The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 02, 1929, Image 1

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    Alwayi workjns: for thq best
Interests of Maupiit and all of
Southern. Wasco County.
Publishes only that news f U
to print. Caters to no particular
class, but works for alL -i
Shattuck and Wilton Store C To.
fotRtiw WlUon Move to
Big far EiUblUhmeot
i A merger of mercantile establish
wont that moaiii tho Ions of one
tort to Maupln ha been perfected
by, which the R. E. Wllion company
become a part .of Shattuck Brut.'
bu Ines. The merger detail were
completed aome week ago but the
deal wua not given publicity until
the latter part of last week.
' In the deal Bob Wllion will take
the place made vacant by the resig
nation of Tom Gallnghcr, who hnd
been with the Shattuck utore a little
oer a year, id who ii now in Port
land. He will act an atmihtant
manager, and will also do hit bint
to ace that customers' wont are at
tended to in the least powsihle time.
The Wilton atck will be moved
to the bigger store at once and when
that U done the Wilson company
will have paacd into history. The
consolidation will have the effect of
greatly increasing the capacity of
the Shattuck store and result in a
greater bushes.
R, E. Wilson came to Maupin in
1930, and purchased the W, II.
StalnU mercantile and store holdings.
In 1924 he acquired the Harpham
hotel building and fitted it up with
tor fixture. From , that time to
the present hia company has enjoyed
a fair share of the merchandise busl
n 'of the place.
'January 1, 1927, Chss. Crofoot
aaqiilred an interest in the Wilson
i tore. He lately disposed of that in
terest to the new combination.-He
Is Undecided what line of endeavor
he witl take- up but will took around
and choose something with which to.
keep him -out of mischief.
The Shattuck store is the largest
mercantile establishment between
The Dalle ndT?end. The stock cm
brace everything u uatly kept in a
general storf, while the machinery
nd la represented by the Internation
al Harvester company's lines. That
he ha been able to merge his busl
nes with the Wilson Intere ts shows
far lghtedness on the pert of Pates
Shattuck and no doubt his business
wfll be greatly augmented by the
Maupln Firo Department Adds New
Feature to Organisation
At the regular monthly meeting of
the Maupln Volunteer Fire , depart
ment on Tuesday evening a hook and
ladder department ' waa organized.
George McDonald was appointed
captain and he, with Bob Wilson, Dr.
Stovall and Oliver Resh make up the
company , A', hook and ladder con
tingent has long been a necessity,
and now that one has been formed
many of our women citizem Will
rest more secure, for the new com
pany member are all huskies and
will not allow anyone to be caught
In an upper story of a burning build
ing1 while In action.
Receive Instruction From Hedin
According to Manual
The members of Boy Scout Troop
No, 83 went to the timber line this
afternoon and there received in
struction in the use of axe, hatchet,
trail building and camp cooking.
'N. G. Hedin officiated as Instructor
and he, being an .expert, woodsman,
imparted knowledge to the boys
tha will prove of great benefit to
them In camping.
The troop figures on putting on a
'propara on Mothers Day, May ".12,
at .which time Rev. Matthewr of
Simnasho will 'deliver an address
to th boys.
llauter It Buy
- .On Sunday The Time man visit
ed for a short time at tho home of
K. JL Hauset on Tygh , creek.' He
found K. L. resting after a strenu
ous time with ' his sheep, he having
been busy for, come .time lambing.
We also met Emil' Mertz, a member
of the Hauser family. Emil is en
joying he health of, a youth, . al
though well along in years, and
seems as frisky as a spring lamb.
Charto II. Dodgo Pattot After III.
neat Of Several Month
Burlad at Tygh Valley
Charles II, Dodgo, an old resident
of th Shady Brook section, died at
his ranch home on Tygn Creek on
Thursday last,' death being the re
suit of a stomach affection with
which he had been afflicted for many
months, The body wa laid to rest
In the Odd Follow cemetery at Tygh
Valley on. Friday.
Charles H. Dodge was born at
Columbus, Ohio, 57 year ago. He
resided In that state until about 20
year ago, when he came to this
part of Oregon, settling on Happy
Itldge abpve Shady Brook. Here
he proceeded to carve a horn out of
the timber, and lived on his Initial
tract all the time he waa on -Shady
Brook. , He waa man universally
resepcted, being hone t and a hard
worker and alway giving an honest
day' work for a day' pay. He was
a good neighbor, ever extending a
helping hand to those whom adver
lily sought to push down, and he
made many fasting friends, ,all of
whom mourn hia pa sing.
