The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 04, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    fhursa'ay July 4, 1020,
fez 11m
Small Case
in good condition for
sale cheap
Shattuck Bros.
Tony Conroy of Shaniko was In
Maupin on buHlncHa on Wednesday.
Joe A. CmhHm was down from the
forest reserve on business today.
Wiley and Dick Harris were in
town from the tp of Bakcoven,
W. II. Aldridge and wife were
In from thWr Bskeovcn ranch Sat
umlay last.
Frank Muter has returned from
trallinir a Imnd of Farther cheep to
tho h)Kh hills.
Marcus Shearer and The Times
man transacted business at The
Dalles on Tuesday.
Addio Wray haa returned home
frm Corvallis, where he reccnUy
graduated in pharmacy.
Minn Winifred Hauter arrived
Mm Sflt? M.
'ST it
". (Mi lit.
Best Cine Sugar (cash price) cwt .... $5.19
White Down Flour (hard wheat) oer bbl.. $7.19
I White River Flour (hard wheat) per bbl $7.60
Milk, all brands per c;Jse $4.75
Camel, Chesterfields & Lucky Strikes, per
carton ..'....,
Climax, Horse Shoe & Star Tobacco, per lb 70c
M. J. B. & Folgcrs Coffe, 4 lb tin......... 5 .$2.15
Golden West Coffee, 5 lb tin $2.65
Parlor Blend Coffee, 5 lbs $2.15
Fresh Cream Pail Coffer, 10 lb. pail $5.00
Ghirardellis Chocolate, 10 lb. tin......... $3.05
K. C. Baking Powder, 10 lb. tin .......$1.35
Calumet Baking Powder, 10 lb. tin $1.65
Amaizo Corn & Gloss Starches, 3 pk 30c
Curve Cut Macaroni, 13 lbs.......... ..,.....$1.00 1
Fancy Blue Kose Head Kice, 13 lbs....... $1.00
Fancy Seedless Raisans, 25 lb. box $1.85
9 Crimson Rambler Marsh Mallow syrup, 10 lb $1.10
Rock Dell Cane & Maple Syrup, No. 10 tin $1.40
Fancy Strained Honey, 10 in. tin.... $1.55
Silver Ditfe Catsup, No. 10 tin ....60c
Brook Dale Plums No. 10 tin 50c
Brook Dale Peaches, Halves & Sliced, No.
10 tin 55c
Palm Olive, Cream Oil & Lux Toilet Soap, 3 ,
for; 25c
White Wonder Laundry Soap, 100 bars ..$3.79
Sunbrite Cleaner, 3 tins ..................20c
Parlor 1
.Grocery J
from Eugent in time to upend the
Fourth with her parents.
Mini Marie Schilling returned on
Friday from a week's with her
aunt end family at Beaverton.
John Conroy come over from
Sherars Saturday kit and Joined
the throng- at the bridge doing.
Miss Dorothy Llirter ia spending
a few daya at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Willii Roberta, at Frieda.
Bob Lewis pent the Fourth with
friends at Maupin and Tygh, com
Ing over from the Lewis ranch at
Willis Roberts, Jr., came down
from Frieda and visited with friends
and relatives In Maupin a few days
last week.
Andy Wittman inspected the work
on hh culvert building job near
Stevenson, Washington, the first of
the week. "
George Mallatt and family trans,
acted business trading and took in
the bridge celebration in Maupin
Ester Davis, Mux McDonald and
The man put in the day on
the Fourth at Frieda, landing some
record-Hire trout. .
J. M. Conroy and family were in
Maupin Saturday, having come in
from tlteir Shaniko ranch for the
dedication exercises.
Everett Richmond returned Wed
nesday from a trip to the Umpqua
country, where he had gone in tjucsl
of a site for a inutskrat farm.
"Budge" Green took time off from
his dad's road building job at Bead
to come to Maupin and take in the
dance at Tygh on the Fourth.
. A. B. Mathews aiid family were
among the many from White river
who attended the celebration at the
opening of the new brjdge last Sat
urday. Jesse Addington, who is employ
ed on a ranch near Silverton, came
up on Sunday and will remain at
his parents' home until after the
A. E. GroncwaJd and Paul Weigclt
spent the Fourth at Frieda, where
each got the limit of redsides, with
which to regale some of their friends
at The Dalles.
