The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 25, 1929, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    iWsdav Atrii it, 1029
tint tiktim ttitisa
1 yir vi
Greater Beauty,
Greater Comfort,
Greater Value,
Little Cost!
Your old stucco or wooden houses, no matter how
large or small, can be given a new dress by a cover
ing of shingles, or attractive lumber siding . . .
shady porches can be added ... a new wing to
the house . . . gleaming floors of pine or oak . . .
beamed ceilings and paneled walls . . a home of
lasting beauty, comfort and increased value.
You will be surprised at the little cost, to make
these and many other improvements . . . possible
on any old house ... by the use of improved
modern lumber. The value of your property can
be greatly enhanced and your outlay will be sur
prisingly low.
.. Call, or ask us to call and talk over the possibili
ties of modernizing your home. Our lumber yard
is stocked to meet every need for modernizing your
old house . . . inside and out.
"Materially Yours,"
O. F. RENICK, Local Manager
Bend Plans underway for con
struction of addition to building of
St. Charles hospital in near future.
Baker Garage will be erected in
near future to house four of city's
Klamath Falls $60,000 church
and parish house will be erected by
Church of Sacred Heart
Baker Eastern Oregon Light &
Power company awarded contract
for construction of. brick and tile
substation on Elm ttrcet
Sandy Contract will be awarded
April 22 for construction of bridge
across Sandy river approximately
two miles north of town.
Messenger boxes installed in Kla-
Armstrongs Linoleum
for Every Floor in (lie House
care for new Armstrong Floors
LEISURE is yours if you will take it. Just in
stall Armstrong Floors in your home these
are the new floors with the lacquer surface
tell us the size of your room and let us estimate?
produced by the Accolac Process. Then you may
forget that you ever had to wash and scrub. A
few minutes each morning is enough to keep these
modern linoleum floors spick-and-span, looking
like new.
But easy housekeeping just one of their virtues.
There's beauty to begin with, the latest in fashion
able floors our spring display of Armstrong's
Linoleum will quickly show you that.
And wear for a lifetime. They're quiet and
foot-comforting, too. Nor will they overtax your
budget, for the price range is generous. Why not
Third and Washington Streets, The Dalles
Use Your Credit We Charge No Interest
math Falls business offices by Postal
Telegraph company.
Vale Production of butterfat in
Malheur county amounts to about
75,000 pounds annually.
Fort Klamath New Hillside Hos
pital erected at 15 Alameda drive
Sheridan Shell Oil company
started work on erection of concrete
garage and office building on pro-,
perty at west city limits.
Hood River Construction of As
sociation cannery here progressing
Movement underway to secure 60,
000 acres for natlotitd park in Lake
Basin area south of Wallowa lake,
Burns Valley View hospital will
be beautified soon.
Albany Nine new bridges In Linn
county will be constructed on 1929
S&lem Cnstruction of $18,000 au
tomobile building started here.
Hood River Unger Service shop
installed modem equipment'
Central Point Plans ' underway
to lease 1,000 acres of land for oil
drilling purposes in this vicinity,
Klamath Falls Con. truction un
derway on five mile Klamath marsh
section of 23-mile Lamm Lumber
company logging line.
Klamath Falls Large kiln being
built for Klamath Brick & Tile com
pany. Construction started on last link
f Klamath Fall s-Lnke view highway
Newport Local Natatorium be
ing remodeled. ,
(From School of nomc Economics)
If a small amount of vinegar, ap
proximately three tablespoonfuls, is
poured over a touh roast before
putting it in the oven, the meat will
require less cooking to become tender.
Crenm of tartar added to cooked
frosting will keep it from sugaring.
If the skins of baked potatoes ar
cut open or spricked with a fork
when they are first taken from the
oven, the potatoes will not be soggy.
Scalding the milk that is used in
bread making will lessen the chance
for souring orof an off flavor In
the bread.