Th body ws taken In charge by
the Shady Brook Grange, which or
der had charge of the funeral ar
rangements, the, services at the fun
eral being those provided In the
Grange ritual. No relatives arc
known of and his estate will bo pro
bated and taken care of by some
one appointed by the court. Beside
his land holding Mr. Dodge left
con idersble personal property.
Register 102)4 Point and Wint
Pottettion of Banker' Cup
Maupln school athletes again
demonstrated their superiority over
the other schools of the athletic dis
trict at the track meet held at Tygh
valley last Saturday, having a total
of 102 ',4 points to her credit when
all hHd been added tip, this being the
r:ult of credit given for win and
placement in the various events.
The High school athletes went out
and gathered in a total of 73 H
points and these were augmented by
29 more points when the grade
winnings had been computed.
By winning this meet the Maupln
oebools become permanent posse sors
of the silver Bankers cup, given for
- ! ! .1 . . . .
inning me meci inree successive
ears, The Mnupin basketball team
ilao won the pennant for being the
most consi tent winner in that game
luring the past senson.' '
1 We would like to have given "the
individual scores and point made
tut Supt. Groncwald fell down on
Mis promise t supply us with that
iuta. Suffice it be to aay that Mau
!ln is proud of iti school athletes.
They have worked hard to attain
onditlon and entered the various
,'venls with a determination to do or
"ilc, and as they' are all alive today
'ratifies that they done what they
et out to do. To the coaches, who
onsistently labored to bring about
ho gratifying result ahown at the re
cent track meet, are especial thanks
lue. They took a green bunch of
(Indents, taught them the rudiments
it athletics and turned out one of;
the most consistent winning teams
ncr shown In Oregon track meets.
The cup emblomaic of the superiority
will grace a splendid case in the
Hisrh school lobby- and wheif the
Uudents to come gaze upon they,
.00, will be r tirred to the accomplish
ment of greater things for the Mau
piu schools.
Kent Whip Wapinltla
In a baseball game between Kent
nd Wapinitia High school teams
it Kent on Monday. Kent wa-, the
winner to the tune of 7-3. So far
his season Kent haa been lindefeat
d and is In' a position to again
emerge from thV season's activities
it the head of the district. The win
iver Wapinitia was not easy task,
and it war; only by -vastly superior
laying that the Sherman county
''oys were able to lay the game, in
heir bag.
Working on Bridge-
Elmore Fitts, who has been work
'ng at the Maftpin garage the past
few months has accepted employ
ment on tho new bridge and is dis
playing his ability io a carpenter.
Elmore is a good auto mehanic but
leaired more outside work, heijce
the change.
ijnfffitimiiiiHiiitmtiiiiiHmtiHin: tuifiNittiiitmMmffuiiiti(MHituiiiiiiuHfiiuiiiiiitiiiittiirttHitfiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitu
:-: MAUPIN i
The Cup it Permanent Pettottion of
Maupin School
Saturday wau a fairly good day
for the track meet. In th morning first base in base-bull, and won lcU
th sun made things rather ,'warm"'tr both in 'basketball and football.
for awhile but toward evening the ,
wind cam up and a slight drizzle
damped tho ground but not the
spirit of the large crowd which
wittnesscd the meet
Due to the condition of the track
no unusual mark were made in the
running. Kenn cleared a gap of 19
feet, 4 inche in th broad Jump
but could not excel hi 6-foot 3
inches. In the 4iigh jump of "last
year. He won tbe baseball .throw
by a tafe margin and placed in the
mile and half-mile as well. The
Javelin likewise fell to him. Este!
did some good sprinting, winning
his 13 point in running.
We especially, admire the ease
with which the boy, Fowler, front
Mill Creek won the class B raws!
The boy from Antelope certainly
had grit and' endurance In the mile.'
