MA PIN '' J Always working for the best Interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for alL VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 Number 4 1 Everybody Arranging to Attend Wasco Co. Fair u Tblen Set. Ready to CoFair Promises ! Be Better aad Bigftr A CHATTER OF ACCIDENTS Four Vlctimi Call on Dr. EU In On AutomobiU Secretary-Manager A. L. Glllls of tht Wasco County Fair association ha about completed arrangements for the coming fair, which will be held on Auftn.U UU-30-31. Mr. Clllls hag lined up a writ- of rfhows, rides, free acts and picture M well as bavin? engaged an or cheitra for the three day' dances. The exhlbita promise to bo larger, more varied and of better quality than ever before, and M'hcc Is be ing engaged for same. The build iiifr have been gone over and are ready for whatever people de.slre to ahow therein. The track U bting imoothed and plarrd In fine con dition for the race?, which will con form to the schedule worked out for all fairs member of the MM- Columbia awxHition. In addition to the regular program Iwliitii race have been aeheduled. The Indians run their races on the track, no stable arranirenienta C'lnir with them. They have romc excellent galloper and their heats alwaya bring n thrill to spectators. The race schedule, which meaiw all running races, Ik a followa and will bo carried out according t" agreement. Many of the horses en tered will take part in the race.- a' Morn and Goldendale, beginning the circuit at out fair. The main race will be the same each day, the In dian races only dif ferine from the other part of the program: Half mile pony rare, purse Mr. Half mile free-for-all, purse $r0 x Half mile saddle horse race, purse Qarter mile running race, purse f3R. i-- - Half mile 'trictly saddle horse race, purse (35. Quarter mile ponv race, pur re 125. Quarter mile saddle horse, race, purse $25. Five eighths mile free-for-all. purse $50. Relay race, purse $35. Indian Races These racca are for Indians and Indian horses only. Thursday, August 29 Quarter mile pony race, purse $20. Half mile aqunw race, purse $15 Friday, .Ugust 80 Three-eighths mile frce-for-nll purse $35, Half mile squaw race, purse $25 Quarter mile pony -race, purs $20. Saturday, August 31 Half mile free-for-all, purse, $40 Quarter mile pony rncc, purs. $25. Half mile 'qunw race, purse $25 In the evenings there will bo t - showing of pictures In the gran stand. For these stories of grer Interest and historial features wll be thrown on the screen, along wit news reel and comedies by some o vnown producers. After the shows dancing will be indulged I the pavilion, and for these the Bol Fletcher Pendleton round-up or chestra will play. Manager Gillis has In view som ! attractions which will provo " groat Interest and enjoyment fo all. He I-. In correspondence witl several well known attractions an 1 will land some of them before thh week is out. Next week we expect to be able to mention just what Young Kentucky Man Handles Millions Prepare Your Children For School Entrance A chapt'-r of accidents kept Dr. Elwood busy at divers timen during the nat week. At one time car drove from Wande, containing younp; Tom Woodcock, ho bad hsd hia hand caught in a separator belt, untainlng a badly lacerated hand: Ralph Chandler, who bad fallen off a header, getting a broken shoulder it the time; his little daughter with a dislocated elbow, and Mrs. Wm. Lucas, who ramo In to have a fractured rid made whole. Albert llacblcr of Wapinlia was in to cec the doctor and seek sur nrne from the pain caused by a dislocated elbow. Orvillc Davis sustained several broken ribs and a rained back, muted by a trtp rope risking while unloading hay at the Frank Fleming ranch on the high way. He whs thrown from a load of hsy by the breaking of the rope. Another Davis, thus one being John who work,' on the llinton ranch, who tmipht the good offices of the ihysiclan to set several broken rlba ind a wrenched back. His acci Iciit occurred when be attempted to ride a horse into a barn, the inline slipping on i concrete floor, In-owing the rider off. A man named Worlnun, with his wife and two other ladkr, was omlng toward Maupin from the Wapinitia market road last Thurs day evening. A.i they were turn ing Into the h mil way their ear kidded and turned over, throwing he Inmates out onto the road. Mr. Worlmjnn Mistained a wrenched inkle, his wife a severe cut on one eg, one of the other ladies had a