The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 15, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    ThurjJuy Ausru4 15, lOilO.
The Maupin Times
C W. Scmraas, Editor
C. W. Sramn and E. R. Semmea
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
SubMriptkm: OncJear, $1.50; tlx
tuorhfc f 1.00; thr months, iOcta.
Entered s second clae mail mat
ter September 8, Id 14, at the poat
ofcke at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1876.
As &n advertising1 fcree, the coun
try wt'ekiy U lCKitrdcJ by many
prominent n.anufaeturers as tlie
( lcudinp roediuru in America. Al
though there are still many who
have not discovered its pos abilities,
it does hold a unique position among
periodicals. A writer has listed a
number of the advantages of tht
community paper. His points follow.
"At one sitting the average read
er scans all the papaj of the local
paper. N0 other publication has a!
its pages read as carefully by sc
large a percentage of its readers.
"There is no publication that
reaches so many families in a given
trade territory as does the local pa
per. No other is read by as many
people for each subscriber. The
whole family reads it
"An advertisment in the local pa
per backs up the sales effort of the
local retailer a more effectively
than any other medium."
For these reasons the country
weekly V. able to serve, not only
the advertisers but every worthy
cause for 'the betterment of the
entire county,. Yaquina Bay News.
From far off China a missionary
writes The Times that modern flap
perdom has at la t acquired a root
ing. The missionary, Rev. H. G. C.
Hallock, says the modern Chinese
girls bobs her hair, patronizes beauty
parlors, Tides a bicycle, plays tennis,
buketball and engages in other
forms of athletics. Wei!, why not?
Sports are infectious and like the
epidemic of flu in 1919 that infec
tion spreads over the world. It is
not to be wondered at that the
modern slant-eyed damsel takes to
horse back riding astride, that she
dance.: and even flirts. China has
, assumed a freedom in line with the
rest of the world and that freedom
will crop out whenever a chance is
Where Maupinites receive Service coupled with Courteey and Eats
the Best on the Market. Try this Cafe when in The Dalles again.
v . y
1 " "V
Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that we may serve you better, at the
time our services are needed, we have a representa
tive in your neighborhood whom you my call.
Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot
Wapinitia Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward
Wamic Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Magill
Tygh Valley Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sloan
The Dalles, Ore. Phone 35-J Lady Assistants
Begin to arrange for your
exhibits at the comirg
Wasco Co. Fair
which will be held
Write the secretary for premium
list and make as many exhibits
as you can prepare. Help out
We question the merits of the
move on- the part of the directors
of the Wasco County Fair associa
tion in appointing a "manager" for
the coming fair. It takes experience
to successfully conduct a fair, make
it pay and provide entertainment
for the multitudes attending the ex
positions. Secretary A. L. Gillis
haa made good for each of several
y?ars in the capacity of manager
and to supersede him with a man who
knows nothing of the inner workings
cf the situauuu looka to us as being
a wrong move. Time will teiL
Senator J. E. Bennett is busy
building gubernatorial fences, as
piring to uceeed Governor Patter
son. The Times calks the senator's
Attention to the fact that our Ike
'.a some fence builder; has his guard
;"ails already up, and we belive they
vill prove too strong for the Ben
ett herd to break down.
Albany's big time scedutai for
Labor Pay will include a showing of
.wins. Here's out entry The ''Gold
Just Twins" "the most advertised
:nd popular twins on earth.
galloper At Graham
Dee Woodside and his racing
string have been at the Gresham
races and are expected to come this
way soon. Dec's hones captured
.wo firsts and one second at the
Gresham races. The string has been
on the western circuit for about a
year, and Dec is said to have cap
tured a number of good money
race . His jockey, Adams, has re
turned to The Dalles and will be
here to ride at the races at the com
ing fair.
Rode Around Loop
Last Sunday Oliver Resh with his
wife and sister and Mrs. Resh's par
ents, W. 11. Williams and wife,
made a trip around the loop, going
to Hood River and from there onto
the cut-off highway. The party
stopped at the Bates Shattuck
cabin on Bear creek, got supper
there and came home in the evening.
Winter'. Hay In
Roy Richmond has completed
hauling about 60 ton-: of alfalfa hay
to the Job Crabtree dairy. The hay
was grown by Herman Gesh at Wa
mic end is of a superior quality.
Job purchased the feed through the
Maupin warehouse company and
figurps he has sufficient to see him
through the winter.