The High school won 73i points
while th grade,-, brought 29 for
.the Maupln school. Andrew was
high point man in class A with 21
points, Kenn second with 14, Estel
bird with 13. v. '
Mr. Groncwald presented the cup
which is now a permanent posses
lion of this rchool. Our boys re
ceived the basketball banner while
the Molser girls took the girla pen-!
nant ' Chenowith-Rowena-Mill
Creek were entitled to the grade
school pennant. The baseball throw'
was not awarded but will be when
the season Is over.
An odd incident about the relays
waa that the boyc lost every one,
and even the stick in class A, and
the girls made five point for the
school by winning eats relay in each
division respectively.
Track Not
Maupin divisions B, and C at the
track meet took-mor point this
year than ever before. Bonny Dun
and Bill Slusher were high point
men. 'Bonney-made eight points
and Bill made five for the Maupin
team. ' i
; The girls gave a good account of
themselves and placed in all B girl
events. They took first in the re
lay; Genevieve Allen was second in
the horseshoe pitching, and Bethel
took third in the seventy-five dash.
The relay team consisting of Irene
Woodcock, Genevieve Allen and
Betty Slus,her easily won their race.
The C girl relaying team, con
sisting of Aliene Wilson, Lena Tur
ner, and Dorothy Greene, easily won
their race. - '
Next year's C division among the
boys will thow up better; they were
slightly under the size of their op
ponents. -
Eeagerly anticipated for a month,
the date for the Senior play,
"Billy" har at last arrived. Satur
day, May 4, will see unprecedented
crowd eagerly waiting for the rise of
the curtain at eight. , From Dufur,
Tjgh and other neighboring com
munities has come the encouraging
word that they will be represented
in ' the audience. Maupin with its
characteristic interest and loyalty,
will be present en masse.
The musical program will be a
feature of the evening. The ladies
quartatte, Mesdames Morris, Wilson,
Woodcock and Bothwell, will sing, as
will Mr. N. C; Hedin. Estel Stovall
will sing "Carolina Moon," and Mr.
Mack Panchlshin will play for us on
the piano accordion.
The cast is ready for the produc
tion. The stage is set. 'Nuff said I
The Juniors of 1929are: " Rich
ard Crabtree, .Cyril Fn1ry, "Elton
Snodgra s,. Orville Frolcy, Nina
Mathews, Doris Kely, Aliene Greene
Gladys Martin, Avis Crabtree, Lelah
Weberg and Robert ' Shcpflin. ' Ar
line Linn was a Junior here but she
moTcd to the valley a month ago..
Richard is a star student in civics
am bookkeeping, won a letter in
football, took the. part of "Jerry"
in th'e play, "Jerry of a Family Re
semblance," and ia - interested in
club wtrk, especially" in ral ing fine
Jersey calves. .Elton Is known as
the beat athlete of his size In school,
won letter in football and basket-
ball; won a name as a boxer in lost
winter's cmokers and played one of
the bent Part Jn the minstrel show.
Cyril la an excellent basketball
player, good In track work, play
Orvill is known for hfo willingness
t help; and for his knowledge in
practical mechanics. . He also won a
football letter. Nina, a most cheer
ful Junior, is, one of the leading
club member and is secretary of
her club. Doris, talented musician,
ha played the piano at assemblio
and took an active part in the
minstrel show. Aliene Greene is
known as a good mixer, always will
ing to help in party committees, and
proved to be the best horseshoe
pitcher in southern Wasco county.
She I; editor of our school news.
Gladys has won distinction in school
subjects 'and haa written several
editorials for the Maupin Hi Times
Avis is an active club member be
ing leader of the canning club, won
her, letter in basketball, and was one
of the editors of the school news.
Lelah, our sweet singer, i a gritty
and keen player in basketball.
Robert won a letter in football, the
only game of interest to him. He
is noted for his good personality and
ability a student. Arlene, al
though -not in school, was a star
member of the cksj with an always
.cheerful disposition.
The Seniors , regret leaving the
Maupin High and will follow with
Interest and sympathy the future
progress of ita affairs. The would
advise the Juniors to remember they
are. still Juniors and have on? more
year to prove thenrelves worthy to
follow the foot steps of the illustri
ous class of '29.
I saw Mt Hood against the twilight
Aloof, serepe and cold,
Trailing a scarf of snowy bloom
Transfused with gold.
Above the gorge, thru domes of
: parkling green,
He crowned the fleeting view,
And mid the cool, calm grandeur of
the scene,
. Somehow, I though of you.
