TKuhoV May 1$,'-1944 tour .5 After all's said and done, the pleasure you get in smoking is what counts Camel 53 CIGARETTES if WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE Camels are made of the choicest tobaccos groutt. - ; The Camel blend of Domestic and Turkish tobaccos has never been equaled. Camels are mild and mellow. They do not tire the taste. They leave no cigaretty after-taste. Camels have a delightful fragrance that is pleasing to everyone. half months on uccount of a broken Iprf, Orion Puchette wn able to re turn to tchool mid Hake oxumlnntions wiih his cju a. . Primal y Notes The First tvade has combed levi'n books in reading and Vivian tt':Coy of the First grade hi receiv ed two buttona in writing: this yenr. Tha little gin Has done fxceedliitg well in her clars, being handicapped, r she was the only ono in het' class. The followii't pupils of the dif ferent glides received buttona in wr.tlng: Second grads Agnes Lewis, gold etnr; silver star and Pal mer method I utton ; Kenneth En dersby, a silver and gold star button; (enneth Hinhnrd, a silver and gold lutt'n; Don Broughton, n silver nil gold butt'.n; Pupils of th Third Tredo receiving buttons: V in I f red McCoy, Palm T Method merit pin rnd progress pin; Harvey Wall, Talmer method Kuttnn; Orvil ilvick, silver and gold tar buttons; Walluce Wood Ids, Poltrer method am! merit pb; Alice May Sturgeas, ' i'r.lincr method button; Teddy Hachler, Pal mcr method bjtton. The Fourth grade winners were! Laurjl Hart man, Palmer method pin, p.Mgress pin and an improvement cer'U'icate, Kverett Hammer, Palmer method and merit pin; Frances McCoy, Pal mer method, merit and progress pin, Ellen Hachler, Palmer method and merit pin; Norbet Wall, Talmer method pin. Kenneth Birchard and Winnifred McCoy of tlie Third grade -received certificates of attendance, neither being tardy nor absent during the school year. The Second grade finished read ing six books thh year. Frances McCoy leads in the spell ing contest with Winnifred McCoy, Agnes Lewis and Kenneth Birchard close seconds. , been turned into the canal. It was Increased on Sunday after tho snow had cut out tho big Jam. Calvin MeCorkle, Rufus MeCorkle and 1 N. G. Hedin spent pat of la, t Friday watching the progress of tho water In tho upper canal. The inch who wen t0 station 27 to help repair the break, had to walk eight miles be sides doing the work. They wero George Caymler, Don Miller, Moae Delore, Ed. Walters, Roy Batty, Frank Batty's hired man, Floyd Ku banks, Arthur Puchett, Joe O' Brien, Wm. Sturgcss, 0. Bronner, Le tor MeCorklo and N. G. Hedin. McCubblns yulch and the 10 miles west to intake, have been patrolled by Andy Anderson and John Me Fortune to usi"t thi ditch company In getting out the water supply. The distribution this season to be handled by 0. Bronner and N. (J. Hedin. 3 ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupla Drug Store PUae-345 Attondtd Track Mt Dr. L. S. Stovall and wife and son, Entel, attended the state high schools track meet at Corvallls last Saturday returning home Sunday. The doctor ays the meet was one of the most successful he has attended, and that several state high school records wero broken. Dr. WM. KENNEDY DENTIST DtNTAL X-RAY Firit National Bank Bldf. The D 1U, Oregon Phone 391 1919, BtrnoMi Totw CwpWh WioMM'StlMB. N.C New school building will be con structed shortly nn Weyorhtiauser site at Klamath Falls. Harves t Bread A Wasco County Produd MADE BY &fe Oregon Pakery Fresh Bread and Pastry Every Morning Order from yoiir home merchant get the best Baccalnreata Srmon Dr. Poling will deliver the annual baccalaureate sermon to the gradu ating class of the Manpin High school, at the school auditorium on Sunday evening next. During the evening there will be song by the men's trio and a trio of school girls, also a school chorus. The evening's exercises are to begin at 8:00 o'clock. BAKING tg& POWDER. rfull pOunA JtncWrfnU WHOOPEE! Tygh Valley Fair Grounds ROUND-UP June 1-2 EVERETT WILSON, - Manager Gone to California Elmore Fritts, who has been as sistant at the Maupin garage for the past three month:, was called to Taft, California on Monday by a wire from his father, who offers his son a partnership in a truck line op erating between San Francisco and Los Angles. . Elmore left Monday evening for Taft He has made many friends hereabouts by his gen ial disposition and pleasing manner ana many friends will wish him suc cess In his new venture. Will Be Bon While the Fra'ley family is away in California the business of the Rainbow cafe will be in the capable hands of Signe FLcher. That lady is a favorite with patrons of the Rainbow and the business will not suffer by the absence of Ben. ran nssri am i n if III! mir . l nuns tu m$j All &ummv Choice of many routes Liberal stopovers Round Trips On sale daily May 22 to Sept. 30 inclusive. Return limit Oct, 31 ST. PAUL ....... .". $75.60 ST. LOUIS 335.60 CHICAGO $90.30 WASHINGTON . . .