Dr. Clarke, eye specialist, will be
in Maupin Sunday, August 18th, at
Maupin, formerly the Home hotel.
r of Maupin Buried
A.hwood oa Hay Creek
Last Sunday Dr. Stovall and wife
visited the burial place of Perry
Maupin. the father of our city, near
Ashwood. They found the burwl
plot in a sad condition of decay, the
iron fense surrounding the plot be
ing badly rusted, while the head
boards of the gravaj needed repair-'.
The resting place of the
Maupin family is near Paulina
Butte, near which Terry Maupin
killed the renegade chieftain, Paul
ina, who had run off some of the
Maupin horses and who was followed
by Perry. Interred in the plot are
the bodies of Howard Maupin and
wife, And their sons, Garret and
Perry. Dr. Stovall intends tak
ing the Scouts to the butte and then
painting the fence and also erecting
a head board at the grave of Perry
Maupin, a3 well as fixing up the
graves. The trip will be made
some time in September.
Released Pheaaant.
Game Warden E. Gramse with a
game commission truck driver were
in Maupin on Monday, they having
been on a trip for the purpose of
delivering Chinese phesants to dif
ferent localities. On the way here
they released 100 birds on upper
Fifteen Mile, 100 above Wamic and
delivered another 100 to Bates Shat
tuck, who took them to the upper
Flat and turned them out.
Small Po Scare
Some1 Maupin people were thor
oughly frightened the first of the
week when it was learned that little
Patsy Fraley has contracted small
pox and that the Fraley home had
been quarantined. Where and how
the little girl acquired the disease
Is a matter of conjecture.
California Cars Exceed
The register at the Maupin camp
grounds ;hows that California cars
exceed all others stopping over here.
In fact the ratio is about 7 in 10.
Fishermen seem to have taken a va
cation, as not many bent on that
sport have stopped at the camp
ground recently.
Old Bridge Down
Andy Wittman has finished taking
down the old bridge, all that re
mains of that structure being the
concrete piers, which will stand as
j reminder of the first ' crisTsing
across the Deschute:.
Vaccinates 32 Children
The smallpox scare now affecting
Maupin people has made good busi-
j ness for Dr. Elwood. During this
I week he vaccinated 32 children and
one adult, with more to come.
Op Week's Vacation
Carl Pratt and family have gone
to the mountains for a vacation of
a week, Carl taking his annual lay
off at this time. While he is
away Carl's mail carrying situation
is being taken car5 of by Oscar
Renick, who has officiated in that
capacity several times in the pa t.
Bobby Davidson Injured
Riding on the running board of
Louie Mayhew's Ford coupe and be
ing thrown to the ground when the
vehicle turned over, Bobby aviddon
sustained a badly wrenched foot on
Sunday evening. Louie attempted
the turn at the flour mill. The
wheels skidded and the coupe turn
ed gently over on ita side. Bobby
was thrown off and In falling, he
wrenched his right foot, the injured
member keeping him at home on
Monday. Other occupants of the
coupe got off without being in
jured. CnnoIly Range on Fire
A fire which i tarted in Buck
Hollow on Monday was backed up
' fnd burned almost
to the top of the butte east of Mau
pin. It is still burning as we go to
press and the chances look favorable
to the whole range grass being con
sumed. At Lost Lake '
Ralph Kaiser took hi. son, Ralph
and Herbk Kramer t0 the Scouts
summer camp at Lost Lake last
Sunday, where the boys will spend
10 days enjoying themselves and
learning more of Scout activities.
Ralph remained there until today,
when he returned home.
Of Meeting f Board of Equaliza
tion for Wasco County State of
To the Taxpayers of Wasco county,
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Equalization for Wasco
county, State of Oregon will attend
at the County Court room of Wasco
county court house, State of Oregon,
on the recond Monday in September,
being the 9th dny thereof, at
10 o'clock a. m. publicly the
assessment roola and correct all
errors in valuation, description
or qualities of lands, lots or other
property asses, ed by the under
signed for the' year 19-"J. The
tux-law states in part that it
shall be the duty of all per
in session thereof.
A15-S5. Wasco County Assessor.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County,
administrator of the estate of W. W.
Low, deceused, notice is hereby given
to all persons having clitin. against
said deceased to present them, veri
fied as required by law, six months
after the first publication of this
notice to me at 502 Bank Bldg.,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Datsd August 5, 1929.
