The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 29, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    TLuMay Mpi-i 29. 1029.
Let Kennedy of Wamic transact
d buaintra iu Maupln last Saturday.
Otto Herrling cam down from
Criterion yesterday and made thla
office a welcome call.
Walter Woodide and wife were
down from Waplnltla Plains yester
day on a shopping trip.
Julius Shcpflln, wife and son, Bob,
Rpent last Sunday neatb the shade of
the pines at Clear lake.
Mose DeLore, bavin threshed nd
delivered hfc. 1929 wheat crop, wan
In town a few hour Tuesday.
Mrs. M. I. Shearer, with her on,
.Noel, and hin wife, wero visitor at
the Maupln restaurant Sunday.
Vern Tunl on was down from the
Bakeovrn country on Sunday and
vlsltrd at the Ernest Ioty home.
Arnold Welna and wife of The
Dulles, were vl Horn at the Marcui
Shearer home Monday afternoon.
Mis Madge Shearer was a visitor
at the home of her brother, Marco
Shearer, a few daya of laM, week.
Siirne Fischer whs a pn.wnirer on
ye terday mi.rninjj'a O, V. trHln, and
remained there until thta afternoon.
A. A. Iert!ilek w. in from Dufur
a short time laM. Sundny, vlfitinir n(
the home of hie Hon, tiim lii rUii k.
Hlmer Conley, now rtinninir hi
father's raneh down White river,
was traiiHetnj iiaHncrM In Maupln
Alex Rons, irnrsice man at Shnniko,
with his wife were In Maupin Sun
day, Alex having come over after au
to supplies.
John McFarlan and wife were
down from the Pine Grove mill on
Tuesday and visited that day with the
Shepflln family.
A. J. Conroy wa over from his
Crass Valley ranch on, Tuesday and
fmm her went to his summer range
in the mountains.
Dolph Coetjen and wife spent part
of Sunday at the home of their son-in-law,
Krnest Doty, coming over
from Tygh Valley.
Ed. Wilson made thla city a visit
yesterday afternoon. Ed. It flow
occupying his stick ranch above Wa
mic and Is doing well.
"Little" Joe ChasUin was over
from his White river ranch Tua day.
flie will again drlvp the school bus
to and from his section.
Mi Mirdina Herder, a school
friend of Miss Winifred Kaiser, was
a guest of the latter t hi week, com
ing from her home at Bend.
getting ready to seed several other
large tacts.
The Times man enjoyed the hos
pitality of Noel Shearer on Tuesday,
the former resident conveying the
newspaper man to The Dalles that
Mint Maggie Wray, who It attend
ing Northwestern Business college,
Portland, is at home for a short vaca
tion. She visited friends in Maupln
Sunday evening.
Or. J. I0 Klwood vl .i1e, Klamath
Falls Im:(, Friday and when he re
turned H.iturday evening was a.
compiinied ly his ron, Ojjden,
Arthur frelghton wn. a Maupin
ealli-r Sunday, he coming down from
Seattle, vltere he has been since re
turning from trip t Montana.
Oeorgc Mnltalt and wife were
down from their Bakeovrn ranch
yrtterday, Mrs. Mullatt having come
to town to have dental work dune.
Jes Fleming was in town on
huint'Hs yeKterday. Jehh recently
completed harvesting aevrral hun
dred acres of fine wheat and Is now
Moritntaa VUitt Maapiav
T. E. Morgensen, who owns the
ranch Just below the top of White
river grade, now living- at Mosler,
called on The Times Tuesday. Mr.
Morgensen is engaged in the orchard
business at Mower and tays the
fruit growers of his section have suf
fered from lack of water this sea
son. He alio stated that many or
chard.! there had been abandoned,
the owners leaving because of fail
ure of crops and the low prices ob
tained for what was picked and
pleasey him better than to oWrve
the steady growth of his Thanksgiv
ing birds. He herds his flock to
where grasshoppers abound and Is
not stingy with wheat rcrapings.
Anything to keep his little turks fit.
a load. "Ye" replied Hartman.
