The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 16, 1929, Image 1

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Always working for tlic best
interests of Maupin and all. of
Southern Wasco County.
Publishes only that news fit
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for all.
Number 28
Prospect Shin Fr Irrigation With
Compltlon of Clear Lke
Impounding Dam
(By N. C. Hedin)
Obstruction Removed
Wapinitia Irrigation
limy rellivtd J. 1 Drawn ind L C
Henneghsn of tht burden of carry
lug the Anna Long land mortgage,
which they have carried since 1027.
ThU matter now hai been cleared
up a one forward etep in tho dam
construction plant of the company.
Last fall the company itnrtcd the
Clear Lake dam, employing a force
of men and Rome horse , until the
now stopped the work. The rut
off eub-wall or core 192 feet from
lope top to "top j tjp and acrta
the bottom, waa put in. Thin win.
the hardest part of the Job a th
fix foot tren:h hnd to be dug and
the wall act while the gas engine
and pump drained the und'-r water
level io workmen could execute the
Marine Engineer Wm. J. Illckcy,
president of, Wapinitin Irrigation
company, hud personal charge of
thl tickluh piece of work; only one
serious accident occurred, licit of
Harold Becklund, who sustained an
injured foot. The conduit pipe, "i
Inch" in diameter and 40 fevt long,
wnt trenched and laid and wr.f r
proofed through the dead wall of
the core. The frame for the sliding
head-gate was also installed. Th
foundation log of the dam - crlh
Were cut, pealed, hauled and Inid
In poaltlon after the trenches were
cut In the earth and rock for their
foundation ' cradles. Soma " crow
log were alo" laid and a fslxe apron
tacked to the lower side of core
wall, on top of crosa crib logs, to
hear off the flood waters of
spring so the sub-irtrurttfre woujld
not be lmpared thereby.
The state engineer recommended
few engineering firms, whose plans
for the dam would be acceptable to
the state, end who would act as con
sulting engineers to support En
gineer Hlckey'a construction plans.
These engineer made several visits
to the dam site Inst fall, checking
the work with N. G, Hedin who hnd
general supervision of the enter
prise. The Sandy Lvinmher company
furnl hed much material, such as
timbers for use In the frame
The 12x12 face frame tim-'
bers to be drift-bolted to the cote 1hf) that tnny be found to he im
wall were sawed, hauled ond skidded ' possible. Al.o we want to put two
Into the bottoms for use In the first J men on the upper main canal for
work o'f this season. It will probably j fnur or five month , whose job will
be of some Interest to tho water ; be to fix low banks up to uniform
user to know that tho engineer ,fndnrd so we can get action on
plan and consulting engineers' fceaj
cost the company nearly $700.00.
This shows how many unavoidable
item of expense arise that must be
The Wapinitia frrigaiion com
pany's tystem now includes the
original water rights of Joseph R.
Keep. ' The Eastern Irrigation,
Power and Lumber company dating
back from 1902 to 1907 and sub
sequent rights. These early dating
made it possible for the Wapinitia
Irrigation company to enter into
the adjudication of White River
water rights with confidence ; that
when the legal smoke cleared the
water Tight , held by the compnny
and to be developed by the compnny
, for the uso and benefit of the water
users on Wapinitia Plains would be
of the value and dignity only made
possible by the early filings of their
successors which the Wapinitia Irri
gation company purchased (not by
questionable conte t or stealing) hut
by purchase and by virtue of a bar
gain and sole deed, to all previous
rights, titles and interest. Anyone
who attacks the company directly or
undlrectly today In ood faith Kor
bad faith automatically strikes at the
best intertest of every water u er
on Wapinitia Plains and indeed
against the best interest of southern
Wasco county which includes all
farmers, all business hm cs, even
to and Including the railroad. It
ha been well said that "what gocth
out of the mouth and not whnt en-1
terth dcfilth the man." It I equally
true that most cooperative or quasi
public enterprises fail -or succeed by
the Joint energy from' within. We,
R. W. Richmond Will Gratify Long
Ambltlon and Will Fur Farm
It has long been the ambition of
11, W. Richmond to embark -Utho
fur farming industry, and to that end
recently leased 280-tract on Badger
crock, owned by Tom ChasUln. With
the kaao goes team, chickens, tur
keys, bees and farm Implement.
