Thursday August 8, 1029. 11 ... jt; ' .,H- : French Cooks Know Secret of Bringing Oat Delicate Flavors Byi CHARLUS SCOTTO, Cht, Ambau.dor iluul, I'uik Annui, New York City. AMERICAN cooking li getting better til the time, but there .till remain room lor improvement. The chic f fault lici in a certain Watclrsi nets, or monotony of taitr, which sometime rouiti in taking the edge off the appetite. Particularly in the cue of vegetable!, the women of thil country ire just beginning to lorn how to nuke the must of sume of the delicious product! of the t'r fieri. In France, on the other hand, method of teatonlng that give ail I td icit to vegetable dilie have long been familiar to all experienced Cuoks and one of the icaioning agenti most frequently ucd fr thin pursue It sugar. A imall amount help to restore the natural iweetne which the vegetable may have lout after being picked, and when two or more vegetable are cooked together, It ervei to blend their contriving flavor I. A coniiderable number of Ameri can houtewivei have alway tiwd lugar in conking a few vegetable, but the lecrrt of it general luc ii comparatively little known in this country, although recently a nunrVr of domeitic wii-nce expert have Conducted experiment in tliii method of vegetable cookery, ind hive found, 11 hive the French co k. that It fniinenwly Improve the tati nej of the diih. Sfiinuth llainault it on of tin di!ici to which the expert l-rench cook alway adU a null ainount of lugar. Clean the spimch well and cook for ten minute in ai little wtter ai posilble; usually enough will cling to the Icivr after the) hive been washed. Then chop fun. and drain well. Fry three or fm:t very thin dices of K.eon, rut in mall pice imd add to the tpit h. To the fit In the pun ad I one Ipoon flour, one ublcx Mtcur, ow-zjijartT lepfMi'i mtMard. one cup vinosj-r, am' one .mil a nnarter dip wtcr. tk until thick ami pour t qmrt nf e-kcd npin ch. S'ir l-U:',y a:.l re. : Personalities Ch.f Scotto In Hi Kitchen Asparagus With Butter Sauct Cook a bunch f iiparugut for a half hour in boiling, tailed water to which a traspoon of lugar ha beta ftd'itd. While il.e aparugut i cook ing, bruv n a tublcipwn of cracker dirt in a hull trasjwm of butter, wl'h a few drop of onion Juice, a pirch of powdered iiwar, and a pinch of salt and black pepper. Draio the upa'agM and place on a platter. Sp. inkle over the tip a teaspoon of the browned, dry cracker-crumb. St've with boiling hot butter, mixed wiih the remainder of the browned cr. ckcr crumb. Carrott and Chrtst Mince twelve m lium-ire carrot. Add a tea spojn of sugar and steam until t-ltr. Put into a baking dislt. Si inkle liberally wish rhcrse and a lit Silt a;id pepper Heat three en, s and stir into a pint of milk that hs hern put on the stove to hi.'t. Let the mixture thicken; then P"-r over the carrot and cheese. AtM more cheese f"r a tcp dressinir. ? the frying d!h in a pm of nv and p' ire in the oven to bmwa Ethel Kidder la officiating aa bookkeeper at the Kramer garage. . o Mrs. W. E. Hunt wa a passenger on the morning stage today, going to Portland. B.,l Wilson and family and Laco Greene ipent part of Sunday 'neath the shade of Bear creek plnee. Mr. Violet Mayhew a fated at The Maupln today, during the ab sence of Mrs. Shearer at The Dalles. o A. H. Oillis was in Maupln kit Saturday, having business connected with the coming Wasco County Fair. The Times man ipent part of Tuesday and Wednesday In The Dalles, going to the county seat on business. Miss Grace Morton, a college friend of Winifred Kater, U visit ing the latter for week. She lives in Sulem. Marcus Shearer, wife and little sons, went to The Dalles this morn ing, Marcus going down to consult hi physician. Ollie Weber, who tt agisting his son, Leonard, in harvest, came down from the Flat yesterday and spent part of the day In town. Stewart (Brick) McLeod came over from Tygh Ridge and apent part of yesterday in Maupin, going to The Dalles In the afternoon. L. C. Henncghan and wife and the letter's mother, who have been at Newport for the paat 10 days, Efrngiraftnna From Oil He&tt- Lfckt 1ft T7 ami YOU MAY NOW HAVE MODERN REFRIGERA TION, in your own kitchen just "light it and leave it!" with no more atten tion than that. The great est invention ever made for the rural home no electri city, no gas just kerosene. Come in as soon as possible and see SUPERFEX the new oil-burning refrigerator. We arc showing one in operation daily. Many rural housewives who have seen it say "How have we done without this so long?" And they konw it is de pendable because it is made and guaranteed by the manufac ture of the f annus Perfection Oil Cook Stoves. Saws Steps - Saves Fmd - . 