The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 01, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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The Msuipin Times
C. W. Semmei, Editor
C. W. Stmmn end E. R. Semmei
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Oregon
Subscription: Out ear, $1.60; tixj
mouths, three montns, bucu.
Entered as second class mail mut
ter September 8, iai4, at ihe post
office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1876.
"Not printed at government ex
pense" is an outstanding line on the
pamphelt sent out from the office
of Senator Reed Smoot of Utah.
But the imprint at the bottom of the
title page read.: "United States
Government Printing Office, Wash
ington: 1929." Does not say tho
senator paid for it, so we surmise
the public printer did not charge
Utah senator for its publication.
Staying up in the air for days at
a time may make for notoriety but
just where there are real benefits to
to be derived from the exploit we
are in ignorance. Maybe such a pro-
feHiire will WnnnstratA the npcnracw I
of airplane motors, and aside from
that the pictures may ofier a lucre
tive position for the men who defie.
death in making the flight.
Will Serve Dinner
A feature of the new restaurant
will be special Sunday dinners. Mrs.
Shearer had completed her plans foi
such meals and will publish the menu
of each dinner in The Times. Watch
for' them and then arrange to save
work at home by getting your Sun
day dinner at The Maupin cafe. It
is the intention of the proprietor tc
make but a nominal charge for tnest
meals. r ,
Plenty Porcupi
" J. G. Kramer was in from his Cri
terion ranch Monday. When askec"
concerning his wheat crop Joe re
marked that he expected some grain
also that he was splitting 50-50 witl
porcupines. Mr. Kramer stated he
could kill at leat a half dozen of the
quill pigs each night should he take
time and watch his fields.
(From School of Home Economics,
O. A. C.)
'Left over roast meat, finely
ground tnd mixed with a little horse
Where Maupinites receiTe Service coupled with Courtesy and Eats
the Best on the Market. Try tkia Cafe when in The Dalles again.
Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that we may serve you better, at the
time our services are needed, we have a representa
tive in your neighborhood whom you my call.
Maupin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot
Wapinitia Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward
Wamic Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Magill
Tygh Valley Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sloan
The Dalles, Ore. Phone 35-J Lady Assistants
Begin to arrange for your
exhibits at the com irg
Wasco Co. Fair
which will be held
Write the secretary for premium
list and make as many exhibits
as you can prepare. Help out
radish or chopped pickles and mayon
naise, makes a good sundww'h Idling.
Butter icing for cup cakes or
cockiec is mude by creaming one
half cup of butter and adding grad
ually, sifted confectioners' sugar.
Add 2 or 3 tablespoonful of strong
coffee and one-half teaspoon of
vanilla for flavor, a few drops at a
v.nen creaming.
To vary eggs as a sandwich fill
ing, add deviled ham and a little
cream to chopped hard-boiled eggs.
If raisins are placed in a warm
oven even for a few minutes to make
ihem plump and dredged with flour
before adding to cake or cooky batter
ihcy will be less likely to sink.
When baking fish, place two well
greased strips of chce.ecloth undcr
,ieath it to prevent breaking when
vaking it up.
Macaroni is usually broken into
pieces .an inch in length and cooked
without bl'anchng in rapidly
boiling water. When tender drain
?nd rinse in cold water, then drain
fgain. The cold water washes away
tne Pstr5 exterior that would other-
Wise CaU e the pieces to Stick to-
i . ... ...
Rice is Lest cooked in like
If milk is kept in a large shallow instead of a deep one, it will
emnin sweet much longer.
The delicate flavor will be brought
Nut in a salt fish if it is soaked in
our milk before cooking.
Once-A-Week Service to Weeklies
and Serai-Weekliet
During the summer the h?ifrr
.eeds no supplementary feed if the
asturc is good. Late in the season
he may need a little hay and grain
i keep growing steadily.
The wi c livestock feeder soon
3arns that the proper use of all
"arm by-products, waste, and sur
lus crop? for feed often constitutes
he miin difference between profit
nd l'iss in feeding.
If the dairyman is to get a fair
etnrn on his investment and labor,
'tis herd must average 300 pounds
ir over of butterfat a year. Figure?
