AT A T T "y"r """r "T rA r I iv Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all. ; VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON THUKSDAY, JULY 25 1929 Number 33 Judge Nick Sinnott Dies From Heart Disease Attack Repreaented Oregon In Congress Years Appointed to Federal Court of Claim 16 W Uke the following itory r f ardlng the death of Judge Nick Sinnott from Saturday' issue of The Dalle Dally Chronicle: Judge N. J. Sinnott of the federal court of claim, native son of The Dallci and congressman from the lecond district fur 16 years, died - at hla home at Washington, D. C at 12:16 Saturday. Hla death1 . terminated a ihort Illness from heart diaease. The body of Mr. Sinnott will be returned to The Dallea for burial, although no date ha been an Bounced by his family. Hi death mourned by million:) today, whs nol entirely unexpected.' Attoiidinp physician lest week warned of the seriousness of the hcrt ttnck. Surviving are Judge Slnnott'i widow. Mrs. Dr Sinnott, a mm Nicholas, Jr., and two daughter Margaret and Gertrude, all of Wa- hlngton. Three other children are dead, and both of Mr, Sinnott'r later and a brother predeceased him. Nicholas J. Sinnott wan brn al The Dalles Dp-cember 0, 1870, wn of Nicholas B and Bride Brass Sin nolt The elder Sinnott wa one o' the proprietor of thh Umatill houae, a local hostelry, the prede eeaaar of the structure now beinr torn down. v "Nick" ai the young man besm , known In later life to thouaanda o' personal friend and acquaintances attended St. MaryV academy In th' grade division and later entire' the old Waaeo Independent academy graduating In the lent claw ever matriculating at that institution. The next few years were spent a' Notre Dame, at Smith Bend, Ind. In company part of the lima witl a brother, Roger. In college, "Nick" wa an Outstanding football playe and oil-around athlete, and receiver' recognition of this prowes-' In latei years. " Returning to The Dalles in th' early 'nineties, Mr. Sinnott entered the law offices of Judjte A. S. Bn nett as a student, and pursued hi' work with such diligence tht V was admitted to the Oregon bar lr 1896. We wa: shortly afterward made a member of the law firm ol Bennett and Sinnott. ' In 1912, Mj. Sinnott wns eh-cte.' representative from the serom' congressional district, being th second Dalles msn to fill thnt offier j Representative Moody had held the office several years previous to Mr. SlnnottY election. i From 1012 to May 25, 1928, Mr. Sinnott represented eastern Oregon i in the national congress being re elected to that office each succeed ing two years. " His majority at his last election was the greoteast he had ever received In a congression al ballot ' Early In his congressional career, Mr. Sinnott received important po litical appointments which aided him in becoming a dominating fgure In the national body,- At the beginning of the 66th congress, the eastern Oregon representative was made chairman of the important committee on public lands, holding that office nine years. Other committee ap pointments included reclamation and irrigation, Indian affairs, and the hmouse atecring committee. In May of 1928, Congressman Sin nott waa tendered and accepted the appointment of ' President Cal . vin Coolidge to the federal court of claims, His appointment was im mediately confirmed by his col leagues, indicating their e teem for the veteran " representative. Mr. Sinnott resigned from his congres sional post. ' From his elevation to the federal bench, Judge Sinnott has had many Important decisions to make and hi work was voluminous, but friendr and former constituents who visited him found that he always had time to greet them and to assist them In any way. The work which Mrr"slnnoU a,' congressman did for eastern Ore gon waa unlimited, and even an at tempt at a resume of his work is impossible. Dalles people particu larly recall the work he did a few years ago In persuading the presi dent to ( create an emergency In- WHEAT ESTIMATES CO DOWN Prices Promise te Keep Up la New Of faring) State Market Agent Seymour Jones, in his 'latest bulleting, gives some Interesting figures anent the wheat crop of 1929. His Imforma Hon . was gleaned from bulletins 'cnt out from, the national agricul tural department and Is oa follows: "Conditions regarding the new wheat