Richmond says thre 1 a water right
on the place and that he will be able
lo farm a considerable part of the
ranch. ' lie will thus be able to fence
a part of the place, flood it and pro
ceod with hi Ides of rasing muskrata
for their fur. He has made an In
ten. ivo study of rat culture and If
the lltcraure he ha been sudying is
up to the mark we, may expect soon
to learn our wrothy service station
man is the muskrat king of eastern
u.1 farmer and water company, have
many major common. interest.
Injury or hardship to one or all of
hc farmers hurts the company and
vice versa. We went well over
.he hill to get the di.m's first unit
omuletcd In 1929. This wonderful
itoruge wealth is . lipping away Into
.he set. It is ours by law and title,
sbitoliitcly, if w cn ue it. If we
don't it may be successfully chal
lenged by uny designing Interest
whose intial step mu t be im forfeit
the curly datings of our right and
iiccpt new one secondary lo every
other exiting right on .the White
River water shed. This la a defeat
in it inception on the the' face of
it. Again let us reason this matter
nf fllinr victim-. Uy new and false
IP 'da.' Any outfit, man or compnny,
who could by any mnnner or trick
of law take from the company and
farmers the storage right at Clear
Uke or elsewhere In It system,
muct not only construct a dam hut
ilao must construct their own chrtal
system and laterals, once the com
ptny'a and. farmer system is now
In use to spread the natural flow
of Clear Creek and Frog Lake, A
wo increase our main canal capcity
we now have the law and legal
right to use all the water we can
hnndle UP t 376 second feet of
flow, which is more than -the creek
carries on an average t prlng run off.
In other words the storage is fine for
us to use in conjunction with the
natural flow but of very doubtful
value to an ouUsldo interest, whq
would have no flow rights and no
rnl or flume or early date right.
Yes, we need the dam, and from
the response of some farmen. and
gopd promise and prospects of others
wlio Bee flic light and desire to join
the company fund far the dam, we
expect tn fcet it, even to try to catch
prt pf the flood waters of his year,
the W waters that mus.t ho allowed
to flow into the Deschutes,. becati e
our cannl won't carry any more.
The ten upper miles of conal are
mostly prettly good, much of it is
more than needed, but a canal is
like a chain, "no better than its
weakest link." It will require
$1000.00 to finance this part of the
work, but it is vital and of first im
portance to cveryalfalfa grower.,,
It took $4,000 cold cash Inst week
to pay up the title and orginal price
of the 160 acres at the dam lite.
J..S. Brown and L. C. Henneghr.n,
stood in tho breach for two years
with this cash burden on 'their per
sonal shoulders. It is a pleasure
to bo able to state that they hnve
been relieved and they in turn
now pledge new support to the dam
program for 1D29 as the logical
step in the project's forward march.
A 15-foot dam at Clear Lake will
store 15-sections of water, (A fool
could figure that who never saw
an nrithemetic if he were told that
the area of lake now la 640 acres.)
Don't let anybody stuff you with
sny other false statements. 16 sec
tions of water stored In Clear Lake
(being 9,600 acre fcetj would take
rare of all of our pre- ent needs and
enve its a tidy surplus of water
Insurance against a dry year, and to
"romote sub-division and sale of
'Tge dry unit. It Is only history
repeating itself. Mr. Ide, of the
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce,
wrote to the company recently and
expressed a hope that the dam would
be completed .' oon so the state cham
ber could turn , its organization
(Continued on third page)
Cominnieinicemeinifh Program t
. o- .
Invocation .". Rev. Everett Hazen
Piano Duet ... Merle Snodgra. a and Velma Cfofoot
Awarding of Eighth Grade Diploma."
