thuratlay May U, iWl im MAUKN TIMES fm TKrtl nxxxiutzixtmxzxn aixzirtixixxixxuxxrrxiiixxxiiixxiiiiixizixi tin Cream Separator n A J V V k o TCORMICK- BEARING SEPARATORS Re -Designed. .;we C . ao . cT -sC& .xv JE now have these machines in our store. Opportunity will be given' every farmer interested 'in bigger dairy proceeds to rtudy the new McCormick'Deering in detail and to handle if in operation. We will bring it to your farm and demonstrate fully, or you are welcome 3L to ficc-thu beautiful black-japanned machine here at any time. To make the new Ball' Bearing McCormick'Deering avaikble at once, for any farm, we will continue the u months payment plan. Six sizes hand, belted, and electric capacities '350 to 1 500 pounds of milk per hour. SHATTUCK BRO&.dJsSL rilllllllllllllllllllXITXXXIIXlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIllllllllilitrinini.ninTTTi Personalitm P Jimmie Abbott and wife were In from the Upper Flat ranch Monday. 3. M. Conklln fame up from Tort land Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Bert Matthews of White River was h town on bu. iness Tuesday morning. EAST MAUPIN NEWS Otis Chaxtain and wife were Cus tomers of Maupin merchants Monday. Dr. Short left for Madras Fun day morning, going there on his regular dental trip. , A. E. Caton and wife wnet to Con don on business Tuesday returning to Maupin yesterday. Jack Donaldson haa concluded his apring work at the F.argher ranch and la at home on his Bokeoven place. . s George Miller was In town yes terday putting up advertising mat ter for the coming show, next Sun day night V Leonard Weberg and wife spenl Sunday at the home of the former'r parenta, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Weberg. In Maupin. The Cantons, werq visitors at Arlington a day or two- the. latter part of last week, going there on. v business mi; sion. o - ... "Shorty" Emmeraon, who had been In Maupin seeking a job as woo! sacker, returned to The Dalles yes terday afternoon. ' Mrr. J. M. Miller went to Port land yesterday ' afternoon, going down for the purpose of receiving treatment for an Injury received some time ago. .' Graduation ' cards 10 cents nnr 25 cents at-tbe Maupin Drug Store Hat Brand New Oldenmobil Oscar Renick Is the proud owner of a brand new Oldsmobile landau ' recently purchased of N. H. Martin of The Dalles. The car is the Jast word In automobiles snd hows up on the highway like a lone Btar in the firmament, Frank Klint and wife visited at The Dalles last Saturday. Mrs. Ilrt'tn of 1 Dufur was mi 1 ust Maupii vydtor lately. j 0- Freddie Anderson is again in Fast Maupin, after long siege In a P -t-land hospital. Mrs, rcte'Kii is living in the L. D. Kelly residence .inee.thc Kellyt have moved 1 'he hotel, Floyd and V. W. Richmond were at the newly acquired muskrat ranch on Badger creek Tuesday. Mrs. Eva MeClure is a'steting at the home of Mrs. Clark Richardson during the illness of that aged lady. Every cabin at the Maupin Camp ground was occupied over tha wi'efc end, fishermen securing many of them lij advance. Dave Donaldson, East Maupin'e champion fisherman, It getting nwr ihe limit every t'mc lie hits the river big ones at that. . o . Mrs. Bob Bell returned to her homo t Vancouver, Washington, Tuesday, hev having spent a few days with her husband at the 0. W, depot. compsny will abandon the power plant on White River, In which cane the wster now controlled by the company would revert to the public domain and become available for use on Juniper Flat ROSY HALO REST ON WAPINITI A PLAINS Condon The Talm cafe plam in tallatlon of cooling system. CONTEMPLATE BUILDING POWER DAM AT SHERARS P. E. P. Company Experts to Erect Dam Which Will RaUe Lake 60 Feet ' Report has It that the Portland Power & Light company contemplate) She erection of a monster dam at 'herara Bridge, and that work on the structure may be begun this season. The company has had the site for some time and many surveys have een made for a dam and lake. Wb have been told that if the dam 's constructed a lake extending above ink Springs a halt mile will be made vy the backing of the water In the lo chutes above the falls. Also that 'lie depth of water at the dam will be approximately 60 feet, which vould cause the railroads to raise ! heir tracks several feet In order to scape rising water. -It is probable that if the dam Is put In and a lake