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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1929)
Always working for the best Interests of Maupln and all of -if Southern Wasco County. JfiAUPI M . TI VOLUME XV IBS Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for aH AUTO THIEF TAKEN WITH SPOILS AT THE DALLES MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929 - r TWO TRIPS EACH DAY v I PORTLAND BEND STAGE CO Anothtr Sum Added Make. Line Complete lof Daily AqI Highway Travel Begalled Maupin Girl Into Marriage) Stole ler and Conlanli) Now In Jail at The Dalle. Dalles Boa! Line Is Latest Proposition Portland latere! Malt PL, Organ. Colembia River Navigation Conpaay Clifford Stanley Andrus, Iho name given io the police f Tim Dallo.-, by wg reliow, known (o some Man pm people, now languiics In the county Jail, buinir charged with theft of a Na;ih coupe from Portland. ioung Andrus came to Muupin anoui fix weeks ago. He was ac companied by well known ghl of this place, whom he claimed In have married at Vancouver, Washington. After being here a short time he left, owten, Ibly going to work for a rancher u Tygh KidP. Inhtcad of going there he went to Wyoming returning here about July 28 and i driving a Bulck scdnn. On the wa to Maupln he sustained a punctttrei; tire. Going to the Kramer garage he had the tire repaired m offer- ed a chirk drawn on a Portland hank, in payment of the work, fl oig a nine suspicious the garg men refused to accept the check. L. I II . it ... miming uie car. A lilt e nvHtiia tinn on Urn part of the sheriff's t fire diM-lwsed Iho fact that the car had been stolen Andrua said th. ear hud been given him by an uncle in Wyoming, also that accompany lug that gift was one of $2,000. I hat, statement proved mythical. Investigation of the records a Vancouver failed to show that i marriage licenre had been Uu'-d t- Andrux and the girl, It was rhnwr however, tint Amlrux fooled ibr girl by showing her what purported to be a licence. The ceremony b saw io have been performed by the man who is wild to have iw tied the license That phase of Amicus' op ' erations ia mo;4 mnlicinuH, n the girU come from a good family and to be impowd upon by a man of his stamp does not reflect any great 1'ghl upn him. One night bed week a wrecking car wan ordered by a mntnrlat who tad driven Into the ditch west of The, Dalles. After pulling tht rai Oiiti the road the wreckers wore asked to pull another ear. a "Nnah enupf, to the road and Ihen take It to a garage fur repairs. That win done. l,tr a man was observed prowling in the residence section of The Dalle; A tody, becoming sus picious, called her husband's at tention to tht, prowler, and be turn ed on the porch litrht, thus provid ing means f.,r Identification. A neignnnnng physician hIm observed the stranger and he called the po lice. When the light was turned or the man , tarled down town and wa met by officers. He was question ed by them and told that be wa- merely taking a walk, iiHdentalh saying he had R Nash coupe at ih me ucna-roriiand stage com pany has added another stage t0 the equipment and la now making daily trips to and from Portland, going oy way or the Wnpiiiitia cut-off. Heretofore but one stage was opcrat 'd, the lino making the trip up one ui , returning the nest day, ljcavltn? PoHImh.i . 1 .on .. ii.- Hln,A .. Ht .. . . . .. . I flllUlnjlMA IMA. t. . J . . "K" r-ni,-a m'lupin at f :19 and nive maac prennunsry t Bend at 7:00 o'clock In the even- plwm ior 'wjaulration of a corpora- Inrv Ifnl ....!.. i l. . .. (Inn in Itn i il. t MM,Mii( ,,if Buige icaveal" " a me oiurooia Rind at 7:00 in the inot-oioo. ,a Navigation Co., t operate a ateam. ,v. ,.- , i. p. on, arriving gt rort-1 uvtnKin iwmna ana IM 'fin hi -aw in (hp afiei-,..,ii iwwiea on regular uebedue. I tages are comfortable vehl-j 11 is Vropo ed lo handle both jaa- id ttinl niali iti I. ri.. ...... I nengcrs and frelirhl mull,., ik. ... ...... . round trin daitv tit. .... First ateiis toward ren-uml . - vv va aawvf igation on the Tolumhia 4.. n Rccrned near lat Saturday. Don B, Card, certified nuhlU ... n'uniaiii, ana accrelarv.treajm. .e the Crawford & Doherty Foundry Co., announced that several Portland New Grand Stand at State Fair Ground: I1M.OW Will Ba Eapepded .a Bdildiaii Md Track My SPm! ConUit ' mm section than if they " a vrea-ou anore and van- y way of the