Howard Blackaby was jn from the
Abbott ranch Monday, coming in to
have hi pack horses shod for their
summer's work packing for the
Abbott shocphcrders.
John Fltzpatrlck was down from
Nena Saturday. The Fitepatricka
have started their sheep toward the
mountain and will be at the reser
vation gate with their flocks when
the bars arc lowered.
Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Optical
company, ZUZ and 203 Merchant.
Trust Building, Sixth and Washing
ton streets, Portland, Oregon, eye
sight specialist, will be in Maupin on
Monday, Jul 8th, at Home Hotel
all day and evenlnf. SEE 'HIM
ABOUT YOUR EYES. la Waahlagloi
John Confer and wife and Howard
Nye, wife and little daughter re
turned home Tuesday from a trip
which took them to Ellensburg, Ya
kima, White Swan and Tamplco,
Washington. While at the latter
place they visited a few days with
Mm. Confcr'a brother, Harvey Mar
tin. The party returned home on
Joha Slevall I Visitor
John Stovall, brother of our pop
ular druggist, came to Maupin from
The Dalles on Tuesday. John is
'.pending hs vacation visiting places,
having just come up from Cajifor
nia. . He has been reengaged ' to
head the Condon school;?.
speed. The limit set by Mauph's
city council ia 20 miles an hour, but
evasion, rather than observance of
that limit, la practiced by the ones
In mind.
Mike VanLaancn is in town and
ail his old friends have been busy
trying to tear hb hand from his
arm. Mike has been working hard
and shows it by thinness. His old-
Maupln la t Friday, Intending to
make the trip on foot, Is worthy of
emulation by most nnn. That Dalles
youth was determined to be with
other Scouts, even tho ho h;ul t
drill the 50 miles separating M.'iupin
and The Dulles. At that he wan the
only Scout from the county seat
who was present at tho exerciser
Today L the nation's birthday and
time smile is with him, however, and win be observed by Maupinilos by
he is as welcome as the first warm
wind n spring.
The fortitude and determination
of that Boy Scout who, rather tlmn
niias the dedicaton of the new bridge
with other of his clan started for
trips to the mountains and fixhing
streams. Taking advantage of the
occasion The Times forro will lay
off, getting the paper out a day late,
so, readers, please don't' kick, just
take the Jatencs as a matter , of
Reliable Service
Eilr'ordiaary Apple
D. M. Stancliff, orcharist at
Smock, has a classified ad In this
paper, calling attention to the fact
that he has from 160 to 200 boxes
of Rome Beauty appjes in his ccl-
lsr, and b offering them for :ale ! f
at ouc snu oc per uox. m.r. Man-j J
cliff pays he never saw that variety i 1
of apple keep as well as those he I
i - , t
ma vn phiiu. h any 01 our read
ers desire a: few boxes they are
advitd to bring their own boxes i
and vi it the Stancliff place any !
werk day.
George W. Roe was in Maupin
from the Tony Conroy ranch near
Shaniko, on Wednesday. Mr. Roe
has been taking a week off and was
on his way home when in Maupin.
Jim Vaughan came up from the
fish .hatchery and rpent Sunday with
his wife. The Vaughans will soon
move to Oak Springs, where a cabin
h3 been built for their occupancy.
Troi Tvraed Loose
Two hundred thousand trout were
rrlejwed in the Deschutes river at
the Oak Springs hatchery last week.
The last month another batch will
be released, thia time adding 300,000
trout to those already in the river.
Auto garagemen advestise "Reliable Service" as
does also all kinds of business that deals with the
public. Banks, well, render reliable service to
thousands daily. They function for the public,
take care of business matters, guard funds entruct
ed to them and in a thousand and one ways render
services that are never realized - by the general
Come in aV-d let us tell you how you can save
money by starting a checking account, or inform
you of the value of a safe deposit box. We are here
to serve you and our chief aim is to serve you
I Maupin State Bank
Car Free Lemonade
During the bridge exercises last
Saturday the Boy Scouts prepared
snd served 105 gallons of lemonade '
to thirsty visitors. The cool drink
was free, snd the Scouts' stand was
st the drug itore corner.
