The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 23, 1929, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    thurmlay May 2.1, lfiiid.
Page fhtii
i-iiiiiii iM.ndiiil'i
Harvcstcr-Thrcshcr Operated by Povcr
Drive rom McCormiclt-Dccring Tractor
WITHIN fhe List few years there has developed a demand
among many grain growers for a lighter harvester-thresher
with a somewhat smaller capacity than the standard Prairie
type and which would take the power for its entire operation
from a McCormiclc-Dccring 15-30 tractor. The machine illus
trated here exactly meets these requirements.
The McCormick-Dccring power-drive harvester-thresher
cuts n 10-foot swath, but instead of operating the cutting and
threshing mcchantem by means of an auxiliary engine, the power
take-off equipment of the McCormick-Deering tractor is employed
to furnish the power for this purpose, while the tructor pull3 the
machine over the field.
This arrangement of power having first been developed to
operate a grain binder or com picker, has been given the most
severe test on the harvester-thresher and found to work out
most successfully. Its convenience is beyond question because
it eliminates the weight and care of an auxiliary engine. Every
prospective buyer of a harvester-thresher will fully appreciate
' the advantages in this machine.
Ask Us or Literature and Complete Information
Shattuck Brothers
AUa Arrange to Pleasure Hilda
Sine Receiving Frtune
Woodtlck Kornen, May 22.
Drar Mr. Time: A I promised I
vill ul you vat aye made my mind
up to do about a new Ford. Val to
be breef here aye kum ridin in my
vel kar, .to now yu know vat aye
Yumpin yimmny! Pete Svenson
ha tink da bin von' svet kar. Da
rolin roce cost mor den fern hund dol
lar, ao aye an Hilda diside on von
Ford. But yu skall see how it run.
I yoost paw up de big kars :o esy.
I mak de Kadlacs and ahivllas an
mormon yeluu. Hilda da ve skal tak
long: trip to Mansota an Oklyhoma an
maybe. Hilda vant to go to Hole
vood an yoin da moveer, but aye tal
her she hav to be a litl more smarter
first. She anta got eny talent. But
one ting she can epclla on the mout
orgen. Hilda mak von we vife fer
me she kan kook gud pirn. Malic vc
by vun shiken farm ellcrs sumpin.
Kny vay ve got'svel lk i. Mabc ve
got shampane apetite an beer poke
bok. Ant it afuU
Yimmny aye got glad toda. Anl
America nice? Aye get von lettr
by are male. Ia vas so skart aye
dont get dc l ttr da cent it by are
male. Ma goodness, ma onkcl left to
towian dollcrv to Ole, vols me. Yoosf
la t veek ha pased a vay. An to tink
aye vaunt dere to lank him for th
in touMin dollcrs. Poor onkcl. He
hid dc panger in ole potato Bak
in de vondshed an al rapt up in paro
silk ok. O my yas onkcl vatt stil
ish. Aye ban glad to gt d panger
hut it va to bad onkel had to go
hyhy. Ant it yoont afuU
Da to) me dar vi a pt of gold at
end on ranebo but my pot of gold
kom in at my bak dore. Vc never
no vat to cckxpoct. So now aye horn
vonder skal aye pay al de balnte on
my new Ford riles aliargo it a little
longer. Mabe aye investigate de
panger or nice hungolo for Hilda.
Next veek aye tal ju folks y-wst vat
aye dun. An cf cny of yu friend
vant to go on plcrur trip naxt Sunda
plesc wild me vire by X-Y-3 so aye
be suur to get de nooticc.
Ft ban yoost aevn oklok so aye gon
go to vork for Yon Yonson on de rok
krusher vrre aye get tventy to sent
mor a da now. Hit pays for de milk
virh my dog and kit- eet.
Val good by folks and dont giv
de ship up. All kums to de vun vat
vates ses emerson or mabe it vas de
hunch dm of noted bak. Yur fren, !
OLE. t
uevr Fed, als0 ha.i Hilda a;, a wife.