Columbia p!ouvcr' Ca'maa, 8tvf un, WWU Offices at Maupln are at s,,no nl J' on tbc Washington i . side. IK. . If h ,.k...... ! iiiKowny iv naKaemrerw chance to see more of the scenic "esutics of this section than If they raveieo li "gnway. unices at Maun he Kelly Hotel and ltainbow ant! in Portland at the Imperial i. . lOU'l. The fare is below that chaiw.l hv he railroads while the trip may be "ic wiih all the comfort possible n in much better time. For furth r information nee h, D. Kelly or . I', rraiey round trip daily. HtotM nnLi v,. i - - r " made at Hood River and Cascade liocks oo the Oregou shore and Van rPOINTED SUPERINTENDENT r",mtr Dalle, Teacher ' Succeed. to CraiMwald't Office Lait week the county court an. Pointed T. t.Valf ft-.,,k...-i. . in ice or county school superintend ent, made4 vacant by the trade death l A- fc. uronewald. Me. Rrnm. Haugh was one of about 12 anlrn "t ine onice. The new appointee ba 'he city of The Dnllea for the par t .'ive years, bavins be-n tirindnnl t '.ho Colonel Wright school and also r ihc Whittier iehool in that city., Ust yesr be was assistant athletlr COSCh at the It o-h mrh.uA carrying on his work at the Wright rhnn. - Ills appointment should met with the apnrival of all Int iTitIpiI in! school matters, as he Is rated as be. mg an educator of rare merit and tecii'ive ability, side. The project Is headed hv fi IT Shaver, who recently dUo.i nf uu intertca In Thayer, Shaver, Culley Machine Co., of which he has been manager for IS venem Ph.ri.. v Steekmith, who has been traffic manager for river lraniwrtjli1. unes ror several years; y, 0. Stiro wel-, who is ttresident and - ' e)iilHI manager of Crawford and Dohertv and Card. Several other well known river steamboat oneratora ara alui nientiried with thU enterprise. Stat Bridge Impertor stau Bridge lnt pector Rene E Wright wai in Mupin last Friday looking over the new bridge. He was accompanied by his wife and two children, and while hre called on old friends, Ishom West and wife. , AnnaymOoa New Nte Again we call the attention nf readera t0 our njle that all correa- pondence sent thk oaner most he signed by the sender's name. We exact this, not for the purpose of publication but simnlv to know wh it is that sends us notes. Please bear thb in mind when, intin. either news notes or other letters to The Times. taking the finger print, of the cul pril they were broadcast about the In a short time return. .,.., Z, ? . . .. nnu.w .... ...,. ,un Bl lne maupln On Vacation George McDonald and wHf. .r. vlniting various Vallev oointa thin week. George being on his annual garage. Als said be had $l00nr in the safe at the Hotel Dulles.- De riding to check up nn u,r mentv the officers started for th garage. There they found tin coupe and upon looking at the li cense platea discovered R was a cai they had been notified that had beei utoleti at Portland and hud beer asked to keep a lookout for. Seeinr he whs cornered Andrus admitted taking the I that car wbe it was stolen wa. a valiso contain ing a man's clothing. Looking An drus over over it whs shown ho war wearing the contents of the1 valise even to a necktie. ' The officers got busy and after fccgan to come in and it was shown mm, Aiuirus had served a year and a day at McNc.ila island, 1 months in California on a charge of rum running and autq theft and another rm m that state on a criminal con vieili,,,,. Word from Mi sirsippl re sealed the fact, that he had also scrv "d a term n that state. Andrus is "aid to have admitted the McNeal k 'nd term, a;;o one term in Cali "rnia, Iiisuanee adjusters sent a repre entative to Maupin on Tuesday and k the Btiick t0 Portland. In the neantime Andrus is a guest at the loiei de hexton, where bo will re naiit until other evidence of his op rations iH learned and until it hat een decided what will be done with im. He 1r a prpossessing young fellow, ffnble and nf good addrcs;-. It iema he has a mania for stealing utos and refraining from work. It my be be will be proseruted under 'ie habitual criminal act, and if con- men inercunder stands a good banco of spending several years be ind the bar,-, if he Hop m. v,q.- . 