leep cut back of one ear," while the thcr one wns badly bruised and ihnken up. The same evening a party of ourt ts, coming from Montana, vent Into the ditch at the top of he White River grade. Both occu pants of the ear Jumped to the road, he man receiving a cut on his head ind the woman a cut above one 'tnce. Vill Go to MdrM i Dr. W. A. Short will leave for Msdrns Sundny evening, going here on his regular monthly visit o look after the grinders of Madras people. Dr. Short is receiving a Moral patronage from people In hat section. His work meetr with pproval and that fact is shown by he increasing )iumber of people who call on him and solicit his den al services. vill be on the grounds for the en ertalnment of the customers. One urc thing to be mentioned is that oth a fine mrrry-go-'round and 'erris wheel will be on hand, and oj Bibly a novelty ride, something lever before seen in these parts. It is up to the people to put the air over. It is a thing that belongs o them and if they desire a con 'nuance of these shows they will urn out and help make the fair a uccess. We have the most prolific 'art of VvVco county about this see ion: our crops have been better han was expected earlier in the sea nn and all should wear an air of ptimism and make arrangements to nded the Wasco County fair all Coutln of Maupin People Made Hsad of 9300,000,000 Bank la How York The following story from the Wayne County (Kentucky) Outlook, published at Monticello, that state, has to do with with a cousin of Mr. II. E. Wray and Mrs. M. 1. Shearer of this faction. The subject of the sketch waa recently appointed to the vice presidency of the Bank of the United States, a $3,000,000,000 con cern in New York. The special, with a commentary of Mr. Oliver Vickery's life in his home town paper, reads like a romance and is given below: (By Rusaell Harriman Jr.) New York, July 25 One of the most, out' landing achievements of financial success accomplished in short space of time has been the good fortune of Oliver Vickery, of Monticello, Ky., who has Jm.t been appointed vice-president of one of New York'a biggest bank-, The Bank of United States, with resources of $300,0(10,(100,000 at 70 Wall St. In addition to Vickery's many other re r.ponsihilities. he v In charge of the call loan market for the account of out of town banks and bankers. The amount of money that changes hand on his signature runs into millions of dollars. In searching the history and ante cedents of this dark eyed boy who is by all appearances still within his twenties, we find a report that sound like a great romance and adventure in a story book. Coming to Wall Street unsung, unknown, and un heralded and making a success has been accomplished by others and with the stretch of the imagination one ran understand thia, but taking a 7-day stiff entrance examination, I a Vickery did a few years ago in one of -the "natron's leading unrversltwt. and passing above all others with only a 7th grade school education as a background, and then graduating four years later with honorable men tion, is too much even for the imagi nation. Oliver Vickery Is genius. Immediately out of college he be gan with out money, Influence, or family connections to build up a good reputation for him; elf in California; later extending his good will making from San Francisco to New York by creating out of nothing and for Ka rons best known to himself a nation al college finance fraternity and bo coming its president. Thru his sin cerity and untiring efforts the or ganization is today the wealthiest and perhapr- the most constructive college fraternity In the world. Its list of paid up member- reads like a bank directory and "Who's Who" of America. Over 3 millions of dollars are represented by the mem bers. Ollie saw them all and when he fee, ho fells. During his brief visits to New York ie lost no time in making It his business to make business with bank pre idents. What he says to them is not known, but it works. And howl Young Vickery has a very pleasing personality so characteristic of the southern gentleman, but the most pleasing thing and the factor that in terested my father in him, is hia not being puffed up about anything. Oliver raid, "to be a banker on Wall Street of a Kentucky Hill Billy, is a matter of environment, its all in one's own life. Mind la all power ful, life Is all spiritual." After all, he continued, "what Is money anway, Hv Children Examined for Physical