The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 20, 1929, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Thursday. Jun. 20, 1820.
The Maupin Times
C W. Seamee, Editor
C W. Sibbm and E. R. SlBBM
Published every Thursday at
Maupin, Orcgoa
Subscription: One year, $1.60;. tlx
Booths, $1.00; three months, 50cts.
Entered as second das, mail mat
tar September 8, 1914, at the post
office at Maupin, Oreon, undr the
Act of March 8, 1870.
From The Times June 21, 1918
A reception to the boys who will
soon leave for training camps was
given them at Waphuti latt ertn
Ing. Those who will answer the
call are Sam Appling, Lonis Wood
aide, Earl Birchard, Ltster Mc
Corkle" and aa Indian boy, Tommy
" !
A tlephone communication to
Wamic from the Summit told of a
iheep herder being lost in the
mountains. Nothing has been
heard further and rangers are look
ing after the sheep.
Eighteen- carloads of sheep were
shipped from Maupin to Idaho with
in the last two days. Seventeen
more carloads will leave for the
same destination next week.
The last phone pole set for the
purpose of carrying wires between
Wapinitia and Maupin were iet h
front of the poitoffice on Friday
Joe Cha, tain, Mrs. John Mc-
Corkle and Mrs. G. W. Vanderpool
were chosen as a committee to pur
chase sewing machines for local
Red Crosj use. A canvas was made
by Mr. Chastain and the sum of
?i!7.00 raised, at a dollar a throw,
Begin to arrange for your
exhibits at the' coming
Wasco Co. Fair
which will be held
Write the secretary for premium
list and make as many exhibits
as you can prepare. Help out
Dance and Show
at the Fair Ground Pavilion
one the evening of
July 3
These entertainments are given as
an iutroduction to the big
4th of July Celebration
the beld at the Fair Ground. Good
music and new pictures
C. M. PLYLER, Manager
for the puropse, 97 persons respond
ing. .
BulMinf BriJge Approach -
A crew of men is at work con
structing approaches to the new
bridge. The approaches are of dirt
and will be covered with gravel and
oiled. The road leading from the
highway to the 0. T. depot will be
changed, but just what the grade will
be is as yet undertermined.
Moving Telephone Eaenange
0. E. Bayi and Charlie Crofoot
are at work transfering the phone
exchange from tlte Beckwth resi
dence to the Crofoot place. The
work entails much knowledge of
telephone lines and Baya supplies
that, while Charlie is using his
trength in pulling Jack strap.
Attended Reunion
O. B. and A A. Derthick went
.o Linn cpunty last Friday for the
purpose of attending the annual re
union of old settlers iu the Provi
dence section, near Scib. The re
union was held at the old Joab Pow
?11 church, a meeting place the Der
.hick families attended when living
where. They returned on Tuesday.
Same Warden In Town
"Larry" Gramse, deputy game
warden located at The Dalles, was in
Maupin yesterday for a time. Larry
has been keeping close watch on
violators of the fish law and has
een active in apprehending several
who failed to procure licenses before
trying their luck in Eastern Oregon
Jnr Wap-Mt. Hod Cut-Off
Chas. Crofoot and wife went to
Monmouth Sunday,' taking thetr
laughter, Velma, back to normal
chool. They made the trip both
vays over the Wapinitia-Mt. Hood
cut-off and found the going fairly
"hip Yearlinr Wethe
The . Abbott afcd Troutman sheep
ranches shioDer three carloads of
rJTVERYONE muM eat to live,
ljand the majority of people be
Clieve firmly that it Is advisable
to cook before eating. So what are
you doing, Mrs. Housewife, to teach
your children this ancient and hon
orable craft? Here's hoping that
you aren't the kind who brusquely
says when her little girl wants to
help : "Run away. You're too slow.
I'm in a hurry."
Of course it's generally quite true,
but isn't it a truth that hurts? And
how can the child ever learn to conk
if she doesn't begin now? Good
cooks rise from homely tasks.