Snlatatorlan'i Address Clarence Hunt
Development of Mauph a a Community Center
ft' t .-..-
Vah dlctory .". .l..-L....'....:.. Irene Mbtthews
Lest We Forget
Address .. Rev. W. A. Matthew
Vocal Solo "x Mrs. 0. E. Bays
Violin Solo .-r.i,v - J. II. Woodcock
Awarding of College Scholarship
Awarding of Es ay Prize by President of the Class
Prcwntatloil of Class Gift ,
Awarding of Diplomas : I -
Kenneth Snodgrara , 1 Crystal Stuart Irene Matthews
Ira Kidder Merle Snodgras. , Estel Stovall '
Velma Crofoot - Arthur Appling Clarence Hunt
' Harold Kramer Andrew Crubtree
School Picnic Planned and Gam
Program Forming j
School of this district will close
on May 24th and student of the
High end Seventh and Eighth grade
are anticipating the coming of the
picnic marking the close of a suc
cessful achool lcar. The scene of
this pleasant event will be at the fan
grounds. Nova Hedin. Richard Crabtree,
Bo Wilson and Merle Snodgrasa
comprise the committee which will be
respon ible for the day's activities.
Swimming, baseball game, "horsf
shoe pitching and other games will
keep everyone guessing throughout
the day. Prizes will be awarded to
the best baseball player swimmer
and horseshoe pitcher.
, Naturally, refre hments . for the
day could not be .disregarded and un
der the leardership of Alice Davis,
Beth Rutherford, Avis Crabtree and
Lelah Weberg, we know the "eats"
will be just what hungry boys and
girls likesalads, pies, cakes, toe
cream, sandwiches, pickles and other
delicious eatables.
Tranporaticn will be under the
care of Orville Ftaley, Kenn Snod-
grass and Ira Kidder. If necessary
the btwe are available, but we hope
that "this trouble will he spared the
htr -drivers.
All will emhnrk for the scene of
the day about nine o'clock that morn
ing end wilj return to the school
house by four to prepare for the
commencement exercises that even
The Juniors held a meeting Mon
day "afternoon to elect officers and
complete the decorating plans for
commencement. Avis Crabtree was
elected president and Aliene Greene
chief decorator. Alieno will have
charge of all decorating. , Several
committees were appointed. Lelah
Weberg and Doris Kelly are in
charge of purchasing the orchid and
cream crepe paper to be u ed.
Gladys Martin and Nine Matthews
will canvass for flowers. The boy?
will kalsomine the bare spots about,
the stage. Mr. DeVoe is chief ad
viser for this clns Plans were made
and approved and work will start
The members of tho High school
Student Body are honored to have
the safe keeping of tire beautiful
Fairvicw cup, won by that district
whose students now- attend this
school. The cup was given by The
Daller Chamber of Commerce sev
eral years ago for the best display
of sehool work at the County Fair.
Alta Chnstsin, who was a former
member of that district, brought the
cup here Monday. It now stands be
It will be an inspiration to the many
It will be an inspiration to themony
students who see it daily.
La t Friday afternoon the' II;s
school students were dbmis-ied so
that they could go to Tygh to wit
ness the baseball game between the
two teams. The Criterion school bus
conveyed the student; to Tygh Val
le. .. "
The game resulted in a victory for
Tygh, the score being 9-3 in favor
of Tyrh. Our boy went to Tygh
with the Idea they could sleep, con
sequently they were still sleepir:?
when the gome ended. Maupin
played the the game error by error
instead of by innings. Tygh played
a good clean game, Maupin beinir
defeated by errors. This puts Mau
pin on a fifty-fifty basi, for the
pennant. The pennant still depends
on the remaining game with Wap
initia. k "
The word blood, summons a host
of images. The blood of heroes!
The blood of martyrs! The blood
of hapless victims! What is ft?
Gruesome? Gory? The unpleasant?
Or rather Is it not a sign of a sym
bol of life, itself marvelous, intricate
fluid worthy of interest and conver
sation. -
Alta Chostain has found through
general science that indeed its many
purposes and properties present a
sturdy fascination to the intelligent
and curious minds.