- Edwin T. Reed
Mr.' Hedin through his apprecia
tion has associated himself in . the
minds of the . students with Mt.
Hood. His. words have impressed
upon the students the value of Mt
Hood to this district
A "surprising amount of interest
has been aroused through this con
test Students from various classer
are preparing essays to be used in
competition for the five dollar prize
which will awarded commencement
night, : May 24. Strong competition
will make it a real honor for the
author who wins.
The show given by the Boy Scouts
waa well attended by those Maupin
it, who wanted to get a taste of
salt air and a realization of a sailor's
duty. , v
All enjoyed the comedy and the
main part of the show. There were
many laughs in the first part and
plonty of suspense in the last The
boys made a profit of $28.00, which
will help to buy "grub" for tho out
ings and to pay for improvement on
the scouts' park, ,
(By Bo Wil on)
Recently a peculiar "bug" was
brought to the science class. It was
about an inch long and looked vty
much like a small crawfish because of
Its1 claws but is had eight legs and a
long slender tall with a hird fork on
it It late? proved to be a scorpion.
Scorpian: live by catching and
killing sluw, beetles and even small
miee and- shrews, as they grow t0 be
eight inches long in tropical regions
Thej kill their food V holding il
in 'their claws and stinging the vic
tim with their tail.
A scorpion sting will be painful
but it will not kill a person unless
he Ms very weak. 1 The young are
like the adult when born end do
not' go through the egg stage.
' (continued on last page)
"Billy" nd Party Will Embark on
a Voyag to Havana, Bad
Tooth and All
; After week of preparation, rtudl
ou endeavor to commit their line,
to rehearse the business of the play
"Billy" the Senior da play of th
Maupin High School will be present
ed at Legion hall this week Satur
day. We have published many lines of
the plot of the play, therefor will
forego telling just what will bo seen
when the curtain goes up at eight
o'clock Saturday evening. W,will
?y inform our reader that the play
a comedy, contains many fetching
situations, brings out many witti
cism:; and develops a love scene that
will appeal to alL
Special scenery is required for th
story and thia has been constructed.
It depicts the upper deck of an ocear
steamer, on which ihe play ia enact
ed, costumes characteristic of the
day will be worn. The actor have
committed their linea and are letter
perfect in their parts, so that there
will bo no hesitancy on the part of
anyone in the caat.
If you have not already procured
your tickets, you had better hurry.
a they are going fast and chances
are that standing room will be a
a premium. Admission price have
been placed at 25 cent and 50 cents
and at ,'uch all seat will be filled
and allattcnding will leave the hall
ifter the performance well ati$fiec
their money was well invested. A
special invitation is extended tf
those living in the country, for of
coufse, all town people will be bu'
to the show, and country people wiF
be accorded special attention in Uk
matter of seats and entertainment
Ochco Rcianroir Showing Dart
of Irrigation Fluid
A. H. DeCnmp, Jim Baxter and
"Tots" Chambers returned from
visit at Vale Sunday evening. They
came home via the Burns-Bend
highway and on the way visjted thf
Ochoco irrigation project Mr. De
Camp reports that all the work be
ing done on the Vale project Is r
little surveying, but that when com
pleted that tection will possess onr
of the finest irragtion systems in
the west ' He said that water is r
scarce article on the Ochoco,- and
that unless more comes down froir
melting snows that project Will
uffer a dearth of that stuff which
makes crops grow.
Take. Indi an Dwn Line by
t , Score Dufur Next
Maupin's re'eently organized base
ball team crossed bats" with , the
team from Rimna ho last Sunday or
the local diamond. When the las4
man was out the score stood 4 to $
ir Maupin's favor. . ' ,
The Maupin team will go to Du
fur next Sunday and play a game
with the town team of that place.
Big Lamb Increae ,
"Cooney" Hauser and wife wen
over from Ellen; burg, Washington
and spent the week end at the Hau
ser home near Shady Brook. Coone;
reports that he and his brother
Sol, and -who are running sheep oi
the Columbia river east of Ellens
liurg, have had exceptional good lucl
with their lambs, realizing bette
than 115 per cent this year. The;
had plenty of feed and last fal
?razed"thcir flocks on alfalfa fields
which gave the ewes additiona"
trcngth when it came to lambing
With the Hausers were George Gil
"on and wife, also from Ellensburg
"Kelly" On The J'b j
"Kelly" Cyr is the new Tlcrk n
Mesh's store, he having gone to wori
here yesterday morning. Kelly t
mi experienced grocery clerk ant'
prove a valuable man for the ResV
xti'.blishment ' " '
Club Sale Good
The stnnrls conducted by the
Maupin 4-H clubs at the track meet
net with excellent success, every
hing prepare having been sold.