crop have changed greatly In the past few weeks and at present the outlook is for a heavy reduction in the yield of the four northwest ern state- from the yield expected 'n early Juue, From Chicago cornea the following at the opening of the week! "The government tnve tlio four northwestern, state 136,000,000 bushels of bread wheat ind 6R,000,000 bushel of durum. The latter was; ihort .15,000,000 from laat year, and the bread wheat of off 34,000.000 : bush!. Montana's crop Lus fallen down diarply. There are eHtlmates that be spring wheat crop in the United tstt- his declined around 30.000, VlO bunhfls sine the government re port was made, and that the Cana llsn prospect are aff 40,000.000 to "0.000.000 bushels In less than 30 'vy There were estimates of 172 000.000 bushels for the three 'extern Canadian provinces on June 'sr. fanada'a pool estimate is for boiit 66 per cent of last year' rop," . fAKINC WORK AT COLLEGE Winifred Kalaer Attending Oregon State Coll(e Corvallis, Ore., July 23-(Spec-ial.) Winifred Kaiser, " senior in j m ines administration at the Uni versity of Oregon, Is attending Oregon Stale college summer ses sion, , where she Is taking special work in education. She will re sume her work at the University fall term. REGINALD DENNY AT HALL I Shw "Speed" ia Character of That Name Reginald Denney, one of the creeti's most popular artist", will be ' ii the sheet at Legion hall next Sun .ay iiijiht. The play was written for he purpose of showing the versatili y of the artist and deals with the nain character In a way to bring .aufthter from a marble imatre. There also will be a news reel and a short comedy. Trices will be 15 cents and 35 cents and at such all who witness the performance will Judge ; their money well spent. Miinairer Miller Is trying to per fect arrangements for the showing of a great biblical story, dealing with the life of Chri t and which depicts the Roman conquest of Jersusalem and incidents familinr to students of the Bible. The story and containing matters connected with Its filming is one of great magnitude and required the employment of an army of peo ple. Watch for announcement of the showing. ,1, H' - Hood River $250,000 municipal water plant recently dedicated. , crease In the cherry tariff, to -protect the growers from financial ruin. - Mr. Sinnott and two sisters, Molly nnd Katherine, and ft brother, Rog er, .The former became Mrs. Judd Fish, now deceased, - while Katie died when a little girl. ' Roger died many years ago in Portland. Mr. Sinnott wa married here" to Dora Purcell in 1901. The marriage war the outgrowth of a courtship started through the vocal abilities if Mr. and Mrs. Sinnott, who both -ang In the Catholic choir. Miss '"nrcell hnd come hcr from Spokane "8 a teacher at St. Mary's academy. The body of the late Judge arrived 'n The Dalles this morning and was taken in charge by Crahdalls. It vill lie in state at the Elks temple tin 411 tomorrow, when the funeral ser. vice:' will be held, being under the rites of the Catholic church. Many friends of deceased have already ar rived In the Wasco county seat to r.ttend the obsequies, and many more from all, parts of the Northwest are expected tomorrow. j v EIGUf IN FIELD FOU POSITION U V. Bronghtoa Making Try far Posltin Eminently QnaliNed as Educator There are eight aspirant for the position of county ruperintendent of schools, the position having been made vacant by the drowning of A. B. Gronewald. Among thoe who would like the position, la L. V. Broughtbn, who at one time taught n tn Maupin school. - Mr. Broughton, if chosen , super intendent would bring to the office the experience of nine . years teach ing. He in a graduate of Lawrence University, A ppleton, Wisconsin, H also attended the University of Min nesota and the University of Oregon He knows the important features o' the office and would be ' a worthr successor to the man who ro recentl died an heroic death in an effort V nave his son from the waters of th' Deschutes river and who' had con ducted the business of the office with to much credit to himself and the countv. . FISHING CONDITIONS BETTER Treat Takiag Flias d Beiag Leadad . Baskets Fishing condition in thcwDerchutes are improving and many fine catches are reported. On Wednesday a party consisting of Roy Stafford of Banks, J. B. Wiltse