'fetime In which to refloi-r "Isdeeda. Saleai. Ore.. Aucr. 7 Win, ik $150,000 grandstand pletioa, the grounds undprvnimr . extenalva renovation, and entries for exhibits and races already coming in from all over the North wet. it. 9HK )rizon 8Utc Fnir, to be held here FeDlembee 2.1 oa to he the largest ever held. With a seating capacity of six (C)afld, the grandstand, u f... tui of this year's fair, will afford an execllent view of th half mil- rail; track on which the speed and runMig contests wll be held. Khtries iu the -speed contest, wUeh closed July 16, have exceeded tjt f y previous year, according U( Urn, Ella S. Wilson, secretary of ttw fair hoard. Feature races at this Wa fair are the 2:08 pace, the 2:12 trot and the free-for-all trot and pace. "Entriec numbering 139 have been made from Ktl.lp ; Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, Colorado. Utah, ftritii-t. lolumble and Ss. katchewan. ursflet amounting t neartif ti . 000 will be awarded the running event which will be held daily from Tuesday until Saturday f f.i. ,PfN fnrnea ror which will be ac eepted until the day before the race Is rnn. The high spot of the eventr will b tho Governor's Derby, that la scheduled for Wedmlv. R.,,t,., ber 25, when a handsome purse, and a beautiful silver loving cup will be awarded the winner of the mile. The finest of arricultnral PvkiMf. from Oregon arid all over the North west, are expected to be hown here during the six days of exhibition, as well aa numerous commercial and artistic features. Premi llm anil pursar erountlna- U Sso.flftft r. be awarded the miae winnprs Hf ii.,. end of the judging. Everything from a magnificent DINNER MENU ' At Tte Maupin Cafe SUNDAY, AUGUST II Chicken Soup FRIED CHICKEN Slarhed Potatoes . Creamed Peas FRUIT SALAD Ice Cream Iion Pie Apple Pie Berry pje l Tea Ice Tea Coffee Ice Coffee Milk Cold Drinks FAIR BOARD HOLDS MEETING Gronewald Memarial Building Wll" be Constructed on Ground, art i a State bank. The McDonalds spent lasi rtunday at home and left again for west of the mountains. They are expected to he home again some time next week. THE COUNTY FAIR INTRODUCING HONFV t By Elizabeth Hart Drenched in amber sunshine's Soft and mellow haze, Jostle friend and stranger Thru the crowded ways. See the late inventions; Hear the hawker's call; Proudly view the exhibits In Agricultural halL Georgcous splash of color Bleachers in a roar; Racers going neck to neck Thrills and spills galore. Can't afford to miss it If you've a day to spare Take the misses and the kids To the coming county fair. Vacation package face powder, large size metal box, special price 25 cents at the Maupin Drug Store. a - 1 none show, exhibitlona nf nuiii- both dairy and beef, sheen nn..' awine. poultry, pigeons, rebbits, ca vies, bes and hnnev. tn airri.iiif.,vi products, a cereal show, vegetables, a beautiful horticultural show, mi exhibit of domestic baking, demon, trat ions of textiles and will ba shown. On of the most imnnrtnnf nn,l mtereattng features of the fair will e exhibit and demonstration given by the boys and girls of the t-n ciur. contests, who will have agricultural, domestic art and eience. and rrock exhibits her?, and will give sdemouHtrations of ludcinv cooking, Newing and many other ac- coropusnmenfs. The board of the Waw0 County Fair association held a sDeeial m..r. ing at Tye-h Vallev I Al"ong other thing- to come up fo- I discUSKl'on wa. tko, . .1 . .. vv vl iigintng vni ni-ounas. Mr. iay of the P. E. P company was present and flutline pians whereby his company would ex wna me Tygh Vallev line to th, grounds, that plan taking in severa' adjacent ranches. He submitted ngures pertaining to the cost of sucl extension, which will b considered by me lair board. Another thine of imnnrtan the decision to erect a memorial build ng, to he known as the "Gronewali Memorial Building," i honor of the t a a m mie a. 1, t.ronewa d. who !.-. v. took an intensive interest in boy ' anc girls club w-ork. It is proDoswl tha' the fair board apnroDriate eprtir sum and to ask the county court t make an appropriation of the sanw amount. - - Other matters germane to the com ing fair were discus ed. Member from this section attending were W E. Hunt and W, H. Stanta. DALLES AFTER SPAN ACROSS MIGIIT1' COLUMBIA RfMirted Drewainc A report was circulated in Maupin ymertjay to the effect that Cecil Mott, yoiingerf son of Phil Mott, formerly of this section, had been drowned in the river at Yakima Tn vestlxrntion proved the rnn rt. tn i wfthout, foundation, as none of th dany papers mentioned the fH..f neither had anyone in M.iunin