formed that the (continued from first page) strength toward our loud sub-divi-,sion nerds. Until we go forward, slowly perhaps, but nevertheless for ward. If we harbor isms, fa'se Santa Claimes, 'cattered effort and disscntlons, we lose ground, lose hope lose all IS years of struggle have laid Into the legal foundation of our water rights We have the largest private project in the state and water rights are getting harder and harder to get and scarcer and scarcer, due to many new uses. Clear creek, Clear lake, Frog creek Elk creek, Beaver creek, Bear creek, Beaver Butte creek, Cedar creek, Clear swamp are all now Included in our rights as well as storage - in Mc Cubbins and Pregentine gulche". Do we guard the title to our own homes? I'll say we do. Must we also be jealoun of the title to our water rights? Absolutely! When wethink that down through the vears, with a feverish scramble go ing on to find good land and a little water all around us in the west, we can sit tight in the security of wa ter titles based on datings even be fore we had a state engineer's of fice In Oregon. Then it will reflect the judgment and common sense of today's pioneers (for we are just that) In sticking together and build ing a little every year on the good old foundatio'n. t Waplnltla Flains can and will support a bigger population. Mau nin is absolutely destined to be southern Wasco county'.- trade cen ter in a large sense. Yakima Val ley shipped out 4R.000 car loads of produce and stock in one year. Half as many cars returned loaded with every kind of article from mouse traps to combines. Yet In the minds and lives of old rettlers where Is todav bunded such a tre mendous development aitd where ence only sasre and jack ; rabbits held sway and Uncle Sam stood resdy to bet any man, $1.25 per cre,. that the s-ur homesteado would starve to death. We know he an wer, water and cooperation. A broadest intr station Is beinrr installed in The Dalles. I'd like to go with a good representative body on the air and "tell the world" our land and water story. A large land operator " of Portland, Dorr E, Keasey, has visited Waplnitla Plains. He suggerta that when,. we are ready (meaning when the dam ' built) that he would like to aid Uj in the land subdivision. He wants to fly over Wapinltia Plains and Maupin with a newspaper staff photographer and snap the Des chutes gorge, White River, Cohim. bia grandeur, the great green whispering forest, the wheat and summer fallow flelds.and wonderful hlghwaya and then with there mod em evidences of the real possibili ties here to lay the facts and pic tures before the railroads, land settlement boards, the eastern state chambers of commerce and in short shout from the house tops the news that the land s end has not yet been reached since reclaimed arid land is indeed new or reborn. How many 1000 acres would it take to put the project and the far mers and bankers and the mer chants on easy trct and holiday avenue? WOOD TICK CORNERS LETTER Facing the I IRE Facts Fire costs the nation over five hundred million dollars a year. Every minute property worth $1044 is consumed by fire. . - , Ola Suffers Loaa of Pasgtra While Out Fhhlng Carelessness causes a majority of fires. Seventy- J five percent of the fires in the country are pre- f ventable. - Thfi mnst. fmnnrfnnf fnrr ia that thla tAca miv ..r . . VHM iWU ,UJ C come to you. A Fire Insurancexpolicy in The Home Insurance Company of New York assures reimbureraent for vrmi f frmnv? il Inoo Jliiwiviw ....... - uont aeiay. instruct your Home agent to pro vide you with sufficient sound fire insurance. Stuart & McDonald Insurance Agents Maupin, Oregon 1 Pick Ups (Special Correiipondence) Ant et auful! Yoost last veek. aye make plan to by me vun small little car fcr Hilda my gurt De kind vat has for veels and no bruks," And yumpin yhnminy ef aye dadnt go f isken in da deshoots raver and los by pokebok rat in da raver. Ant et auful! , No car no pangcr but yon he tal me wear dar is a vill dar is a vay so aye dont feel so bad. Aye tank aye vork on Baccshun sax yar more dan aye by vun roling race fer Hilda. Hilda the ban smal svede kum from old kontry yust last veck on a big oshun stcemer boat. Val she har vun sveet yob In sveden, she vork for seven pcepels in vun veek and dat is gud rekomendashun. Aye tel Hilda mabe-ve skol tak trip to sec dc co te and pick