Sold Knurl) Equipment
Wiley Harris han disposed of his
ranch equipment and crop- to a man
named Kcntner and will give up
ranching. Wiley cannot reconcile
himself to living alone, so made the
deal which will permit his again com
ing to. town to reside. The county
recently bought his store on the
East aide, tore the building down and
has made a road turn to the Bakc
oven road on the lot. "
Anyone found trespassing on my
land or grazing t heep thereon will
be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law. ;
Dated July, 4, 1929.
Pick Ups itttl
m$$ A.M.
Only train Al-tr dlrrct
t" Mb mil Fut
trn prints. IHrect eimcc
lltm it Shrrn t:M P.M.
with CsiiUiwdUI United
r it ccftU too mort tm
tfta tht femou Portlan!
Lini(rt) lnvinr Portland
Mtr.M, ThaDallM I US
Rc 'need fare all part of eaat liberal
Mt poven. . Ftno traim; snodera equip
mrat; plendid aervicej scenic rout.
Sbirt side trips enablo jrou to visits
Inf TTkmattoB an4 B9klti on request
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maopin. Ore.
EDW. H. McALLEN, T. F. & P. i0 pug ' V
Totted tho Bridge
As a test of the new bridge A.
J. Kuntz, the man who operates the
huge rteam excavator took, his equip
ment over Ihe new bridge last Sat
urday. The structure did not so
much as shiwer, so stable it is. Mr.
Kunts is an expert with the steam
shovel and is making good headway
in building and repairing roads in
this vicinity. "
Our. phone refused to function
several dsys last week. Investiga
tion by Manager Crnfoot disclosed
that the ground wire leading to a
water pipe had been cut. The same
thins; has happened several time",
both on radio and telephone lines,
and we have been the sufferers each
time. It is a darned small trick to
play on anyone, even if those own
ing the lines do not meet with the
approval of the wire cutters.
Making the trip from the "Blue
Grass" state to Maupin in 14 days, ,5
going "by hsnd" and catching rides
on the way, marks a near record for
the two young men who made the
5 Make Your Headqarters at
j The Golden Grill or
H A merican Restaurants
S where every service awaits you.
H Special Merchants Lunch from 11:00 to 12:30 each
2 day for 40 centsthe best in town'
iournCV. Thv ar lonrl in nraicd nt
Fi.hfd Fried the kind treatment received at tho
Fster Davis, , Maxwell McDonald : hiinds wtofatSf and we are bettjng
and the editor of The Times went to I neither of the boy- will ever pass
Frieda last mght and today fished ,up a ,-hance to give needy w..y
the perchutea there. ; The water at mn a ,ift ,f they ever driv0 mi
rneua ice ma wim iroui ana vne 0f their own.
party wok tbe limit, s
s Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
S your convenience.
Gon to Moontalna
A certain young man from this
Vtrinit.V ivpnt: n ftin lrmnfir tiAof tmt
In drerting that his copy of Tbe ; dRV iost wtck. Oncn ihnro , n.rt.
ed his car next to several others and
Times be sent hlra at Rhododendron
Jaj Derthick says his hunch of sheep
will be counted in on the reservation
on the 6th. lie has been holding
them -at Friend since f hearing. .
Bought InUrnMiennl Tractor
Since losing part of his draught
horses Cliff Allen has been hard put
to do his hay cutting and harvesting.
Rather than invest in - more horse
flesh Cliff, on Wednesday, purehas-
J - II A A -. 1 - . , i ... .
- io.flU inernauonai tractor ana Thcre MC certain drivers in Mau-
"w 18 ,n PLIUon B,s or ph. who seem to like to go as fast
ry gas power. ,, nn..iMK ni 4vi.
1 " . ... "... bllVIl
Csn And before thnv hnvo fnnn
Sun glasses and goggles, 50 cents. much farther than two ear Ipnptl
and 75 eenta a pair at the Msupin !ate ". tepping on it" for aJl they arc
Drugstore. worth, hitting the maximum of
when he went to get it found he was
hemmed In. Being n a hurry he
negotated a turn by running on a
sidewalk, which was against the or
dinances made and provided. He was
haled before the court and pungled
up a ten spot for his infraction all
of which will serve as a lesson in
observance of rulps laid down for
guidance of autolsts.
1 E. J. McMahon
arvest Bread
A Wasco County Producfl
Uf q O r eg o n B ake r y
Fresh Bread and Pastry
Every Morning
Order from your home merchant get the best