Experiments show that cooked
whole cereals are better than refined
or prepared cereals for the childs'
breakfast as they contain more min
erals, and furnish the needed hot
To have a variety of dishes many
women have found it valuable to
keep a scrapbook of recipes, clipped
from magazines and newspapers.
The itrong flavor of turnips that
are getting old may be lessened hy
leaving the lid off the kettle while
To keep cocoa, chocolate, candy
or similar material from boiling over
butter the edge of the saucepan.
When celery is scarce the tops
saved in glass jars are good to flavor
After an apple pie is baked, lay
thin slices of cheese over the top, ,
and put in a very moderate oven un-.
til the chee e is melted. Serve at
once while the cheese ia warm.
Hot roast beef sandwiches are
made by toasting slices of bread on
one side, spreading the toasted
side with butter, and placing slice;
of cold roast beef between, next
to. the toa.ted sides of the bread.
Now toast the outside of each sand
wich, place on hot plates, pour hot
gravy over each sandwich, and gar
nish with a sprif? of par ley and a
turn ami rnvor the ton with a HUT-
Ingue made of 2 egg whites beaten
stiffly and 2 tablespoons of sugnr,
Vi teaspoon vtuium ana a puicn oi
salt. Balie the plo in a very ilow
oven for about 20 minutes or untU
the meringue is delicately browneu.
Pine Grove News
Many of our ranchers have wound
ud their plowing operations and
some are working on their ditches.
Cattails, and willows are, gradually
trottim a foothold. Only a dfinlte
attempt on the port of every ranch
er whose places., th?' growths
threaten, will stamp them out
Ben and Frank Richardson will
not return to their Pine Grove busi
ness until May -l. Mr. Wee
Rayi Ben's Bister, went away with
Henry Holland and Walter Sharp
are cutting wood ott the Dane place.
' Wro. Mooie has returned from his
Job in the lambing pen near Mutton
maintain. "
Herty Richardson ot Mmipln Is In
-hinge of the First and Last Chance
service station during Ben's absence.
Frtd Alt and Carl Fowcll come out
fif.n tin mill n Sunday.
Mrs. F.d. MMhews come over the
last week end.
Ella . Shepflin has taken a 56-word-a-minutc
typewriting test dur
ing a 15-mlnute period at her Port
land busine s college.
Mrs.JVnn Smith of Portland and
formerly of this place, visited Cha.
Gabrl and wife at The Dalles re
cently. Chns. Gabwl Is not at all well and
it is feared he may have tubercu
losis. He is considering taking
treatment at the new T. B. hospital.
E. E. Miller and party were up
from Portland ,1a t week. N. G.
Hwlin returned with them and while
nway visited with W. B. Keen and
wife at McMihnville. "Uncle
Billy," well known in Maupin and
Wapinitia, had a stroko about a
month ago, but is somewhat Improv
ed at this time. It will take more
than one stroke of paralysis to dim
Uncle Billy Keen's cheerful and
ever-joking disposition, notwith
standing his 83 years. He lays
"Hello" to all Wasco county friend".
Frcnk and Rena Batty came to
Pine Grove last Sunday to obtain
onion sets from Wm. Moore, the
onion king of McCubbins gnkh.
Mr. Moore also supplied 'ts to
lledins, Sharps, Shepflins, Wood
cocks, McDonalds, Mathews, Booths
and many other . These sets are
College Place Sweets, the kind thit
is so large and mild. Moore recent
ly received a shipment of Bermuda
st-U from Texas. These he is dis
tributing for winter use, as they
are excellent keepers.
Gertrude Lnughlin is at home
n?ain, having returned from Maupin
where she was employed on the tele
phono switchboard.
The McFnrlane Mill company's
mill began cutting this week. The
mill is a good one and no doubt will
produce much first class lumber.
Onions. quash, beans, (potatoes,
corn, melons, hogs, alfalfa and
dairy cows arc also gaining in fa
vor on the irrigated areas of Juni
per Flat. All produce good re
turns, far outstripping wheat.