"Then I will go out with you," re
marked the up-river man. ''All right,"
said the truikman, "but it will cost
you $2.50 for the trip." "Den."
said the other, "dun't tink I go wid
you," and he stayed in town that
Will Improv Road
P. B. Driver, road master for thfc
district, informs The Times that he ' Billy went along and pot in the day
A 1 . it. .
luraey roost was visited by cornel
prowlerr, who, when they left, were j
accompanied by 85 of Dolph's turks. !
One bird escaped and while trying
to make home base was pounced up
on and killed by t vagrant coyote.
Now Dolph hat no turks, but the
memory of his lost peta remains and
their erstwhile owner has cleaned
up the old 10-guage shotgun and
proposes to rive the next night thief
a dose where he will be compelled
to stand up when he eats.
Billy Hunt Is among our most
sjiibitiour ranchers. Recently Bill
Stasts (notice we did not say "old
Bill") and Hunt spent a time at Warm
springs. During the time they were
there Idleness palled upon the sheep
man. Ilia active nature demanded
attention. One day the man who
runs the springs lanatoiium hud
some blacksmithing work to do and
went to the agency for that purpose,
Anyui ng 10 seep n s nuie lurks lit. - . - . .
ThU ..ion he raised about 90 fin. ? "
oronzers. une nignt recently Ms ,
- i sar aa
m a v m -
i ou are coming
right to the front,
aren't you?"
will snon heirin the improvement of
the old hill road below the Jake Da
vidson ranch, making the roadway
belter from the second bridge to the
Davidson ranch.
u in i n i luzxitxixxtjirmximxixummxit nmix
Showing of wonderful pictures on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
evenings at the
. Wasco Co. Fair
Thursday, August 29
"Court Martial"
A talc of the open spp.ces, depicting deeds of daring
Jn a land where man is almost a law unto himself.
Knowing how p. brave girl becomes leader of a hand
of merciless outlaws and how fate works out in a
)leasing manner. This picture is in colored photo
graphy. ,
Friday, August 30
Road to Ruin"
This showing is one that should appeal to all who are
bringing up. childnren, as it clearly demonstrates
how the young especially 1 he girls, are beguiled from
the straight path and subjected to a life of despair
Jfid eventual miserable death. The moral lesson of
the picture will be learned by all who witness its
Saturday, August 31
r 7 ?
ii 1 1
few (CM
v i v v a
A story of the redwoods of t he Sierras with the lum
ber industry as a background, and containing many
thrilling situations, interspersed by much comedy
md quick action. A love theme runs through the
jstory which as the hero acts in The
Admission - v 25 Cents and 30 Cents
C, MJ'LYLKR, Manager
Another 5o Come
Dr. Klwood reports the birth of a
10-pound son at the home of Mr.
and Mr. Cha. Cox on the Flat last
Friday. The newcomer in the fourth
child horn to that family, but if. as
welcome ns though he had the first.
At Paulina Lake
Fiwkc Bothwcll and K. W. Rich
mond went to Paulina laVe Tuesday
afternoon nnd tpent the time he
tween then and this afternoon tak
ing in the heautie;, of that body of
Con I Portia1
Frank Dyer and wife went to
Portland last night, Frank going to
the big town to seek mirccase from
an ailment that has bothered him
for many years. He recently was
examined hy a Dalles doctor, but
his wife decided that a specialist
should be consulted, hence the Port
land trip, .
Found Coat tad Cash
While coming down the Criterion
grade one day recently. Clarence
Hunt picked up a coat, evidently
dropped hy some motorlrt. Investi
gation dlselowd a poeketbook, which
rnntnlned the film of $35.00 and
some cards, among which was a dri
ver's license made out in the name of
Alex Gustafson, Portland. The find
whs left at the Maupin State Bank
nd may be recovered by proving
D:r. I7 About
I IVit Town
Dolph Coetjen is a raiser of lur-
Ikcys. He raises none but the best
kind. He wittrhcs his flocks with
the eye of a Hawkfdiaw. Nothing
twinging a heavy ledge hammer.
Returning to toni, Friend Hunt
Jeclainud that the day he spent in
the bluckianith shop was one. of the j
niof,t pleaeant he enjoyed for a long
time. Verily a little work cha cs
away a multitude of lonesome feelings.