Conditio Before Sanding Thorn to School I DINNER MENU A gread many parents take advant age of determining accurately the physical condition of their children before fending the mto school These parents 'are to be congratulated for their foresight in having their chiid- ri n fit to enter school. If your child ! ha not had a thorough physical cx- J animation, you do not know the con dition of yur greate t asset the health of your child. Pre-chool child health examina tions are being held all over the United States. The purpose of these examinations is to discover conditions that need attention, that would handi cap the child, or wuld make him sus ceptible to disease if left unremedied. The physician pays particular atten tion to the general health as indicated by wHght posture, heart and lungs, heanng and vision, throat and nose, and teeth. When corrections are needed, the parents are urged to go to their family physician for advice and treatment. You want your child to enter the school well and strong. The progress of his rchool program Is dependent chiefly upon his health. Physical de fects make mental progress difficult. You doubtless know that diseased ton sils, decayed teeth, impaired vision and hearing will handicap the child in rchool. Three out of four child ren who enter school have correctable physical defects. It is 'important that your child have a good physical examination. Make an early appoint ment with your physician. Present a copy of his report when the child enters school. Now is the time to get ready for school. In order that your child may enter school phy, Ically fit he should hav a health examination,- The doctors of this state are co-operating in a plan to see that every child is in good physical condition. This summer the way can be smoothed a little by attending to some necesary motters. Every child should be vaccinated against small pox before he is sent to, school. The administration of toxin-antitoxin is equally important and is becomng a routine in some counties. The thysi cal handicaps of the child should be determined. All defects that can be remedied should be attended to be fore school opens. The Maupin Cafe SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 Oyiter Soup FRIED CHICKEN Corn on Cob Creamed Carrots Potatoes FRUIT SALAD Ice Cream Lemon Pie Apple Pie Berry Pie Tea Ice Tea Coffee Ice Coffee Milk Cold Drinks CRABTREE INSTALLS MODERN DAIRY EQUIPMENT Corr Requirment of Slate Makes for Better and Purer Milk and BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DATE Taxpayers Notified When They May Kick Afaintt Their Taxes County Astessor Will L. Doud has a notice in this issue of The Times calling attention of taxpayers to the meeting of the county boarc of equalization, which will convene at the court house, The Dalles, or Monday, September 9, continuing ir session for two weeks. If you an di satisfied with your assessment then is the time to meet with the board and register your kicks. Al objections must be filed with th board during the first 15 days of the session, and the board may ix in session longer than the advertis ed time if nece sary. Job Crabtree has recently installed' a modem dairy equipment and pat rons of his dary need have no fear of getting other than milk which has been taken care of in a modern sanitary manner. . ' The equipment consists of a steam boiler which is connected with a sterilizing unit, this contain ing 144 bottler at one time. Vats are arranged for washing milk bot tles and at the same time sterilizing thrn. When the bottles are placed in the vats each receptacle in wash ed with a revolving brush, after which it is reinsed in hot and cold water and then given another steri lizing by live steam, emerging au bright as is possible to make glass. After the bottles are filled they re placed in a cooler, where they t-main until time of delivery. A il'er and capper has also been in tailed. The new arrangement pre ludes all handling of milk by hand; vnd guarantees milk to be as pure as s humanely possible for it to be. Mr. Crabtree has a modern dairy barn and his herd of milk cows lumber 12, each of which is of good ireeding and a good milker. , The 'ame of Crabtree milk is -.preading ind new customers are being added o the already large list weekly. STABILIZING WHEAT MARKE1 Federal Farm Board Asked to Stor Speculative Gambling The federal farm board receiver many insisten appeals last week V buy up the