of Portland, John Confer and Georsre Cunning ham went to Nena and fished down. When their catch wa measured it 'waA found it filled a dish pan level up, the trout being cleaned. Mr; Frank Dyer and her niece took a nice mess to the county farm at The Dalle a a treat to the inmates, today. Misted Her Brakes While descending the Criterion hill Just above town on Tuesday a lady named Mrs. Frank Ellis who came from Bend, allowed her car to get beyond control. . She attempt ed to step on the foot brake petal but missed and stepped on the ac celerator. The car went through the fence and down into the gulch, turn ing over several times. Mrs. El' was somewhat broixed "d was ren dered uneonsrioir,' " only regainin her senses when taken to the Hote Kelly. Can't Tftra.h Rock There is a machine on the marke' that will grind rocks into a powdei and that is the feed cutter sold h George Morris. Charley Walker be gan cutting his wheat this week, aiu yesterday the combine picked up t rock which was cause of a consider able breakage of parti of the thresh er. Repairs were sent for and Charley will be able to continue h threshing operations tomorrow. w French Recipes Will tzzii r.Ic-cicny Frcn Absnc Diet ' Byt CHARLES SCOTTO, Chf, Ambassador MotaL Park Avenue, New York Chy. ' DRILLAT-SAVARIN, one of tbe .world's most famous epicures, once said that the discovery of a new dish is more beucficial to hu manity than a new star. The ma jority of American housewives, racked with the necessity of plan ning three meals a day for 365 days throughout the year, would almost certainly agree with him. While entirely. new dishes are rare indeed, it is I still possible fori any woman to find among the recipes of for eign lands a va riety of dishes! that will be new to her and her family. A study ef French rec ipes, alone, will provide her with ample means of Chef Scotto escaping the deadly accusation of monotony which, with more or less justice, has been Irvelrd st the American menu. French methods of seasoning, including the use of a lit tle swear to enhance the flavors of vegetables, will enable hrr to arouse envy in the hearts of less knowing cooks. , Sfinath A Li TouraineTsl " i 11 i m CHED TO WATER CONTRACT I PUater Aid Corporation Explaiat Plana Affeetiag Water en WaplaitU Plaits On Wednesday evening the offi cers of the Wapinitia Plains Con tract corporation and a few of ihe local men met at the old Derthlck school building with the engineer of the FlaJnters Aid corporation and their attorney, L. D. Mahone, Mr. 1. P.- Graff being the engineer, and went over the project with respect o future development. One qf tbe luestion raised was to keep the 'apd out of the hand of those who ould Inflate values and ultimately ause diseouragmenta and removal f people from the Plains. The visitors. desire that the entire pro Vet be worked out o that all of the eople Join the local organization tow intact so that the fullest co peration can be given. It waa a) o suggested that one of the local tnen iit as a member of the corporation eo that the local oresnization would OLDERS'USERS know just what Is going on. Every : 1t.nrouftt 1,16 mint"M heer possible move ia beina- made to k.. "1 deposition, which endeared her to gin work immediately provided the .a... i -t . , . . , Mie enmneer bivpr nis npriRion ia. , vorable to the Planters Aid ' Cor poration, or refuses to extend the permit of the -Wapinitia Irrigation company. Pleaty Blackberries-- - John Confer and wife - and Joe Kestner and wife have returned from the mountain in the vicinity of uuii nun uuc, iiiurc ucupie wenv I , D..1I .. i-i.. ' iri i up in the hilb in que't of black- . berries and were rather sucessful. rihr Confers picked and "canned about 45 gallons, while the Kcstners did equally as well '; Confer says that propecta for a huckleberry crop are good, although in rome localities frost got in its work among the huckleberry bushes. Visited la Valley- Frank Dyer and wife went to Bank:; Ja,t Saturday and spent a few days there visiting with Mr. Dyer's sister and family. The Dyers came home on yesterday morning's O. T. train. ; "Mf to The Coast Lou Henneghan, wife and the lat er' mother, Grandma Batty, left lis morning on a trip to the coant. hey will go to Newport and ex ect to he gone one week. Vhoat Coming In ; George Morris