Jimmie Wray has been working!
as assistant to Clarence Zieeenha-
gen and baa been chaperoning an
; oil Irtiek abonl the country. Jimmy
bad previously been confined to the '
counters at the drg store. He took
the oil job as n sort of filler in.
Now he lias resigned that position
and will enjoy a few days rest be
fore hieing himwlf to some school
where he will martticulate In phar
macy. His brother, Addic; is now
a graduate pharmacist and, like
webb toer, the profession seems to
run in the family.
"Jerry Mack" is responsible for
the poem appearing on another page
of this issue of The Times. "Jerry"
must he a lover of nature for the
sentiment expressed In the poem sa
vors of that attribute. The poem
is filled with a yearning; a longing
that fills the breasts of all who have '
lingered 'neath the shade of our
own Cascades and who have been
taken deep breaths of our incense
laden "mountain air.
One of the Scouts who recently
itpcnt a vacation at Lost Lake, and
who went there with a determina
tion to loam to swim, cnme. home
without having acquired that v art.
When arked about his natatorial ex
perience the lad replied that while
he iid nt muster swimming exclaim
thn he got his feet wet while at the
A certain resident of the up-river
section has ridden with Mail Car
rier Hartman to and from The
Dalles on divers occasions. Recent
ly he wax observed hanging around
the po tnffjrc at the county seat and
finally arked the carrier if he had
So observed an officer of this bank the other day t
"Yes," he replied, "and vour friendlv. helnful entin- 1
sel and banking service nave been important factors
in my success . . . And, by the way. your bank is
coming right to the front, too! And, deservedly J
if the constructive assistance you have given me is 1
a sample cf what others receive."
Th; -above, ard many more commendations. I
show the relation in which we stand to the business f
interests, of Southern Wasco County.
Maupin State Bank
(l '5 tfHI
Connection w'.th the 'da lue
No etra fare
58 hrt., SO min., The Dalles to Chicago
Leave Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Connection at The alle (8:35 P. M.)
Connection with another fin transcontinental train '
Lv. Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Direct connection at Sherman (1:20 P. M.)
Lv. Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Ar. Portland 5:30 P. M.
Daily to Sept. 30-Fin.l return limit Oct. 31
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin. Ore.
EDW. H. McALLEN. T. V. & T.A., Bend Ore.
A Dollar Dinner For Four
11 171 ,n I AY
i.M Wfr
1 "i nwh msi
(. II'
S Make Your Headqarters at
The Golden Grill or
i American Restaurants
H where every service awaits you.
g Special Merchants Lunch from 11:00 to 12:30 each
H day for 40 cents the best in town
S Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
5 your convenience.
Spaghetti with Mai aW Vtyrlnblt Saner 4f
Young Green OHibs$f
Dessert SaladlSf
Iced Tea icitlt Lemon
Total Cost $1,00
Currant Jelly 5ft
ttES, a dollar dnmer can be
j reparrd for four people, avl it
faflwill be ample as shovn by tlic
menu given siiove. Food sltould
le bought t sales -henever pes
sible, and purchases made in jn?t
as large quantities i otte's Morage
sp permits.
Redpen for Four
To make the Spaghetti with Meat
and Vegetable Sauce. Ixtil and drain
three ounces of spajjliettl. Satt'.e
two tablespncms chopped oniou ami
on cbopprd grn pepper in w
tablespoon of drippitms, sdil onc
balf pound of bambnr jtk an'
cook tlicroughly, stirring with a
fori to keep it In tiny pieces. Mix
one ran of vetretahlr soup and one
and one-fourth nips water with one
tablespoon of Hour, add to tbe meat,
and ro..k until sliglitly thickened.
Season to taste with salt, pepper and
kitchw Kwqiift. pour over the
.spaghetti. '
For the dessirt ssbd, jlice hvo
tnrasc bananas lengthwise and place
tbftii cut side up in four individmd
nests of lettuce. Sprinkle with the
juice of half lemon, and pile half
a cup of canned pple sa;ice alonj
the 'op;!, Snrinklr wit'i rnnned
nv.ii.t coco.innt snd cliopned walnuts,
und garnish with mayonnaisu
E. J. McMahon
A Wasco County Produtcl
Bhe Oregon BaKery
Fresh Bread and Pastry
, Every Morning
Order from your home merchant get the best