He invites all friends to date him up
for a ride in the new v;hiclu a'ld
promises a good time to all. Read
hla letter in another column of thl
Newt Hedin is bu y with the Irri
gation system on the Flat. Recently
he tried the experiment of melting
mow by letting water into the banks
with disasterous results. The snow
backed the water into the ditches and
waahed out banks. It required the
combined effort; of a large force of
men to remedy the breaks and now
Newt will be willing that nature be
allowed to pursue her ways without
hindrance on his part.
A bull is described in Webster's
dictionary as "the male of any spec
ies of cattle, also of any large quad
ruped, or of the whale." But there
are bulls in human shape. That i pec
ies is one who force, his opinions on
jthem, or who drives others as a
;lavc owner, or who shows no con
ideration for the feeling or health
of members of hia family or neigh
bors. It were better that such men
be compelled to live alone without
human company.. Then they could
"bull" llinniiflves into believing they
vr bing ''bullied" instead of bing
a -bull."
Carrying a Maupin dealer's auto
liccnxc did not provide a certain man
f this city the immunity he desired.
On Monday the man was picked up
by a traffic enp at The Dalles bctau.M
hL license did not jibe with the style
of car it called for. Both the driver
and auto dealer are liable under the
into laws of the state and incident
ally act as a preventive against
further loaning of license plates by
auto dealers.
From he Times May 24, 1018.
The little 18-months old ion of
Mrs. Annie Byrd of Wamic was at
tacked by an infurated sow while
the little one was paying in the
home yard at Wamic on Tuesday.
Only the prompt interference of the
mother saved the little boy from
serious injury.
One hundred twent-four per ons
I in thia liberty loan district, which
' includes Maupin, Wapinitia and Wa
mic, aubscribed for the Third Liber
ty loan. The district's quota was
set at $18,000 but went ahead of
that amount by 200 percent, having
subscribed a total of $.10,750.
Horace Emory Crofoot, aged 69
years, died at his home near Wamic
tin Amhi 'in fin I.! v...,.., - .;
j..i. uv. iil nan ween H i tni-
dent of thb section since 1D00. He
leaves mree sons anu lour uaugntera
to mourn his death.
James Harpham, the first young
Maupin man to be called for mili
tary duty, left for the training camp
Tuesday morning. Monday evening
he was guest of honor at a party
given to speed him on hi3 way.
Job Crabtree recently suffered a
broken arm. Since that time he has
been limping and an examination by
Dr. Shannon di. closed that a bone
had been broken in Job's ankle. It
was placed in a cast and now our
neighbor is stepping rather gingerly.
An epidemic of meales has struck
Wapinitia, not the younger ones
alone being attacked. Mrs. R. Be
vier and Mrs. Mary Barzee being
older ones to develop the disease.
Facing the hIRE Facts
; Personalities
Art Fargher, of Criterion, was in
town on Wednesday,
Kd. Matthews was down fmni hii
ranch on business Tuesday.
John Confer ii in the upper coun
try this week, shearing sheep,
Floyd Richmond transacted Imp
ress at the county seat ycMterday.
Ftc Kirsrh and family paid a visit
to Maupin on Tuesday, coming down
from Criterion.
F.rnie Confer and family was down
from, the Flat vl iting friends and
relatives, Sunday.
Alvin Martin is in the upper coun
Kistner cheep shearing crew and Is
in the upper country this week.
Bobby Davidson spent a few days
thi week on the Flat, hauling wood
from the mountains for ranchers.
John Filzpalriek eauic. down from
Our Rig Line of
Men's Press Shirts
$1.50 to $2.00 Values
Nna yesterday and superintended
the itoring of the wool crop sheared
from the firm's sheep.
Father O'D Hynes came up from
Dnfur yesterday morning and spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grif
fin at the O. T. depot.
Minn Velma Crofoot has returned
from Monmouth normal school, com
ing home to graduate with her class
in the Maupin High rchool.
Clarke K. Melton, district manager
for the ShHl Oil company, was at
tending to his company's business in
Maupin on Tuesday. He is s tationed
at The Dalles.
J. !. Kramer and wife came down
from Kidgeway Tucsdajrand Joe got
busy and did some carpenter work at
the garage. Yesterday they went to
The Dalles on business.