Spread It and Do It
Even if the child is small, there
are things which she can do. For
instance, the little girl or hoy ot
four is enual to spreading frosting
on cookies, and, if they happen to
be animal cookies, she can place the
eyes in approximately the right
places. By the time she Is seven or
eight she will be able to master
the whole process.
However, anything to do with the
0oven is always more or less danger
ous, so probably it is best to start
the child out on something simpler.
A gelatin dessert is always good.
Soaking the gelatin, dissolving it in
the boiling water is one operation
taking little time. After that there
can be a pause for play. Then, later,
comes the arrangement of the pieces
of canned fruit or Vegetables in the
mo'ds and the pouring of the semi
solid gelat'n over it.
Salads are easy for a fairly yotinp;
child to arrange, and, if they are
planned to retuMe some ohiect.
the joy "1 mSVine them is even
greater." The well-known candle
stick salad is one of the delights of
yearling wethers to the Portland
yards last Saturday. The shipment
numbered better than 800 animals
and were passed on by Dr. Stovall,
liverctock inspector for this dis
trict Indian Poniet to Portland
A bunch of Portland buyers
shipped three carloads of range
horses to the fertilizer works at the
big town Sunday, the animals being
gathered on the reservation. The
Indians received prices ranging
from $3.00 to $7.00 each for the
horses. They will be killed and con
verted into fertilizer, feed for
chicken- and hogs, and also for fox
feed. The last shipment makes six
carloads shipped from this point re
cently. Neyr Welding Plant
When at Portland Monday Bn
Fraley pudchased and brought back
with him a new acetylene welding
plant. His old one, purchased bo
fore the civil war, was obsolete and
Bill Schilling nearly lost a limb by
its giving out while working on the
sand elevator last week. The new
plant is the latest out and Bill ts
laughing all over at itj installation.
Natal Hemmorrhage
E. M. Hartman sustained a nasal
hemmorrhage last Sunday, his nose
continuing to bleed all that day and
a part of Monday. Dr, Coberth
with a couple of nurses came over
from The Dalles and the doctor suc
ceeded fn allaying the no:e bleed.
The old gentleman was very weak
from loss of blood by the time the
ailment was checked. a
Took Trout to Madras
Saturday lart Andy Smith with a
distributor of trout for the State
Fish commission, took a load of
10,000 fingerling trout to Madras
where they were turned loose in
Crooked river.
Building Cabins
The lumber having arrived car
penters are at work at the fish
hatchery putting up a couple of ca
bins. One of them will be occupied
by James Vaughan and wife, who
will move in as soon as it is com
pleted. '
Bees Swarm
Yesterday a swarm of becs lit
on one of the apple trees in the
Resh yard and were give quarters in
a box by Bill Williams, In the even
ing Bill took the honey makers to
a child of four, To make it, lay
a slice of pineapple on a bed of let
tuce. Stick half a banana in the
hole ol the pineapple and top with
a red Maraschino cherry. Make a
handle M a green pepper curl at the
base of the candle. Butterfly salad
is ano0er which the child will be
eager to make. All he h to do
is to cut a slice of Hawaiian pin,
apple in two and place it on a piece
of lettuce with the rounded sides
facing each other, then make a roll
of pMniento eheee and put it be
tween the pineapple pieces for the
butterfly's body, and finally use
strips of p'tnirtito for antennae and
dots of mayonnaise and hits o' pi
micnto ?nd green pepper for the
spots on the wings.
Embryo Boy Secure
But thi doesn't mean that onfy
the little girl should learn to cook.
The chances are that her interest
will head her that way without urg
ing. Boys, too, should be able t,
cook at leaM simple, foods; they
may be led in this direction by
pointing, out that the Boy Scouts
encourage camp cooking. Or you
could allow your son to invite hii
boy friends in to dinner any time
he will cook the meal. The fam
ily should discreetly retire to an
other room or' go visiting during the
dinner. Be sure that be has prac
t'ced the meal beforehand, and make
it obligatory that the dishes be
washed afterward. A good menu
for such a meal would be : Canned
Clam Chowder, Scrambled Eggs
and Bacon, Buttered Canned
Peas, . Fruit Gelatin, Cookies.
