tS two The Maupin Times AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER C. W. Samraas, Editor C W. Simnxi uJ E. R. Simmii Pabluhart Published every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon Subscription: One year, $1.50; tix Bwatbs, H-00; three mouth, 50cts. Entered aa second clao, mail raat Ur September 8, 1914, at the post offict at Maupin, Oreon, undr the Act of March S, 1876. DEALERS TO DEDUCT TAX The gasoline tax imposed by the State of Ohio is an excise tax im posed upon the sale and use of motor vehicle fuel sold or tied by any dealer according to a construction of the statute made by the income Tax Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue. The amount of the tax, therefore", is deductible by the dealer who pays it, and not by the purchaser, the Unit holds. MABEL GETS $30,000 Mrs. Mabel Willcbrant, former Assistant U. S. Attorney General in charge of prosecuting prohibition ewes and for several years a thorn iu ihe fesh of liquor men, is now attorney for an aviation corporation with office in Washington. Her -salary is said to be $30,000 a year which is several times what the government paid hr. SARGON The new treatment for building up the run-down swstem, $1.35 at the Maupin Drug Store. Nice Trout Catch This afternoon Johnny Williams and Freddie Anderson went down to mile post 43 on the O. W. R. & ,N., caught 44 fine trout and came home wearing the usual lucky fish erman's smile. Wheat Straw Short Wheat in this section will not make much straw this season, the eold weather seeming to have re tarded growth. It is heading out well, however, and indications are RLOR OA I Best Cane Sugar (cdsh price) cwt $5.19 White Down Flour (hard wheat) per bbl $7.19 White River Flour (hard wheat) per bbl $7.60 Milk, all brands, per case -$4.75 Camel, Chesterfield and Lucky Strike, per carton $1.25 Climax, Horseshoe and Star Tobacco, per lb 70c M. J. B. & Folgers Coffee, 4 lb. tin $2.15 Golden West Coffee, 5 lb tin $2.65 Parlor Blend Peaberry Coffee, 5 lbs $2.15 Rock Dell Cane and Maple Syrup, No. 10 tin $1.40 Crimson Rambler Marsh Mallows Syrup, No. 10 tin $1.10 Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice, 13 lbs .' $1.00 Fancy Seedless Raisans, 25 lb. box $1.85 Amaizo Corn and Gloss Starches, 3 pks 29c Curve Cut Macaroni, 13 lbs $1.00 K. C. Baking Powder, 10 lb tin $1.35 Calumet Baldng Powder, 10 lb tin $1.65 Fresh Cream Pail Coffee, 10 lb pail :.$5.00 Ghirardellis Chocolate, 10 lb tin $3.05 Fancy Strained Honey, 10 lb tin ....$1.55 Silver Dale Catsup, No. 10 tin 60c Brook Dale Plums, No. 10 tin 50c Brook Dale Peaches, halves & sliced, No. 10 tin 55c Palm Olive, Cream Oil & Lux Toilet iSoap 3 bars for 25c White Wonder Soap, per case $3.79 Sunbright Clenser, 3 tins 20c fParlor ILGrocery JJ 110 EAST 2ND. ST. Unghostly Hallowe'en Food tPmffl mm -j'tALLOWE'EN may be the Tl time when witches and ghosts are much in evidence, but .!-cre is one place where no ghostli ness is tolerated and that is in con nection with the food. Doughnuts, apples, pumpkin pie, ider, sandwiches are all on the Hallowe'en menu, and certainly there is nothing substantial about them. But they are tielicious and, with a little ingenuity, may be given a pleasingly novel air. The iollowing niemt wh'rh is suited to the supper following an evening party is delicious for this particular occasion: Oien Snrditie Sand wiches, Witches' Luck Sandwiches, Oove Apples, Douehnuts, Cocoanut Pumpkin Trts. Cider and Coffee. Good and Novel Open Sordine Sxriwihrsi R" ,md mash contents of a can of sar dines. Mix with one tablespoon 'bonded, r;pe c'ivr. one tablespoon lemon juice, two tablespoons chop ped pickled beets and three tible spoons mayonnaise, Spreed on but- hat the heads will fill well dump grain. withj 3uldinf Gara Job Crabtrce is at work on the Sast eide this week, be being busy wilding a garage for Bob Bell at he depot Bob has gone east but "ants hL faithful Lizzie housed .hile he i3 away. ' tat Tent Village There are quite a number of PROCES THE DALLES ORE. TBS MAlTttN !tcrrd rounds of v. hols wheat bread a.id phce on it bits of puniento to 'SSri e rjrs, uusc ana mown ot" a p'impkin free. HVl.