clams. Hilda she lak oshun seenry. Hildas fader he got so much money it taks him 2 veeks and 8 days to fignr up his per centings an vat be got left Val aye sure got sum good noose now. Yust now pet even on kum to me and sed har Ole is yur pokebok. Aye ban fishen and tt aye had big ranebo fisk on my hok. Aye puled it out and find it vas Oles pokebok. ' Yumpin Yhnminy aye get so glad my hart ico pitpot so fast aye c-.m not full brethe. Aye tank dar be many onest man in dc world, no naxt veek aye tal yu of my new car. De papr money in de pokepok got so vet it vill tak til next veek to dry out ro aye can tal a tventy frum a five dolar bill. Ant et auful! ' But s0 it gos vat ve gt yesterday mabe is gon tomorow ef yu dont lok out. Your frend Ole. Se you agin next veek. Seventy-three years ago last .Wed nesday occurred an event that put M.; ouri on hc map as a fixture-, fir on date our esteemed fellow townsman, W. II. (Bill) Wi'lit-ma first saw the light of day. Bill cele brated the event this year by losing his pocket book which contained a sum of money -his deputy sheriff's commis ion and several other valu able papers. He came over town in a sweat but when told where he could recover hjs treasures broke into a smile that will tike days to erase. " - ffBudge" Greene has almost com pleted an apprenticeship as a painter. He has accumulated a- luffieient quantity of paint on his overalls and shoes to cover an ordinary dwelling snd fence and has developed a per manent crick in his neck from look ing at ceilings. Just when he became fairly proficient with a paint brush he discovered that the open spaces were callng, therefore went with his dad to Bend, where he vill employ hi- time, this summer in making a road out of the sige brush plains be tween Burns and Bend. O. B. Derihick came to own one day recently no hot nnrier the col lar that he fairly sizzled. He had phoned a garage at The Dalles the night before, placing an order, for certain truck parts, which were promised tojje in Maupin yesterday morning. That time came but the parts failed to materialize, conse quently our worthy rancher friend proceeded to tell, the garage men where to head In on his next order. - Mayor Henncghnn bi ied himself in setting the repaired hydrant at the Richmond enrner last Wednesday. Tw said- that whoever rnn into the fire plug and broke it just caused our SHOES, for GRADUATION AH A-4 All Sizes Prices We have the latest patterns in WHITE AND COLORS HIGH AND LOW HEELS In Silk, Satin and Patent Leather All Marked Within Reach of Every Pocketbook WERNMARKS EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 204 East Second Street The Dalles, Oregon - MACK'S CAFEV- Where Maupinitet receive Service coupled with Courtesy and Eat the Bett on the Market'. Try thi Cafe when is The Dalle again. Convey Your Sentiment With Nothing is more appropriate as a Graduation gift than FJowers, tastefully arranged and beau tifully blended. Such a gift conveys a sentiment that lives long after the flowers have withered,, and seals a friendship that lasts forever. Order your Graduation Flowers from The Dalles Foral Company and get the finest that grow. Store rhone 710-R , The, DaUes fair city an expense of $25.00. If the destroyer of public property were Known he would be given a ehancc co make up that amount 'because of 'nis carelessness. :., . i Billy Ikrkman helped Bill Schill ing fix up the broken fire plug !,hat is. Billy chipped the bronze from around the bolt hole, and incident ally held the blow torch when the broken pairfs were preheated. ; Dan Gibbs has at last succeeded in getting a license for his Ford coupe. Dan hes tried for the past four years 'jo secure a license for each of four ears he has driven, but ;omo little thing always gtood in the way. This time his license wsa held up because he had failed to demonstrate he could drive a car. Lieutencnt Salzmann jlraiithtened the matter out and soon Dan's little Ford will be resplendent in new licence plates. ' A report was rampant around Mupin 1 t week that a certain "nung couple had secured a marriage license and were about to be mar ried. Investigation revealed the re port to be erroneous. The couple did to to The Dalles one day last week, Mit their trip was f or the purpose of Hiending a show and nothing else. nother ce of go ip gone wrong. Later The marriage took place. Tuesday evening.