Another menu might consist of
Creamed Salmon 1 in Timhale
Cases (we must have stjlel),
the East ;ide and will provide pro
per sparators and living quartern in
a new hive.
Attended Legion Meeting
The following members' of the lo
cal American Legion post, with
thir wive:, attended the meeting of
the Tri-County Council at The Dalles
last evening. Ernest Confer, Don
Miller, Raymond Crabtrec and How
ard Nye.
Remember Wernmark's broken
line shoe sale all next week.
Rural Carrier at Dofur
. The rural mail carriers of this
district will hold a meeting at Du
fur Sunday next, it being a regular
meeting of the association. Carl
Pratt, carrier on Route A, Maupin,
expects to attend. ''
Telephone Line 'Projected
It is said that a new telephone
line will be built between Wamic and
Maupin, work to be begun and com
pleted this season. The line now in
use "is badly out of order and a new
line is necessary if communication by
phone is to be continued between the
placer, mentioned.
B..F. Turner went . to Portlund
Sunday and the first pf the week at
tended a meeting of the Postmasters
League, which was held in the big
town. He returned home yesterday.
Auto Accidents
Thursday afternoon last a car
containing a man and two women ran
into a bank on the Criterion grrfde,
throwing the passengers out. One of
the women received a severe cut on
a hand, Dr. Elwood being called to
close the wound.
The same evening a man named
Hammond, with his wife, coming
from Klamath Fall" and going to
Portland, suffered an accident on the
Maupin grade, their car turning
over. As the car left the road the
occupants jumped out, the man sus
taining a cut on the arm which
necessitated six stitches to close. Dr,
Elwood took .care of that accident al
Baker $20,000, L. D. S. church
dedicated. .
Vale $96,921 lowest combination
bid on 45 mile lateral system of
Harper and Little Valley unit of
; Bend Sheeji bridge constructed
Baked Potatoes, Peach Whip
(made of whipped cream and
mashed canned peaches), and Cocoa,
Another dish that your son will
like to cook is baked beans with
hafl, not really bake the beans
himself, but at feast open the ran
and heat them. First, he should
crisp some bacon in a fryinn pan,
then remove the bacon and add one
half tablespoon minced onion.
Saute until golden brown, then add
contents of a big can of baked beans
and the diced bacon. Stir until the
beans are hot. Add salt and pepper
if desired.
Another way to interest reluctant
children in cooking, is to arrange a
campfire In the back yard. Or you
could set up your portable camp
stuvc there and let the children prac
tice cooking foods. If, by any
chance, the food gets burned, the
bouse and your own kitchen are
near. And hen, the next time you
have a picnic let them prepare the
meal while you act the part of a
lady of Icistie
Food for Picnics
Camp Hash is a dish that will be
called for time and agaia To make
it. heat two tablespoons fat in a
skillet, add one large minced onion
and one diced green pepper and
saute until brown. Add two table
spoons water and turn in contents
of a twelve-ounce can of corned
beef, six or f'ght sliced, boiled po
tatoes, two teaspoons aal and one
fourth teaspoon pepper. Heat thor
oughly, allowing it to bro'n on bot
tom. Stir as little as noihle. This
will call for some self control on
the part of rtir wtMtil cooks, but
that's alt part of the lrnon.
across Deschutes river north of
bore to provide means of moving
sheep to and from Bend storkysrH.
Condon Contract awarded to
Union Oil to funiixh oil for city
pumping plant,
Klamjath Falls Building permits
totaled $163,310 here for iimuth of
Falls City Local creamery con
sidcring enlarging quarters.
27 Case tractor and ono 24-inch
Case separator fo- sale cheap.
' Inquire at The Maupin Times of
fice. 32-tO
FOR TRADE 40-acre farm, near
E. tarada to trade for farm at
Smock, Wamic or Tygh Valley,
P. . Monroe, Route No. 2, Esta
cada, Oregon. 32-t4
About 280 three-year-old ewes
and 225 lambs for sale at the A.