and helpers at the laupin warehouse and Ernest Doty t the Hunts Ferry house are as Husy as bees the e days taking care f the 1929 erop of wheat. Today A-hcat wos selling at $1.15. which is x big advance over the price "quoted a month ago. The wheat generally is turning out better than expected, both as to quality and yield. peck of washed spinach in a sauce- pan with one and a half cups of watec and one- teaspoon of Mtgarv Cook for twenty minutes. Drain and press through a colander. Mix in three-quarters teaspoon salt, one quarter teaspoon paprika, and two tablespoons butter. Heat again and then press firmly into a bowl to mold. Turn the spinach out upside down on a platter, garnish with slices of lemon and hard-boiled egg, and serve immediately. V Carrels Vicky Cut a dosen young , carrots in half, lengthwise. Remove the centers. Then mince them he '. and put them in a saucepan with a'n ounce of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, 1 and a pinch of salt. Moisten with French vichy water and let them cook slowly until tender. ' Serve im mediately, and very hot A'cte Prat With Lctfare Chop one-half of a medium-size onion. Cut fine (in Julienne) one small head of lettuce. Fry the onion with a little bu'ter until lifhtfyTrowned. Add the lettuce and let simmer together for a few minutes. Then add a qii.irt of fresh peas, a teafpoon of sugar, a half outre of butter, salt and pep per. Moisten with water, cover the -pnn, and let cook slowly When tbe pr are tender, add sn ounce, of butter miitrd with a teaspoon of fiotir, ." saw . Body of A. E. Io Found 1RS. STARR'S MOTHER PASSES DUs After Operation Motkar - Feurteea Ckildrea Mr, r-h:i waa called' to The Dalles about two week ago, . her mother having been confined In a hospital at that place. A few days ago the eideily laily underwent an operation, from which ibe failed to rally, dying a couple of day after. The body waa taken to her old horn at Fossil, where It was kid besid the remain of her , husband, who preceded her about two years ago. She waa C9 year and a few months of age at time of death.. Decessed's name was Nancy Elita beth Bare and ahe originated in Vir ginia. hH had lived at Fossil for the past 44 years," and it was there ahe gave birth to 14 children 10 of whom are living, four having passed on jarher in life. Besides the, 10 living .tons -md daughters, divided six rirls and four boys. Mrs. Bare was a pioneer of the John Day country. She experienced all the. trouble and - ! .trtal8. ot ?e!"n nP new uatry, I . . . IL , 0ne "fbter, Mrs. Starr, with 'her husband and dauirtitr anA un. . ' in-law,. Art Fargher, were present at the funeral,, wfcich was held yester day afternoon. , The Maupin people returned to their homea here this Goae to Madn Dr.' W. A. Short went to Madras Sunday and for the next week will look after offending molars of the ni i . neighboring city up i.L. v : ...... XT. L L the highway. He expects to be at his dental parlors in Maupin on Tuesday, the 30th instant May Open Snnday Mrs. Shearer tells The Times man that rhe expects to be able to open her new eating place, "The Maupin," on Sunday next Tbe long-waited for refrigerating apparatus has ar rived and w ill be put in place today. The stools for the lunch counter as well as chairs and tables for the main dining floor are here,' as also are the new equipment of dishes and gla sware. Much of the confection ery stock is on hand and when the opening takes place patrons will be greeted in one of the most complete restaurants in the country. Via-tinf At Dyer's '.V "'. ."S 1 Roy Stafford and " family from Banks and J. B. Wilts of Portland, were guests at the Frank Dyer home several days this week. Mrs. Staf ford is Mrs, Dyer's niece. The ladies visited around while the men fish ed the Deschutes and other neigh boring ttreams. Fonr-H BaaebaJltata i Boy members of ihe local 4-H clubs will play a game of baseball at the fair grounds "on Sunday, the'ir antagonists being club members from the Smock-Wamic section. The win ners of that game expect to play a team made up of club member at Hood River the following Sunday. Californiana He: Mrs Aaron Davi was agreeably surprised Sunday when her sister, Mrs. Jessie Smith, and 'family drove in from San Franciv. Th r: itr drove n distance tf about 1,100 t I s. The men Wks of