The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 25, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Tluiriduy July 2B, 1029.
THfi MAltflW tfMfiS'
p Personalities
I jxi
Ethel Kidder line renlgnod her
position at the Rainbow cafo.
Jlmmle Abbott and wife were In
town Wednesday on buninvsn,
Mr. W. E, Hunt wui In The Dalle
Tueaday having dental work done.
Sam Drown wn another Flutter
who wm In town Wcdnendiiy after
noon. o
Ron Duhl wna over from her
Tygh Valley ranch on bualnoaa on
Mja. Howard Nye wai a trader
With Maupln merchant! Wednesday
Clarence Fargher wax down from
hii Dakaoven raneh on buHlneai on
Weclne day. ,
Jake Davldxon of Juniper Flat wan
In Mnupin Weilne day afternoon .on
a chopping trip.
A. Lincoln llartmun of Waplnltla
was a bualnvaa visitor In Muitpln
Wednesday afternoon.
Vcrn Fltwhtr of Mro, Oregon,
waa vialtlng frlendH and relative In
Maupln on Hunday.
Pernlal Markit In working on the
xrctlon on thin aide. Io started t
work Tuesday morning.
Howard Nye of Waplniliu Plains
U working at the Miupin Wnrehouae
during the harve t eenntiii,
William Jarkann. f the Warm
Sprinsr Indian reservation, wan In
town Wedneitday mi bulne.
Jlmmlo Wray, Maupln'a enter
priding drug clerk, la helping Ida
father during tho harvest,
Mm. A. E. 1'avla and children and
Mr. Jennie Smith called on frlendi
at Tygh Valley on Tuesday.
Otto Herrllng came down from his
Criterion ranch thin morning and
continued on hia way to The Dallei.
Maupln thin week, he being Interest
ed In the matter of the Juniper Flat
Irrigation system.
Mjlnox ointment, the best thing
known for sunburn, 60 cents a pack
age at the Maupln Drug Store.
Joe Kramer went to Portland this
morning, going down after another
new Ford car, already ordered by a
M. J. Stovall, brother of Dr. L. S.
Slovall of Maupln, left this morn
ing for Portland after an extended
visit here.
Attorney L D. Mahone was in
Maupln this week, engaged in. mat
ters pertaining to the Waplnltla Irrigation-
L. C. Hcnneghnn was one from
hero who attended the meeting held
at the old Derthick school hou e
Tucadny evening.
Addle Wray, who ha been at col-
lege and who recently graduated ;
from name, la now employed at the J
Miiiipln drug ntore..
ICil, Maple and wife, old-time
friends of Aaaron Davia and wife,
came in from Foreat Grove Monday
evening and vlnited with the Davia
my a i.hurt titnt this week.
Floyd and Everett Richmond went
to Badger creek laat evening, being
called there by the fire at the Harper
ranch, which I near tho tract the
Ri' hniondH arc fanning this eeason.
John B. firaff, formerly connect
ed with the federal hanking divbdnn
and an engineer of note, waa in
Frank Lister Is employing his tal
ents In showing the Farghers how
to shovel hay these days.
Mi s Dorothea Lister is visiting
at the home of her aunt, Mrs. WUlls
Roberts, and family at Frieda,
t) mm Qnai
Mrs. Andrew Cunningham, having
completed her work in the cherry
orchards at The Dalles, Is at home
Mhv. R. Bf Bell ts expected bock
from Vancouver, Washington, to
which place she went hut week on
business, today.
Laverne Fischer came to Maupln
Saturday last and spent the time
until Monday with bis mother and
little daughter.
Jack Donaldson has increased his
dairy herd by the acquistion of Mrs.
Martin's milk cowr, he having bought
them this week.
The steel rpan of the old bridge
Is about down and the balance of
the structure will be Uken down by
the end of next week.
Iturstel Hollia came dwn from
the Karlen aheep camp on Clacka
mas lake on Monday and spent a
few days In town. His wife and
her mother are now camped at the
John Mannlon la one East Mau
pinite who enjoys shady spots. He
' Refrigeiraftioiia From Oil Heat
: ..anndl LS1WS
TION, in your own kitchen
-just "light it and leave
it!" with no more atten
tion than that. The great
est invention ever made for
the rural home no electri
city, no gas just kerosene.
Come in as soon as possible and sec SUPERFEX the new
oil-burning refrigerator. We are showing one in operation
daily. Many rural housewives who have seen it say "How
have we done without this so long?" And they konw it is de
pendable because it is made and guaranteed by the manufac
ture of the famous Perfection Oil Cook Stoves.
waves Steps - Saves Food -
Saves Time - Saves Rfaaey
Let us show you how it docs all this! We want you to know
SUPERFEX. And we have the model, finish, size and price
that will suit you. Convenient terms, too, if you like. You
will never want to use caves, cisterns, spring-houses, cellars
again after seeing SUPERFEX.
3rd. and Washington,
The Dalles
Phone 300
puts In a part of the heat of the
day under the trees at the Williams
auto park. The shade there lure is
to be appreciated.
Len Caton and wife were Maupin
visitors yesterday, coming up from
Portland. Mrs, Caton recently tuf
fered a broken arm In an auto acci
dent and Is taking a vacation from
her millinery store at Salem,
John Wittman, brother of the
builder of the new bridge, with his
family has gone to Stevenson, Wash
ington, Jerry Martin, another of
Xuckenberg k Wlttman's employees,
has also moved his family to the
Washington Job.