B, Matthews ranch, Tygh Valley.
Call Matthews and learn prices
and particulars, 31-t2
a 2-horse-power Stover gas engine,
practically new, a thresher tank
pump and a . 1-inch . centrifugal
pump for sale. See them at the
new bridge. Ask for H. S. Hngle.
FOR SALE Dwelling house con
taining five roon'S, store building
and pool hall' with fine pool table,
f helves end counter, now doing a
good business!, Will take small
down payment, balance on lime
to suit buyer.. Must sell on ac
count of my health. Call on or
write Matt Busic, Wapinitia, Ore
gon. 27-t4
In Equity No. 4393
In The Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Waico ounty,
John Bartholdi,
Black Butte Lumber Company, A
Corporation, John G. Helmrich,
and J. L. Kelly, Trustee,
BY VIRTUE of an elocution, de
cree and order of sale, duly issued
out of and under .the seal .of the
Circuit Court of .the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Wa co, to
me directed and dated the 28th day
oi May, 1929, upon a - decree
for the furecloHure of a certain
lit-n, and Judgment rendered and
entered In suid court on the 29th
day of December, 1928, In the above
entitled cause, In favor of the Plain
tiff and against the Defendant
Black Butte Lumber Company,
corporation, a judgment debtor.
In the sum of Three Hundred
Nlnoty-one and 84-100 dollars, with
Interest thereon from the 28th day
of October, 1927, at the rate of six
per cent, per annum, $2.40 filing
fee, and the further sum of one
Hundred Twenty-five dollars, at
attorney's free, and the further torn
of Thirteen and 60-100 dollars,
coats, and the costs of and upon this
Writ, and commanding me to make
sale of the real property embraced
in such decree of foreclosure and
hereinafter described, I will, on the
20th day of June, 1929, at the hour
of 2:00 p. m. o'clock, in the after
noon of said rity, and at th front
Jor ofMhe County Court House In
Dalles ' IV Wstu County, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in- hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the
Defendants, Black Butte Lumber '
Company, s corporation, John Q.
Helmrich, and J. L. Kelly, Trustee,
or either of them had on the 28th
day of October, 1928, the date of
the lien foreclosed herein, or which
auch Defendant or any of ths De-"
fendants herein, have since acquir
ed, or now have In and to the fol
lowing described real property,
situate and being is Wasco County,
Oregon, to-wit:
About one-fourth acre located on
the touth side of the Columbia river
highway, and having thereon s con
crete office building 20 feet x SO
feet in size, and located directly
across the road from the box factory
building, all located In section 2,
township 1 North, range 13 F,ast of
Willamette Meridian, and being
portion of Laughlln'a Donation
Land Claim, and the record title to
which parcel of real property is now
in John G. Helmrich, of The Dalles,
Oregon, and which building was
erected by the Black Butte Lumber
Company and is upon land described
aa a distance of 26 feet on ths wet
ide of the center line of said build-'
Ing, and a distance of 75 feet east
jf the center line of taid building,
"nd running from the Columbia
!tiver highway s distance of 100
feet southerly, being land required
for the convenient use and occupa
tion of said building itd necessary
for said office ue. or so much of
said property aa will satisfy said
'ttdgment and decree, with costs
nd accruing costs.
Sold property will be sold subject
to confirmation and redemption si
by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this
28th day of May, 1929.
Sheriff Wasco County, Or.
M.10-.T27 1 '
The Dalles, Oregon. Phono 15-J'
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Timep
and Mr. Semmes will send
it to
Mauutniiiring Jeweler
mud Watchmaker
buccwNiur (a 1), LIndquist
Shoes and Repairing
Wasco County '$ Exclutivt
Shoe Store
hoei for tb Gnneral Repairing
VhoU Family The Dalles, Ore.
Where the best 35 cent
meal is served in
The Dalles
Next The Dalles
C. N. Sargent, - Prop.