th. party 1 rk in th. b.rv..t touTi t will work in the harvest fields for a time before returning to their California homes, . ; . City Editor Calle , Marion Sexton, cityN editor of ine. wanes unumist. with his . , . ' father, Frank Sexton, and Coroner Zell, tiade a call cn MauPti. :rl. nd fuay. ...W, acknowledge e fraternal cah from the yj.BA-r Mr. Asiiatin at Postoffice Miss Grethea Turner is acting as assistant to her father in the post office. Two of her sisters served an apprenticeship in the local office and Grethea gra ps the intracacies of the work as well as did cither of the other Turner girls. Wild Root Cocoanut Oil shamnoo. j-spccially priced at 25 cents at the Mnupin Drug Stores Gronewald i BeW Sheraro See by O. T. Engineer and. Taken From Water by Sheriff end; Dap tie On Tuesday The body of the late A. E. Grone-. wald, who wa drowned in the De schutes river week ago Sunday, waa seen' floating near the twin tunnels morning by the engineer Ii an 0. t. frienght trm' and the fact reported to Agent Griffin, who Immediately called Joe tLramer, deputy sheriff and also t otified the fchcriff'a office al The Dulles. Kramer went to tbe. placa indicated by the engineer and there found the body, which had drifted - down river about three miles from the place where the drowning oc. curred..'' r ' Bert Thomas of the Crandall Un- -' dertaking company took the body . to The Dalles. The derelict had evidently rolled under the net. spread to catch is a ft floated down . river. Tbe body was found on a riffle on the O. W. tide of ' the river, laying in about three feet of , water. The fish basket of the drowned man wa still fastened t.v the body. A section man at Sberars told of having seen what he thought was a. body rolnsr over the falls the dav of the drowning of the superintend ent and son. While down the river on Tuesday Joe- Kramer saw what he thought waa a body floating , iu in water1 below wnere the one . body wa found. He followed it for a distance down river but th ; sun sinking back of the hills caused ia shadow to fall on the water and the floating object was thus j hut off from the vision of those who . Were following it down river. ' A'watch will be kept all lonx( the stream for the - body .of the drowned bo v. aeveral men - tisvina . volunteered to do watching duty; and ait the section men have been jntructed to be doubly vigilant' While at work in the hope the body ' may be recovered before it reaches, the Columbia, " ACCUSED OF WATCH THEFT Yonng Lad Now in Jail Said Have Stolen Two Watch. to . Being Arretted at Holdup George McDonald, 18 serving 45 days in the county jail for holding up and robbing J. G. Addington on the beach Tuesday afternoon on Satur day last was accused of two other crimes in Wasco county. Accord ing to Mrs. Roy Batty st Wapin itia, and Roy A. Ward of, the came district, McDonald took a watch from each household some days ago. Mrs. Batty told Chief 7 of Police Frank Heater that McDonald stayed, at their home a day or so and after he left they missed a gold watch. McDonald went to Wards, and they also mis. ed a watch when he left. It was reveal, ed that McDonald Monday attempt- ' ed to borrow money on a watch here from two atores. At the coun ty jail, the Wapinitia people im mediately identified McDonald aa the boy who had been at their homes, and McDonald admitted hav ing been there but denied any know ledge of the theft of watches. Old Harper Home Bnmed Ths old Harper home located on Badger creek above the fair grounds ."T 'ZZ J,V T ' ' T evening. Just how the , f,re started is not known but conjecture haa it that fishermen on the creek either dropped A lighted match or cigarette in the grass, that starting the -fire. - The property is owned bv Claude Hart, who lives at Welch. t . , i nemer or not in uranca carrjed on the WM .g nofc knpwn. Frank MagiU ,nd othe from W.mic gathered at the scen' Ln(1 did R possiblo to Mve adjolninr property, in which they were sucess ful. CaV'n Completed- The cabin at Oak Sprins-s , ffch hatchery and built to accommodate Jim Vaughan and wife, will be oc cupied by the young couple as soon rs some ordered hou ehold (roods ar rive. The cabin ia situated above the hatchery and beW in the trees will have plenty of shade. It is a neat little structure and will make an ideal home for the newlyweda.