THE MAUPIN TIMES Thursday, Soiitombrr, 20, 102'J. luttii itaiuitt i iiititrriiiu I n rri i uiiiiiniii u i n i (i i imii 1 1 1 1 in i f a i rt : ii ii iiiii mi t in iiitii 11 1 1 n iitui m )i 1 1 it lit i u i itu im 1 1 1 jmi ii 11 1 1 ntMi i r b and have run round the edire of g T i l i H n 1 1 XT I ! the football field four or five tiiuiM, - Npirhhnrhnnn Sruinn Nntess Ueygotothe hoUe dm.,;, O .. 5 clothes. But all jokes nsule, the boys I can accomplish more fiK'htmy; in an t'H-y will have lota of practice by ; hour now than they coulll in lrt. iuUUII . li; ...iili....;. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Tygh Valley Oct, 4. iai2'j. M-iUpln Oi-t. IS, 1U23. Tliei will vroLubly bo a game with The bu'iUs second team cn No die end of the year. Un J riday morning the Wapinitia school; assembled for the purpose of :-iigiiitf and "pepping up" the foot ball boys. The Kinging was led by Uvlcn fcndcrsby and Kuih Shorthill played the piano and Mr. Heckman Vember lllh. There will be a re- compameii on tne vioun f'irn frr.rrie with .u.iu.u and lygh Y.'.lley on u; m-.-. lufer than October 18(b. t ft tl..i!l Gv.te CI Friday, September,- 20th Wi-rs FOOTDALL PRACTICE Every tvening at 3:30, Mr. Heck man s;:ys "The bootball boys are cx- Uused." Then there is a noise that "Culi'Ties" j' "jrneyed to Puiur to would rtawe a deaJ cat lrom a Sooa piny the ;; ti that place. Du-! i'und sleep. This noise lasta until the fur Wi)o t're to.v, :,nd chose to kick. ; Iwys have crawled into a suit and W.paii'Ja sv.i-ved on the 30-yerd ' gone to the field, line but tailed to reUirn the pig-' After going to the field, the boys kin. At the end of the first throw or kick the ball to the other quarter neither team had scored. players, who usually miss it. When With about five minutes to play in they get tired of this, the would-be the econd quarter, Dufur, by means quarter beck decides that they need of a forward pass and a line plunge, j 30mc line practice. &o they line up fore. Publinlicr'i Agent Call Tygh High school wiis visited by a representative of the ('urtltt I'uii lwhlng company who laid out a plan whereby the student body minht ben efit by selling sub; criptlons to his eoniprny's publication'. Ilia plan "idled for two teams with two load ers each. Each team is now busy Lillnrd ! wiling the Country lientlemnn, Mr. Lilluid VUits Tuesday afternoun Mr, visited the Wapinitia Hik'h school. Ladies Home Journal and Saturday He gave u., an luterestng talk on I Evening Post, striving to outdo tho salesmanship bei'oiv presenting the I other team. plan of selling mus-azincs published by the Curtis publishing company. Hazel Laughlin w:m appointed busi ness manager for the green.', and Avis Eendersby s;.'.a manager for the reds, two soliciting tennis having been chosen. Miss Irene Linn of Tine Grove visited the High . chool Tuesday. carried the brdl over for a touch down. They failed to kick the ball over for the extra point. In the third quarter Dufur again crossed Mir lino. Stueber succeeded in khkm-' the b-.ll over the rail. Again in the f.urtl: Dufur crossed the lire by ivci;? of n forward pass but failed to make the extra point. At the final whistle the score was 12-0. Alhcfi'i they did net win, the "Oycirm n'aye-l a good fighting gi-jne n hov.-p.d th?t with more practice they will develop into a "crack"' team. Du air's outstanding pltsyers wen Stueber, E. Wc-isler and Feltch. Stuchnt Body Meeting A Stud?nt Body meeting was call ed Monday omrmn? at the Higl school. As the Freshmen were sent outside they think that tilings loo! tad for them. The inembrn of the Sophomore i'i s Vve been telling stories fo) f-. ir Engl'sh work. They pre rathe? n.rvou now, but Mr. Haekman say ihev will soon lose their nervousncr and he calls, "Signals! 