$145.86 NEW YORK...... $151.70 Similar Fares to other points Go East Via the Famous Columbia River Scenic Route on Either the North Coast Limited or Oriental Limited Full details at jISoV E. W. GRIFFIN g $KTI$! Ticket Agent ' C 1 . Trav. Psgt. Agent lm'" m Wapinitia Items Rilla and Lawrence Powell have gone to California. Carl Powejl has left the employ of Fred Alt logging company to work for Joe A. Graham for the summer. Earl Cunningham is breaking some new ground on the west pasture tracts., Jo O'Brien is now In charge of a ditch repair crew. Most of the! ranch sheep owners have sheared and marketed their wool. - Mose Delore i; still turning stubble and says the ground still holds con siderable moisture and plows good. Wapinitia School Note The following pilpUa took the state examination in the Eighth grade: Lenore Hammer, Gerald Claymler, Tom Batty, Ellwyn Stur gess, William Hachler and Billie West. . Pupils of the Seventh grade taking geography are: June Hachler, Ho ward and Orion Pachette, William Hachler. Sixth grade physiology, Lee Woodside, Glen Hammer, June and Freda Hachler. The Pine Grove and Wapinitia schools will hold a picnic on Thurs day, May 23, at Bear Springs. Bas ket lunch will be served and other events of the day will be games f ail sorts from horseBhoe pitching to bacball. The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh trades spent a short time in com pleting a grammer play, of which the purpose was to review the parts of speech. ' Aftejr aa absence oi two and. pne- Pine Grove News Certrudfl Lnughlin has returned from a week end visit with friend in Portland. A Mothers Day reading given uuian Vashburn as a apecial fea ture of last Sunday s service at the l ine (ruvt bunduy chool Lucille Walters, who has been eepiiig hcuae lor Lewis Walters, is now employed by Ben Kiehurdson at scivicc station. bimenson Bios., contractors, sent men 111 wn0 removed two cat. vtaciors. ihey bucked the inow out ironi tne upper graue near the canal tniase. ben Kicuuruson got gas to tractors irom Pine Grove by truck delivery. Two Mack trucks loaded uic cuts and drove them to Portland lor overhauling before theywcre to go out on a new job. A party of Bureau of Public Roads engineers will start on road surveying as soon at snow has clear td lfom liic Cleat Lake divide. Calvin MeCorkle is cutting wood on the Hedin tract for hL fuel sup ply tor the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walters are happy over the arrival of a new boy ! at their home. Mother and babe ' are doing nicely. Henry Holland has left Pine Grove where he joined Waiter Sharp in the wood cutting business. He is looking up well drilling work for the summer. , Phil Mott end family visited Pine urove last Monday, going to Camas ranker camp, where he had business. Joe A. Graham came out Sunday from the Ueavtr creek road camp. Henry Miller and wile have mov ed their truck bungalow to Bear creek and will set up camp there for the present. i J. 'Weisbcck and Cal Burnsidc, the pair of road. builders of the Mt. Hood national forest, moved into first camp at Boler camp, using the ditch companys cabin for iving quar ter,; for the present. Calvin Burnside spent a time at a reforestation camp in the Eagle creek division of the forest service, He told Pino Groveites that his nephew,' Cloyce Burnside, now at tending medical college In the east, would return to Oregon soon for his vacation George W Burn, ide is do ing orchard work near The Dalles. "Dad" Moore, veteran trapper, now employed by the irrigation company as ditch walker, has moved his camp to "Long Trough," the half way place from whence he patrols the upper canal t0 the big cut. Big Snow Jam Trying to (peed up nature is not work when Hedin turned in a head of water in an attempt to melt the snow lodged in the upper canal. The snow jammed and forced the water over the bank at station 27, approxi mately one-half mil(s from the Jiead of the canal. : The break thus made caused 16 men to work all day last Thursday to make rcpairc. The splendid cooperation of the mei who responded to the call, is a good ex ample of what can be accomplished when members tackle a job, even under difficultks. Watefbaj aain Trucking Long DUtant lUullai A Speelally INSURED CARRIER L ELZA O. DERTHICK Phone '. 5188 WAPINITIA 1. 0. 0. F. Udgo-No. 208, Maupin, Oregon meets evefy Saturday night In !. 0. 0. V. hall. Visiting members always eleon. Coo, Claymler, N. C Bernard Watch, Socrolar. Wm. F. Schilling' Tgnition, Generators and Starting' Motors on All Makes of Cars ; , , 0 . - ACTEYLENE WELDING From a I'in to a Locomotive Axle All Work Guaranteed At J5hQ Maupin Garage t SHIP BY TRUCK . .... RM.ULAU FREIGHT LINE SERVICE , Between PORTLAND THE DALLES MAUPIN . THE DALLES TRUCK LINE Inc. SPIf KERMAN'S TRUCK LINE P0RTLAND--THE DALLES THE DALLES-MAUPIN t and Way PoinU and Way Points BONDED & INSURED CARRIERS 5 - -- -j g WIIEN IN THE DALLES H Make Your Headqarters at' I The Golden Grill or - A merican Restaurants ,. 33 where every service awaits you. Z3 S FREE PHONE , REST ROOMS S Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for your convenience. , ' I E. J. McMahon H PHOPUIETOIt