5uhhin( For Cblmr
The ring of the anvil at the Chal
mers blacksmith shop is caused by
the lu ty strokes of Hugh . Knight,
who eame in from his Criterion raneh
and handled the work of the shop
during (ho absence of Jim, who is at
tending the atnte Odd Fellows grand
lodge at Medford this week.
Take a kodak with you on your
next fishing trip. Get an Eastman at
the Maupin Drug Store.
Soma Mechanic
Vic Schilling' drove his t-rusty old
old Ford to Bend first of the week.
While touring the confines of that
burg he tore the transmis ion out of
the animal, and in trying to fix it up
got the dingus in backward. Being
the son of a mechanic Vic thought
he knew all about autos but now real
ixes he has lota yet to learn about
the pesky things.
n:h T7n About
1 It a upt Town
Fire costs the nation over fiye hundred million
dollars a year. V
Every minute property worth $1044 is consumed
by fire. -
.Carelessness causes a majority of fires. Seventy-
i ii ... ii . i W
live percent oi me nres in me coumry are pre
ventable. The most important fact is that this loss may
come to you. r . V "
A Fire Insurance Policy ir The Home Insurance
Company of , New York assures, reimburement for
your financial loss.
Don't delay. Instruct your Home agent to pro
vide you with sufficient sound fire insurance.
Stuart & McDonald
Insurance Agents
Maupin, Oregon
$2.50 to $3.00 Range
Ready to Irrigate
Bill Staata has plowed up the gar
den pateh across from the fi h pond
and will plant a garden thereon.
Monday Bill dug an irrigating ditch
from the spillway at the south spring
to the patch and is now ready to
supply his garden with the life-giving
Painting At Tygh Valley
"Shorty" Miller and his crew of
paint slingers went to Tygh Valley
yesterday and there will decorate
the residences on the Mays ranch.
The houses are to he gone over in
side and outside and when the Miller
crew gets through with the job tho
edifices will loom up like a moun
tain on a clear day.
Went After Daughter
Mr'. Chas. Crofoot, accompanied
by Mrs. I-estcr Crofoot as far as
Portland Tuesday morning, being on
her way to Monmouth, where she
will get her" daughter", Velma, and
bring her home to Maupin for the
graduating exercises on Friday even
ing. Mrs. Lestef Crofoot will visit
with friends in the big town for a
Bill Schilling again demonstrated
his ver atility as a mechanic when
he was called to adjust an electric
appliance at the telephone switch
board recently. Pill made the con
nection, pronounced the job 6. K.
and left. Later a couple of other
electricians (?) were called in to
pass on the job. They found it all
wrong; tinkered with it and finally
put it back tho way Rill hnd left
it. Upon bring asked regarding the
work the electrician in charge of the '
Portland telephone exchange said
that Bill's way was the right way.
Again our worthy mechanic wins out.
The city fathers and Bill Staats
have at la t gotten together on an
acre of ground near the reservoir.
The acquiring of that acre has been
one of a small controversy for some
time, and now that Maupin will be
able to have title to it presages an
early enlargement of the reservoir.
At present there is hardly water
enough for houshold use in the even
ing after people have irrigated all
day, and with a larger reservoir the
question of a hortagc of water sup
ply will- have passed into the discard.
John McMillian has a sheep dog
about one year old. John has train
ed the pup and now has an able
helper with the flocks. Recently a
small boy threw stones at Rover nnd
since that time the purp has had it
in for the lad. With all others Ro
ver is Jn amiable as a lamb but when
his tormentor approaches him he
shows his fangs and displays a dis
position anything but peaceful. The
moral Is that is pay,- to make friends
rather than an enemy of a dog.
01c from Woodtick Corners has a
All All
Sizes ?vvA Prices
We have the latest patterns in ;
In Silk, Satin and Patent Leather
All Marked Within Reach of Every Pockctbook
204 East Second Street The Dalles, Oregon
Where Maupinite receive Service coupled with Courtesy and Eats
the Beit on the Market. Try this Cafe when in The Dalle in.