surplus wheat and ston it, in order to stabilize the marke' snd stop the speculative gamblinf and uncertainty, but the board de clined and decided to wait the per j fecting of the machinery of the farm er's national grain marketing corpor ation, which is deined to handb such emergency. The board als announced: "If the farmers can b' induced to hold back their shipment: past the Congestion period, the ef fect of , tabilization will be accom plished and the farmer generallj will be benefited by the slower mar keting movement" Attended Legion Convention , . Carl Pratt and wife attended the recent Legion convention at Salem, they Leing there on the 8th, !'th and 10th. Carl represented the local lepion port as delegate whilu his wife went as delegate from tli. Maupin Legion Auxiliary. The re port a good time and say that many thousand Lcgionaircs and auxiliary members were in attendance. VALLEY RAISERS SELL WHEAT 'dills and Warehouses 6et Balk of Willamette Craia GOES BACK TO CANADA AGAIN Clifford S. Andrus Will Second Deportation Suffei ee days. Come out and pull for till better and greater agricultural i if it isn't a mental concept based on 'xpositiona. faith? Wall Street bankers are just as human as my former Ken tucky rchool Ma'm who used to beat me because I wouldn't learn. The public should make an effort to un derstand bankers. The trouble with mo t of us is that we manufacture a queer brand of inferiority complex and are not huniBn ourselves when we meet so-called . big bunkers. Oliver pays a beautiful tribute to his parents: "My father I the most honest man I have ever met, and my mother is the most religious!" The parents of this boy wonder can be proud for Wall Sstreet is of the opinion that he will continue to add good-will and bring great credit to his name. According to yesterday's Oregon ion Clifford S. Andrus, the fellow who was arrested at The Dalles r short time ago on . a charge of hav ing stolen an auto from Portland ind who also drove a stolen car tc Maupin after having teduced a Mau pin girl into a fictitious marriage 's now in the Multnomah county jail He was taken there from The Dalle last week and is being held under : detainer by the immigration authori tics. 'Roy Norensj chief inspector fo: the department.says that Andrus was deported to Canada la;t Scptembei and that he came back to the stater unlawfully shortly afterwards. Tha deportation was from Seattle. Fancy imported vases a large as sortment $1.00 value at 75 cent' each at the Maupin Drug Store. The wheat raisers 7 of - the -Will-v. imette Valley are selling their new rrain to the mills and warehouses nore generally this sea-on than in ast years The uncertainties of the ist year have made them doubtful .bout holding over for better prices nd they are accepting the $1.18 to . 1.20 per bushel which is now pre vailing. Considerable wheat has Seen coming into Portland the past several days by trucks and a large oer centage of the farmers through Washington and Yamhill counties are selling instead of storing their grain. " GRIP OF THE YUKON" SHOW Vivid Story of Life in Arctic (ion Sunday Night Re. The next offering on the screen at Region hall, which will be on Suri lay night next,, will be a play tell ng of life in the arctic circle midst the gold fields of Alaska. The story b vivid in its situations, Uustrative of mning life and carries ne far away to the everlasting ice ields and vicissitudes of vendatta, ove and adventure. Prices will be ' 5 and 35 cents. The bill also will nclude a news reel and a laughable omedy. DR. CLARKE COMING Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Optical company, 221 H Washington Street, corner Sixth, Portland, Oregon, EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in Maupin all day and evening, Sun day, August 18th, at the Home ho tel. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR, EYES. . HONEY LOU AT SAN DEIGO ftuJi nny.cmraEi have been instructed to CrivE you ' ILAi'-. . . ....... HOMEY-LOU RECEIVES FROM ft MYSTEWOUS SOURCE, ft HUM SUM OF HOMEY WITH UWCH TO IH F ROVE HER HIMO (IF ANY). . mm . HBXT WEEK AT I, , , I' XfcttX . ' YOSEMITE .M l ? I VEIL ANYWAY" THIS 15 ONE J&V, 'V $A WffgT " ' r C Ml TRIP 1 V0NT HAVE TO ff jT J& fa ''Vv'kWy tlsS T S j frypretfg- 0lu town, sandiego. first white vl . w, '- 50 SHE DECIDES TO MOTOR THWI THE SETTLEMENT IN CALIFORNIA. , JhM SL - 'v UYW$ " MA1 WEST, ANO VI5IT5 f IMT- 1 RAMON MARRIAGE PLACE. mMl iWL Ml ppf ,