TEE MALTIN TIMES FOR SALE Small Case Threshing Outfit in good condition for sale cheap Shattuck Bros. MAUPIN, - OREGON tig Tfcrta p Personalities : 1 - Aaron Dvin ami family spcnl Sunday with friends at Dufur. o -Wm. Woodcock of Wamlc w trading in Maupin Tuesday morn inf.. Elmer and Bert Hammer were in town from the Flat on buinet yen terday. Ben FraJey nd aon, Orvllle, trnrted buslnew at Portland on Monday. Mra. Ceo. Dei-frcr of .Spokane wan a ut at the "Kelly" Cyr home over Sunday. John Conroy of Sheram was an attendant at the mlwlon meeting- on Tueaday evenlnf. Jaia Derthirk hk aevcrwl con neftlon with the ' YcackH nhp banda and ha returned to Maupin. Anattack of flu lat winter af. frrtcd Jatta's Ugt that he found climbing: the hills an impossibility, hence his return, , o "Bo'.' Wibon concluded his visit vith relative., In Portland and cam home on Sunday. 0. F. Renick and aon, "Bun" were at The Dulles Monday, going done on business. o i I). L Rulhrford and wife were down from their Criterion home on business yesterday. q ' Mr. Chss. Walkor and daughter, Mi i Mamie, were Portland visitor the first of the week. F. P. Stuart wa a man from Msupin who war. a visitor at the county seat on Tuesday. A. A. Derthlck came over from Pufur thi morning and spent the dsy in Maupln with relatives. Joe Kramer and Nick Ksrolus took a new Ford truck to the Warm Spring- agency this morning. Mrs. W. II. Staats went to Port land yesterday and will visit with relatives there for a few days. Floyd Richmond and wife were In from the Badger creek ranch on a shopping visit Saturday last. Mrs. Bobbie Davidson and little daughter are at horn again after a visit with her parents at Hood River. Mrs. Cut Derthick and Jim Vau ghan and wife visited with the for mer's husband at The Dalles last Sunday. Ed. Yeaton, foreman with the road oiling outfit, drove to Shaniko last Sunday in quest of living quarter.'. ' . . . Newton Crabtrec is still at Scio, to which place he went to attend the annual reunion of the Crabtree clan early in June. J. M. Conroy and family were in from their Shaniko ranch Tuesday evening and attended the mission meeting at the Catholic church. F. K. Seil.'V and wife and Uisr Maggie Wray came up fromJPortland Saturday and spent that night and Sunday at the H. E. Wray ranch. R. R. Miller, brother of our "Shorty" Miller, from SaJem, spent several days recently with his brother and family, returning home Tu day! Mrs. A. C. Martin and Mrs. Nettie Fuller came from The Dalles Satur day and spent from that time until Sunday evening with the John Con fer family. MTisa Helen Weber is again , at her work at the Shattuck store; after having spent a couple of weeks with friends in the Valley and at Portland, Dr. Stovsll, wife and son. Estcl, were visitors at the county seat on Monday, the doctor rolnr there to attend m meeting of the district Boy Scout council. Andrew Cunningham and wife re turned from Loa Anireles Saturday. they having been called thwe at witnesses in a case connected with gas and oil property, in which Mrs. Cunningham is jntere- ted as one of the heirs. ,, Shearing Hunt's Sheep The Kistner sheep shearing crew is busy at the Hunt sheep corrals in Maupin divesting the Hunt iheep of their wool. There are about 3,000 sheep to be sheared and the job will take all this week. Choir at Church The choir which furnished the singing at the mission meetings at the Catholic church this week was made up of W. II. Staats and wife, Mrs. Jamet, Woodcock, Mrs. K. E. Wilson and Mrs. George L. Morris. Broufht in Truck Je Kramer and Art Morris went to Portland Tuesday and when thev returned each was driving a new Ford truck. One of the vehicles will go to the Warm Springs Indian agency, while the other is for one of two men who have placed orderj for such gasolin buggies. "Dljth TTVtn About A aV upo Town The spectacle of a little colt be ing left on the highway to starve or being taken care of according to the tender mercy of passer, by, is one that demands the attention of the state humane aoclrty. Those horse drevers who were guilty of the in humane act should be made to pay for their dirty work. Some drovers have been haled before the court because of like action in the past and this Instance is one for drastic action. " x Bill Schilling is rejoicing because. Beu Fraley brought a new welding outfit back from Portland Monday. Bill is all to the good when it comes to sticking broken pieces of iron to gether, but the old equipment he hat been u ing was antiquated, too much so for good work. Now, however, Bill has a chance lo show just what he can do in the