re. .eived word of the accident. BaiMItof Chicken Hou Postmaster Turner is busying him telf these days in the constriction .,f a chicken hou 1 fix to fWt ill VIVA TVs compatmcnts. each Rm f, will be partitioned off. one to be jsed as a laying room, the other for i storage mom. The rest, of th lui!ding will be given over to th chickens as a place in which T.n scratch. I Baby Son Arrives According to The Dalles Chronicb of Tuesday Mr and Mr-. F. R. Towr of this place were made parents tt KZIA l:- ... . ".m-v u.umrjia nospitai thnt mom baby boy, who arrived at th Hernia Operation TT . ... . riarry v eoerg was operated at the Mid-Columbia hospital at The IJailes last Thursday. hP hvin tamed a severe hernia. Harrv va," at work on a thresher and in lifting sacxs lull of wheat sustained the m ture. The man he v ' "l IV Ay, couwn l take him to The nll ui that evening, so Harry rtarted out looi ami had negotiated 10 miles on the way when he wan nirhoA nr, by an autoigt. His condition is said io oe favorable. Chamber of Command Atie I. - Schema U Cenaect Two States With Bridge The Dalles Chamhpr - winuictcv, with other hustlers of th eat, Is actively engaged in developing " ' """mem iavorabla to the buildinr of a brdge over the rnlh. - - ..... nirt iv connect the Grand Dalles on the Washington tide. Several nreliminarv tt1lVTA?ei V.... j f tss wjfu UOVV been made, one of them being at the end of Court street and tk. it the mouth of Mill creek rvuf. the proposed structure fcnv k... pared by the Pacific Bridge company. j.rr win De a ditference of 50.. 000 in the cost of the bridge If it :nouid te located at the end of Court treet. On that site the nl ix spans of approximately 300 feet each and an abutment on the Wash ington side, making the bridge about ,uuii ieet m length. Either span would hav pI.- nce of approximately 40 feet above he river, and either would be ad acentjo railroad passenger stations, aid to be on Impotant factor in bridge financng. The plans and cost estimates were liscussed at a meeting held Tues- day night The . " - " M UIAUV known shortly. Pay Yonr Subecrtptio,,,.. Recently thia offie wnption statement subscribers, in fact about $400.00 worth. Of that juov UU CC subscriberr came in and settled up. e ween we are going to send out second notice and after.jthat all whn do not settle for their paper will be cut off and their acemmra r,l,j in an attomty's hands for f'fillaatli.n It eosts money to publish a news paper, and wie are tired nf earn . people who pay no attention to :tate" ments sent them. We need the money, so come in and help us out VUilor From Chicago flliys Marie Resh. sister nf nr..,. pin's popular grocer and meat mr- ei man, arrived from Chi terday morning and will remain thru vugU VI itmg with Oliver .! hi. wife. Miss Resh nurse in the Wesley Memorial hos- nuu at Utieago, and is making her irst visit t0 the we t. xlw Restaurant Sign Ben Fraley has hunir 9 TTOW Clfyn in , , , , " 'S .ront of his place of business, a neat enunner that the inner man en h accommodated there. The sien if the work of a coudIp. of trvii painters and attractive and nrettv Will Soon Move , Jesse Crabtree baa ronliiA 4kA Billy Miller cottage and soon will move thereto. With the -f school Mrs. Hedin will n. cottage, thus necessitating tVi on Jesse'r part Newcomers Iter . . Mrs. Walter Edmonds hna atA in Maupin to join her husbaund, a mechanic at the Kramer The Edmond;; have rented the Wood cock cottage next to Ernest Trout man's and have already settled there mi rejfuiar aiaupin residents. We welcome thera to our fair city. Mored to Oak Spring ; Jim Vaughan and wif o ; : u. IM W snugly ensconsed In their new home st Oak Springs, they having moved thereto last Thursday. The cottage- riccweu j, or mem by the state fish commission in ordr ,, v might be near Jim's work at the hatchery. " DR. CLARKE COMING Dr. Clarke of the Glarfc. rwi..., company, 221 Washington , treet. corner Sixth. Portland r EYE SIGHT SPECIALISTS, will be in Maupin all dav anil Vfinino Ci - v v""'6l "wr day, August 18th, at the Home ho tel. SEE HIM AJJ J A I UIIIU EYES. 'QL7 V3aX ' ; v .. :. 50, ON SATURDAY AND iini r ymi pav . H Yl. yoU'RI THROU&H, . 50RRY, f?k rm KENT S ' (' '4 iuTm ' ..Ck . WE HflVENT A7HIN& fi TOMORROW NITE, YOlLL ttr " LAR OF , MhYMhk St- MG-HT NOW. yfvW JWLHAVE TO MOVE. L , "0NEY I WONDER WHO FROM? li g bluir ty P mink, yilI f