The clubs realized a tidy sum as a
result, the money to be used in dc
fraying the cxpen es of club mew
berj at summer school ' at Corvallis
thia summer. . -
Number 2G
Hedin Say They're Detrimental to
Health of Participant-
Logical Argument
Should the High schools of Wasco
county sponsor a mile run as a part '
of the annual track meet? We hear :
"es and no.
I believe we should not, for the re a-
;on that runners often enter who are
not In mile-run condition to stand the j
:rind of this strength-taxing race. !
3ome will jay, "that'a up to the
.'ehml " Waif t.J..
perated for general instruction ;
Verv few ntndonta mil.
- - - - . . w V fc 1 1 tJ 1, ......
aers but all must get their studms or
m.:. The reason, as aee it, t..i
vevents proper training for mile
mn,-. is simply a tax on the good stu
lent'g time in which to get his les
ons and perhaps to help some at
home. Many students, in turn, have
'ess time for the long training abso
lutely required to run 'the' route.
Young Hunt of Maupin has never
'ieen the same ir ince his run last year;
young Woodside and Bronner, both
f Wapinitia, broke all to nieces after
he mile and half-mile grind. Thev
H had the stuff but were only half
trained, thus they were punished f-
structora who urged them on in
irder to win points for their dis
rict' score, not maliciously but not
i good judgment when the best in
se ts of those fine young men and
ther are understood.
Young Durmon of Shaniko and
Vlexander of Maupin were surprises
t the recent 'meet If they are not
ijured "by that run 111 be 'Still more
nrprised. Andy Crabtree is toufeher
erhaps better trained, and anyway
V a "Swede" and they are, like a
mle knowing enough to protect ,
hemselves and care for their health.
t i . - .. ....
-ying goices a we, tne, mile run that
iropa our boys in an exhausted slump
"t the wire is not needed in vnaA
T)ort of High and Grade school
'vent Our boys are too valuable to
is and their time ia often too valuable
l,o them to prepare for the mile run,
-r be hurt trying" to buck an unnatur
al law., '7 y ..'
I also believe we should not have
uuuuiku ine uocior s examination
li t nrinr fn tho mt aa fivmavl..
'Vhy this eleventh hour cancellation
f the usual safety first examination?
Tome were given the "once over" for
Saskctball but that was quite a while
'go, and not all got it. Are our boys
md girls not worth it? Ask a father
r mother who has lost one.
I also believe Maupin district
should receive a new paper commen
dation for the absolutely solid '100
"er cent all-wool and a yard wide
'oyal spirit and cooperation through
out, that is now refected in the sil-.
er trophy cup. AJe, as Maupinites,
nay have 0ur faults but lack of
'oyal spirit is not one of them.
Legion Auxiliary Will Give Enter
tainment and Dance that Evening
To commemorate Poppy Day,
vhich wilbbe Saturday, May 11, the
uxiliary to the local Legion post
vill give an entertainment and dance
t the hall in Maupin that evening.
Hie program will consist of music
nd literary numbers and some of
he best talent of this section will
ppear thereon. During the evening
oppie will be offered for sale, the
proceeds, from which will go to aid
U abled veterans. After the enter
tainment the floor Will be cleared and
-11 who desire may indulge in an old
ime dance. Supper wil also be serv
d. Help the boy who ff ured in
he late war by buying a poppy and
lso help the auxiliary by attending
he dance. The entertainment will
se free, a nominal price being charg
'd for the dance.
Crabtree Ha Plourty
Raymond Crabtree, who is con
valescing from an appendicitis op
eration in the Veterans hcrpital at
Portland, was reported as hvinpr
pneumonia. Earl Crabtree and
Raymond's wife visited him on Sun
day and Earl reports his brother as
Buppering with an attack of pleursy.
He ia recovering from the operation