welding line. . Jass Derthick is at home from the sheep range. His legs gave out on him, and he says that climbing the hills while chasing heep was a little' too hard on stems that have carried him around for the past 58 years. He will stick around town until har vest and- then help gamer the wheat crop. Leo Fischer drives an oil truck, working with the crew now oiling and graveling our highway. Leo is a lover of trout. As a fisherman, however, he is outcla ed by almost any lad in Maupin. When it come to eating the succulent fish he is there with both feet. He says he can eat his fill of trout three times daily and top off with a bunch of ame before going to bed. Wonder what h will do for fish when he leaves the banks of the Deschutes and moves to Shaniko. Bill Williams has a pet fo puppy he calls "Dingbat" Tuesdav Bill cut up a rabbit for fox feed and took "Dingey" in hfc arms t0 feed it a piece of bunny. His hands car. ried some blood una ha litu - w akws a. A smelling it. sunk his teeth into the j fleshy part of Bill's thumb. We ad- wormy pioneer Iq wear a pair of sheet iron glove-, when feed ing his pets hereafter. Bates Shattuck is preparing to take a vacation, which time he will spend close to nature at some of our noted lakes. Bates hat been a busy man since taking over the .Wilson J stock and is entitled to a time away irom worry and work. At that we'll bet he will occupy his' mind with ideas looking to a further im provement of his store and how ho can make it more convenient' for both eta tomcrs and store help. r Reliable Service Auto garagemen advestise "Reliable Service" as does alo all kinds of business that deals with the public Banks, ?ft well, render reliable service to thousands daily. They function for the public, take care of business matters, guard funds entruct ed to them and in a thousand and one ways render services that are never realized by the general public, . Come in sVd let us tell you how you can save money by starting a checking account, or inform you of the value of a safe deposit box. We are here to serve you and our chi?f aim is to serve you right. Maupin State Bank (INCORPORATED) tiizmixpcp DOCHERTY -POWERS For the remainder of our Dissolution Sale you will be privileged to se lect your needs from our large stock -and pay as you are paid. Come in, select those pieces you have always wanted, at these remarkable sale prices v A small down payment will deliver them easy monthly payments on the balance. Look at following bargain surprises: ; Copper Bottom Boilers $1.49 Brooms 34c ' Glass Mix Bowls Set of 5 64c Draperies and Curtain Goods fatkalf Price Voiles, Scims, Marquisettes and Rayons in a variety of colors ' Simmons 45-lb . Cotton Mattresses $10.50 value now ; $5.95 Oak Dining Table and six oak wood seat chairs to match $32.50 One-piece Axminster Rug 912 size, $37.50 value, now , $26.85 Used Ranges Fiber Rockers Charter Ook Range With upholstered $5.50 spring seat , " . $11,2'' Malleable Steel puiLUp chairs Kange Velour sag seats, used in good order . $7.95 50 n . . Printed Window Shades Linoleum in green only, 36x6 1 Square yard 78c 50c each . Armstrong Extension Quaker Felt Curtain Rods Square yard 69c Open to 45-in, width Congoleum RugS 25c v 35c ' YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Powers Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles WE CHARGE NO INTEREST "13 A ROUND TMXf TO DENVER 7.M O jmaha KANSAS CITY ST. I Ol IS CHICAGO . : DETROIT CINCINNATI u 71.60 8I.M .M let.n iis.m NEW ORLEANS...! II. IS CLEVELAND HIM TORONTO 11.9 ATLANTA WM PITTSBURGH ... IM.M W ASHIN GTON....I U.M PHILADELPHIA Ut.ti NEW YORK Kt.70 BOSTON 17.7 EmECTTVX MAT SS TO SEPT. RCTUBM LIMIT OCT. lt I fa Red ucej fare all parti of e.t; liberal stop over. Fin train; modern equipment; splendid errice; tcenic route, Short id trip enable, you to Tint XION NATIONAL PARK GRAND CANTON NATIONAL PARK BTCB CANTON NATIONAL PARK TEU.OWSTONI NATIONAL PARK ROCKT MOUNTAIN NATL PARK IntoraMttota and Bookie ta mm requttt D0MDOC3 VRSm R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin. Ore. EDW. H. McALLEN, T. F. & P. sj0 puog "V WHEN IN THE DALLES ; S Make Your Headqarters at S Ttie Golden Grill or 1 American Restaurants where every service awaits you. FREE PHONE REST ROOMS S Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for your convenience. 1 E. J. McMahon 1 PROPRIETOR lliilllllllllilllllllllilllll(lllllllllll!lllll!!:illl!H r Harvest Bad A Wasco County Produtfl ' MADE BY '. &fe Oregon BaReiry Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from your home merchant-get the best t uunnium 1Milllllllllm 23