The blood is a living fluid of the
body. It carries the food to the cells
of the body and discharges the waste
matter from them ns well. It also
dl tributes exygen to all parts of the
body and removes carbon dioxide
from nil parts to the lungs. Of equal
importance is its constant and ac
curate reputation of the tempera tire
of the body. ,
Blood is composed of the fluid
plisma, in which fh nts red and-white
eorpuscleg and blood pistes. .It biso
contain- a wonderful substance en !-
d fibrinogen. Red corpuscles are
disced shape obpec about l-2t0rt of
an inch in diameter. About five mil
lion red corpuscles enn be fourd in
i tiny drop of blood. T'.eo small
corpuscles are m y up of ,aubstane,
which, because of it lion, is en'd
hemoglobin and c.irries it to Millions
f cells through out tin oi.iy. The
corpuscle-; also carry carbon dipxide,
but most of 't i-J carried away ;ntz
the plasma of the blo(-d. Tht whit?
"orpuscles, like n arm I Ru..rd. pro
tect the body by destroying disease
germs, They also s0 destroy the weak
nnd dead red corpuscles. White cor
puscles move like the tiny ameba,
which lc a one-celled creature. The
ripogen of the blood when exposed to
air forms fibers which make a strong
het and stops the corpuscle, thus
coagulating the blood of a wound.
Circulation of blood can be com
pared with the water and drainage
systems of a vast city. The central
pump of the sy tern, is the heart. The
blood movers from the heart through
the arteries, veins and enpilaries.
Muscles surround the wnll of the
arteries causing them to expand with
each heart heat. This pulsation
forces the blood through the chan
nels and I' known as the pulse.
General scicnee can only tou"h on
Ihe subject of blood, but can open
'be mind to apprrrintion for the
vientist and specialist who is able to
''Tht dirse end relieve human dis
continued oa second page)
Addieufi by Dr. Stovall and Rv.
Matthew Touch Large Crowd
at lha ExercUe
Maupin Boy Scouts observed
Mothers' Psy by .holding a meeting
at the Jlifh school auditoriuri lot
Sunday evening at which m.wy
friends of the Scouts were present.
The poram- consisted, of addrejue
by. Rev. Matthews of Simnasho and
Dr. Stovall, scout master, of Mau
pin, a. well as trios by both lediee
and gentlemen singers.
The meeting opened by a flap
solute and Invocation, after which
Dr. Stovall talked to the boys re
garding the significance of the day
i lie extolled the work of mothers in
! raising their children; told how they
, deprived themselves that their boyr
I and girl;, might ertjoy pleasures and
J of the many loving measures taker
i for the benefit and education of th
J young. The doctor grew pathetic a
I times' and' his remarks touched a re
! sponsive chord in the hearts of al'
Dr. Matthews, as alwe.ys, won th'
audi'nee by his touching remark
anent the work of. mothers of tlv
world. He illustrated, by Biblica.
text, the love extended by mothers
and how that love was Inspired by a
love of the Almighty who e teach
ings were that all should love and
cherish the mothers who gave them
birth." lis tilk was beautiful and
his large audience was sincerely
touched ty Jus word pictures and
comparisons. ' ' .
A men's trio,M?s srs. Hedin Pol-
n? and Davies, rotffred a Mothers
Dny song, as also did the lsdie
trio consisting of Mesdame Both
well, Wilson end WVodcock."
-fathers of the Scouts- prefer
were invited to the stage and those
who responded to the invitation
were given boxes of candy by their
sons, whiie those who could not at
tencf were sent bouquets of wild
flowers" picked by their sons.
total of $76.00 Takon in and a Good
, Tim Enjoyed .
The poppy sale and dance held at
Legion halj Saturday night was an
unqualified success from every side,
a total of $76.00 being taken in, all
of which will be sent to aid disabled
veteran'. While not all the poppies
were sold, still with dance tickets
and supper" fees the amount realized
waa as stated above. The dance
music was supplied by Claude Ro
berts and Mrs. Don Miiler, and was
of the old-time variety, which took
with the crowd like wildfire.' Dur
ing tht dance Mr. Panchadn filled in
with some numbers on the accordeon
which made a pleasing diversion.-
State Road Department Advises Not
- lo Deiocrato Scenery :
Garbage is unsightly, unsanitary
end an eyesore to those passing over
our highways. By despositing such
in close proximity to the traveled
roads Ic.mps the community that al
lows such to be done as being shift
less and without a care for the
health of its people.
Foreman. Addington calls our at
tention to the dumping of garbage
close to the highways, there to rust
and rot and being anything but con
ducive to a Kod opinion on the part
of tourists and traveler, of Maupin.