AdminL trator.
Gavin Gavin,
Attorneys for Estate. AS-29
The Dalles Airport will be cs
tabli hed here in near future.
Oregon City Four street im
provement projects contemplated in
this city during summer.
Callaway Funeral Chapel
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Ore.
We enrry a complete line of Caskets
Cascade Bend Coffee, 5 tos $1.00
Parlor Blend Coffee, 5 lbs $2.15
Golden West Coffee, 5tb. tin $2.60
M. J. B. & Folgers Coffe, 4 lb tin $2.15
Cream Pail Coffee, 10 lb. pail $5.00
Tea, green and black, per lb 10c
:Good Grade Bulk Cocoa, 10 lbs $1.00
Ghirardellis Chocolate, 3 lb tin : $1.00
'Ghirardellis Chocolate, 10 lb. tin .'. $2.95
Fresh Coconut, per lb 30c
Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice, 13 lbs $1.00
Rose City Cut Macaroni, 13 lbs ,.$1.00
Rose City Coiled Spaghetti, 11 lbs $1.00
Tru Blu Household Crackers 3 lb. box 45c
K. C. Baking Powder, 10 It), tin $1.35
Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lb. tin ! .....$1.65
Schillings Baking Powder, 5 lb. tin $1.90
No. 10 tin Hillsdale Teaches, per tin 60c
No. 10 Brookdale Apples, per tin 50c
No. 10 tin Brookdale Pear, per tin 60c
No. 10 tin Silvcrdale Cajtsup, per tin 60c
No. 10 tin -Silvcrdale Tomatoes, per tin 45c
Extra Standard Garden Patch Corn, per case ...
.' $2.99
Sperry's White Down Flour, per bbl $7.79
White River Flour, per bbl $8.15
Best Cane Sugar (cash price) $5.29
110 EAST 2ND. ST.
mnnmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMmiii m
Department Of The Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, July 29. 1929.
Notice is hereby given that
EUnia Zimmer, formaly EUaia Con.
nlly, of 11 KUh street, Longviow,
Washington, who, on July 21, 1920,
made homestead entry, act December
29, 1916, No. 010917, for SEtt
SWU. SVViSK4, Sec. 10, SEW
NWU, EHSWU, Sec. 14, NWU
NEVi, Sec. 15 EftNWVi, Sec. 23
Township 4, S., Range 14, E., Will
amette meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register
United Stat&i Land Office, at The
Dalles. Oregon, on the 23rd day of
September 1929.
Claimant names as witnesses: A.
J. Connolly, of Maupin, Oregon, John
Foley, of Maupin, Oregon, Peter E.
Conroy, of Shaniko, Oregon, Thomas
Faherty, of The Dalles, Oregon.
Al-29 J. W. DONELLY, Reg.
Your ubicription it du pay up.
cxxixxiiiirirxiiiixuxT: i
HUM n..
LOST Traveling bag containing
baby clothes; also a flash light.
Finder pleas leave at The Time
ol!k ii-ll
FOR SALE Sherman restaurant,
meat market and gasoline station
at Shaniko. If interested In a
real bargain write or call Mrs. M.
I'ullvn, Shaniko, Oregon. 40-tl
FOR SALE CO cords of wood.In-
quire of C. L. Cooniad, Wamic.
HOME FOR SALE Attractive
heme Just outside city limits on
main road. Seven-room hou;, six
acres land In fruit and alfalfa.
Abundance of good water, pumped
by electricity. Write or call Mrs.
Sue M. Morris, Tht Dalles, Ore
gon. 38-tf
i. o. o. r.
Lodgo No. 20ft, Maupin, Ortgoa
meets every Saturday night In I. O.
O. F. halL Visiting members always
Ceo, Oaymler, N. C
Bernard Welch, Secretary.
i .. in i , ...... t
Fir.t National Bank Bldg.
Tbe Dalle, Oregon
Phone 301
J Crescent!
' M A ...
.'.trever fails
Central Oregon
Milling Co.
Maupin, Oregon
The Dalles, Oregon. Phone IS-J
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
brinu; it to The Timqs office
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
naaitvfiinturing Jeweler
nii Watchmaker
Kuduit to U. Lindqulat
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County $ Exclusive
' Shoe Store
"hoes for th 0nral Repairing
'Vboia FamUv The UaJleg, Ore.
White Restaurant
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.