'how that cows producing 100
ounds of butterfat a year return
only $14 over cost of feed, while
cows that produced 300 pounds of ! ,t , w ft-g m (r9Qll0uCj d
butterfat return $'J6, or almost 7 doe(l Bway wllh lha ne0r.ilty for un
times as much. !!itly root autcnaa and load-Ins on
. . the walls ot modern' buildings. It Is
A horse 'at hard work in the sum,- not a nipre lead In, but Is strictly a
mer need.-, from one and one-fourth 1 frequency tranimUMon Una
to one and one-third pounds of grain
and one and one-fourth pounds of
hay to each 100 pounds of his
weight. The work horse should he
fed at regular intervals during the
The average yearly loss in 'transit
of livestock from ''shipping fever"
and similiar ailments k estimated t
fully a million dollurs, and in some
years runs as high as three or four
million, according to the U.S. De
partment of Agriculture, which has
recently published Leaflet 38-L,
Maintaining the Health of Livestock
in T'ansit. This leaflet can tc se
cured fiee from the Departu int of
Agriculture, Washington, D C.
Smnll or medium weight cabling
the most desirable nurket dze.
Heads of pointed cabbage weighing
from 2 to 4 pounds and heads of
Danish and domestic cahhngo weigh
ing from 3 to 6 pounds are prefer
red. Cabhngc for immediate ship
ment should be trimmed to 2 to 4
close fitting leaves. Tho green outer
leaves protect the head and may be
removed at the destination, if neces
sary, to give the cabbage a fresh ap
pearance, leaves showing appreci
able damage from insects, disease, or
of her cans" should be removed.
Ihe New Unit Takes Programs
to School Rooms and to
Hotel Guests.
Guests In hotels today are turning
on a radio program In their room na
easily as they awltch on the electric
light, pupils In schools are listening
to raluabla lectures given far away,
and tenants In thormishly molern
apartments are connecting their re
ceiving sets as easily as they connect
their electric Irons by U3e ot one ot
the newest and mort interesting radio
J 1 .I".-. I. I ! W
uxstupnicaiB. eir.iui; ted rauiu I
sprang Into wide nse Immediately with
Its recent introduction by the Radio
Corporation of America, whose engi
neers perfected It.
The reception ot any one ot tour
programs In rooms ot hotels, schools,
libraries, clubs, hospitals or other
buildings Is supplied through wall
speakers no more conspicuous than a
well hang picture. The programs
may be heard also through separate
loud speakers easily connected with a
wall plate or through headphones
when It Is not desired that they be
haard throughout the room. The de
velopment Is equally Interesting to
the pampered guest ct' a huge metro
politan hotel and to pupils in Isolated
schoolhouses, who now can listen to
educational features hitherto available
only to pupils in the krgest cities.
Principal of Oyster Bay, Long Island,
school operating centralized radio.
This type of centralized radio,
known as audio frequency, Is not to
be contused with tve conventional
radio receiver and amplifier connected
with scattered loudspeakers or bead-'
phones. Reception with the new audio
frequency is as perfect In every room
as If an excellent radio receiving set
were placed there.
The RCA audio centralized equip
ment takes the form ot the necessary
units mounted in standard switch
board fashion, one receiver with am
plifying, distributing and outlet equip
ment constituting one channel, re
quired for the reception and distribu
tion of one program. An many as
four channels, giving the listener a
choice of any one of four programs,
may be mounted on the central switch
board. The equipment is operated
from the usual electric lighting cir
cuit. The receiver for each channel
Is tuned to a given station and the
tuning dials locked in position to pre
vent tinkering. A tlm :lock switch
may be set to start tho programs at
any designated hour and to turn them
oft. The centralized equipment may
be placed beside the telephone switch
board, behind the desk in a hotel, lo
the office ot a hospital superintendent,
In the office of a school's principal or
any place that Is convenient. ' Phono
graph records may be placed In the
absence of programs.
The other type of centraltzed radio
meets the different problem ot per
sons who desire to use their own re
ceiving set; In apartment .buildings
I'O :1 .1
wiucd oocs noi pick up nuuniouai hi
pals or Interference. One efficient
antenna some SO to "5 feet above the
roof tnki cure of all. so that tenants
'merely have to iIiir In their ncllo
receiving net ou a wall socket. A
large ptTcciitasfl of tho boat type of
,blg tipitrtmrnu now nrc helms oititpi?d
In till way
JR. Angel Local Llbby, McNeil &
Libby pickle plant started operations
Sea-ide Associated Oil company
will erect modern service station in
this place at cost of approximately
I Hood Kiver Renovated Cloud Cap
Inn opened to visitors.
Eugene $200,000 fine arts build
ing will be erected on University of
Oregon campus.