A. E. Caton and wife and little
Jean, were In Maupin over night the
latter part of last week. They have
been at Condon for aome time, Mr.
Caton having been laid up with rheu
matism. It is rumored the Catons will
take over the management of the
new Kelso hotel.
Former Maapln Girt
Mrv R. M, Cantwell, formerly
known here a Hazel Coleman, wa
In Maqpin several days of la t and
this week. Mrs. Cantwell is now liv
Ing in Prlneville, but her work as
agent for a building and loan ax
soclation takes her to various parts
of the country.
Raad la Bad Shape
The Times suggests to the county
board that a little attention be
given to the Wapinitia market road.
That piece of county highway is
anything than inviting to tourints
coming over the cut-off and it
ahould be given a little attention.
Even running a road scraper over
it would help put the road in better
From CeaUr Lake
Charley Kramer came in from
Crater Lake, where he has been
working for a road contracting
firm, lust Saturday. He will return
to the south land today, and will
go to California, where his employ
ers have a contract to supply 43,
000 yards of gravel for a highway
Awaiting C'olinf Apparatus
The opening of Maupin'a new
eating place and confectionery has
been held up by the non-arrival of
the cooling apparatus. The floor.'
were painted on Sunday and as soon
as the waited-for equipment arrives
and is set up the restaurant will he
hrown open, to the public.
off all but two men, they being
kept to smooth up the concrete
work Mr. Wittman says ho will be
throuich here within the next two
weeks, and will have the old bridge
down and the false work cleared
m.m the new structure by flio
time mentioned. "
"You are coming
right to the front,
aren't you?"
So observed an officer of this bank the other day
1 during an interview with a young business man. I
"Yes," he replied, "and vour friendly, helpful coun-1
sei ana DanKing service nave Deen important iactors
in my success . . . And, by the way, your bank is
1 rnminrr ri'rrht rn iha tYnnr fnnt Anel AoaaMi,ir 1
ii Uic tun.iu ucuvc aasisicuMce vuu nave given um is-
a sample of what others receive." .- '
Tho' above,'- and many more commendations,
show the relation in which we stand to the business
interests of Southern Wasco County.
Maupin State Bank
Tygh Valley Merchant Here
. Chas. Van Puvn, pioneer mer
chant of Tytrh Valley, was in Mau
pln last Sunday, he lvinsr accom
panied by his nephew, Chas. Van
Duyn, Jr., and wife. The younjrer
man is manager of the- Imperial ho
tel at Portland and he and his wife
were taking a short vacation.
California! Full ia Deschutes
Eric Knsanke, wife and dauph'cr,
coming from San Jokc,' California,
were visitor in Maupin Sunday and
Monday. Mt. Kosankc obtained a
fldhing license and proceeded to get
his money's worth by fishing in the
Dechutes nt Oak Springs. He had
far luck and carried a good im
prcssion of our premier iishii.::
s tream away with him. He said our
roads were houlcvardo.
"Tit Maapin" Cook Comiar
Mrs. Jean Wray, than whom no
better cook lives, is engaged to pre
side in the kitchen at "The Maupin"
this city's new eating house and she
is expected tovarrive from Prinevillc
next Monday. With Mrs. Wray at
the head of the culinary department
of th new place patrons may be
sure they will receive thir orders
right, and that they will be cooked
and served In manner to reflect
great credit on the place.
Baafht New Track
Lester McCorklc Is another who
recognizes the worth of the Chevro
let make of truck. This week he
accepted delivery from Richmonds of
that make of vehicle and is now in
a position to market his wheat crop
with a minimum of expense and at
greatest possible speed..
Back From Montana
W. W. Jtichmond and two sons,
Roy and Rlph. and Arthur Creijfh
ton, are back from Montana to
which state they went early in the
summer. Creighton was left at
The Dalles and from there went on
to Seattle, while his companions re
turned ,to Maupin. The boyr are
working at Ollie Bothtfel's and their
father experts to jro to work car
pentering at the Warm Springs In
dian agency, where several buildings
are to be erected this fall.
Waal ! PartUnd
Andrew Wittman went to Port
land Saturday and remained there
over Sunday. He has decreased his
crew at the new bridge, having laid
Connection w'th the de luxa 4 -
No cx'ra tare
SB hn., SO rain.. The Dalle to Chicago
Leave Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Connection at The ailea (8:35 P. M.)
Connection with another fine transcontinental train
L. Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Direct connection at Sherman (1:20 P. M.) ,
Lt. Maupin 10:55 A. M.
Ar. Portland 5:30 P, M.
Daily to Sept. 30-Finl return limit Oct. 31
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin. Ore. A
EDW. H. McALLEN. T. F. & P.A., Bend Ore. UjV
3 Make Your Headqarters at
The Golden Grill or
I American Restaurants
'where every service awaits you. ,
S Special Merchants Lunch from 11:00 to 12:30 each
v day for 40 centsthe best in town
s Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
2 your, convenience.
E. J. McMahon
ltrsayiM VjWa tmAkm0hfy
Harvest Bread
A Wasco County- Product
U)Q Oregon Bakery
" Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your home merchant get the best