5me Time - Saws Mfeimey ! Let us show you how it does all thisl We want you to know SUPERFEX. And we have the model, finish, size and price that will suit you. Convenient terms, too, if you like. You will never want to use caves, cisterns, spring-houses, cellars again after seeing SUPERFEX. )OCHERTY -POWERS 3rd. and Washington, The Dalles Phone 300 'S1SVSSSS have returned to their homes, the former in Maupin and the latter at Salem. Oliver Resh made a business trip to The Dalles this morning, being accompanied by his sinter, Mia. Marie Resh, lately from Chicago. Gus Derthick, who is working with a telephone surveying crew, now stationed at The Dalles, spent Sun day with his family in Maupin. . Mrs. II. F. Bothwell spent several days of thin week at her home in this city, having come over from Du fur to take care of her music pupil'. Marcus Shearer is again a fami liar figure on one of the Standard Oil company's trucks, having gone to work there the first of the week. Jlmraie Wray is helping at the Maupin cafe. He will enter a phar macy school this fall and has re (igned his position with the Maupin drug store. Mrs. Q. P. Weberg was called to The Dalles Uu Thursday by the ser ious tllne of her son, Harry, who underwent an operation at a hos pital there. Editor Hamilton of the Myrtle Point Herald, with his family were in Maupin a short time ye terday. The Hamiltona were on their way home after making the highway circle. C. A. Hartman, mail carrier be teween Maupin and the county seat, is taking a lay off and spent this week In San Francirco. His son-inlay is cubbing for him during his absence. W. FX Hunt and son, Clarence, were in town Monday, coming down from Criterion for the purpose of taking W. H. StaaU to the warm springs, where he can receive a good boiling out. E. E. Wright and wife were guests of the 0. F. Rcnick family today. The Wrights had been on a vfcit to Med ford and stopped off here while on their way home at Walla Walla. Miss Winifred Kaiser, student at the state university, and who has been taking an extra cour e at O. A. C. this summer, is at home and will remain here until fall term of the U. 'opens.' II. R. Kaiser and wife visited at the home of the latter's father at lone yesterday. On their way out they picked up their daughter, Wini fred, and friend, who mflde the trip to Morrow county with them. P. B. Driver and wife were over from Wamie Monday. Mr. Driver is in charge of the county road work in this farming district and says that that there arc no funds, special, with which to extend roads or to i make much of a showing in upkeep. thin places, or other imperfections that impair its strength. New har ness ltathr that shows cracks on the srrain tide when sharply bent is practically worthies, and crks In 5 old harness show thitt it is rotting. 3 Breaks and rips In the leather should be repaired promptly. , "You are coming right to the front, aren't you?" So observed an officer of this bank the other day during an interview with a young business man. "Yes," he replied, "and your friendly, helpful coun sel and banking service nave been important factors in my success . . . And, by the way, your bank is coming right to the front, too! And, deservedly if the constructive assistance you have given me is a sample cf what others receive." The above, and many more commendations, show the relation in which we stand to the business interests of Southern Wasco County. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) Special this week, manicure kits sold at 50 cent? for only 25 cents, at the Maupin Drug Store. ELEVEN YEARS AGO From The Times August 9, 1918 lister McCorklc write from Fort Ben Harrt on, Indium, thnt he has been made a sergeant and is mw training 100 men. He says they ex pect to leave for France soon. o A number of the boys from the military police are in Maupin for the purpose of guarding ranches and the Mjin warehouses. ( We lenrn that Jack Kelly and J. C. Hagey have purchased the entire holdings, including live 'tock, im plements,' land, etc., of the Fen Batty place near the Kelly church. Mrs. Ethel Duncau of Wamic recently received a card from her husband, Marion Duncxn, telling, of his safe arrival in France. Robert Tapp wrote to' his home folks here last week lulling of his call to sea. He has been at Mare I lind and a;-ked that no one VTite him until he is heard front again. 2 FAMOUS TRAINS EAST Connection with the de lux PORTLAND LIMITED No extra fare 58 hr., 50 min., Tha Dalle, to CbJcafo Leave Maupin 10:55 A. M. Connection at The alles (8:35 P. M.) Connection with another fine tranicoatfnonUl train CONTINENTAL LIMITED Lv. Maupin 10:55 A. M. Direct connection at Sherman (1:20 P. M.) To PORTLAND Lv. Maupin 10:55 A. M. Ar. Portland 5:30 P. M. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP SUMMER FARES EAST Daily to Sept. 30-Final return limit Oct. 31 WW B3DPDR R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin. Ore. r A EDW. H. McALLEN, T. F. & P. A., Bnd Ore. MljlJ p WHEN IN THE DALLES H Make : Your Headqarters at The Golden Grill or i American Restaurants 55 w here every service awaits you. H Special Merchants Lunch from 11:00 to 12:30 each 55 day for 40 cents the best in town 1 The only redeeming trait that coekroache. have, according to en tomologists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is that they some time eat bedbugs, but most people don't want to keep roaches around for this purpose. Fortunately it is espy to kill them, by sprinkling pow dered sodium fluoride or rpdiunt fluosilicate wherever they appear. A runaway team cannot be stoppod with weak reins, nor will weak tugs and straps on the harness withstand heavy work. Harness should, be looked over to roc that the leather parts have no cuts, holes, brands, g FREE PnONE REST ROOMS 3 Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for S3 your convenience. I E. J. McMahon H PROPRIETOR 'iniiini imiiiiiiBllillimil "ltWlIUI!llllllllilllj)lfll!lllllllllllliJIlllUI I l rvr wk arvesl Bread A Wasco County- Producl MADE BY Uf)e Oregon BaKery Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchantget the best