MoMla Shnt Gun l umber com
pany will start, operationi September
UVdinond $14,000 bond issue ap
proved for erection of new gym
nasium. Condon 800-foot sewer installed
for eat side re; idences.
Callawav Funeral Chape!
The Dalles, Ore.
Dufur, Ore.
We curry n complete line of Caskets
j h
I l
Best Cane Sugar (cash price) cwt $5.19
White Down Flour (hard wheat) per bbl. $7.79
White River Flour (hard wheat) per bbl $8.15
Milk, all brands per cqfse , $1.75
Camel, Chesterfields & Lucky Strikes, per
carton $1.25
Climax, Horse Shoe & Star Tobacco, per lb 70c
M. J. B. & Folgers Coffc, 4 It) tin $2.15
Golden West Coffee, 5 lb tin $2.65
Parlor Blend Coffee, 5 lbs $2.15
Fresh Cream Pail Coffee, 10 lb. pail..: $5.00
Ghirardellis Chocolate, 10 ft. tin $3.05
K. C. Baking Powder, 10 lb. tin $1.35
Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lb. tin $1.65
Amaizo Corn & Gloss Starches, 3 pk 30c
Curve Cut Macaroni, 13 lbs $1.00
Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice, 13 lbs ...$1.00
Fancy Seedless Raisans, 25 lb. box $1.85
Crimson Rambler Marsh Mallow syrup, 10 lb $1.10
Rock Dell Cane & Maple Syrup, No. 10 tin $1.40
Fancy Strained Honey, 10 in. tin... $1.55
Silver Ddle Catsup, No. 10 tin :..60c
Brook Dale Plums No. 10 tin... 50c
Brook Dale Peaches, Halves & Sliced, No.
10 tin 55c
Palm Olive, Cream Oil & Lux Toilet Soap, 3
for 25c
White Wonder Laundry Soap, 100 bars $3.79
Sunbritc Cleaner, 3 tins 20c
110 EAST 2ND. ST.
Department Of The Interior
U. S. Land Of fioe at Tito Dalles,
Oregon, July 2!. 192U.
Notice is hereby given that
Elenia Zimnter, formeljr Elenia. Con.
nlly, of 11 1 0th street, Longvlew,
Washington, who, on July 21, 1920,
made homentend entry, act December
2lf, 1910, No. 010917, for SEli
SWK, SWUSKVi, See. 10, SEVi
NWVi, BfcSWtt, Sec. 11, NW'4
NH',4, Sec. 15 KttNWK, Sec. 23
Township 4, S., Range 14. K,, Will
amette mcritjiiin, has filed notiro of
intention to make final three year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register
United Stat at Lund Office, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on the 23rd day of
September 1929.
Claimant names hs witiieaeegs A.
J. Connolly, of Maupin, Oregon, John
Foley, of Maupin, Oregon, Peter K.
Conroy, of Shnniko, Oregon, Thomas
Faherty, of The Dalles, Oregon.
At-29 J. W. DONF.l.LY, Reg.
Your iubucription it W pay up.
LOST Traveling bag containing
bnby clothes; also a flash light.
Finder please leovi at The Times
olllco J8-ll
at 'the Stancllff cellar on Smock
at 50 rents and 75 centa par
box. Drlng boxes and come on
week day. 35-12
Mrs. II. F. Roth well, Saturdays.
home just outride city limits on
inn I n road. Seven-room home, six
acres land In fruit and alfalfa.
Abundance of good water, pumped
by electricity. Write or call Mrs.
Sue M. Morris, The Dallea, Ore
gon. 38-tf
I. O. O. P.
Lodi Noi, 20ft, Maupin, Oreon
meet every Saturday night in I. 0.
O. F. hall. Visiting members always
Co. Clayml'r, N. C
Boraard Welch, Secretary.
Fir.l National Bank BUf.
The Dalle, Oregon
Phoa. 391
I "Yu.'l pound
, never falls,
Central Oregon
Milling Co.
Maupin, Oregon
The Dalles, Orasjea. Phaae 1 5-J
Ynur Wflf rh Havwiro?
If it ii not doing Its work
bring it to The Times office
and Mr. Svmmes will send
it to
Mamimrttiriug Jowolcr
and Watchmaker
oucmmmjt Ui U. Lludquiat
Shoes and Repairing
Watco County '$ Exclusive
Shoe Store
luwa for
'Vholw Fuiw
Uonnral Repairinir
The Oallea, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, Prop.
m 'i m it- mw
nW i is. I. m