-tcr' Luck .SWitiVA-j; S'fce while bread and cut with a cookie cutter into shapes resembling a witch's head. Butter ami till with the following mixture: two chopped, hard-cooked crrs, one small can of salmon, minced, one ti'Mrvioim an chovy pasie. one t.'.M '.spivtn lrn'on juice and mayrmnnais; to moi.-ten. Pumpkin end Coccom:t Torts; Mix two cups of canned pumpkin wiih one and one-eig!ith cups stifrar, one ard one-half ttaspuuns ginger, one teaspoon riniuoion, one tessponn lt, three we!! Lea ten egg y.-'k, two c;ip milk r.nd cue-h:ilf enp em ned iii'ist cocoanut. Fold in thrre S'tTly braten erg whites and fill pas try lined tut tins with the mit-:re. !' r. l?'-"i(; ovrn ho? at ti st, then nore ri!era: th-t 4"0 iljjrrr for tot minutes, then 325 degrees for the est of the tine. Serve cold. topped with v.-hipp;-' crrarr tents pitched on the flat on the East side, some of the bridge work er:, living in such, while a number of outsiders are camped there while fishing in the Deschutes, Watco County's Health The last bulletin sent out by the State Department of Health showed that commincinble diseases report ed to the department from this county in the week ending June 1, were one case of scarlet fever, 13 of measles, one each of whooping cough, smallpox and chickenpox, four of mumps, making a total of 21 cases so reported. "INSIDE" INFORMATION Leaflet No. 39, "Eggs at any meal," is a free publication issued this spring by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, containing many good recipes and suggestions about egg cookery. One way to keep cool in the summer is to do as much of the necessary cooking as possible very early in the day. Have many cold dishes salad, cold meats and jellied dishes, cooling beverages such ns fruit drinks and iced tea, and whin you ran, eat on a por'h or in the garden. Hood River Construction of new cannery for Apple Growers associa tion practically completed. JJwh TTnr About JL IVK Upd Town There is one woman in Maupin who is justly up in artrn against some who recently accused her of deserting her husband and infant son. Sunday she had occasion to visit Portland on business. Im mediately the story was circuited Begin to arrange for your exhibits at the coming Wasco Co. Fair which will be held August 29-30-31 Write the secretary for premium list and make as many exhibits as you can prepare. Help out fiJf3 that she had left for good, and it was only upon her return that the busybodies lit go of the scandalous mor el with which they had been regaling themselves. x "Dad" Griffin accompanied his son-in-la-v and daughter to White riwr lust Sunday. Dad tried flies but the success he had with them failed to make a marker in his fish basket. He then had recoup e to his spinner with the result that 13 fine trovt were taken. It's all ac cording to what y' fish with that pets the fish. Dad knows Just what to use. x Al. Gillis was in from Wamlc on Tue day. To The Times man said that attractions for the coming fair are looming up in fine shape and that when the gHtes are- opened on the morning of August 29 there will be a greater aggregation of worth while attractions than ever seen at a county fnV in Eastern Oregon. Al, is working hard to make the 1929 tHr tbe I, cut ever. "Dad" Wilson the t : inter is en joying life all by his lonesome. He and "Shorty" Miller arc iprucing up the Mays residences at Tygh Valley and Dad is doing a first class joh of baching while on thoe jobs. He has arranged a bed in his truck, has all necesiary equipment for a camp and being a good cook fixes up his eats to suit bis particular ap petite. If Bates Shattuck was not tie vising and putting into execution some plan whereby the Shattuck tore would prove more attractive to his trade he would bt out of hii element. This week he is arrang ing the interior of the establishment with a view of providing more space for the display of groceries and is directing Lew Wilhelm's skill with carpenter tools toward ac complishing the purpo c he 5H out to do. With three wecdings chronicled in this weeks' issue of The Time- it looks as though lov'c young dream was r-ting indulged in by many of our young folks, yea, and some of the older ones.too. There are many other girls and boys growing up ro there reed be no dearth of marriage able timber, although some of the eligible ones "stepped off" recently. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the voters of School District No. 84 of Was co county, State of Oregon, that the annual school meeting of said dt trict will be held at High school building, to begin at 2:30 p. m, on the third Monday of June, being the 17th day of June, A. D. 1929. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one director and clerk and the transaction of bu iness Ubual at such meeting. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1929. T. B. SLUSHER, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: Blanche E. Hedln, Diatrict Clerk. 3142 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of June, 1929, at the school at 4:00 o'clock p. m., the school board of District No. 48 of Wasco county, Oregon, will open bids for the transportation of the pupils of the Hachlcr tchool to the Wapinitia sahool. The board reserves the right to reject any any or all bids. M. J. O'BRIEN, Clerk of School District No. 46. Clackumas County Jersey Cattle club held its annual spring show al Canby. Classified "locals" THRESHING OUTFIT One 15 2? CVe tractor and one .1-inch Cuse separator fu salo cheap. Inquire at Tha Maupin Times of fice. S2-tfl FOl'ND Four ladies haU ou high way between Maupin and Tygh Valley on Saturday last. Owners may havo km me by Identifying them and calling on George Mil ler at Tygh Valley. 32-tl FOR TRADE tn.acrs farm near Ktacada to trade for farm at Smock, Wamlc or Tygh Valley. T. . Monroe, Route No. 2, Esta. cada, Oregon. 32-t i COARSK WOOL KWES FOR SALE About 280 three-year-old ewes and 225 lambs for sale at the A. B. Matthews rnch, Tygh Valley. Call Matthews and learn prices and particulars. 31-12 GAS ENGINE FOR SALEI have a 2-horse-power Stover gas engine, practically new, threalirr tnk pump and a 1-lm'h (entrifugul pump for sale. See them at the now bridga. Auk for II. S, II 'rIc. 10-U" OIL RANGE FOR SAl.KA four burner Bon Ami kerosene range, in first clasa condition, for sale. Cost $10.00, will sell for $12.00. Phone of cnll on Mrs. Dave Wil son, phone 9-F-8I8I, 30 2 FOR SALE Dwelling hou.se con taining five roor s, storo building and pool hall with fine pool table, fhulvea and counter, now doitii; a good businen:. Will take small down payment, balance on limn to suit buyer. Must tell on ac count of my lienlth. Call on or write Matt Buslc, Wapinitia, Ore gon. 27-tl SHERIFF'S SALE OF PROPERTY In Equity No. 4393 REAL In Tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Watco County. John Bartholdi, riaintiff, vs. Black Butte Lumber Company, A Corporation, John G. Heimrich, and J. L. Kelly, Trustee, Defendants BY VIRTUE of an execution, de cree and order of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon, for the County of V co, to ma directed and dated the 28th day of May, 1929, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain lien, and Judgment rendered ami entered in said court on the 29th day of December, 1928, in tho above entitled cause, In favor of the l'luiu tiff and against tho Defendant Black - Butte Lumber Company, a corporation, as Judgment debtor, in the sum of Three Hundred Ninety-one and 84-100 dollars, with Interest thereon from the 28th day of October, 1927, at the rate of six per cent, por annum, $2.40 filing fee, and the further sum of oiw Hundred Twcnly-fivo dollars, as attorney's fees, and tho farther i urn of Thirteen and 60-100 dollars, costs, and the costs of and upon this Writ, and commanding me to muke i$lc of the real property embraced in auch decreo of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will, on the 29th day of June, 1929, at the hour of 2:00 p. m. o'clock, In the after noon of said diy, and at tbi front