Ed. Davis and family attended
the funeral of Mr. Houghton at
Maupin on Sunday.
Spring l Hr
Handsome Harry Rutherford has
changed his honorable heavies for
the caressing touch of soothing silk,
Bo Wilson suffered a near at
tack of buck fever when he led the
yells for the school Tuesday, How
ever, he promt es to be a whls If
hh knees don't rattle so loud one
can't hear his voice.
Calling cards and announcements
have been prominent in the Senior
mind lately, Andrew Floyd Crab
tree and Arthur Appling were much
disajpolnted when they found that
the engravers had made some sud
mistakes, . Art's curd printed
'Arthur Apple Sauce" and Andy's
"Andrew Crab Apple." Andy
doesn't mind the Crab Apple part
but he sure hates for thciri to leave
out the Floyd.
I Crescent!
Undertaking and
Call Maupin Drug Stare
Flri Nattcl Bask BIJ.
The D.lUr, Oregon
Phone 391
Wilson Painting Co.
House and Sign
Long DUUnt Hauling A Specially
Phone SIM
Call, Write or phone, Times Of.'.ce
Maupin, Ore f on.
L O. O. F.
Udgn No. 208, Msupln, Oregon
meets every Saturday night la L O.
O. F. hull VWtlng members alwsjre
Co, CUjrml'r, N. C
Bernard Welch, Secretary.
s"r4''t esinysji
Wm. F. Schilling'
Ignition, Generators
and Starting' Motors
on AH Makes of Cars
From a Pin to a Locomotive Axle
AH Work Guaranteed
At Ufe Maupin Garag'e
Meat loaf or roll is an economi
cal meat dish. Some of the cheaper
cuts can be used in making it. All
that is not eaten is useful for cold
slices, sandwiches, or ha h. Any
lean meat may be used. Allow a medium-
sized onion to each two lbs.
of meat, and 1 egg to hold the
chopped meat together. Fine dry
bread-crumbs and any preferred sea
sonings may be added.
Chocolate pie is a general favor
ite. Here's a reliable- receipe for
making it: Melt 1 square of un
sweetened chocolate in the double
boiler and pour into It 2 cups of
milk scalded in another saucepan.
Mix 24 tablespoons of cornstarch
with 6 tablespoons of sugar and a
little cold milk. Add to the hot
milk and beat until smooth. Allow
the cornstarch mixture to cook In
the double boiler for 10 minutes, re
move from the fire, add 1 tearpoon
butter, teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks,
beaten, and Vi teaspoon vanilla.
Fill the crust, which should have
been prebaked, with chocolate mix-
(continued from fin t page)
Hedin has consented to give a solo
which will help the cast thrill the
audience with the spirit of an ocean
vayage. Estel Stovall will sing
"Carolina Moon" with hi; character
istic eae of manner. Mr. Mack
Panchwhin will favor us with a se
lection on the accordeon.
Bo Wilaon, our peppy freshman,
led the school yells Tuesday morn
ing. Interest does not lag, now as
it did at the beginning practice for
track. Spring sunshine and atmos
phere is here at la. t and we hope
the April gladness will reign at the
meet Saturday instead of the wind
and rain.
Kenneth Snodgrai s and Harold
Kramer had a little game Of put
and take as a result of a slight ar
gument which occurred when they
were finishing the stage scenery
for the play It seems as though
Kcnn miscounted the door knobs
and proceeded to paint Harold's
head yellow.
Art Appling shows results of his
correspondence course in lovcmak
ing. He enjoys it very much and
his audience will be Surprised at his
:kill when they see the silver-tongued
hero do his stuff.
and Way Point and Way Points.
a ; ; ;
H Make Your Headqarters at
The Golden Grill or
s American Restaurants
where every service awaits you.
Both Restaurants have been entirely remodeled for
your convenience.
E. J. McMahon