd, Hazel John son, Lawrence Knighten and Vernan Hill; Tuesday, 8th, ; Hazel Johnson and Nadine Harvey. THE MAUPIN HI TIMES (continued from first page) PRIMARY Two new graveB are in our ceme tery. The inscriptions upon the stones arc: ''Bad Teeth, Suicide on account of Tooth Brush," "Here B. BELL, Agent, Maupin. EDW. H. McALLEN, T. F. & P. A., Bend Ore. SHIP BY TRUCK REGULAR FREIGHT LINE SERVICE Between PORTLAND - THE DALLES - MAUPIN THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPICKERMAJTS TRUCK LINE PORTLAND--THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUPIN and Way Points and Wy Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS -4 MACK'S CAFE fr- Where Maupinites receive Service coupled with Courtesy and Eats tb Best on the Market. Try this Cafe wnea in The Dalles stab.