iloor of the County Court House in Dalle? xXtu County, Orrj;o sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all tho right, title and Interest which tho Defendants, Black Butte Lumber Company, a corporation, John G. Heimrich, and J. L. Kelly, Trustee, or either of them had on the 28th day of October, 1928, tho date of the lien foreclosed herein, or which such Defendants or any of the De fendants herein, have since acquir ed, or now have in and to the fol lowing described real property, situate and being in Wnsco County, Oregon, to-wit: About one-fourth acre located on the touth side of the Columbia river highway, and having thereon a con crete office building 20 fect x 30 feot in size, and located directly across the road from the box factory building, all located in section 2, township 1 North, range 13 East of Willamette Meridian, and oeing a portion of Laughlln's Donation Land Claim, and the record title to which parcel of real property is now in John G. Heimrich, of The Dalles, Oregon, and which buildyig was crecfcfd by the Black Butte. Lumber Company and is upon land described as a distance of 25 feet on the wert side of the center line of said build ing, and a distance of 75 feet east of the center line of said building, and running from the Columbia River highway a distance of 100 fhurvJay iuM 13. 1621 feet southerly, being land required tor the convenient use and v'iupa lion of said building and necessary tor said office u e. or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment anu decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold aubjtct to continuation and redemption as hy law provided. Dated at The Dalles Oregon, this JHth day of May, 1929. HAROLD SEXTON Sheriff Wanco County, Ore. M30-J27 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dpartmt ( the Interior U. S. land oftlce at The Dalits, Oregon, May 9, 1929. Notice is hsreby given that Caorgo L. Morris of Maupin, Oregon, who, on July 20, I92H, mads Homestead entry under Act. Dec. 29, 1916, No. 026370, for E4NEH SW4NE14, SV4NWH, K'sSWVi, NWUSE'i, Sec. 26 lot 1. Sue. 28, EHNE'4, NEttSKtt, Soc. 34. NHNWH, SWWNWfc, Sac. 35 Township 6-aouth, Range 13-ftut, Willamette meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. I). Stuart, United States commit loner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 18th day of June, 1929. Claimant namas as witnesses: L. B. Woodslde, O. D. Rothwell, E. A. Cyr. O. F. Renlck all of Maupin, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, Reg. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT Public Land Sal. Department of The Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 23, 1929. Notice la hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Ofllcs. under provi ynns of Sec. 2465, R, S., pursuant to the application of Jame W. Fisher, serial No. 026766, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not les than $1.76 per acre, at 10.20 o'clock a.' m., oo the 20th day of June, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NE'i SW'i, Sec. 34, T. 6 S., 16 E., W. M. The jale will not be kept open, but will be , declared closed when those present at the hour namd have ceased bidding. The person making the highesit bid will be rnquired to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above d described land tre ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time designat ed for sale. J. W. Donnelly, M 2-.I 6. Receiver. CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO. QUIET SERVICE LADY ASSITANTS Tha Dalles, Oregon. Phone 38-J Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doinp its work brino; it to The Time,s off.ee and Mr. Semmes'will send it to GUY A. POUND umuiftantiirttg Jeweler mkI Waxhmaker bucvtwNvr to U. Llndqulst THE DAU,ES . OREGON WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County '$ Exclusive Shoe Store ''hoes for th 'Vbola fointyw General Repairing ' The Dalles, Or. White Restaurant PRIVAf E BOOTHS Where the best 35 cent meal is served in The Dalles Next The Dalles Creamery . C. N. Sargent, - - Prop.