48, 62, "Oh, Heck! Can't you big saps ever figure out that you are to stay on that line? Alright i " But here some one cuts in on him and they all enjoy a good old gang fight, which lasts until the coach makes his appearance. Then the coach starts in, calling each one what he thinks of him. "Come on (you boneheads and we will have some tackling practice," he states. The boys all bejrin to find hurts hat would keep them from practic ing. Lloyd remembers that he has a ;ore leg. Koscoe discovers a sore nkle. Albert is afraid that he will ; t knocked out like he did the night before. The cortch raves on, ''IKtc you f-brkH warts, you. You are all i yellow that chinaman is white corn ered to you. If you big, who e so sore, don't tackle me, I'll run er wj and grind you into the artk" And you can bet your last swoet :llar that they tackle him because is a hard boiled When they Tygh Valley Tyjh Won Football Cama Our football team feeis quite elated over winning the game bet ween Mauptn and themselves on the local field last Friday. (The Tygh boys played an excellent game, ihowing the result of careful and faithful practice. Fortunately one player was injured and that was not serious, as the player fin ished playing his position durng the rest of the game. It is the hope of Tygh Valley student body that the ished playing his position during the remainder of the :eason. The score wan 6-0 in favor of Tygh Valley. SHORT SCHOOL NOTES Ctirnvl Woodcock was absent from school Monday, and Leslie Wood cock anil Roland Louis wero each ab ent a half day. The Freshmen are doing fine and beaming accustomed to the ways of the High school. Prnetially nil books have been purchased and every student is gett ing down to real work. .Jokes are being collected by stu dents for a paper i"I.augh" which is read every other Friday afternoon, 'beginning Friday, the p"th. I. L. Rutherford atteml.'d I'm Encampment at Hnod River Satur day night hiMt, Mrs. H. .S. lleiijiiniin of Fond drove, and her daughter, Mrs. Mar tin Mo lu, ot' I'unliuul, iwi.vud thru Crlterl. n Friday on their way to Prlnev lie, where Mr, llenjamlii will viwit a iother daughter, Mi a. Tom Smith, who operates the Orheco Ho tel at that place. On 'their way throug'i here they atopped at Dave Wilson's, leaving Mrs. Autin, who came up with them to vi.dt her ditughler, Mis. Wlltum, until they re turn. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Appling made a buainvsa trip to Tho Dallen on Tuesday. Frank Albright bus finished the fall seeding on the Dave Wilson ranch and returned to Portland, where he will visit his son, Carl Albright. Mr, and Mrs. D. II. Appling uml daughter, Miirjinle and Marie, and little I.i. Is Ilurrllng .pent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Arch Hannah at Shaulko. Harry Rutherford rpeut Sunday afternoon with tho Kirsch boys. They did Homo football practice and later tried makliiK a batch of peanut butter finlici', which they said tasted gnod. There wasn't a sample left, ho wo don't know. CLASSIF1KJ) COLUMN" LOST Hotwccn Dufur and Wamlc (r between Wumlc and Maupin, on Friday, Sept. 20, a 12x11 tar paulin, black in color. Finder will be given a cash reward by returning mime to this office. Lost from Splckvrinan freight truck. 47-12 Rinj Sample! Arrive The Seniors have received sever;-! samples of rings, tlr.y coiMinif from various companies tirnufyctui Ing such. The e!a;t will hold a meet ing soon and will then detenu. H ' just style rmg to purchase. Went to Salem Fair Alice Gesh Rnd Carl Wrenn were th? club members from Tygh Vul'cy who went to the state fair at Sab-t.i. They won the privilege by the rx- ckle until their black and blue sprt I cellent showing of their exh'hits a' ve increased considerably in n m-the Tysrh Valley f;.ir last month. A SUMMER VAC1")N ;Tw Frank Hachler) A Hig i s.hool boy's vr'n Is great is he dosn't weaken. IMs sum mer vacation Is moi tly hard labor so that he can have a little 'jck" in his pocket while he goes to school. For my vacation I left the Flat for the hills June 2 1st to work in the Purest service. I s-tarted to w-ork the next M 'lidny morning. The fiv t Siindy four of us went fMiiiu: in Shell Rock lake. We caught 'Ivrt.-'-M trout, and they were large .,1',' M. l! look two of ir to carry them !"'ick t.-i ("l!'io. Tlr days veot by, one by one, until ti'.e fir-l of Amr't. Then 1 'm! t f;rtit fire fur six ilayn. The :;"i'. i f Aii(iit w- wen- culled to fiirht five inr'in. I fought there un ii l):e middle of September, when I e.- nie out in ro to sehool. Win. A. SHORT Dentist MAUPIN ORECON FOR SALE 14 Ramboulet Ducks, lnquiro of R. II. Dahl, Tygh Val ley. 47-tl SHEEP FOR SALE Thres hundred head of sheep from one to five years of age; two hundred old ewes for sale by Ernest Troutman. Will make early delivery of all purchased. 