On the first turn on the Criterion
grade several loads of tin cans and
other refuse has found resting place
just over the grade. At various
other places along his section the
same thing is to be teen. Adding
ton says there is a law against this
practice, also that it is an expensive
1 J A
one, as nis crew may oe oruereu v
remove same, the public paying for
the work. If you have. garbage to
dispose of place it on the accepted
dumping ground, even if so doing
entail- a little longer haul. The ef
fect will be more pleasing and th
sanitary aspect made clearer.
Mrs. Ri'hardon Very Ill
Mrs. Clark Richardson has been
confined to ber bed for the past
fortnight, and has been very ill. Her
son, Henry, and daughter, Mrs. O
J. Willioms. have been taking care
of her, while Mrs. Ev3 MeChirc has
now taken over that position. Mrs.
Richardson is 'omc better at thn
Portland Attorney Sought by Frioad
and Thought to Havo Ban "
Victim of Drowning
A report reached here Tuesday
afternoon that Lester W. Hum
phreys, prominent Portland attor
ney, had lost his life in thjs De
chutes a short distance above North
unction. Searchers are scouring
he river banks and 4 diver may be
lent up from JPortlajid to try and
rate the body. ;
Humphreys with Walter, Gearing
i a companion left their camp for
ip river to fih. While on the way .
earin complained of not feeing
veil and returned to camp. When
is partner had not returned in the
vening Gesrin became anxious and
tarted a search, but no trace of the
ther man could be found. Gearin,'
ith a railroad man from . North
unction, went up the river a dis
tance of about three miles, and
finding no trace of Humphreys re
turned to ramp and organized a'
searching party. . .
When he left camp the missing
nan was wearing heavy hob-nailed
boots and waders,, and if he had not
fallen into the river his tracks1 could
easily have been followed. There
!s little liability that the missing man
-ould have strayed away, as $he na
ure of the canyon about North
function is such that it, would ye--
-uire a stiff climb to get out, and
there is no heavy timber there..
It is said that a profes ionnl diver
nay be flown from Portland to tske
up an under water search for Mr.
Humphreys. The lost man .waa
j-orominent in - Oregon.- He served
ns United States attorney for Ore
d was a major in the Jate war.
He waa a graduate of Corvallis law
school and wa, at one time a mem
ber of the law firm of Simon, Gearin,
Hnmnhrevs & Freed, aqd before his
ppointment as U. S. attorney was a
Member of Ue Chamberlain, Thomas
& Kraemer law firm.
Forman'i Wildcat Take Dufur Into
Camp by 4-1 Score
Several score of baseball fans
w'.tnes ed a real baseball game on
Sunday when Bill Forman'a' "Wild
cats" trimmed the Dufur town team
by a score of 4 to 1. It looked
for a time as though Dufur .was to
go home scoreless but a lucky hit
through the infield gave that team
life and one lone tally was msrked
up as a result. Poling nnd Reijick
were the points for Maunrn, while
Davidson and Steuben officiated an
battery for Dufur. Poling had the
hrst of the argument in strike-out?.
The score by inning3 follows:
Mrupin 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9
, 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 ? 4
Dufur 1 23456789
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
A windy day and flying dust
handicapped the players to some ex
tent but it was not In the cards for
Dufur to win, as with old heads like
Dcnick and Poling directing Maupin
it would be hard for any team herea
bout to beat our boys. The next
game will most likely be with Tygh
Valley at the fair grounds next Sun
day. ' -
Victim of Bridge Accident Able
Leave the Hopital
' Freddie Anderson, whom it will be
remembered was severely injured
la t December in a fall from the new
bridge, and since that time has been
in a Portland hospital, has so far r
rvered from a broken back and ru
ptured ankle as to be able to leave
the hospital. - He came up from Port
1nd Sunday evening and will remain
here for a week visiting friends nd
Incidentally doinsr a linle essy fish
ing between time-. Freddie is look
Ine well but say he may never be
able to get around as before his acci
dent. Mrs. R. B. Rell left for V.meouv-r,
Washington, heme Tu"H".y mrnint,
after sn-jiHine f"W days with her
husband in Maupin. .