40-tf Criterion News Litlb drops of water, etc. thoue-ht. we felt H rain drop. We Docherty- Powers A clearance of odds and ends from our regular stock. Pieces that have been used as demonstrators odd pieces from discontinued suites, hurt goods have been assembled on the main floor and marked at prices that mean a great saving to the purchaser. No exchanges on goods sold during the Rummage Sale all sales are final. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE $27.50 Lacquer Decorated Nest of Three Tables, slightly damaged, can be used for (J1 HZ onffoP tables, etc V A A 1 U $14 Mahogany Finish Arm Rocker, velour upholster ed auto seat cushion, well made and H Q ff nicely finished 4 7J $37.50 Combination Walnut Serving Table, two door front style, suitable for radio cabinet,-! rj rjr odd piece from suite J $27.50 Lift Top Dressing I able with Mfrror, mahog any finished, a piece suitable for the -j O AP living room LOVO $9.00 Decorated Book Back with carrying handle, four compartment style, slightly 9 OQ damaged for sample 007 $9.50 Decorated Enamel Smoker with brass finish ed fittings and glass O QQ recivers w70 $17.50 Mahogany Finished Windsor Rocker, cane seat and spindle back style low seat f7 QF suitable for sewing rocker uO $17.50 Decorated Wrought Iron Fernery, removable tray, large enough to accommodate Qpf three plants : U.ttl coffee tables, etc $14.75 Mahogany Finished Davenport Tabic, 48-inch top, well braced and nicely finished, O rt jr rummage sale price U t v $6.00 Mahogany Finished End Tabic, turned leg and stretchers, half round 9 QfJ top "'J0 $9.00 88-piece dinner set, white with line 4 QC border, a close-out pattern -1(JJ $18.00 Rebuilt Electric Vacuum Cleaners, all recon ditioned with new bags and cordsrum- - r nr mage sale price J $9.75 Four Shelf Book Rack in mahogany finish, rummage sale price $26.00 Full Size Unfinished Four Poster Bed, head and rail foot board 3.95 12.75 A large selection of homefurnishing needs, kettles, pans, mixing bowls, pitchers, dishes and etc., at very attractive rummage sale prices. Many exceptional values shown h our gift and drapery department. An opportunity to secure drapery materials at half price and less. Docherty-Powers Furniture Company STAGE SCHEDULE OF 3end-PortIand Stage Co Tripi Evrry Otlur Day 3rd. and Washington, The Dalles Phone 300 Coine Tit Leiive rorthind . I p. m Arrive M.mjiin '1:.'0 p. m. Cfiinj Wcit Lenve Bend 7:00 a. m. Arrive Maupin 10. HO . m. Arrive Portland 2:&U p. m. Stage top ct lloUl Kd!y and the Rainbow K''in(;e in Mnupin; at Im-IK-rhil lt.itel in Portliind. Reduced ROUND TRIP FARES New In Fffect Tift OREGON TRUNK RY. Betwern MAUFSN and Portland, Vancouver, Wishram, mid Intermediate Stations Tickets on sale daily August 25 to November 30. 30 Day Return Limit ROUND TRIP FARES Krom Maupin Portland $9.45 Vancouver $9.43 Madras $3.60 Metolius $3.95 Bend $6-10 Redmond 55.10 Reduced Fares to Other Point Train-j leave Northbound for Port and at 1:10 a. m. daily. Southbound for Bend at 2:33 a m. daily. Full Information of E. W. GRIFFIN Ticket Ajrcnt L. S. DAVIS Trav. ?gr. Agent W IBM. Central Oregon lin SPRING CHICKENS Two hundred Rhode Island red, 200 Barred Rocks and 100 White Leghorn all thoroughbred stock also a few turkeys, for sale reasonable. In quire of Floyd Richmond at the nerviro ( tatson. 66-t2 WAPlNiiui I. 0. o. v. I.o.Ik'o No. 205', Maupin, Orejon meets every Saturday mifht in I. O. O V. hull. VlKitimr niwnbers ulwave welcome. Witlnrd, S G. Exrntt llazm. Secretary Dr. W. KENNEDY DENTIST DENTAL X-RAY First National Dank Bldf. The Dllr. Oragoa Trucking I Long Diitant Hauling A Specially INSURED CARRIER ELZA O. DERTHICfC Phone 5188 ZELL'S FUNERAL SERViCt Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE CallrMaupin Drug Store Phone-345 rtRESCENT H POWDEH PEKFECTION FLOUR IT'S T1IE IiEST Central Oregon Milling Co. Maupin, Oregon Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doinp its work lu intf it to The Times arni Mr. SernmeB will Bene) it to GUY A POUND Maucfflftturinir Jeweler and Watchmaker buccuMur ut U Lindquist Til K DAU KS . . UltKGON WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County ' Exclusive Shoe Store "hos for th Central Repairing Vhl Km't The Dalles, On WhiteRestaurant PRIVATE BOOTHS Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery C. N. Sargent, Prop.